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December 12, 2005

For: The Commissioners
From: William M. Dean, Assistant for Operations, Office of the EDO

Contents Enclosure
Nuclear Reactor Regulation A
Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards B
Nuclear Regulatory Research C
Nuclear Security and Incident Response D*
General Counsel E*
Administration F*
Office of Information Services G
Chief Financial Officer H*
Human Resources I
Small Business & Civil Rights J*
Enforcement K*
State and Tribal Programs L*
Public Affairs M
International Programs N*
Office of the Secretary O
Region I P*
Region II P*
Region III P*
Region IV P
Executive Director for Operations Q*
Congressional Affairs R*
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS)/
Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste (ACNW)
*No input this week.

/RA by T Bergman Acting For W M Dean/

William M. Dean
Assistant for Operations, OEDO

Contact: L. Rakovan, OEDO

Enclosure A

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)
Items of Interest
Week Ending November 25, 2005

Materials Reliability Project (MRP) on PWR Internals Aging Management Meeting

On November 16, 2005, staff met with representatives of the Materials Reliability Project (MRP) to discuss the progress made by the industry in developing guidelines for establishing an aging management program (AMP) for PWR reactor internals. These guidelines will be used by licensees to fulfill commitments made as part of the license renewal process which requires the development and submittal of a PWR reactor internals AMP two years before a facility begins to operate beyond it’s original license.

NRC Regulatory Issue Summary (RIS) 2005-28: Scope of For-Cause Fitness-For-Duty Testing Required By 10 CFR 26.24(a)(3)

On November 22, 2005, staff issued RIS the subject which conveys the NRC’s staff position on the circumstances under which for-cause fitness-for-duty (FFD) testing is required after an accident and to provide the basis for enforcement guidance on the type and severity of personal injury accidents for which this testing must be performed. The information in this RIS is intended for licensees who are required to establish and maintain FFD programs and procedures as specified in Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 26.

Public Meeting with Congresswoman Kaptur Regarding Contamination at the NASA Plumbrook Test Reactor Site

On November 18, 2005, NRC and NASA staff met with the staff of Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur to discuss NRC’s and NASA’s activities regarding contamination at the NASA Plumbrook Test Reactor Site in Sandusky, Ohio and plans for the proposed town meeting which will be held on November 28, 2005. Based on discussions about NASA’s plans to characterize the offsite contamination, all parties agreed that the appropriate time to hold the public meeting would be after NASA obtained results from the full characterization survey of the offsite property. Therefore, it was agreed that the public meeting would be preliminarily rescheduled for January 17, 2006. The Congresswoman’s office will notify the public and interested parties of the meeting after the date is finalized.

Enclosure B

Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS)
Items of Interest
Week Ending November 25, 2005

Issuance of 10 CFR Part 72 Specific License for an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI)

On November 17, 2005, staff from the Spent Fuel Project Office issued a 10 CFR Part 72 site-specific license to the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), to construct and operate an ISFSI at the Humboldt Bay power plant site in Eureka, CA. The ISFSI will allow PG&E to transfer the remaining spent fuel from the Humboldt Bay Unit 3 spent fuel pool into dry cask interim storage. The transfer of the remaining spent fuel to the ISFSI will enable the continued decommissioning and dismantlement of Humboldt Bay, Unit 3, which was permanently shut down in 1976.

The ISFSI will employ a customized version of the HI-STAR 100 dry cask storage system, designed by Holtec International, Inc., which was previously approved by NRC. The Humboldt Bay installation can accommodate five spent fuel storage casks and one additional cask to store non-fuel, Greater than Class C radioactive waste. Because of the unique site features and hazards, and the very low decay heat of the spent fuel, the six loaded casks will be placed in an in-ground concrete vault.

NRC’s Annual Program Review of the Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses (CNWRA)

On November 15-17, 2005, NMSS management held NRC’s annual program review of the CNWRA in San Antonio, TX. The review covered the management aspects of the NRC program at the CNWRA, including work supporting: (1) High-Level Waste Repository Safety; (2) Uranium Recovery; (3) Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards; (4) Spent Fuel Project Office; (5) Decommissioning; (6) National Environmental Policy Act reviews; and (7) new charter work reviewing DOE’s non-high-level waste determinations. The CNWRA president briefed NRC management on the CNWRA’s Five-Year Strategic Plan.

Enclosure C

Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES)
Items of Interest
Week Ending November 25, 2005

Witnessing Vendor Audit for the MOX Fuel Facility

From November 7 to 18, 2005, staff witnessed an audit conducted by DCS (Duke, Cogema, Stone & Webster) at the Bagnols Office Software Design Group in Paris, France. The Bagnols Group is developing software for use in fuel manufacturing at the Savannah River MOX Fuel Facility. DCS conducted an audit of quality assurance procedures compliance and informed the staff of the audit results related to the software design program. The audit and site visit enabled the staff to gain a better understanding of DCS and Bagnols interactions and quality controls.

International Common-Cause Failure Data Exchange (ICDE) Project Steering Group Meeting

From November 15 to 17, 2005, staff participated in the subject meeting in Tokyo, Japan. The group held a meeting on circuit breakers and discussed ongoing data collection activities related to control rod drive systems and heat exchangers. The groups next planned activities include updating the common-cause failure event data for the components currently in the ICDE database with an emphasis on inspection and maintenance applications.

8th Technical Meeting on Risk-based Precursor Analysis

From November 17 to 18, staff participated in the subject meeting in Brussels, Belgium as part of an effort to share experiences on state-of-art methods used to perform precursor analyses. The staff presented results from the NRC’s Accident Sequence Precursor program and participated in an exchange of insights, results and methods from precursor programs of attending nations.

Halden Reactor Project (HRP) Meeting on “Review of Methods, Data Needs, and R&D Needs for Human Reliability Analysis (HRA)”

On November 17 and 18, 2005, staff and an Idaho National Laboratory contractor participated in the subject meeting in Halden, Norway. The objectives of the meeting was to exchange information with member organizations, obtain updates on HRA work performed by HRP and member organizations, and to review and discuss Halden’s future HRA program plans. NRC's involvement will ensure a coordinated human reliability analysis research program that will assist the NRC in regulatory activities.

American Nuclear Society (ANS)/American National Standards Institute (ANS/ANSI 2.9/2.17) Inaugural Committee Meeting

On November 18, 2005, staff hosted the subject meeting for re-drafting two industry consensus standards on "Evaluation of Ground-Water Supply at Nuclear Power Sites (ANS 2.9)" and "Evaluation of Radionuclides in Ground Water at Nuclear Power Sites (ANS 2.17)." These standards provide guidance on ground-water monitoring and assessments for onsite and offsite operating reactor and decommissioning issues.

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Grid Reliability Panel Participation

On November 18, 2005, the NRC Standards Executive presented an overview of the NRC's approach to the development of standards at a technical conference sponsored by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). FERC requested the NRC Standards Executive’s participation at this conference, which was focused on FERC's new authority to regulate the reliability of the electric transmission system, as granted in the Energy Policy Act. FERC anticipates holding an additional conference on December 9, 2005.

Enclosure G

Office of Information Services (OIS)
Items of Interest
Week Ending November 25, 2005

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act Requests Received During the Period of November 18 through November 23, 2005:

Records on named individual including case 3-2004-026 FOIA/PA-2006-0036
U.S. Navy Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant Inactive Hazardous Waste, 1944-1978 FOIA/PA-2006-0037
Dresden plant, tritium leaks discovered in 2004; release of tritiated water in 2000 FOIA/PA-2006-0038
OI Case 1-2003-034, Allegation R1-2003-A-0068, all records on investigation & allegation FOIA/PA-2006-0039
Dresden nuclear power plant, copies of data/reports re: air monitoring, groundwater monitoring, wipe samples & particulate samples re: release of tritium, past 5 years FOIA/PA-2006-0040
Official personnel file on named individual, any record or logs indicating dates & individuals who requested or received access to subject file FOIA/PA-2006-0041
Cerac Inc., license no. SMB-1402; WI Dept. Of Health & Family Services, license no. 079-1055-01, Milwaukee, WI, hazardous waste, storage & disposal, alleged or actual violations FOIA/PA-2006-0042

Enclosure I

Office of Human Resources (HR)
Items of Interest
Week Ending November 25, 2005


Enclosure M

Office of Public Affairs (OPA)
Items of Interest
Week Ending November 25, 2005

The Office of Public Affairs (OPA) received significant media inquiries on the following:

Millstone’s application for license renewal.

Security of research reactors in light of the reported terrorist threat to Australia’s reactor.

Safety and security of spent fuel storage.

Other Public Affairs Items:

OPA, along with staff from NMSS and RES, assisted a New York Times editorial writer with information on radiation exposures and the EPA’s radiation standard for Yucca Mountain.

Press Releases
05-159 NRC Forms Task Force to Look for Lessons Learned from 2005 Hurricane Season Incident Response (11/22)
I-05-063 NRC Proposes $3,250 Civil Penalty for Virginia Firm Over Temporary Loss of Gauge Holding Radioactive Material (11/23)
IV-05-038 NRC Issues Confirmatory Order to Sabia, Inc., Following Alternative Dispute Resolution (11/23)

Enclosure O

Office of the Secretary (SECY)
Items of Interest
Week Ending November 25, 2005

Document Released to Public Date Subject
M051121A 11/21/05 SRM-Affirmation Session: (1) SECY-05-0205 - U.S. Department of Energy (High Level Waste Repository: Pre-application Matters); NRC Staff Request for Stay of LBP-05-27 (2) SECY-05-0206 - Louisiana Energy Services, L.P. (National Enrichment Facility) Remaining Claims in Petition for Review of LBP-05-13 (Environmental Contentions).

Commission Correspondence

  1. Letter to The President, Congress, et al., dated November 15, 2005, provided NRC’s Fiscal Year 2005 Performance and Accountability Report.

  2. Letter to Senator Susan Collins, dated November 4, 2005, responds to request for information regarding NRC’s roles and responsibilities in preparing for and responding to Hurricane Katrina.

Federal Register Notices Issued

  1. Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS), Meeting of the Joint ACRS Subcommittees on Reliability and Probabilistic Risk Assessment and on Human Factors, notice of meeting (12/15-16/05).

  2. ACRS Subcommittee Meeting on Power Uprates, revised notice of meeting (11/29-30/05).

  3. State of Minnesota: NRC Draft Staff Assessment of a Proposed Agreement Between the NRC and the State of Minnesota.

  4. Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste (ACNW), Meeting on Planning and Procedures, notice of meeting (12/15/05).

  5. ACNW, notice of 166th meeting (12/13-15/05).

Enclosure P

Region IV (RIV)
Items of Interest
Week Ending November 25, 2005

Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Senior Management Changes

On November 23, 2005, TXU Power announced the following senior management title and responsibility changes at Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station: Mr. Rafael Flores, previously the Vice President of Nuclear Operations with oversight of plant operations and production, will become the Site Vice President for Comanche Peak. Responsibilities of the new position were expanded to include broader oversight of site activities. Mr. Mitch Lucas, previously the Vice President of Nuclear Engineering with oversight of plant engineering, will become the Vice President of Engineering and Support. Responsibilities of this new position were expanded to include more corporate and external matters.

Enclosure S

Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS)/
Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste (ACNW)
Items of Interest
Week Ending November 25, 2005

As a result of its 527th meeting (November 3-5, 2005), the ACRS issued letters and reports on the following subjects.
Date Subject
November 18, 2005 Letter to the Chairman on Report on the Safety Aspects of the License Renewal Application for the Point Beach Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2
November 18, 2005 Letter to the Chairman on Staff Recommendation to Withdraw the Proposed Rule on Post-Fire Operator Manual Actions
November 18, 2005 Letter to the EDO on Draft Final Generic Letter 2005-XX, “Grid Reliability and the Impact on Plant Risk and the Operability of Offsite Power”
November 21, 2005 Letter to the EDO on Draft NRC Digital System Research Plan for FY 2005 - FY 2009

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