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August 10, 2000

For: The Commissioners
From: John W. Craig, Assistant for Operations, Office of the EDO

Contents Enclosure
Nuclear Reactor Regulation A
Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards B
Nuclear Regulatory Research C*
Incident Response Operations D
General Counsel E*
Administration F*
Chief Information Officer G
Chief Financial Officer H*
Human Resources I
Small Business & Civil Rights J*
Enforcement K
State and Tribal Programs L*
Public Affairs M
International Programs N
Office of the Secretary O
Region I P
Region II P
Region III P*
Region IV P
Executive Director for Operations Q*
Congressional Affairs R*
*No input this week


John W. Craig
Assistant for Operations, OEDO

Contact: C. Marschall, OEDO


The Weekly Information Report is compiled by the Office of the EDO and includes highlights of Headquarters and Regional Office activities.

Contact: C. Marschall, OEDO by E-mail:


Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Items of Interest
Week Ending August 4, 2000

Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 - Status of Special Steam Generator Inspection

ANO-2 is currently in its summer 2000 (2P00) special steam generator inspection that began on July 21, 2000. The licensee is inspecting all inservice tubes using a bobbin coil in the hot leg in the area of interest. Bobbin indications confirmed by rotating pancake coil will be repaired.

The licensee has completed its inspection and preliminary data indicates that 58 tubes (with 64 indications) will be plugged in the "A" steam generator and 131 tubes (with 148 indications) will be plugged in the "B" steam generator. The licensee started plugging the tubes on August 1, 2000.

One tube was selected for in-situ pressure testing in the "A" steam generator and seven tubes were selected in the "B" steam generator. All eight tubes were tested at MSLB pressure. Four of these tubes experienced leakage, but the total leakage was well within the 1 gpm acceptance criteria. Five of the eight tubes were tested for structural integrity (at 3-delta-P). Four of these were pressurized to approximately 500 psi above 3-delta-P and did not burst. One tube burst at approximately 100 psi above 3-delta-P.

Indian Point Unit 2

On July 28, 2000, the staff met with Consolidated Edison Company of New York (ConEd) to discuss ConEd's response to a request for additional information (RAI) dated July 20, 2000. In the RAI, the staff informed ConEd that it had concerns that centered on uncertainties inherent in the licensee's analysis of their steam generators, specifically the assumed probability of detection in the low row U-bends, the use of eddy current sizing data, and the assumed material properties. Although ConEd discussed each of the areas of concern during the meeting, the staff determined that ConEd needed to provide additional information before a final determination on the operational assessment can be made.

On July 27, 2000, the staff issued an amendment consisting of changes to the Technical Specifications (TSs) which result from implementation of an alternate source term as permitted by 10 CFR 50.67. This amendment also allows ConEd to: (1) remove containment recirculation filters and charcoal absorbers; (2) perform nuclear fuel movement sooner after the nuclear reactor is shut down; (3) change the control room ventilation system from an isolated recirculation system to a pressurized system; and (4) perform fuel handling operations while shut down with the equipment hatch and personnel air locks open. By issuing the amendment, the related TSs that restricted ConEd from heating the reactor coolant system (RCS) above 200 °F have been removed. On late July 27, 2000, ConEd began the heatup to about 340 °F in order to perform testing of certain systems that could not otherwise be tested as outlined in its letter of June 30, 2000. During the heatup, RCS pressure was to be limited to about 1500 psig to remain below the steam generator tube differential pressure experienced during normal operation. This testing will permit ConEd to identify any needed equipment maintenance while it waits for an NRC decision on restart. Subsequently, the licensee docketed a letter on August 2, 2000, which would allow the licensee to increase pressure on the primary side to about 2200 psi in order to perform ASME code required surveillances.

Reactor Oversight Process

IIPB has initiated a task group to review and assess the current inspector training and qualification requirements as defined in Inspection Manual Chapter 1245, "Inspector Qualifications for the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Inspection Program." This review and assessment will include consideration of new or revised training requirements in light of the new oversight process, risk-informed initiatives, and general effectiveness and efficiency measures. A steering committee consisting of Bill Dean, IIPB, Ken Raglin, OHR, and Harold Christensen, RII, was established to provide direction and review final recommendations from the task group. The task group consists of a team leader from NRR and representatives from each region, OHR, and NRR. The working group held its first meeting in Headquarters on July 27, 2000. The task group reviewed and refined its charter, objectives and phase 1 of the project. The task group review consists of four project phases namely: Needs Identification, Program Element Definition, Program Integration, and Documentation and Review. The next task group meeting is scheduled for August 23-24, 2000.

On July 20, 2000, IIPB conducted its second working group meeting (video conference) on improving risk experience. The purpose of the meeting was to establish consensus among the Regions and Headquarters regarding actions needed to improve risk analysis skills among the staff. Representatives from NRR, the Regions and the Technical Training Center staff participated in the meeting. The group expects to provide final recommendations after one more meeting.


Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Items of Interest
Week Ending August 4, 2000

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Meets with the Nuclear Energy Institute To Discuss High Level Radioactive Waste Issues

On July 28, 2000, managers from the Division of Waste Management met with representatives from the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) to discuss high level radioactive waste issues. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) presented a status of major activities in the high level waste program. NEI representatives discussed aspects of the NRC's sufficiency review of the planned Department of Energy site recommendation for Yucca Mountain. Representatives from the Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board, the Department of Energy, and the state of Nevada also participated in the meeting.

Nuclear Energy Institute/Electric Power Research Institute Decommissioning/Dry Storage Planning and Technology Forum

During July 23-26, 2000, management representatives from the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards participated in the Nuclear Energy Institute/Electric Power Research Institute Decommissioning/Dry Storage Planning and Technology Forum in Newport Beach, California. The Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation and the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research also participated in this joint meeting. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission representatives took a very active role in the meeting, providing eight presentations on the following topics: Executive Perspectives on Decommissioning & Dry Storage Activities; Risk Informed Rulemaking; Dose Modeling for Site Release; Dry Fuel Storage-Regulatory Perspectives; Dry Fuel Storage-Technical Issues; Dry Fuel Storage-Regulatory Guidance; Strategies for Achieving Finality in Decommissioning; Updating the Decommissioning General Environmental Impact Statement; Testing New Decommissioning Guidance-Feedback to Date; and Dry Fuel Storage-Quality Assurance Issues. The various presentations generated many questions and provided an opportunity for substantial interaction with the more than two hundred participants attending the meeting.

Staff Participates in Public Hearing Held by Pennsylvania State Legislators

On August 1, 2000, staff from the Division of Waste Management and the Office of the General Counsel participated in a public hearing held by Pennsylvania state legislators to discuss state responsibilities under the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act of 1985 (LLRWPAA) and state accomplishments in support of those responsibilities. The meeting was held near Washington, Pennsylvania, and was chaired by state representative Leo Trich of Washington County. Staff participated by telephone conference. In response to specific questions posed by state legislators, staff briefly described: the provisions of the LLRWPAA related to state responsibilities under the Act; the history and status of the state's LLW disposal facility siting process; the provisions of 10 CFR Part 61 and applicability of Part 61 to potential commercial LLW disposal facilities in Pennsylvania; and the status of Molycorp's request to dispose of decommissioning waste on site at its Washington, Pennsylvania, facility. Staff participation ended at the end of the question period for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission which lasted approximately 15 minutes. Representative Trich expressed his appreciation for the staff's participation.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Assistance to the International Atomic Energy Agency in Lithuania

During the week of July 24-28, 2000, a Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards (FCSS) staff member assisted the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in conducting the second of two International Physical Protection Advisory Service (IPPAS) mission follow-up visits to Lithuania. The purpose of the visit was to assist the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant in establishing a protective strategy for the reactor and to assist the Lithuanian regulatory authority, VATESI, with improving their oversight activities. The FCSS staff member was assisted by representatives from Sandia National Laboratories and the IAEA. It was noted that the site had made significant reductions in the risk to radiological sabotage at the plant since the first IPPAS follow-up visit.

Meeting to Discuss Material Protection, Control and Accounting Support to Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan

On July 27, 2000, representatives of the Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards met with Department of Energy (DOE [EXIT]) representatives to discuss areas of possible Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) activities under the Material Protection, Control, and Accounting Interagency Agreement with DOE signed by NRC on July 7, 2000. This was the first meeting under the newly signed agreement. The discussions included regulatory areas where DOE is currently supporting Russia in which NRC may participate, and possible areas of future NRC assistance to Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Other program elements, such as financial reporting requirements, were also discussed. DOE will provide information to NRC in the near future that will assist NRC in determining specific candidate regulatory, licensing, and training activities for DOE's consideration.

Meeting with U.S. Enrichment Corporation on Paducah Higher Assay Upgrade Amendment

On August 1, 2000, Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff from the Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards (FCSS) held a public meeting with the U.S. Enrichment Corporation (USEC) to discuss the licensing framework associated with the Higher Assay Upgrade Project for the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant. The staff's presentation included licensing review assumptions applicable to both the staff and USEC, the review schedule, the risk-based screening criteria for selecting nuclear criticality safety approvals/evaluations (NCSAs/Es) to be reviewed to confirm the safety basis of the upgrade, the results of application of that screening criteria to 85 existing NCSAs/Es, and the on-site readiness review. USEC agreed with the licensing review framework presented by the staff, and indicated that it would shortly docket the NCSAs/Es selected by the staff for the sample review. USEC intends to submit the associated amendment request in early October 2000.

Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility Seismic and Quality Assurance Meeting

On August 2, 2000, staff from the Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards (FCSS) met with Duke Cogema Stone and Webster (DCS) to discuss seismic and quality assurance issues applicable to the mixed oxide (MOX) fuel fabrication facility. With respect to the seismic issues, DCS described their approach to determining what is the appropriate return period for which the facility should be designed. With respect to quality assurance (QA), DCS described how the DCS QA program relates to the SGN (engineering arm of Cogema) QA plan under which the MOX fuel fabrication process is currently being designed. DCS also responded to questions from FCSS staff about the DCS QA plan for the design of the MOX fuel fabrication facility. The DCS QA plan has been submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for review.

Meeting with the Nuclear Energy Institute to Discuss 10 CFR Part 70 Guidance Documents

On August 3, 2000, staff from the Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards met with representatives from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) regulated fuel cycle facilities and the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) to discuss guidance documents related to the recently approved 10 CFR Part 70 revisions. The objectives of the meeting were to discuss NRC comments on an NEI document concerning the information to be contained in an Independent Safety Analysis (ISA) Summary, NEI's comments on NRC's most recent draft of Chapter 11 of the Part 70 Standard Review Plan (SRP), and for NEI to give an overview of guidance they are developing concerning the change process contained in §70.72. The staff and NEI agreed to continue to work on the development of these three guidance documents in the near future.

Meeting with NAC and Maine Yankee on Dry Cask Storage

On July 28, 2000, Spent Fuel Project Office staff met with representatives from NAC and Maine Yankee to discuss technical and schedule issues involving an amendment to the NAC Universal Multi-Purpose System (UMS) spent fuel storage and transportation cask. Maine Yankee plans to establish an independent spent fuel storage installation at its site in April 2001 using the NAC UMS cask. Although the base cask system is currently in rulemaking, Maine Yankee is seeking the amendment to be able to completely empty the spent fuel pool for decommissioning.

Public Meetings on NUREG-1714

On July 27-28, 2000, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), with the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and the Surface Transportation Board (STB) held public meetings to accept public comments on NUREG-1714, "Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Construction and Operation of an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation on the Reservation of the Skull Valley Band of Goshute Indians and Related Transportation Facility in Tooele County, Utah." The July 27, 2000, meeting was held in Salt Lake City, Utah. Approximately 200 individuals attended the meeting, including the Governor of Utah (the Honorable Michael Leavitt) and the Chairman of the Skull Valley Band of Goshute Indians (the Honorable Leon Bear). Governor Leavitt and Chairman Bear were among the more than 50 people that provided comments. The July 28, 2000, meeting was held in Grantsville, Utah. Approximately 80 people attended the meeting, including the Utah congressional representative for the first district, the Honorable James V. Hansen. Congressman Hansen was among the 20 people that provided comments. The NRC, BIA, BLM, and STB have scheduled additional public meetings for August 21, 2000, to receive comments on the DEIS.


Incident Response Operations
Items of Interest
Week Ending August 4, 2000

Preliminary Notifications




Chief Information Officer
Items of Interest
Week Ending August 4, 2000

Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Requests received during the 5-Day Period of July 28, 2000 through August 3, 2000:

Mallinckrodt, MI, license for pharmacies located in Warren & Saginaw. (FOIA/PA 2000-0302)

Respondents listing for Telecommunications, Contract Services classification M, or Supplies classification 58 and 70, past six months. (FOIA/PA 2000-0303)

Puerto Rico, list of licensees and listing of all warnings and/or violations issued to any of licensee on the list. (FOIA/PA 2000-0304)

Perry Nuclear Power Plant, First Energy, Lic. # NPF-58, 1/15/98 supplemental reply to Notice of Violation - EA 96-253, identified reference documents. (FOIA/PA 2000-0305)

Senator Richard B. Cheney and/or the Halliburton Co., all records. (FOIA/PA 2000-0306)

Vessel supports, generic safety issue #15, proposed resolution & resolution memos. (FOIA/PA 2000-0307)

Export policy for controls on nuclear material sales to India and Pakistan, 1998 to present. (FOIA/PA 2000-0308)

Turkey Point, Florida Power and Light Co., discrimination investigation file, OI case 2-1999-008. (FOIA/PA 2000-0309)


Office of Human Resources
Items of Interest
Week Ending August 4, 2000


*Effective 07/31/00
**Effective 07/29/00


Office of Enforcement
Items of Interest
Week Ending August 4, 2000

Settlement Agreement, Western Soil, Inc., Mayaquez, PR

On April 12, 2000, the NRC issued an Order Imposing Civil Monetary Penalty (EA 99-262) in the amount of $2,750 on Western Soil, Inc. for a Severity Level III violation involving the loss (theft) of a portable moisture/density gauge containing approximately 10 millicuries of cesium-137 and 50 millicuries of americium-241. On June 6, 2000, Western Soil denied the violation, and requested an enforcement hearing before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (Board). As the result of a telephone conference held on July 10, 2000, Western Soil and the NRC have concluded that it is in the respective interests of Western Soil, and the NRC as well as the public interest, to settle the dispute.

The essential elements of the agreement are as follows:

An Order Imposing Civil Monetary Penalty in the amount of $110,000 was issued August 3, 2000, to FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (Perry Nuclear Power Plant) for a 1997 violation of the NRC's employment discrimination regulation. The Order was required because the licensee denied the violation and upon review of the licensee's response, the NRC concluded the violation had occurred as originally presented in the NRC's May 20, 1999 Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty. The staff determined that FirstEnergy's Radiation Protection Manager discriminated against a Radiation Protection Supervisor for engaging in protected activity.

A Federal Register Notice was issued August 3, 2000 announcing the formation of an NRC Discrimination Task Group. The Task Group will function as a management-level review group to evaluate the Commission's handling of discrimination cases. The Task Force will be holding a series of public meetings beginning September 2000, in various areas of the country to solicit input on areas for improvement of discrimination issues.


Office of Public Affairs
Items of Interest
Week Ending August 4, 2000

Media Interest

There was press interest in the H.R. Robinson and the Three Mile Island reactor oversight meetings.

The Chicago Tribune has inquired about the May OSRE review at Quad Cities.

The Paducah Sun reported on the higher assay upgrade meeting for USEC's Paducah facility.

Press Releases
00-119 NRC to Broadcast Commission Meetings Live Over the Internet
00-120 NRC Approves Transfer of Operating Licenses for 20 Nuclear Plants


Office of International Programs
Items of Interest
Week Ending August 4, 2000

RiskAudit and Scientech

On Friday, July 28, 2000 OIP staff members met with representatives of RiskAudit and Scientech to exchange information on the nuclear safety assistance activities of RiskAudit and the NRC in countries of the Former Soviet Union (FSU) and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). RiskAudit is formed from technical support organizations, GRS in Germany and IPSN in France, as a management vehicle for subcontracts in the European Community (EC). RiskAudit has performed nuclear safety assistance work on regulatory issues in the FSU/CEE (methodology and procedures, support of indigenous Technical Support Organizations (TSOs) (transfer of analytical tools), and assisted with and performed safety evaluations for licensing Kozloduy and Bohunice.

During the meeting with RiskAudit, OIP staff asked whether it might help SNRA, the Ukranian regulator, if a meeting involving the donors would be desirable to evaluate the demands being placed on the Ukrainian regulator. It was suggested that a board of international experts could be established to advise the regulator on priorities. Although no consensus was reached on this question, it was noted that close contacts have already been established with GRS which has been working with the Ukrainian regulator on licensing issues. It was suggested that the idea be broached during the NRR senior management meetings in Ukraine in September.


Office of the Secretary
Items of Interest
Week Ending August 4, 2000

Document Released to Public Date Subject
Decision Documents
1. SECY-00-0135 6/23/00 Proposed Rule to Amend 10 CFR Part 2, Subpart J, in Regard to the Licensing Support Network
SRM on 00-0135 7/31/00 (same)
Commission Voting Record on 00-0135 7/31/00 (same)
2. Commissioner Diaz vote on SECY-00-0092 7/24/00 Combined License Review Process
3. Commissioner Diaz vote on SECY-00-0037 7/12/00 Status of Potassium Iodide Activities
4. Commissioner Diaz vote on SECY-00-0040 4/4/00 Final Amendments to 10 CFR 50.47; Thereby Granting in Part Two Petitions for Rulemaking (50-63 and 50-63A); Relating to a Reevaluation of Policy on the Use of Potassium Iodide (KI) for the General Public After a Severe Accident at a Nuclear Power Plant
5. SECY-00-0126 6/8/00 Denial of Petition on Joint and Several Liability (PRM-50-64)
SRM on 00-0126 7/11/00 (same)
Commission Voting Record on 00-0126 7/11/00 (same)
Information Papers
1. SECY-00-0161 7/27/00 SECY-00-0161 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending July 21, 2000
2. SECY-00-0156 7/19/00 Final Regulatory Guide 1.183 (Formerly DG-1081), "Alternative Radiological Source Terms for Evaluating Design-Basis Accidents at Nuclear Power Plants," and Standard Review Plan Section 15.0.1, "Radiological Consequence Analyses Using Alternative Source Terms"
3. SECY-00-0165 8/3/00 SECY-00-0165 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending July 28, 2000
1. M000801 8/1/00 Staff Requirements: Affirmation Session - I. SECY-00-0138-Private Fuel Storage, L.L.C., Docket No. 72-22, Referred Ruling of LBP-00-06; II. SECY-00-0150-Northern States Power Co. (Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant; Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2; and Prairie Island Independent Fuel Storage Installation); Docket Nos. 50-263-LT, 50-282-LT, 50-306-LT, 70-10-LT; Petitions to Intervene

Commission Correspondence

  1. Letter to Representative Sue W. Kelly, dated July 26, 2000, concerns the operation of the Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit No. 2.

  2. Letter to Thomas B. Cochran and Christopher E. Paine, Natural Resources Defense Council, dated July 26, 2000, concerns potential NRC involvement in safety training being planned by the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization.

Federal Register Notices Issued

  1. ACRS Subcommittee Meeting on Planning and Procedures; Notice of Meeting.

  2. GRAYSTAR, Inc.; Docket No. SSD 99-27; Notice of Reconstitution.

  3. Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards; Meeting Notice.


Region I
Items of Interest
Week Ending August 4, 2000

Special Inspection Initiative Effort at Mallinckrodt

Region I has completed the special inspection initiative effort at all Mallinckrodt Radiopharmacies in Region I. In addition to the reactive inspection at the Harrisburg facility, six radiopharmacies were inspected at peak production time during the night shift. Several important issues relevant to elevated extremity exposures of workers were identified. Many of these issues were common to most of the facilities. On July 26, 2000, Region I inspectors and management conducted an exit interview, via teleconference, with the Mallinckrodt facilities and corporate management. The inspectors presented the inspection findings and the licensee provided preliminary corrective actions. Appropriate regulatory actions are under consideration.


Region II
Items of Interest
Week Ending August 4, 2000

Florida Power Corporation - Crystal River Management Meeting

On August 1, 2000, representatives from Florida Power Corporation attended a management meeting in the Regional office to discuss Crystal River Unit 3 operations and programs.

U. S Navy Master Materials License Annual Review

On August 2, 2000, the exit meeting for the annual review of the Navy Master Material License (MML) was held via video-conference. The Chairman of the Naval Radiation Safety Committee (NRSC) and his staff were briefed on the results of the NRC's oversight for the past year. The review found that the NRSC is implementing an oversight program that is assuring protection of public health and safety and that is generally consistent with NRC criteria and procedures. The review identified that the NRSC was not consistent in implementing certain criteria of the decommissioning timeliness rule. During the exit meeting, the licensee outlined actions they will take to resolve this issue.

NFS - Special Team Inspection

On August 2, 2000, the licensee stopped discharges from the Waste Water Treatment Facility due to elevated laboratory analyses results for uranium in a composite of individual releases for the month of May. Analyses of individual releases showed normal uranium concentrations. A Special Team Inspection will be conducted at the site next week to review this event.


Region IV
Items of Interest
Week Ending August 4, 2000

Public Meeting At San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

On Thursday, August 4, NRC conducted a meeting in San Clemente, California, with members of the public, local officials, and the media regarding implementation of the Reactor Oversight Program. The meeting was well attended. It included discussions of how the new reactor oversight program affected the overall level of inspection at San Onofre, how it integrated with the reduction of resident inspector staffing, and what the relationship was between this program and the decommissioning inspections for Unit 1. Region IV has completed meetings like this one at every power reactor site in the region.

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