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(Notation Vote


July 31, 2007

For: The Commissioners
From: Luis A. Reyes,
Executive Director for Operations /RA/



This report provides the seventh semi-annual update on the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) program accomplishments for the period from January 1, 2007, through June 30, 2007. This paper does not address any new commitments or resource implications.


This report is in response to the Chairman's direction, received on January 8, 2004, to continue providing a semi-annual ADAMS status update. Since that time ADAMS has achieved and maintained operational stability.


This section describes the activities and accomplishments in ADAMS: (1) ADAMS status; (2) ADAMS improvements; and (3) the Next Generation ADAMS status.

(1)      ADAMS Status -
(a) Scanning and profiling paper documents - The enclosure PDF Icon presents statistics on documents processed into ADAMS by the Document Processing Center (DPC).
(b) Operations and Maintenance - ADAMS experienced over 99.9 percent availability and less than five minutes of total downtime during the reporting period. This exceeds the service level agreement for ADAMS availability.

End User Support - The ADAMS help desk responded to 7,844 requests for assistance. Of the 3,813 telephone requests, 1,859 were password resets or expired account re-activations. The remaining 4,031 requests concerned assistance with search strategies, profile corrections, and providing guidance in ADAMS use and document processing.


NRC Staff User Training - The Professional Development Center conducted the following ADAMS classes during the reporting period:

Course Number of Sessions Total Number of Attendees
ADAMS Advanced Searching 7 69
ADAMS Document Processing 7 60
ADAMS for NRC Staff 12 132

Assisting the Public - The Public Document Room (PDR) answered 1,601 requests from the public for assistance in obtaining documents stored in ADAMS. The PDR also helped public users search for documents (using ADAMS Find and the Public Interface Portal - the ADAMS web search tool) 2,180 times.

(2)      ADAMS improvements - These efforts focus on adding new capabilities to the system to handle new reactor licensing requirements, address security vulnerabilities to extend the useful life of ADAMS, and correct a longstanding issue related to searching ADAMS content.
(a) ADAMS Release 4.5, which concentrates on supporting the Office of New Reactors business process, includes these new capabilities:
Batch loading and profiling of documents into ADAMS from Compact Disks (CD) or Digital Video Disks (DVD) submitted as part of a licensing application - This saves considerable time and cost when adding large numbers of documents to ADAMS. This capability was delivered to the Document Processing Center (DPC) on June 15, 2007.

Supporting linked documents in ADAMS - This allows the user to open a document stored in ADAMS in the Adobe Acrobat Reader and navigate to other documents stored in ADAMS by clicking on a link to that document. Deployment of this feature to all NRC users was completed on July 17, 2007.

Integrating Microsoft SharePoint portals with ADAMS - From Microsoft SharePoint users can view and open documents stored in ADAMS. This will give users an alternative ADAMS desktop that includes the advance workgroup collaboration features of SharePoint Server 2007. Anticipated delivery of this feature is August 30, 2007.


ADAMS Microsoft Exchange/Outlook Integration - Work is underway to deliver this capability with the Agencywide Exchange/Outlook deployment. In addition, the team is working on a feature that will allow users to add email messages and attachments directly to ADAMS from the Outlook email reader.


ADAMS Release 4.6 - Scheduled for Spring 2008 release, this upgrade will include changes that address ADAMS security. The team is currently analyzing these changes.


ADAMS Search Issue - The Office of Information Services (OIS) continues to work with the ADAMS software vendor to correct a long-standing problem occurring when users submit complex search queries to ADAMS Find. In the interim, the Staff Interface Portal (SIP), which uses a different search engine than ADAMS Find, can be used to reliably find documents in ADAMS.

(3)      Next Generation ADAMS (ngADAMS) - This major project involves selecting a system to replace the underlying commercial software products used for ADAMS. Progress to date includes:

(a) Establishing the ADAMS governance structure consisting of the Steering Committee and User Advisory Group. Both groups were established and held their first meetings.
The Steering Committee is chaired by the Deputy Director of OIS and includes eight Deputy Office Directors and the Deputy Administrator from Region II.

The User Advisory Group (UAG) consists of 37 business subject matter experts and information technology representatives from virtually every program office and region. The UAG will work with the ngADAMS project team to define and prioritize requirements and evaluate competing solutions.


Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) activities - The project team completed and submitted the ngADAMS screening form package for CPIC review. The IT Business Council (ITBC) approved the package and authorized the team to begin work on the ngADAMS business case. The team is working on a detailed project plan to produce the business case package. Market survey activities, which will require UAG participation, should begin in August 2007.


Due to the level of operational stability achieved in ADAMS, this report also requests Commission approval to discontinue the semi-annual status report. Staff will provide future ADAMS updates and the status of Next Generation ADAMS through the annual Office of Information Services (OIS) Commission program review, scheduled periodics, and Commissioners' Assistants (CA) Notes, as needed.


The Office of the General Counsel reviewed this package and has no legal objection.


/RA Martin J. Virgilio Acting For/

Luis A. Reyes
Executive Director for Operations


Document Processing Center Statistics PDF Icon


Susan Johnson, OIS
(301) 415-7177

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Tuesday, August 14, 2007