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July 7, 2008

For: The Commissioners
From: Vonna L. Ordaz, Assistant for Operations, Office of the EDO

Contents Enclosure
Nuclear Reactor Regulation A
New Reactors B
Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards C
Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management Programs D
Nuclear Regulatory Research E
Nuclear Security and Incident Response F*
Administration G
Information Services H
Chief Financial Officer I*
Human Resources J
Small Business & Civil Rights K*
Enforcement L*
Public Affairs M
International Programs N*
Secretary O
Region I P*
Region II P*
Region III P*
Region IV P
Executive Director for Operations Q*
Congressional Affairs R
*No input this week.


Vonna L. Ordaz
Assistant for Operations, OEDO

S. Bagley, OEDO

Enclosure A

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 27, 2008

Workshop Regarding Transition to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard805

On June 17-18, 2008, the NRC staff held a Category 3 public workshop with the licensees who plan to adopt the risk‑informed, performance-based fire protection regulation in Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50.48(c), NFPA Standard 805.  The meeting was attended by over 60 industry participants.  During this workshop, the participants discussed the progress and issues associated with the transition to the alternative fire protection regulation.

Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Circuit Breaker Users Group Meeting

On June 17-19, the Electrical Engineering Branch (EEEB) staff attended the EPRI circuit breaker users group meeting in Orlando, Florida.  The purpose of this meeting was to collectively discuss with conference participants technical issues, maintenance tools and techniques, and the operation and maintenance experience regarding circuit breakers.  This meeting included discussions on 480 volt to 15 kilovolt circuit breaker and switchgear maintenance, maintenance programs, as well as circuit breaker replacement and refurbishment. This meeting was attended by approximately 200 people, including users (licensees), vendors, and manufacturers of circuit breakers.  During the meeting, EEEB staff presented a summary of recent circuit breaker issues from the NRC perspective at the plenary session of the general circuit breaker session.

Nuclear Procurement Issues Committee (NUPIC) and Vendor Meetings

On June 17 - 19, 2008, NRR Division of Engineering and Office of New Reactors, Division of Construction, Inspection and Operational Programs staff members participated in the NUPIC general meeting and the 17th Annual NUPIC Vendor meeting in Cherry Hill, New Jersey.  The staff made presentations on 10 CFR Part 21, NRC vendor inspection activities, and counterfeit and fraudulent components.  All presentations were well received with numerous questions during the 10 CFR Part 21 and counterfeit and fraudulent components presentations and break-out sessions. 

Meeting on Digital Instrumentation & Control (I&C) Task Working Group #5

On June 18, 2008, the Digital I&C Task Working Group #5, Highly Integrated Control Room - Human Factors met with industry in a public meeting.  During the meeting discussions took place concerning the industry white papers on:  (1) Manual Operator Actions and (2) Minimum Inventory.

Meeting with Florida Reliability Coordinating Council (FRCC) Event Analysis Team

On June 23, 2008, EEEB staff participated in a meeting with the FRCC Event Analysis Team.  This team was assembled to complete an investigation of the Florida grid event which occurred February 26, 2008.  The team includes FRCC, transmission, distribution and generation representatives as well as Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), NRC and the U.S. Department of Energy representatives. The purpose of the meeting was to review the status of the investigation, including reports by all sub-teams.  All sub-teams will have draft reports done by June 27, 2008, and work has begun on the comprehensive report.  The final comprehensive report should be issued in the August/September 2008 time-frame.  EEEB's role is to review the lessons learned from this event as they may apply to nuclear power plant operational requirements and safety (Per SRM-M080408 Task No. 3 from the 2008 Joint FERC/NRC Commission Meeting).

Enclosure B

Office of New Reactors (NRO)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 27, 2008

Staff Holds Site Audit and Public Scoping Meeting at the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station

During the week of June 16, 2008, NRC staff toured the proposed Grand Gulf Unit 3 site in Port Gibson, Mississippi. The staff also conducted an audit at Entergy headquarters in Jackson where they held discussions with the applicant and their contractors and reviewed documentation related to the Environmental Report submitted as part of the combined license application.  On June 19, 2008, the NRC staff conducted two public scoping meetings related to the combined license (COL) application in Port Gibson, Mississippi.  The purpose of these meetings was to solicit comments from the public to help identify significant environmental issues related to the COL, and to provide the opportunity for interested members of the public to submit comments on environmental issues related to the staff’s environmental review. The public comment period for scoping ends on July 29, 2008.

Staff Visit to Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to Discuss Bellefonte Hydrology Code

During the week of June 23, 2008, NRC staff visited the Tennessee Valley Authority’s (TVA) Knoxville office to discuss the hydrology code used to support the Bellefonte combined license application.  The purpose of the visit was for the staff to receive training on the simulated open channel hydraulics (SOCH) code used in the analysis of the probable maximum flood (PMF) and dam breach event.  TVA is in the process of reanalyzing these events for multiple reasons including but not limited to:  1) addressing quality assurance issues identified in an NRC inspection and documented in a notice of violation, and 2) moving from a main frame version of the code to a PC-based version of the code.  TVA indicated that the ongoing reanalysis will result in new design basis flood heights in the Bellefonte final safety analysis report for the dam breach and PMF.  The staff is evaluating the impacts on the Bellefonte review schedule. 

Comanche Peak Confirms Combined License Application Submittal Date

In a letter dated June 20, 2008, Luminant Power responded to Regulatory Issue Summary 2008‑01, communicating their expectation to submit a COL application on September 19, 2008, for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Units 3 and 4.  This application date is consistent with NRC staff's plans for receipt of the Comanche Peak COL application. 

Enclosure C

Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 27, 2008

Louisiana Energy Services (LES) Semi-Annual Management Meeting

On June 19, 2008, staff from NMSS, Nuclear Security and Incident Response, and Region II met with representatives of LES to discuss management issues applicable to its uranium enrichment facility being constructed in Lea County, New Mexico.  NRC staff discussed the status of current licensing activities, including the issuance of seven license amendments in 2008, and stated that to date the inspection effort exceeded 600 hours.  LES discussed organizational changes it will be proposing, the status of construction activities, and future licensing submittals.  LES management indicated that they are slightly ahead of schedule to begin production in late 2009. Both NRC and LES noted the good communications and cooperation between staffs.

Walk Through Meeting on Yucca Mountain Repository

On June 19-20, 2008, at NRC Headquarters, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) management and staff presented a walkthrough of their license application for a geologic repository at Yucca Mountain.  The meeting provided an opportunity for the NRC staff to hear from DOE where to find information in the application.  The meeting was attended by the State of Nevada, affected units of Local Government, Congressional staffers, the press, and members of the public.  It was also video-conferenced to the Las Vegas Hearing Facility.  After NRC staff asked questions of DOE, members of the public were invited to ask questions and make comments.

American Society for Testing of Materials Task Group Meeting on Neutron Absorber Materials

On June 24, 2008, staff participated via teleconference in an American Society for Testing of Materials task group meeting on neutron absorber materials.  Staff presented a paper on missing neutron absorber effects.  The task group is defining the scope of a standard practice. This practice will establish a qualification program for neutron absorber materials in Transportation, Aging, and Disposal Canisters.

Enclosure D

Office of Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management Programs (FSME)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 27, 2008

Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) Review Findings

On June 23, the Management Review Board (MRB) met to consider the results of the California IMPEP review. Based on the review team’s findings, the MRB found the State to be “satisfactory” for all indicators except Compatibility Requirements, which was found “unsatisfactory.” Consequently, the State was found adequate to protect public health and safety and not compatible with the NRC program. Based on the progress the State has made to adopt required regulatory amendments, the MRB agreed that the current period of Heightened Oversight be discontinued and that a period of monitoring be initiated.  The next full IMPEP review is scheduled to take place in approximately 4 years, with a periodic meeting to take place in 1 year.

Investigation of a Potential Alternative Process

On June 25, 2008, FSME staff met with a representative of the Russian English Venture in Isotope Supply and Services (REVISS), the principal supplier of Cs-137 irradiator sources in the world market. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the potential to develop alternative forms of cesium chloride to be used in high activity sources. REVISS requested the meeting to express their interest to the NRC in investigating potential alternative technological processes to produce a “new generation” of Cs-137 sources based on either ceramic or glass composition. REVISS indicated that they will actively participate in the upcoming NRC Cesium Chloride Workshop being scheduled for the Fall of 2008.

Enclosure E

Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 27, 2008

RES Publication of Draft Regulatory Guide 1200 (DG-1200) “An Approach for Determining the Technical Adequacy of Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) Results for Risk-Informed Activities”

On June 20, 2008, the staff issued DG-1200 to provide an opportunity for public comments.  The draft guide is proposed Revision 2 to Regulatory Guide 1.200.  This guide describes an acceptable approach for determining whether the quality of a PRA is sufficient to provide confidence in the results for regulatory decision-making on light-water reactors.  DG-1200 is available on the NRC website at

Exploration of Cooperative Research on Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR) Designs

On June 26, 2008, staff held a conference call with the Chairman of the Steering Committee of the European Commission RAPHAEL Project.  The RAPHAEL Project conducts research and development on VHTR design and safety issues.  The call was the first step by RES to explore potential cooperative research with the RAPHAEL Project.  RES provided an overview of the VHTR activities documented in the draft Advanced Reactor Research Plan.  The RAPHAEL Project Steering Committee Chairman discussed the project’s current activities and future VHTR research plans.  The NRC and RAPHAEL Project representatives agreed to have their VHTR technical area leaders meet for more detailed discussions on the objectives, plans and activities in their respective research and development arenas.  NRC will host the counterpart meetings on October 2, 2008, immediately following the International HTR-2008 Conference in Washington, DC.

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Eleventh Annual Report on Federal Agency Use of Voluntary Consensus Standards and Conformity Assessment Praises NRC

On June 16, 2008 NIST cited NRC as an agency that effectively uses codes and standards to make the regulatory process more efficient.  Specifically, the report noted the NRC practice of endorsing portions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and the ASME Code for Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants (O&M Code) in NRC’s regulations and regulatory guidance, in lieu of developing government-unique standards.  These ASME Codes are developed through the consensus process, and endorsement of the ASME Codes by the NRC provides a method of incorporating rules into the regulatory process that are acceptable to the NRC and have received industry participation in their development.

Enclosure G

Office of Administration (ADM)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 27, 2008

Contract Award for U.S. Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor Loss of Coolant Accidents

As a result of a competition under the General Services Administration (GSA) Federal Supply Schedule, Task Order No. NRC‑DR‑04-08-004 was awarded to Information Systems Laboratories on June 18, 2008.  The contractor will evaluate and demonstrate the applicability of the TRAC/RELAP Advanced Computational Engine code for simulating U.S. Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor loss‑of‑coolant-accidents. The total estimated cost of this contract is $139,776.  The period of performance for this order is June 18, 2008 - February 17, 2009 with no option periods.

Contract Award for U.S. Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor

As a result of a competition under the GSA Federal Supply Schedule, Task Order No. NRC‑DR‑04-08-005 was awarded to Energy Research Inc. on June 18, 2008.  The contractor will develop a TRAC/RELAP Advanced Computational Engine input model for the U.S. Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor.  The total estimated cost of this contract is $273,846.32.  The period of performance for this order is June 18, 2008 - June 17, 2009 with no option periods.

Contract Award for Managed Public Key Infrastructure (MPKI) Support Services

As a result of a competitive negotiated acquisiton under the GSA Federal Supply Schedule, a Hybrid Firm-Fixed Price/Labor Hour Delivery Order, NRC-DR-33-08-307, was awarded to Emergent LLC of Leesburg, Virginia, on June 23, 2008, for MPKI support services. The delivery order calls for issuance of digital certificates to NRC employees, contractors, and external partners including licensees. The total value of the delivery order, including all options is $20,443,565.95.

Enclosure H

Office of Information Services (OIS)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 27, 2008

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act (PA) Requests Received During the Period of June 20, 2008 through June 26, 2008:

NUREG/CR-2909, Paleozoic Geology of the New Madrid Area, 1982, and data generated by this project FOIA/PA-2008-0257
Contracts involving support for NRC in the areas of records and information management, Information Technology, systems application development, business process analysis and re-engineering workflow management and new reactor applications submission and tracking, licensing, inspection and license renewals FOIA/PA-2008-0258
FOIA logs or other record keeping systems of FOIA requests since January 1, 2004 FOIA/PA-2008-0259
Database of owners and locations of the self-luminous exit signs referred to in NUREG-1556, Volume 16, Appendix L FOIA/PA-2008-0260
Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) Significant Event Report (SER) 76-84, copy of FOIA/PA-2008-0261
Investigation into allegations made against Interquest Northwest Inc by named individual FOIA/PA-2008-0262
Office of Investigations reports regarding allegations of discrimination made in 2008 by named individual against Florida Power and Light Company including all exhibits and documents FOIA/PA-2008-0263
GETR TR-1 (General Electric reactors), regarding meeting held during the week of 9-24-62 with representatives from GE and AEC/Division of Licensing and Regulation FOIA/PA-2008-0264
Areva Federal Services LLC, meeting with NRC re: new research reactor spent fuel cask for Battelle, May 8, 2008, complete and unredacted presentation materials and all correspondence FOIA/PA-2008-0265

Enclosure J

Office of Human Resources (HR)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 27, 2008


Enclosure M

Office of Public Affairs (OPA)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 27, 2008

OPA Received Significant Media Inquiries on the Following:

Pipe bomb found near Pilgrim nuclear power plant (Massachusetts)

Full-volume test of the new siren system at Indian Point nuclear power plant (New York); small oil sheen found in the discharge canal

Low-level waste disposal and storage options for non-utility licensees, post-Barnwell; blending of B and C wastes in order to reduce classifications

NRC response to factual errors in the History Channel broadcast of “Mega-Disasters: Glow Train”

Status of a petition by the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League, the Bellefonte Efficiency Sustainability Team, and the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy to intervene in TVA’s request for a construction permit for two new reactor sites at the Bellefonte site (Alabama)

Other Public Affairs Items:

OPA Region II manager spoke with David Lochbaum, of the Union of Concerned Scientists, via telephone regarding a Hatch software incident earlier this year; the USC asked for an explanation why the NRC declined to release details of the incident

Press Releases
08-122 NRC Approves Power Uprate for Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant (6/27)
08-121 NRC Announces Opportunity to Participate in Hearing on New Reactor Application for Grand Gulf Site (6/26)
08-120 Summer Application For New Reactors Available on NRC’s Website (6/26)
08-119 NRC and Prairie Island Indian Community Sign First-of-a Kind Memorandum of Understanding (6/26)
08-118 NRC Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards to Meet July 9-11 in Rockville, Maryland (6/24)
08-117 NRC Meeting July 9 in Fulton, Mo., to Discuss Review Process for Expected New Reactor Application (6/23)
I-08-042 NRC to Discuss Indian Point Nuclear Plant Annual Assessment at Public Meeting Set for July 2, in Cortlandt Manor, New York (6/23)

Enclosure O

Office of the Secretary (SECY)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 27, 2008

Document Released to Public Date Subject
Decision Documents
  1. SECY-08-0080
6/6/08 Proposed Rule:  Medical Use of Byproduct Material—Amendments/Medical Event Definitions (RIN 3150-AI26)
  1. SRM-SECY-08-0077
6/26/08 Options for NRC’s Involvement with the Navy’s Remediation of the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard Site in California
Commission Voting Record on SECY-08-0077PDF Icon
6/26/08 (same)
Information Papers
  1. SECY-08-0085
6/19/08 Weekly Information Report – Week Ending June 6, 2008
  1. SECY-08-0086
6/20/08 Weekly Information Report – Week Ending June 13, 2008
  1. M080605B
6/26/08 SRM-Meeting with Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS)

Commission Correspondence

  1. Letter to Congress, dated June 18, 2008, provides the NRC’s proposed legislation which authorizes appropriations for FY 2009.

  2. Letter to Michael McMurphy, AREVA, dated June 4, 2008, responds to letter expressing AREVA’s interest in establishing a commercial used fuel recycling center in the United States.

  3. Letter to CPT Lester Moore, USN, dated June 3, 2008, concerns participation on the Independent External Review Panel to Identify Vulnerabilities in the NRC’s Materials Licensing Program.

Federal Register Notices Issued

  1. Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS), Subcommittee Meeting on Power Uprates (Millstone Unit 3), Corrected Notice of Meeting (07/08/2008).

  2. Entergy Operations, Inc., et al., Notice of Hearing and Opportunity to Petition for Leave to Intervene and Order Imposing Procedures for Access to Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information and Safeguards Information for Contention Preparation on a Combined License for the Grand Gulf Unit 3 (Docket Nos. 52-024).

  3. ACRS, Amendment to the 554th meeting of the ACRS (07/09-11/2008).

Enclosure P

Region IV (RIV)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 27, 2008

Fort Calhoun Station Management Change

On June 23, Fort Calhoun Station announced that Mr. Jeff Reinhart will be the new Site Vice President starting July 26, 2008.  His job duties will encompass those of the existing Site Director position that has been vacant since February 2008.  Prior to accepting this assignment, Mr. Reinhart held a number of management positions in his 22-year career at the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations.

Callaway Plant Management Changes

On June 26, AmerenUE announced that Mr. Adam Heflin, the current Vice President - Nuclear, will assume the position of Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer at the Callaway Plant.  Mr. Heflin replaces Mr. Charles Naslund who will become President and Chief Executive Officer of AmerenUE’s Energy Resources business.  Mr. Fadi Diya, the current Plant Director, will become the Vice President - Nuclear, replacing Mr.Heflin.  These changes will become effective July 1, 2008.

Enclosure R

Office of Congressional Affairs (OCA)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 27, 2008

OCA Contact Date & Place Time Committee Subject Witnesses
Decker 06/25/08
2359 RHOB
10:00 House Appropriations Committee
(Representatives Obey / Lewis)
Draft Fiscal 2009 Energy and Water Appropriations
  • Markup
Decker 06/25/08
192 DSOB
11:00 Senate Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development
(Senators Dorgan / Domenici)
Draft Fiscal 2009 Energy and Water Appropriations
  • Markup· Guy Caruso – Administrator, Energy Information Administration
Kron 06/25/08
366 DSOB
 9:30 Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee
(Senators Bingaman / Domenici)
Challenges to Meeting Future Energy Needs and to Developing the Technologies for Meeting Increased Global Energy Demand
  • TBD
Kron 06/26/08
2123 RHOB
10:00 House Energy and Commerce Committee, Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality
(Representatives Boucher / Upton)
Climate Change:  Costs of Inaction
  • TBD
Decker 06/26/08
342 DSOB
10:00 Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee
(Senators Lieberman / Collins)
Nuclear Terrorism:  Providing Medical Care and Meeting Basic Needs in the Aftermath – The Federal Response
  • R. David Paulison – Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security
  • W. Craig Vanderwagen – Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services for Preparedness and Response
  • Paul McHale – Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and America’s Security Affairs
  • James H. Schwartz – Chief, Arlington County Fire Department
Decker 07/10/08
TBA Senate Appropriations Committee
(Senators Byrd / Cochran)
Draft Fiscal 2009 Appropriations for Energy and Water Development Programs
  • Markup
Powell 07/08 TBA House Energy and Commerce Committee, Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality
(Representatives Boucher / Upton)
Yucca Mountain
  • TBD
Dacus/Hatchett 07/16/08
406 DSOB
10:00 Senate Environment and Public Works CommitteeSubcommittee on Clean Air and Nuclear Safety
(Senators Carper / Voinovich)
New Reactors and License Renewal
  • NRC Commission
  • Others TBD
Powell TBD TBA House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
(Representatives Stupak / Whitfield)
Inattentive Guards at Peach Bottom and other Security Related Topics
  • TBD

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Thursday, July 10, 2008