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In this paper, the staff recommends that the Commission "[a]pprove the staff proposal to pursue the inclusion of KI in the National Pharmaceutical Stockpile (NPS) and direct the staff to prepare a formal request to CDC for its inclusion." I further understand that, in briefings to our technical assistants, the staff indicated that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA [EXIT]) would not object to this proposal. However, the June 22, 2000 letter from James Lee Witt, Director of FEMA, contradicts this position. The letter states, in part, that "...upon careful examination by FEMA staff, it was concluded that combining KI supplies with the Pharmaceutical Stockpiles would pose significant logistical concerns including, securing, storing and timely distribution of KI. Consequently, we continue to maintain that national or regional stockpiles of KI will present logistical problems in the REP program." Director Witt's position could not be clearer; there is no support for regional stockpiling of KI. Therefore, I disapprove the recommendation, and restate my commitment to early resolution of KI issues.

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Thursday, February 22, 2007