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December 19, 2008

For: The Commissioners
From: Vonna L. Ordaz
Assistant for Operations
Office of the Executive Director for Operations
Subject: WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - Week Ending December 12, 2008

Contents Enclosure
Nuclear Reactor Regulation A
New Reactors B
Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards C*
Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management Programs D*
Nuclear Regulatory Research E
Nuclear Security and Incident Response F*
Administration G*
Information Services H
Chief Financial Officer I*
Human Resources J
Small Business & Civil Rights K*
Enforcement L*
Public Affairs M
International Programs N*
Secretary O
Region I P*
Region II P
Region III P*
Region IV P*
Executive Director for Operations Q*
Congressional Affairs R*
*No input this week.

/RA Tamara E. Bloomer Acting For/

Vonna L. Ordaz
Assistant for Operations, OEDO

U. Shoop, OEDO

Enclosure A

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)
Items of Interest
Week Ending December 12, 2008

Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) - Performance Demonstration Initiatives (PDI) Meeting

From December 2 - 3, 2008, the staff met with representatives of the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) - Performance Demonstration Initiatives (PDI). These meetings are conducted semiannually to discuss EPRI-PDI's implementation of the requirements of the ASME Code for ultrasonic testing (UT) qualifications and other UT issues of mutual interest.  The staff aggressively pursued EPRI-PDI for improvements of flaw sizing accuracy and on addressing conflicts and omissions of UT ASME Code qualifications. 

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 805 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Monthly Meeting

On December 4, 2008, the staff participated in a monthly public meeting with representatives from the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) NFPA Task Force, other stakeholders, and the public, to discuss the FAQs related to the adoption of NFPA 805.  During the meeting industry representatives announced that they would publish their positions on the issues covered by FAQ 08-0044, “Large Oil Fires,” FAQ 08-0046, “Incipient Fire Detection Systems,” and FAQ 08-0048, “Fire Ignition Frequency,” outside the FAQ process via a report to be issued in December 2008 by the Electric Power Research Institute.  The staff began holding these monthly public meetings in July 2006, and expects to continue holding them throughout the transition period to the new licensing basis.

Generic Fundamentals Examination

On December 10, 2008, the NRC administered its Generic Fundamentals Examination (GFE) to 79 license operator applicants at nine utilities across three of the Regions (no applicants from Region III). The GFE measures applicant knowledge in components, reactor theory, and thermodynamics, and is the first examination that license operator applicants must take and pass before they can proceed to their site specific training and subsequently take the NRC site‑specific license examination.

Observation of the National Nuclear Accrediting Board Meetings

From December 10 - 11, 2008, the Associate Director for Operating Reactor Oversight and Licensing observed four meetings of the National Nuclear Accrediting Board (NNAB).  The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) recognizes the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations managed accreditation as a means of meeting systems approach to training requirements.  Observation of the NNAB meetings allows NRC to monitor the implementation of programmatic aspects of the accreditation process, to understand what is happening with industry training programs, to assess the effectiveness of the accreditation process, and to determine the overall well-being of industry training programs.

Staff Issues Vogtle Electric Generating Plant License Renewal Final Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement

On December 11, 2008, the staff issued the Final Supplement 34 to NUREG-1437, "Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants," regarding Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2.  The supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS) represents the completion of the staff's environmental review of the license renewal application submitted by Southern Nuclear Operating Company.

Enclosure B

Office of New Reactors (NRO)
Items of Interest
Week Ending December 12, 2008

Completion of Acceptance Review for Callaway Combined License Application (COLA)

On December 4, 2008, the staff docketed AmerenUE’s combined license application for an EPR reactor at the existing Callaway site near Fulton, Missouri.  This COLA incorporates by reference the EPR Design Control Document that was accepted for docketing by the NRC on February 25, 2008, and is currently under review by the staff.  AmerenUE, submitted the application on July 28, 2008, and supplemented it on September 24, 2008, and again on November 14, 2008, to resolve quality and sufficiency issues in Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) Section 2.5, Geology and Seismology.

Completion of Acceptance Review for Nine Mile Point, Unit 3 COLA

On December 4, 2008, the COLA for the proposed Nine Mile Point, Unit 3 (NMP3) was accepted for docketing.  Nine Mile Point 3 Nuclear Project, LLC, and UniStar Nuclear Operating Services, LLC (UniStar) submitted the COLA on September 30, 2008, and supplemented it on November 18, 2008, to resolve quality and sufficiency issues in FSAR Section 2.5, Geology and Seismology.  Although the acceptance review determined that the NMP3 COLA is complete and technically sufficient, the staff has identified issues in the area of seismology that have introduced uncertainty into the review schedule.  Consequently, the date for publishing a complete and integrated review schedule cannot be determined until additional information regarding these issues is received from the applicant.

Enclosure E

Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES)
Items of Interest
Week Ending December 12, 2008

RES Category 2 Public Meeting to discuss Draft Regulatory Guide 1175 (DG-1175)

On December 9, 2008, RES/DE staff hosted a Category 2 public meeting to discuss public comments received on draft Regulatory Guide DG-1175 “Seismic Qualification of Electrical and Active Mechanical Equipment and Functional Qualification of Active Mechanical Equipment for Nuclear Power Plants” (RG 1.100 Rev 3).  Industry was represented by members of the seismic equipment qualification standards development committees from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and the Nuclear Utility Group on Equipment Qualification, engineering companies, the Nuclear Energy Institute, and licensees.  A good exchange of information occurred among the participants which led to a better understanding of the differing opinions on the technical issues.

Enclosure H

Office of Information Services (OIS)
Items of Interest
Week Ending December 12, 2008

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act (PA) Requests Received During the Period of December 5, 2008 through December 11, 2008:

Texas Instrument, Inc., Attleboro, Massachusetts, unredacted documents regarding Site Decontamination Management Program (SDMP) list in SECY-90-121 FOIA/PA-2009-0050
Shpack Landfill, Union Road, Norton, Massachusetts, unredacted copy of all documents such as Report No. 078-154-A, “Radioactive Material in Uncontrolled Location, Norton, MA” FOIA/PA-2009-0051

Enclosure J

Office of Human Resources (HR)
Items of Interest
Week Ending December 12, 2008

Green, Matthew Student Visual Info Specialist(Co-Op) ADM
LaCroix, Courtney Student Security Specialist (Co-Op) NSIR
Le, Sophie Student General Scientist (Co-Op) FSME
Morgan, Thomas Student Engineer (Co-Op) NRR
Purdie, Michael Student Socio-Economist (Co-Op) NRO
Dawson, Jonnel Fire Protection Engineer NRR

Enclosure M

Office of Public Affairs (OPA)
Items of Interest
Week Ending December 12, 2008

OPA Received Significant Media Inquiries on the Following:

Commission’s public meeting providing the status of all NRC uranium-mining programs

Event Notification report regarding an oil sheen spotted in the discharge canal at Indian Point nuclear plant in Buchanan, New York

Extreme weather conditions in the U.S. Northeast and its impact on area nuclear power plants

Other Public Affairs Items:

OPA coordinated a background interview with staff regarding the proposed Hyperion mini‑reactors and discussed the potential innovations and regulatory challenges that Hyperion would face.

Press Releases
08-220 NRC Announces Opportunity to Participate in Hearing on New Reactor Application for Levy County Site(12/8)
08-221 NRC Accepts Application for New Reactor at River Bend Site (12/10)
08-222 NRC Issues Final Environmental Impact Statement for Vogtle Nuclear Power Plant (12/11)
08-223 NRC Staff Recommends Security Over Replacement of Cesium Chloride Radiation Sources (12/12)
I-08-062 NRC to Discuss Results of License Renewal Inspection for Susquehanna Nuclear Power Plant on December 16 (12/10)
IV-08-042 NRC Staff Proposes $3,250 Fine for Security Violations at Glaxo Smith Kline Biologicals (12/10)
IV-08-043 NRC to Hold Public Meeting on Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (12/12)

Enclosure O

Office of the Secretary (SECY)
Items of Interest
Week Ending December 12, 2008

Document Released
to Public
Date Subject
Decision Documents
  1. SECY-08-0179
11/20/08 Recommendations on Amending Preceptor Attestation Requirements in 10 CFR Part 35, Medical Use of Byproduct Material
  1. SECY-08-0184
11/24/08 Strategy for the Security and Use of Cesium-137 Chloride Sources
  1. SECY-08-0185
11/24/08 Options for Security Openness, Transparency, and Reactor Oversight Process Improvements
  1. COMSECY-08-0034
11/13/08 Renewal of Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Charter
SRM on COMSECY-08-0034
12/11/08 (same)
Commission Voting Record on COMSECY-08-0034 PDF Icon
12/11/08 (same)
Information Papers
  1. SECY-08-0181
11/21/08 Homeland Security Presidential Directive-12 Update
  1. SECY-08-0190
12/09/08 Weekly Information Report – Week Ending November 28, 2008
  1. M081209A
12/09/08 Staff Requirements – Affirmation Session:  I. SECY-08-0164 – Entergy Nuclear  Operations, Inc. (Indian Point Nuclear Generating Units 2 and 3), Order (Striking WestCAN’s Request for Hearing) (July 31, 2008)

Federal Register Notices Issued

  1. Notice of renewal of the Charter of the Licensing Support Network Advisory Review Panel.

Enclosure P

Region II (RII)
Items of Interest
Week Ending December 12, 2008

Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO)/NRC Senior Management Meeting

On December 8, 2008, several senior managers attended the INPO/NRC Senior Management meeting in Atlanta. This meeting was the annual public information exchange meeting between the NRC and INPO described in the INPO-NRC Memorandum of Agreement.

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Tuesday, December 30, 2008