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June 19, 2008

For: The Commissioners
From: Vonna L. Ordaz, Assistant for Operations, Office of the EDO

Contents Enclosure
Nuclear Reactor Regulation A
New Reactors B
Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards C*
Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management Programs D
Nuclear Regulatory Research E
Nuclear Security and Incident Response F*
Administration G
Information Services H
Chief Financial Officer I*
Human Resources J
Small Business & Civil Rights K*
Enforcement L*
Public Affairs M
International Programs N*
Secretary O
Region I P*
Region II P*
Region III P*
Region IV P
Executive Director for Operations Q*
Congressional Affairs R
*No input this week.

/RA Mindy Landau for/

Vonna L. Ordaz
Assistant for Operations, OEDO

U. Shoop, OEDO

Enclosure A

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 6, 2008

Public Fire Protection Steering Committee (FPSC) Meeting

On June 3, 2008, the NRC FPSC held a Category 2 public meeting with industry stakeholders regarding the issue of fire-induced circuit failures. The meeting achieved its goal of gathering industry feedback on the NRC staff's proposed approach to bring closure to the issue of fire-induced circuit failures, including multiple spurious actuations. Other fire protection topics were discussed and participants agreed to meet again in early July 2008.  Information about the FPSC charter is available in the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS), Accession No. ML072640666.

Staff Holds Public Meetings on the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (DSEIS) for the License Renewal of Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2

On June 3, 2008, the staff conducted two meetings in Waynesboro, Georgia, to solicit comments from the public on the DSEIS, regarding the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2, License Renewal Review.  Approximately 40 people attended the meetings, including members of the public and representatives of the NRC staff, Southern Nuclear Operating Company, local citizen organizations, and local news media.  Public comments and questions were mainly focused on spent fuel storage and disposal, alternatives, and public health and safety.

As part of the public outreach effort the staff held an open house for one hour prior to the start of each meeting.  The open house provided members of the public with an opportunity to talk informally with NRC staff and view informational displays and brochures.  The public comment period ends on July 16, 2008.  At the conclusion of the comment period, the staff will evaluate the comments received and revise the DSEIS if appropriate.  The final supplemental environmental impact statement is scheduled to be published in January 2009.

Generic Fundamentals Examination (GFE)

On June 4, 2008, NRC administered its GFE to 108 license operator applicants at 13 utilities across all four Regions.  The GFE measures applicant knowledge in components, reactor theory, and thermodynamics, and is the first examination that license operator applicants must take and pass before they can proceed to their site specific training and subsequently take the NRC site-specific license examination.

NRR staff meets with Boiling Water Reactor Owners Group (BWROG)

On June 5, 2008, representatives of the NRR staff met with representatives of BWROG to discuss the performance of BWR emergency core cooling system (ECCS) strainers. The issue of BWR ECCS strainer performance was initially resolved in the 1990's; however, more recent information obtained while resolving the PWR ECCS strainer performance has raised additional issues. During the meeting, the BWROG presented an overview of a proposed plan to comprehensively evaluate and address these issues. The plan would address issues such as chemical and downstream effects identified by NRC staff as well as additional issues not specifically identified by the staff at this time. The work scope and schedule have not been finalized pending funding approval. The participants agreed to meet again in late summer 2008, after the scope and schedule for the BWROG work is clear. The NRC staff indicated that it is important that these issues be addressed in a timely manner.

Enclosure B

Office of New Reactors (NRO)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 6, 2008

Exelon Nuclear Texas Holdings, LLC's Response to Regulatory Issue Summary (RIS) 2008-01

By letter dated June 2, 2008, Exelon Nuclear Texas Holdings, LLC responded to RIS 2008-01, "Process for scheduling acceptance reviews based on notification of applicant submission dates for early site permits, combined license, and design certifications and process for determining budget needs for fiscal year 2010," communicating their expectation to submit a Combined License Application (COLA) on or before September 1, 2008, for the proposed two-unit project in Victoria County, Texas.  This application date is consistent NRC staff's plans for receipt of the Victoria County application.

NRC Reviews Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI's) Safeguards Information (SGI) Storage Facility in Japan

On June 2-4, 2008, the staff inspected a facility in Japan at which Mitsubishi Heavy Industries intends to store SGI materials in support of its U.S. Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor (US‑APWR) standard design certification application.  The staff approved MHI's procedure for gathering and protecting criminal history and background information for purposes of access to safeguards information in a letter dated April 2, 2008.  This facility review is necessary to approve storage of SGI material at this location.  The staff will document its review in a future letter.

Calvert Cliffs Combined License Application (COLA) (Part 2) Found Acceptable for Docketing

On June 3, 2008, the staff issued a letter to notify UniStar Nuclear Energy, Inc., that the acceptance review had been completed and that Part 2 of the combined COLA for an EPR pressurized water reactor unit to be located at the Calvert Cliffs site was found acceptable for docketing.  The first part of the COL application was submitted on July 13, 2007 and accepted for docketing by the staff on January 25, 2008.  The docket number established for this application is 52-016.

NRC Staff Visited US-APWR Training Simulator

On June 4, 2008, staff toured Mitsubishi's US-APWR training simulator in Warrendale, Pennsylvania.  This simulator was originally built for the Ohi nuclear plant (2 loop PWR) in Japan and will incorporate the US-APWR digital instrumentation and controls features.  Mitsubishi is using reactor operators from the Comanche Peak operating units to change the design of the simulator from Ohi to the US-APWR.  As a result of the staff's visit, Mitsubishi and the staff have agreed to hold future meetings to obtain additional information on task analysis and human reliability analysis, to quantify the level of design information that will be provided as part of the US-APWR design certification application, and to address any outstanding requests for additional information related to the digital instrumentation and controls topical reports.

Enclosure D

Office of Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management Programs (FSME)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 6, 2008

Meeting with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

During the week of June 2, 2008, staff from FSME met with staff from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality in Austin, Texas, on a technical exchange of information related to uranium recovery (UR) licensing.  The exchange focused on common regulatory issues facing both agencies and how the challenges related to increased interest in UR are being solved.  The exchange concluded with site visits to UR facilities.

Establishment of U.S. Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Radiation Safety Program

On June 3, 2008, NRC participated in a conference call with the DHS Corporate Safety and Environmental Programs to continue ongoing discussions on the establishment of DHS's radiation safety program.  Specifically, the call covered actions that DHS and NRC will take to facilitate better coordination between DHS Headquarters and DHS Components (i.e. Transportation Security Administration, and Border Protection) as well as actions DHS will take leading to more experienced personnel in radiation protection at DHS Headquarters.  As a follow-up, DHS will be sending the NRC a request to be included in activities and correspondence related to DHS licenses.

Enclosure E

Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 6, 2008

Meeting on Peer Review of Joint NRC, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Fire Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) Methodology

On June 4 and 5, 2008, a peer review meeting on the draft of the joint NRC/EPRI Fire HRA Methodology was hosted by the NRC.  Peer reviewers included subject experts from both the NRC and industry.  The NRC and EPRI are working jointly to develop methodologies and associated guidance for the performance of HRA under fire generated conditions.  This guidance will support licensees that have opted to transition to the risk-informed, performance-based fire protection rule, 10CFR50.48c, as well as NRC staff who will review the submissions from these licensees.

RES issues Research Information Letter (RIL) 0801, "Technical Basis for Revision of Embrittlement Criteria in 10 CFR 50-46(b)(2)"

On May 30, 2008, the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research issued a new RIL.  The RIL summarizes recently completed research that provides the technical basis for modification of 10 CFR 50.46(b)(2) to account for burnup and alloy effects on fuel rod cladding during a postulated loss-of-coolant accident.  The information summarized in RIL-0801 supports a performance-based modification that would apply to zirconium alloy cladding material.  Major contributions to the research came from NRC-sponsored programs at Argonne National Laboratory, the Kurchatov Institute (Russia), and the Halden Reactor Project (Norway).

RES Publication of Regulatory Guide (RG) 3.65, Revision 1, "Standard Format and Content of Decommissioning Plans for Licensees Under 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, 70 and 72"

On May 30, 2008, the staff published the subject revised RG.  The RG endorses the method described in the most current version of NUREG-1757, Volume 1, "Consolidated Decommissioning Guidance," as an acceptable process for meeting the regulatory requirements in termination of a materials license.  RG 3.65 is available on the NRC website at

Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Publication of Regulatory Guide (RG) 3.66, Revision 1, "Standard Format and Content of Financial Assurance Mechanisms Required for Decommissioning Under 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, 70 and 72"

On May 30, 2008, the staff published the subject revised RG.  The RG endorses the methods described in Volumes 1 and 3 of NUREG-1757 as an acceptable process for meeting the regulatory requirements.  Specifically, it provides guidance on financial assurance mechanisms required for decommissioning activities, which support termination of a materials license.  RG 3.66 is available on the NRC website at

RES Publication of Draft Regulatory Guide 3024 (DG-3024) "Standard Format and Content of License Applications for Uranium Mills"

On May 30, 2008, the staff issued the subject DG to provide an opportunity for public comments.  The DG is proposed Revision 2 to Regulatory Guide 3.5 and includes updates to forms, regulatory guides, and regulations referenced in the guide.  Additional information important to the safe operation and subsequent decommissioning and reclamation of a conventional uranium mill is also provided.  The proposed revision provides specific guidance on the format and content of the expected applications for licenses authorizing the recovery of uranium from conventional mining and milling operations.  The DG also reflects experiences gained in previous licensing cases.  DG-3024 is available on the NRC website at

Enclosure G

Office of Administration (ADM)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 6, 2008

Licenses, Certifications, and Approvals for Nuclear Power Plants; Correction - Part 50

On June 3, 2008, NRC published a correction (73 FR 31607) to a final rule published on August 28, 2007 (72 FR 49352) revising the provisions applicable to the licensing and approval processes for nuclear power plants.  The correction restored a paragraph that was inadvertently omitted in that final rule.

Enclosure H

Office of Information Services (OIS)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 6, 2008

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act (PA) Requests Received During the Period of May 30, 2008 through June 5, 2008

Material License Tracking System, active and inactive records FOIA/PA-2008-0239
Nuclear Material Events Database (NMED), all years FOIA/PA-2008-0240
Inadvertent exposure at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS), 1990 or 1991, records on named individual FOIA/PA-2008-0241
Radioisotope thermal generators, drawings, specific ML numbers FOIA/PA-2008-0242
NRC's Field Policy Manual #9, or whichever specifies NRC employees' conduct with regard to Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) FOIA/PA-2008-0243
Office of Investigations Report 4-2006-037, complete investigation file FOIA/PA-2008-0244
Nuclear energy liability "facility form" insurance policies, along with any endorsements issued by Nuclear Liability Insurance Association (NELIA) or its successor American Nuclear Insurers (ANI) communications between NELIA and NRC regarding 1990 amendatory endorsement FOIA/PA-2008-0245
Deputation of Office of Investigations staff, communications between U.S. Marshals Service and NRC from January 1, 2007, through May 7, 2008 (Referral by DOJ) FOIA/PA-2008-0246
Civil and administrative violations for which a monetary penalty was assessed for calendar year 2007 FOIA/PA-2008-0247
Yucca Mountain application authored by DOE, unabridged FOIA/PA-2008-0248

Enclosure J

Office of Human Resources (HR)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 6, 2008


Enclosure M

Office of Public Affairs (OPA)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 6, 2008

OPA Received Significant Media Inquiries on the Following:

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) submission of the application for a high-level waste disposal facility at Yucca Mountain; State of Nevada challenges; the NRC application process and policies;

New siren system at the Indian Point nuclear plant, north of New York City;

NRC workforce and the agency's preparations for new reactor applications and the agency's administration of $15 million educational grant program; and,

Recent shut down of a Slovenia nuclear power plant and the alleged European radiation alert

Other Public Affairs Items:

OPA staff orchestrated media aspects of DOE's delivery of the Yucca Mountain license application to NRC, answering media questions and posting information and photographs to the web.

Press Releases
08-105 NRC Issues Final Environmental Impact Statement on Sequoyah Fuels Corporation Remediation Plan (6/2)
08-106 NRC Receives DOE's License Application to Construct High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository at Yucca Mountain (6/3)
08-107 NRC Announces Opportunity to Participate in Hearing on New Reactor Application for Shearon Harris (6/4)
08-108 NRC Names Charles Brown to its Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (6/4)
08-109 NRC to Hold Public Meeting June 10 in Piketon, Ohio, to Discuss Recertification of USEC Enrichment Plant (6/4)
08-110 NRC Accepts Application for New Reactor At Calvert Cliffs (6/4)
08-111 NRC to Host Third Annual Nuclear Fuel Cycle Information Exchange June 17–19 in Rockville, Maryland (6/5)
08-112 NRC Issues Final Licensing, Inspection and Annual Fees Rule for Fiscal Year 2008 (6/6)
08-113 NRC Proposes $3,250 Civil Penalty Against Kansas City, MO., Medical Center for Violations of Agency Requirements (6/6)
I-08-037 NRC to Discuss Peach Bottom Nuclear Plant Annual Assessment at Public Meeting Set for June 9 in Delta, Pennsylvania (6/3)
I-08-038 New NRC Inspector Assigned to Seabrook Station (6/6)
II-08-034 NRC Staff to Meet with Vogtle Nuclear Plant Officials to Discuss Nuclear Plant License Renewal Inspection (6/2)
III-08-023 NRC Proposes $3,250 Civil Penalty Against Kansas City, Missouri, Medical Center for Violations of Agency Requirements (6/6)
IV-08-024 NRC Names New Senior Resident Inspector at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (6/4)
IV-08-025  NRC to Hold Two Public Meetings About Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant on July 2 (6/5)

Enclosure O

Office of the Secretary (SECY)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 6, 2008

Document Released
to Public
Date Subject
Decision Documents
  1. COMSECY-08-0013
04/10/08 Action Plans Regarding Web Re-Design and Publication Improvements
06/04/08 (same)
Commission Voting Record on COMSECY-08-0013 PDF Icon
06/04/08 (same)
Information Papers
SECY-08-0076 06/04/08 Weekly Information Report – Week Ending May 23, 2008
  1. M080605A
06/05/08 SRM-Affirmation Session:  I. SECY-08-0068 – U.S. Department of Energy (High-Level Waste Repository Pre-Application Matters, Advisory Pre-License Application Presiding Officer (PAPO) Board), Nevada Motion to Disqualify Department of Energy Counsel

Commission Correspondence

  1. Letter to Michael Binder, President and Chief Executive Officer, CNSC, dated May 28, 2008, provides congratulations on his recent five-year appointment as president and Chief Executive.

  2. Letter to Congressman Edward J. Markey, dated May 28, 2008, responds to letter requesting that the NRC responds to questions related to the impact of climate change on the continued safe operations of U.S. nuclear power plants and spent fuel storage installations.

  3. Letter to Jeffrey Kupfer, DOE, dated May 27, 2008, responds to letter regarding DOE's evaluation of various policy, security, legal and environmental issues associated with the possible release of a small, limited quantity of Americium-241 for use by industry in licensed applications.

Federal Register Notices Issued

  1. Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS), Meeting of the Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor (ESBWR) Subcommittee, notice of meeting (06/18-19/2008).

  2. Final Rule.  Regulatory Improvements to the Nuclear Materials Management and Safeguards System, 10 CFR Parts 40, 72, 73, 74 and 150, RIN: 3150-AH-85, [NRC‑2007-0002].

  3. Notice.  Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses Involving Proposed No Significant Hazards Considerations and Containing Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information or Safeguards Information and Order Imposing Procedures for Access to Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information or Safeguards Information.

  4. Correction. Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc., Notice of Hearing and Opportunity to Petition for Leave to Intervene and Order Imposing Procedures for Access to Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information and Safeguards Information for Contention Preparation on a Combined License for the Shearon Harris Units 2 and 3.

Enclosure P

Region IV (RIV)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 6, 2008

Cooper Nuclear Station Public End-of-Cycle Assessment Meeting

On June 2, 2008, the Region IV staff conducted a public meeting in Brownville, Nebraska, to discuss Cooper Nuclear Station's safety performance for 2007.  Approximately 25 people attended the presentation, including numerous licensee supervisors and managers, a representative from the state of Missouri, and several members of the public.

Comanche Peak Public End-of-Cycle Assessment Meeting

On June 5, 2008, the Region IV staff conducted a public meeting to discuss plant performance at the Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station, Units 1 and 2.  The meeting was attended by approximately 14 people including a Hood County Judge, a Hood County Sheriff-Elect, representative for a Texas State Senator, and members of the licensee's organization.  No members of the media were in attendance.

Enclosure R

Office of Congressional Affairs (OCA)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 6, 2008

OCA Contact Date &
Time Committee Subject Witnesses
Decker 06/05/08
2154 RHOB
2:00 House Oversight and Government ReformSubcommittee on Government Management, Organization, and Procurement
(Representatives Towns / Bilbray)
Federal Financial Management Oversight
  • TBD
Powell TBD TBA House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
(Representatives Stupak / Whitfield)
Inattentive Guards at Peach Bottom and other Security Related Topics
  • TBD
Shane/Dacus 07/16/08
406 DSOB
10:00 Senate Environment and Public Works CommitteeSubcommittee on Clean Air and Nuclear Safety
(Senators Carper / Voinovich)
New Reactors and License Renewal
  • NRC Commission
  • Others TBD

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008