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February 14, 2005

For: The Commissioners
From: William M. Dean, Assistant for Operations, Office of the EDO

Contents Enclosure
Nuclear Reactor Regulation A
Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards B
Nuclear Regulatory Research C*
Nuclear Security and Incident Response D*
General Counsel E*
Administration F*
Office of Information Services G
Chief Financial Officer H*
Human Resources I
Small Business & Civil Rights J*
Enforcement K*
State and Tribal Programs L*
Public Affairs M
International Programs N*
Office of the Secretary O
Region I P*
Region II P
Region III P*
Region IV P
Executive Director for Operations Q*
Congressional Affairs R
*No input this week.


William M. Dean
Assistant for Operations, OEDO

Contact: T. Kim, OEDO

Enclosure A

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Items of Interest
Week Ending February 4, 2005

License Renewal Public Meetings for Browns Ferry and Brunswick

On January 25, 2005, the staff conducted two public meetings in Athens, Alabama, to solicit comments from the public on the draft supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS) issued on December 3, 2004, related to the license renewal application for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2, and 3 (BFN). The draft SEIS is a plant-specific supplement to the "Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Power Plants" (NUREG-1437). Approximately 50 people attended the meetings, including members of the public, the licensee, and the local news media. Several members of the public expressed views opposing the renewal of the BFN licenses and presented questions and comments on TVA's safety practices, restart of Unit 1, radioactive waste management, and plant radiological effluent releases. The public comment period for the draft SEIS ends on March 2, 2005. At the conclusion of the comment period, the staff will evaluate the comments received, revise the draft SEIS as appropriate, and issue the final SEIS in July 2005.

Also on January 27, 2005, the staff conducted two public scoping meetings at the Southport City Hall in Southport, NC, to solicit comments from the public on the scope of the SEIS being prepared as part of the review of the license renewal application for the Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Units 1 and 2 (BSEP). Approximately 35 people attended the meetings. Attendees included members of the public, representatives from CP&L, news media, and local government officials. Seven individuals spoke at the meetings. All of the public comments were in support of license renewal for BSEP. The opportunity to petition for hearing ends on February 4, 2005, and the scoping period ends on March 11, 2004. The draft SEIS is scheduled to be published in September 2005 and the final SEIS is scheduled to be published in April 2006.

Enclosure B

Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Items of Interest
Week Ending February 4, 2005

Meeting with the Metals Industry Recycling Coalition (MIRC)

On February 1, 2005, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) staff, along with staff members from the Office of the General Counsel and the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research met with representatives of the MIRC. The meeting was at MIRC's request, to discuss the status and schedule for the rulemaking on controlling the disposition of solid material. MIRC representatives restated the comments and position previously stated by the metals industry at the May 2003 workshop and in a comment letter, that radioactively contaminated scrap metal from impacted or restricted areas should not be released into the stream of commerce. MIRC supports disposal of this scrap metal in a Resources Conservation and Recovery Act subtitled landfill as a cost-effective disposition option that would isolate that material from the public. Other attendees at the meeting, which was open to the public, included representatives of the BWX Technologies, Inc., the Environmental Protection Agency, Nuclear Energy Institute, Steel Manufacturers Association, and Nuclear Information and Resource Service, as well as members of the public and the news media.

Staff Activities Related to Trojan Nuclear Plant Decommissioning

From January 24-27, 2005, NRC staff conducted an inspection at the Trojan Nuclear Plant (TNP). On January 28, 2005, the project manager and technical reviewer provided a briefing on the TNP decommissioning project to the Oregon Energy Facility Siting Council at a scheduled public meeting. NRC staff provided an overview of the NRC decommissioning process and discussed NRC's review of TNP's Final Status Surveys.

Observation Audit of Department of Energy High-Level Waste Quality Assurance Activities

On January 24-28, 2005, Division of High-Level Waste Repository Safety and Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses staff observed a Department of Energy audit of its contractor's, the Bechtel SAIC Company, LLC, quality assurance activities. The audit was performance-based and evaluated critical processes in the development of the pre-closure safety analysis of the proposed Yucca Mountain repository. The audit focused on the areas of criticality, electrical systems, and ventilation systems.

U.S./Russian Federation Bilateral Meeting

On January 24-27, 2005, staff from the Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards participated in a Bilateral Meeting with the Department of Energy (DOE)/National Nuclear Security Administration and the Nuclear, Industrial, and Environmental Regulatory Authority of Russia (Rostekhnadzor). The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the status of the current efforts and upcoming regulatory/licensing activities relevant to U.S./ Russian Federation (R.F.) Surplus Weapons-Grade Plutonium Disposition Program. DOE is supporting regulatory development activities associated with the R.F. Plutonium Disposition Program. The status of the U.S. licensing reviews and NRC planning for the U.S. Mixed-Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility construction inspection program were discussed. Also discussed was the upcoming construction inspection workshop that NRC staff will present to Rostekhnadzor. This workshop will be held in April 2005, in Tomsk, Russia.

Enclosure G

Office of Information Services
Items of Interest
Week Ending February 4, 2005

Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act Requests Received During the Period of January 31, through February 3, 2005:

VA Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA, violations and inspections (Referral by U. S. Merit Systems Protection Board) FOIA/PA-2005-0121
Millstone Nuclear Power Station Unit 2, fire on 1-14-05, all correspondence, reports, provide by Dominion Nuclear, the Town of Waterford, and CT Department of Environmental Protection FOIA/PA-2005-0122
Allegation RI-2004-A-0126 FOIA/PA-2005-0123
NRC I.M.P.A.C. credit card holders FOIA/PA-2005-0124
NUREG/CR-2792, "An Assessment of Residual Heat Removal & Containment Spray Pump Performance Under Air & Debris Ingesting Conditions," Sept. 1982 FOIA/PA-2005-0125
Department of Energy SAR dated 3-31-98, docket no. 71-9098 FOIA/PA-2005-0126
NTEU-represented bargaining unit employees, specific information FOIA/PA-2005-0127
Allegation NRR-2003-A-0017, any and all records FOIA/PA-2005-0128
Kerr McGee Tech. Center, Oklahoma City, OK, decommissioning plan, 4-5-2001, docket 040-08006 FOIA/PA-2005-0129
Potential gamma and x-ray exposures associated with the use of relocatable VACIS Inspection System, US NRC No. CA-215-D-104B, and Portal VACIS unit, US NRC No. CA-215-D-102G FOIA/PA-2005-0130
Contract NRC 3303314 held by Ruland & Associates & Contract NRC2600307 held by DigitalNet Government Solutions (FKA Gentronics), SOW, Section B, COTR name, etc. FOIA/PA-2005-0131

Enclosure I

Office of Human Resources
Items of Interest
Week Ending February 4, 2005

Tom Allen Security Specialist NSIR
Norbert Carte I&C Engineer RES
Jill De La Garza IT Specialist R-IV
Denise Lockhart-Reeves Secretary (OA) NRR
David J. Hesch Senior Accountant OCFO
Bernadette Madison Site Secretary RIV
Nancy Salgado Project Manager NRR
Carroll Armstrong Secretary (OA) R-I
Elaine S. Brummett Health Physicist NMSS
Lawrence Danziger IT Specialist OCIO
Jane E. Fogg Secretary (OA) NMSS
David J. Lange Sr. Regional Coordinator/Program Engineer OEDO
George F. Lanik Sr. Reactor Systems Engineer/Team Leader RES
Howard Larson Special Assistant ACRS
Patricia G. Norry Dep Exec Dir For Management Services OEDO
Eileen S. Peyton Licensing Assistant NRR
Kathleen E. Ruhlman Reference Librarian OCIO
Robert Ems IT Specialist/Team Leader R-II
Gerald D. Toms Consultant NSIR

Enclosure M

Office of Public Affairs
Items of Interest
Week Ending February 4, 2005

Media Interest

The Office of Public Affairs (OPA) received significant media inquiries on the following:

A possible reactor to supply electricity to Galena, Alaska.

The final environmental impact statement on a proposed mixed oxide facility in South Carolina.

Employee dismissals at Salem/Hope Creek following the merger of PSE&G and Exelon.

Press Releases
05-018 NRC Seeks Public Comment on Revised Guidelines for Nuclear Power Plant License Renewal Applications (2/1)
05-019 NRC to Hold Public Conference on Licensing Process for Storage and Transportation of Spent Nuclear Fuel (2/2)
05-020 NRC Meeting with Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (2/3)
05-021 Note to Editors: NRC to Conduct FY2006 Budget Briefing Feb. 7 in Rockville, Maryland (2/3)
05-022 NRC Restores Web-Based Access to Online Library (2/4)
I-05-006 NRC Finalizes ‘White' for Vermont Yankee Nuclear Plant Over Tone Alert Radios (2/2)
II-05-004 NRC Issues Confirmatory Order to USEC on Employee Protection Training at Gaseous Diffusion Plant in Kentucky (2/1)
II-05-005 NRC Schedules Regulatory Conference to Discuss Summer Nuclear Plant Concern (2/1)
II-05-006 NRC Schedules Public Meeting on Monday, February 7 to Discuss Honeywell Specialty Chemicals Plant Performance (2/2)
III-05-004 NRC Announces New Senior Resident Inspector at Point Beach Nuclear Power Station (2/4)

Enclosure O

Office of the Secretary
Items of Interest
Week Ending February 4, 2005

Document Released
to Public
Date Subject
Decision Documents
  1. SECY-04-0226
11/30/04 Denial of Petition for Rulemaking (PRM-20-22) Submitted by the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District
SRM on 04-0226
12/20/04 (same)
Commission Voting Record on 04-0226 PDF Icon
12/20/04 (same)
  1. SECY-05-0017
1/18/05 Proposed Rule - AP1000 Design Certification
  1. SECY-05-0019
1/19/05 Proposed Revision to NRC's Relocation Policy
Information Papers
  1. SECY-05-0013
1/12/05 Semiannual Update of the Status of New Reactor Licensing Activities and Future Planning for New Reactors
  1. SECY-05-0014
1/14/05 Submission of the Annual Freedom of Information Act Report
  1. SECY-05-0025
2/1/05 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending January 14, 2005
  1. SECY-05-0027
2/3/05 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending January 21,2005

Commission Correspondence

  1. Letter to Rod Paige, Secretary of Education, dated January 25, 2005, provides NRC's FY 2004 Annual Federal Performance Report on Executive Agency Actions to Assist Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

  2. Letter to Congress, dated January 26, 2005, provides an invitation to the NRC's 17th Annual Regulatory Information Conference.

Federal Register Notices Issued

  1. Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste, Meeting on Planning and Procedures, notice of meeting (02/23/05).

  2. Application for a License to Export High-Enriched Uranium.

  3. Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, revised 519th ACRS notice of meeting (02/10-11/05).

  4. Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste, 157th notice of meeting (02/23-25/05).

  5. Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, All Tech Corporation, Pocatello, Idaho (Civil Monetary Penalty), Docket No. 30-35321-CivP, ASLBP No. 05-836-02-CivP.

Enclosure P

Region II
Items of Interest
Week Ending February 4, 2005

Visit by the Chairman and Executive Director for Operations

On February 1, 2005, the Chairman and the Executive Director for Operations visited the Region II offices to meet with the regional staff.

Congressional Outreach Program

On February 3, 2005, as part of the Congressional Outreach Program, the State Liaison Officer visited the local office of U. S. Congressman Spratt (5th District, South Carolina) located in Rock Hill, SC, and met with his staff to discuss Commission programs and other matters of mutual interest. On the following day, the State Liaison Officer also visited the local office of U. S. Senator, Lindsey Graham located in Columbia, SC, and met with his staff.

Enclosure P

Region IV
Items of Interest
Week Ending February 4, 2005

Deputy Regional Administrator Visit to Palo Verde

On February 3, 2005, the Deputy Regional Administrator, Region IV, visited Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station to meet with resident inspectors and a plant tour. Later on the same day, he attended an Operator Licensing Certificate Presentation ceremony for the recently qualified group of reactor operators.

Enclosure R

Office of Congressional Affairs
Items of Interest
Week Ending February 4, 2005

OCA Contact DATE &
Shane/Combs 02/10/05
2123 RHOB
9:30am FERC, DOE, NRC (Reyes),
NEI, USPIRG, and others
Energy Policy Act of 2005 Reps. Hall/Boucher
Energy and Air Quality Subc
Energy and Commerce
Keeling Tentative for
March 15
TBD Chairman Diaz, DOE,
Exelon CEO, IBEW rep,
City Council rep near
Grand Gulf
DOE's NP 2010 Program Senators Domenici/Bingaman
Energy and Natural Resources

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