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September 27, 2007

For: The Commissioners
From: Vonna L. Ordaz, Assistant for Operations, Office of the EDO


Contents Enclosure
Nuclear Reactor Regulation A
New Reactors B
Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards C
Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management Programs D*
Nuclear Regulatory Research E*
Nuclear Security and Incident Response F
Administration G
Information Services H
Chief Financial Officer I*
Human Resources J*
Small Business & Civil Rights K*
Enforcement L*
Public Affairs M
International Programs N*
Secretary O
Region I P*
Region II P*
Region III P*
Region IV P
Executive Director for Operations Q*
Congressional Affairs R
*No input this week.


Vonna L. Ordaz
Assistant for Operations, OEDO

Contact: L. Quinones, OEDO

Enclosure A

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)
Items of Interest
Week Ending September 21, 2007

Farley Regulatory Conference

On September 12, the staff participated in a regulatory conference with Region II and the Farley licensee regarding a preliminary yellow finding related to the failure of the Unit 2 residual heat removal containment sump suction motor operated valve (MOV) during inservice testing. This regulatory conference was held as part of the Significance Determination Process (SDP). The licensee plans to submit additional information as a result of the conference before a final determination is made regarding this finding.

Power Reactor Security Meeting on Draft Regulatory Guide -5021

On September 14, the staff held a public meeting to discuss draft Regulatory Guide DG-5021 “Managing the Safety Security Interface.” DG-5021 was published for public comment on July 24, 2007, and it provided guidance for implementation of proposed 10 CFR 73.58 “Safety/Security Interface Requirements for Nuclear Power Reactors.” Proposed 10 CFR 73.58 is part of the power reactor security rulemaking that is now in the final rule stage. Draft final rule language for 10 CFR 73.58 was handed out to meeting attendees. The comment period for DG-5021 closed on September 25, 2007.

Final Safety Evaluation Issued for MELLLA+ Topical Report

On September 14, the staff issued the final safety evaluation approving the General Electric topical report NEDC-33006P, "General Electric BWR Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis Plus," (MELLLA+). The MELLLA+ expanded operating domain increases operating flexibility by allowing control of reactivity at maximum power (up to 120%) by changing flow rather than rod insertion and withdrawal. The MELLLA+ topical report addresses the impact of MELLLA+ operation as well as the scope of analyses that are needed to meet the safety and regulatory requirements for operation in the MELLLA+ domain. The staff presented to the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) Thermal-Hydraulic phenomena sub-committee in May and full committee in June on NEDC-33006P, MELLLA+.

Wolf Creek License Renewal- Draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement

On September 18, the staff issued the draft “Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal” for the Wolf Creek Generating Station,” for public comment. This supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS) includes the staff’s preliminary analysis that considers and weighs the environmental effects of the proposed action, the environmental impacts of alternatives to the proposed action, and mitigative measures available for reducing or avoiding adverse impacts. It also includes the staff’s preliminary recommendation that the Commission determine that the adverse environmental impacts of license renewal for Wolf Creek Generating Station, are not so great that preserving the option of license renewal for energy planning decision makers would be unreasonable.

A 75-day public comment period will begin on October 12, 2007, with the Notice of Filing of the draft SEIS with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.  The staff has scheduled public meetings on November 8, 2007, in Burlington, Kansas, to present its analyses and to accept public comments on the draft SEIS.

Monthly Reactor Oversight Process Public Meeting

On September 19, the staff held the monthly Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) public meeting to allow discussion on staff initiatives and provide a forum for industry feedback. Meeting attendees discussed mitigating systems performance index (MSPI) implementation, safety culture integration into the reactor oversight process, performance indicator issues, and open and new frequently asked questions for the ROP.

Indian Point 2/3 License Renewal Environmental Scoping Meeting

On September 19, the staff conducted two public scoping meetings in Cortlandt Manor, New York, to solicit comments on the scope of the Indian Point Energy Center, Units 1 and 2, license renewal environmental review.  Approximately 400 individuals attended the meetings.  Comments addressed both the potential environmental impacts of license renewal, as well as emergency planning, current performance issues, terrorism, and other issues outside the scope of license renewal.  NRR staff will continue to receive scoping comments by mail, electronically, or in person at headquarters until the scoping period ends on October 12, 2007.

Enclosure B

Office of New Reactors (NRO)
Items of Interest
Week Ending September 21, 2007

Pre-Application Quality Assurance Audit for the North Anna and Grand Gulf Combined Construction and Operating License Applications (COLAs)

From September 10-14, 2007, the staff conducted a pre-application quality assurance audit of the preparation activities for the North Anna and Grand Gulf COLAs, which will reference the Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor design.  The staff found that the potential applicants and their contractors were progressing in the preparation of the COLAs and that the audit experiences will assist the staff in reviewing the anticipated COLAs.

Inspection of Velan, Inc

From September 17-21, 2007, the staff led a team inspection at Velan, Inc., Montreal, Quebec, Canada.  The purpose of this inspection was to review and verify the implementation of their quality program for the supply of safety-related and American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Section III code valves for the nuclear industry.  It is expected that Velan will be a major supplier of ASME code valves in support of new reactor construction activities in the United States.  This inspection was to be observed by a senior inspector from the French Nuclear Safety Authority.

Enclosure C

Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS)
Items of Interest
Week Ending September 21, 2007

Bruges, Belgium, Presentation on Repository Seismic Scenario Methodology

From September 2-7, 2007, a Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses (CNWRA) staff member presented a paper, at the 11th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management, and visited, as part of the conference, the Central Organization for Radioactive Waste storage facilities, in The Netherlands.  Updates on worldwide high-level waste programs were provided at the conference.

Technical Exchange on Repository Licensing Process

On September 13, 2007, the NRC and the U.S. Department of Energy held a technical exchange on repository licensing process topics, in Las Vegas, Nevada.  Meeting topics included: protocols for interactions during the license application review; license application content; NRC organizational structure; future NRC interim staff guidance; and electronic‑information exchange - rules for submission of a license application.  Stakeholders and interested members of the public attended this meeting.

Repository Environment Presentation at Materials Research Society, England

On September 16-21, 2007, CNWRA staff attended the Materials Research Society Symposium on the Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXXI, held in Sheffield, United Kingdom. Interim results were presented, which indicated that rock-dust capillary retention does not prevent dust deliquescence brines from corroding carbon steel.

Public Meetings at Nuclear Fuel Services

On September 17, 2007, Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards staff supported Region II at several public meetings, concerning Nuclear Fuel Services (NFS), in Erwin, Tennessee.  A public poster session and a public meeting with the licensee were conducted at the NFS Training Center, in the afternoon.  The licensee meeting concerned the most recent License Performance Review.  The public asked a wide range of questions concerning operations at the site.  A second poster session was conducted for the public, in the evening, at the Erwin City Hall.  There was significant media interest and members of Senator Alexander’s staff attended.  Staff from the Office of Congressional Affairs and the Office of the Inspector General supported the meetings also.

Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board Meeting on Repository Surface Facilities

On September 19, 2007, staff observed a meeting of the U.S. Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board, in Las Vegas, NV.  This was a public meeting that focused on the design and operation of the repository preclosure surface facility and on transportation, aging, and disposal.

Meeting with Transnuclear, Inc. to Discuss Standardized NUHOMS Amendment 10 Request for Additional Information

On September 19, 2007, Division of Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation staff met with Transnuclear, Inc. (TN) to discuss Standardized NUHOMS Amendment 10 requests for additional information (RAIs). The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the RAIs that the staff provided to TN in an August 29, 2007, letter, and TN's approach to the response to the RAIs. RAIs in the materials, structural, and thermal area were discussed. At the end of the meeting, TN indicated that it intended to factor the results of the meeting into its response and that it will meet the scheduled date of November 5, 2007, for its response.

Enclosure F

Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response (NSIR)
Items of Interest
Week Ending September 21, 2007

PNO-II-07-010, Duke Power Company, LLC

Special inspection to review charging pump oil coolers

PNO-II-07-009, Southern Company

Component cooling water pump breaker failures

PNO-I-07-008, Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc

Restoration of west cooling tower


Alert declared due to inadvertent discharge of carbon dioxide into Nine Mile Point Unit 2 electrical switchgear room

Enclosure G

Office of Administration (ADM)
Items of Interest
Week Ending September 21, 2007

The following four awards were made under Solicitation 03-07-036 for the combined license application reviews for the Office of New Reactors.  The awards were design center specific.  Three of the design centers were competed under full and open procedures and one was a 100% small business, set aside.  Based on the evaluation of technical and cost proposals received, three out of the four awards were made to small businesses.  Details of the awards are as follows:

Contract Number NRC-42-07-036 Award for Technical Assistance in Support of Design Certification (DC), Early Site Permit (ESP), Combined License (COL), Environmental, and Pre‑Application Activities Related to New Reactor License Applications

On September 9, 2007, a competitive cost plus fixed fee contract was awarded to Information Systems Laboratories for the Westinghouse Advanced Plant 1000 (AP1000) design center. The Contractor will provide expert technical assistance in a wide range of technical and scientific disciplines and in accomplishing its work related activities aimed at ensuring the overall safety and adequacy of nuclear power plant design, construction, and operations.  The contractor shall provide technical assistance in work related to the review of DC, ESP, COL, pre-application activities and related support will be undertakenThe total estimated value of the contract is $33,852,575.  The period of performance is September 7, 2007-September 6, 2012.

Contract Number NRC-42-07-081 Award for Technical Assistance in Support of DC, ESP, COL, Environmental, and Pre-Application Activities related to New Reactor License Applications

On September 9, 2007, a competitive cost plus fixed fee contract was awarded to Numark Associates Inc. located in Washington DC, for the Areva Evolutionary Power Reactor (EPR) design center.  Numark Associates is a small business.  The Contractor will provide expert technical assistance in a wide range of technical and scientific disciplines and in accomplishing its work related activities aimed at ensuring the overall safety and adequacy of nuclear power plant design, construction, and operations.  The contractor shall provide technical assistance in work related to the review of DC, ESP, COL, pre-application activities and related support will be undertaken.  The total estimated value of the contract is $29,205,885.  The period of performance is September 7, 2007-September 6, 2012.

Contract Number NRC-42-07-082 Award for Technical Assistance in Support of DC, ESP, COL, Environmental, and Pre-Application Activities related to New Reactor

On September 9, 2007, a competitive cost plus fixed fee contract was awarded to Energy Research, Inc. located in Rockville, MD, for the General Electric Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor Design Center.  Energy Research is a small business.  The Contractor will provide expert technical assistance in a wide range of technical and scientific disciplines and in accomplishing its work related activities aimed at ensuring the overall safety and adequacy of nuclear power plant design, construction, and operations.  The contractor shall provide technical assistance in work related to the review of DC, ESP, COL, pre-application activities and related support will be undertakenThe total estimated value of the contract is $16,675,053.  The period of performance is September 7, 2007 to September 6, 2012.

Contract Number NRC-42-07-083 Awarded for Technical Assistance in Support of DC, ESP, COL, Environmental, and Pre-Application Activities Related to New Reactor License Applications

On September 13, 2007, a small business set aside contract (cost plus fixed fee) was awarded to Energy Research, Inc. located in Rockville, MD, for the General Electric Advanced Boiling Water Reactor design center.  The Contractor will provide expert technical assistance in a wide range of technical and scientific disciplines and in accomplishing its work related activities aimed at ensuring the overall safety and adequacy of nuclear power plant design, construction, and operations.  The contractor shall provide technical assistance in work related to the review of DC, ESP, COL, pre-application activities and related support will be undertaken.   The total estimated value of the contract is $5,945,663.  The period of performance is September 13, 2007-September 12, 2012.

Enclosure H

Office of Information Services (OIS)
Items of Interest
Week Ending September 21, 2007

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act (PA) Requests Received During the Period of September 14-September 20, 2007:

All active NRC licenses (MLTS)


List of NRC licensees


Terracon, 2020 East Starita Road, Charlotte, NC 28206, license no. 060-1064-3, all records


Equipment & standards used in the analysis of neutron irradiated gemstones at the following licensees: Research Reactor Center, Columbia, MO, Gem Testing & Research Center, Miami, FL, & Gemological Institute of America, Carlsbad, CA


Contracts NRC4207036, NRC42070481, NRC4207482 & NRC4207483


Office of Investigations Case 4-2006-0035, all records FOIA/PA-2007-0335
Office of New Reactors procedures (office instructions) to support the various functions & responsibilities, as stated in SECY-2007-152 FOIA/PA-2007-0336

Enclosure M

Office of Public Affairs (OPA)
Items of Interest
Week Ending September 21, 2007

OPA Received Significant Media Inquiries on the Following

Alert declared by Nine Mile Point nuclear plant after a fire suppression system inadvertently discharged carbon dioxide into room housing electrical equipment for safety systems.

NRC’s public meeting to discuss performance of the Nuclear Fuel Services facility in Erwin, Tennessee.

Inattentive guards at Peach Bottom nuclear plant.
New reactors and the status of anticipated applications through 2008.

Indian Point nuclear plant license renewal process and forthcoming environmental scoping meeting.

Oyster Creek nuclear plant license renewal evidentiary hearing.

Other Public Affairs Items

OPA coordinated Business Week’s interview with NRC staff on federal workforce issues and the predicted wave of retirees.

OPA coordinated Platts’ interview with NRC staff about the GAO sting and the agency’s path forward for changes in the nuclear materials licensing process.

Press Releases


NRC to Co-Sponsor Workshop for Minority Serving Institutions, September 24-27 in Dallas, Texas  (9/19)



NRC Monitoring “Alert” at Nine Mile Point Unit 2 (9/19)


NRC Sends Team to Review Peach Bottom Security  (9/20)


NRC Sets Public Meeting with Farley on Sept. 20 in Dothan to discuss Inspection of Cooling Water System Breaker Failures (9/17)


Telephone Bridge Line Established for Public Meeting Between NRC and Farley Nuclear Power Plant (9/19)


NRC to Solicit Public Input Sept. 27 in Waynesboro as Part of Vogtle Nuclear Plant License Renewal Application Review (9/20)


NRC Names New Senior Resident Inspector at Callaway Nuclear Plant (9/18)


NRC to Hold Public Meetings on Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Wolf Creek License Renewal Application (9/19)

Enclosure O

Office of the Secretary (SECY)
Items of Interest
Week Ending September 21, 2007

Document Released
to Public
Date Subject
Decision Documents
  1. SRM-SECY-07-0147
09/18/07 Response to Government Accounting Office Recommendations and Other Recommendations to Address Security Issues in the NRC Materials Program
  1. Commission Voting Record on 07-0147 PDF Icon
09/18/07 (same)
Information Papers
  1. SECY-07-0152
08/31/07 Semiannual Update of the Status of New Reactor Licensing Activities and Future Planning for New Reactors
  1. SECY-07-0161
09/14/07 Weekly Information Report – Week Ending September 7, 2007

Commission Correspondence

  1. Letter to Senators George Voinovich and Thomas Carper, dated September 12, 2007, responds to letter regarding concerns about the GAO’s ability to set up a false company and obtain a license to buy radioactive material, and on safety procedures and controls at NSF in regard to a leak involving a solution containing HEU.

  2. Letter to Bill Richardson, Governor of New Mexico, dated September 12, 2007, responds to letter expressing concern with NRC’s proposed generic environmental impact statement for in-situ leach uranium recovery.

  3. Letter to Congressmen John Dingell and Senator Barbara Boxer, dated September 11, 2007, submits a report to Congress that describes the results of each security response evaluation (i.e., force-on-force exercises) conducted and any relevant corrective action taken by a licensee during the previous year.

Federal Register Notices Issued

  1. Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS), notice of 546th meeting (10/4-6/2007).

  2. ACRS, Subcommittee Meeting on Reliability and Probabilistic Risk Assessment, notice of meeting (10/2/2007).

  3. ACRS, Notice of Hearing, Application for a License Amendment (Jefferson Proving Ground Site).

  4. ACRS, Procedures for Meetings.

  5. ACNW&M, Procedures for Meetings.

  6. ACRS, Subcommittee Meeting on Power Uprates (Susquehanna), notice of meeting (10/9-10/2007).

Enclosure P

Region IV (RIV)
Items of Interest
Week Ending September 21, 2007

Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation Senior Management Changes

The following senior management changes at Wolf Creek Generating Station became effective on September 17, 2007.  Matt Sunseri, formerly Vice President, Engineering assumed the duties of Vice President, Operations and Plant Manager.  Steve Hedges, formerly Vice President, Operations and Plant Manager, assumed the duties of Vice President, Engineering.

Enclosure R

Office of Congressional Affairs (OCA)
Items of Interest
Week Ending September 21, 2007

OCA Contact Date & Place Time Committee Subject Witnesses

09/18/07 2123 Rayburn

10:00 House Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations (Representatives “Nuclear Terrorism Prevention: Status Report on the Federal Government's Assessment of New Radiation Detection Monitors”
  • Gene Aloise – Director, Natural Resources and Environment Division, Government Accountability Office (GAO)
  • Keith Rhodes – Chief Technologist, GAO
  • Vayl Oxford – Director, Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO)
  • Huban Gowadia – Assistant Director for Mission Management, DNDO
  • Dave Huizenga – Assistant Deputy Administrator, Office of International Material Protection and Cooperation, NNSA
  • John Higbee – Dean, Defense Systems Management, School of Program Managers, Defense Acquisition University
  • Paul Schneider – Undersecretary of Homeland Security for Management

09/20/07 406 Dirksen

9:55 Senate Environment and Public Works
(Senators Boxer / Inhofe)
Federal Property Transfer (may include NRC space prospectus) TBD



TBD Senate Environment and Public Works, Subcommittee on Clean Air and Nuclear Safety
(Senators Carper / Voinovich)
NRC Oversight: Reactor Oversight Process and GAO report on NRC’s preparedness to process new license applications TBD

10/TBD/07 TBD

TBD Senate Environment and Public Works
(Senators Boxer / Inhofe)
Licensing of a Repository at Yucca Mountain TBD

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Thursday, October 04, 2007