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July 6, 2007

For: The Commissioners
From: Vonna L. Ordaz, Assistant for Operations, Office of the EDO


Contents Enclosure
Nuclear Reactor Regulation A
New Reactors B
Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards C
Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management Programs D*
Nuclear Regulatory Research E
Nuclear Security and Incident Response F
Administration G
Information Services H
Chief Financial Officer I*
Human Resources J
Small Business & Civil Rights K*
Enforcement L*
Public Affairs M
International Programs N*
Secretary O
Region I P*
Region II P*
Region III P*
Region IV P
Executive Director for Operations Q*
Congressional Affairs R
*No input this week.

/RA by Mindy Landau Acting For/
Vonna L. Ordaz
Assistant for Operations, OEDO

Contact: R. Taylor, OEDO

Enclosure A

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 29, 2007

Advanced Finite Element Analyses

On June 19-20, 2007, NRR and the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) staff conducted a public meeting with industry representatives on the advanced finite element analyses that the industry is performing. These analyses are performed to address staff concerns regarding the potential for rupture without prior evidence of leakage in pressurizer nozzle dissimilar metal welds susceptible to primary water stress corrosion cracking. Industry is performing approximately 100 sensitivity analyses to reduce the uncertainties involved in the analyses of the Wolf Creek flaws performed last fall. Industry presented the results of the first 20 cases analyzed and discussed plans and schedules for the remaining cases. Results of the remaining cases will be needed prior to reaching any conclusions from this study. The staff presented results of confirmatory studies that it is currently performing. The industry plans to complete its analyses by the end of June and provide a draft report to the NRC staff by July 6 and a final report by the end of July. The NRC staff plans to complete its review and preparation of a safety evaluation report by the end of August.

Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Internals Aging Management Program

On June 21, 2007, Nuclear Energy Institute/Electric Power Research Institute (NEI/EPRI) (industry) met with the staff to discuss the status of the industry's program to develop guidelines for the development of an aging management program (AMP) for PWR Reactor Vessel Internals (RVI). The industry program includes development of inspection and evaluation (I & E) guidelines for the RVI components. In this meeting the industry discussed various concepts that are used in the development of the I & E guidelines, inspection strategy, methods and qualification of the inspections. The staff and the industry will meet again in November 2007 to discuss the status related to the development of the I & E guidelines, functionality analysis of the PWR RVI components, and inspection methods and qualifications. The industry proposes to submit the I & E guidelines in 2008 for staff review and approval. The staff agreed to meet with the industry frequently so that the review process can be expedited.

Inservice Testing Owner's Group (ISTOG)

On June 25, 2007, the staff attended a meeting of the ISTOG in Tysons Corner, VA. The owners' group discussed current issues related to inservice testing of pumps and valves and areas for potential code development interactions with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Code for Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants (OM Code). The owners' group specifically discussed issues regarding code relief requests related to pump testing. This meeting was held in conjunction with the ASME OM Code summer meeting.

17th Annual Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications/Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Conference

From June 25 - 27, 2007, staff from NRR, Office of New Reactors, RES, and Regions I, II, and III, attended the 17th Annual Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications/Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (RETS/REMP) Conference, in Philadelphia, PA. One hundred and twenty-eight US and international participants with interests in radiological and environmental monitoring attended the meeting. The majority of the presentations at this meeting focused on the US ground water monitoring and tritium issues. NEI presented an update on the industry's Groundwater Protection Initiative and groundwater monitoring programs. Additionally, members of RES and the Regions participated in a panel session promoting an open discussion of current topics and events relate to licensee's environmental monitoring programs. This meeting provided an excellent opportunity for the NRC to further regulatory openness and communicate directly to the NRC's working level stakeholders.

Regulatory Issue Summary (RIS) 2007-12, "Changes to the Unplanned Scrams with Loss of Normal Heat Removal Performance Indicator"

On June 26, 2007, the staff issued the subject RIS to inform addressees that beginning on July 1, 2007, the agency will replace the unplanned scrams with a loss of normal heat removal (LONHR) performance indicator (PI) with the unplanned scrams with complications (USwC) performance indicator. This RIS and NEI 99-02, "Regulatory Assessment Performance Indicator Guideline," provide guidance to participating addressees for calculating and submitting USwC data to the NRC. This RIS also contains background information for interested members of the public and other stakeholders. Addressee participation in the PI program is voluntary.

Enclosure B

Office of New Reactors (NRO)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 29, 2007

Multinational Design Evaluation Program Stage 2 meeting

On June 20-21, 2007, staff participated in the Multinational Design Evaluation Program Stage 2 experts group meeting on digital instrumentation and control (I&C) in Paris, France. Representatives from France, Korea, Japan, Canada, and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development participated in the meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the results of the surveys on the regulatory requirements and practices regarding digital I&C and to develop potential areas of convergence or cooperation among the participating countries based on the projected benefit and cost/difficulty. The expert group successfully identified and categorized areas of convergence or cooperation, which would be included in the MDEP Stage 2 report.

NEI Decision Regarding Operator Licensing Program

On June 19, 2007, Nuclear Energy Institute informed the staff that the industry/NEI has decided not to pursue the proposed change to the initial examination process that they raised in a meeting with NRC staff on May 24, 2007. The industry, however, is continuing to evaluate the possibility of INPO assuming responsibility for administration of the GFE.

Aircraft Impact Characteristics Sharing

On June 22, 2007, the staff issued a letter to Westinghouse approving its safeguards protection program. Attached to the letter was a copy of the SGI-level aircraft impact characteristics. This information was provided to Westinghouse as directed in SECY-06-0204 which specified that aircraft impact characteristics be shared with the new reactor design vendors.

Meeting with Industry Regarding Future Development of Construction Programs

On June 26, 2007, the NRC staff met with industry representatives to discuss the role of the assessment and enforcement programs in a construction environment. The NRC was invited to exchange high-level concepts for consideration during future development of these programs. Specific discussion topics at this public meeting included Inspections, Tests, Analyses, and Acceptance Criteria (ITAAC) closure verification, ITAAC sample expansion, on-site NRC staffing during construction activities, the importance of the licensee corrective action programs, possible utilization of Reactor Oversight Program concepts (predictability, transparency, etc), and preparation for the upcoming August 30, 2007, public meeting.

Interagency Agreements with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Geological Survey

On June 28, 2007, the Contract Planning and Management Branch received the Chairman's approval to proceed with the interagency agreements with U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to provide technical assistance in support of new reactor licensing.

Vendor Inspections Planned

The staff has finalized its plans for vendor inspections for the remainder of FY07. The staff will conduct inspections at Conval, located in Somers, Connecticut during the July/August time-frame, and at Velan Inc., located in Montreal, Canada, either in late August or early September. Both vendors manufacture a variety of safety-related valves for the U.S. nuclear industry. Conval manufactures high-pressure forged steel valves. Velan manufactures cast and steel valves and holds an American Society of Mechanical Engineers "N" stamp.

Enclosure C

Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 29, 2007

Hearing Process Workshop for Affected Units of Local Government

On June 19-20, 2007, staff held a workshop on the NRC hearing process, which will be used when NRC receives a license application for a high-level waste repository. The workshop was organized in response to multiple requests for NRC to hold a forum where representatives of Affected Units of Local Government could get information from, and ask questions of NRC staff. The representatives are seeking information to help them decide whether and how they will participate in an NRC hearing on the decision to construct a repository at Yucca Mountain, NV. Workshop topics included: the licensing process; the formal hearing process; criteria governing NRC adoption of a Final Environmental Impact Statement; and mechanisms to request NRC services and activities to facilitate participation. It also included the role of the Licensing Support Network and Digital Data Management System in the licensing proceeding. The representatives were interested in techniques, such as web-streaming, whereby members of the public could view NRC's Yucca Mountain proceedings from their home counties.

Yucca Mountain Technical Exchange on Quality Assurance

On June 26, 2007, staff participated in a Technical Exchange with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), in Las Vegas, Nevada. The goal of this meeting was for NRC staff to understand the quality assurance actions that DOE and its contractors are taking and plan to take to ensure that DOE's potential license application for the high-level waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, meets the requirements of 10 CFR Part 63, and is traceable, transparent, and technically sound. This meeting was video-conferenced to NRC headquarters and the Center for Nuclear Waste Repository Analyses, and was open to the public.

Meeting with Nye County Officials in Pahrump, Nevada, on Yucca Mountain

On June 21, 2007, staff traveled to Pahrump, Nevada, to meet with Commissioner Hollis of the Nye County Commission, and Nye County Nuclear Waste Repository Project Office staff. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss means whereby citizens of Nye County will be able to view potential NRC hearings on the proposed repository at Yucca Mountain. While in Pahrump, staff visited a facility the county is renovating to serve as a county meeting site. The county is seeking support to install equipment and electronic connectivity so that interested local citizens could come together and view the Yucca Mountain proceedings.

Enclosure E

Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 29, 2007

Onsite Review of the Low Power and Shutdown Standardized Plant Analysis Risk (SPAR) Model at Davis Besse

From June 19 - 21, 2007, staff from RES, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, and Region III and a contractor from the Idaho National Laboratory participated in a Davis Besse SPAR shutdown (SPAR-SD) model meeting which was held at the licensee offices. This effort is part of RES's ongoing SPAR-SD model development project. The purpose of this meeting was to review the Davis-Besse SPAR-SD model and also to gather additional information on the plant's shutdown operations and procedures. Participants provided perspectives on risk at different plant operating states and reviewed the event trees, potential accident sequences, and operator actions for the shutdown scenarios. SPAR models are used in several agency processes, including the Reactor Oversight Process, the MD 8.3 Incident Investigation Program, and the Accident Sequence Precursor program. This on-site SPAR review process will lead to greater consistency in NRC and industry estimates of plant and event risk.

Enclosure F

Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response (NSIR)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 29, 2007


Preliminary Notifications



Enclosure G

Office of Administration (ADM)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 29, 2007

Conforming Administrative Changes (AH62 - Part 70I)

On June 27, 2007, the NRC published a final rule in the Federal Register (72 FR 35144) that makes conforming changes to citations in regulatory text. This action updates a number of cross references in regulatory text. The final rule became effective June 27, 2007.

Organization of Agreement States; Petition for Rulemaking Meeting (PRM-34-6)

On June 27, 2007, the NRC published a document in the Federal Register (72 FR 35203) that announces a transcribed public meeting with the petitioner to obtain information about specific issues relative to the petition. This action is being taken as part of the petition for rulemaking review process that is evaluating the petitioner's request that the NRC amend its regulations to require that an individual receive at least 40 hours of radiation safety training before they may use sources of radiation for industrial radiography, clarify the requirements for at least two individuals to be present at a temporary job site, and clarify how many individuals are required to meet surveillance requirements. The meeting will be held on August 15, 2007.

Enclosure H

Office of Information Services (OIS)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 29, 2007

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act (PA) Requests Received During the Period of June 22 through June 28, 2007:

Communications between NRC and Fred D. Thompson or his office/staff, 1994-2002; any FOIA request dealing with Fred Thompson since 1-1-01 FOIA/PA-2007-0236
MediPhysics Inc., 4380 Brockton Drive SE, Kentwood, Kent Co., Michigan, all documents FOIA/PA-2007-0237
Staff's current policy re: SECY-92-223, Resolution of Deviations Identified During the Systematic Evaluation Program (SEP) FOIA/PA-2007-0238

Enclosure J

Office of Human Resources (HR)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 29, 2007


Enclosure M

Office of Public Affairs (OPA)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 29, 2007

OPA received significant media inquiries on the following:

Indian Point's License renewal process received considerable coverage by local and NYC media following NRC's proactive outreach to editorial boards prior to and following the public meeting; additional queries were addressed about the plants siren testing.

First Energy's response in the case of Davis-Besse to staff's demand for information.

OPA's proactive outreach to the media prior to the public meeting on a new reactor license at the South Texas project, awarded NRC staff interviews with Telemundo Spanish language television and the Houston Chronicle for the opportunity to discuss the public information meeting, the licensing process, public participation and safety.

Wall Street Journal interviewed Commissioner Merrifield on overseas reactor safety as well as domestic reactor safety.

Pilgrims' pursuit of a license extension.

Other Public Affairs Items:

Region IV OPA staff participated in year-end meetings.

Commissioner Lyons was interviewed by Boston radio station, WATD, which is developing a story regarding Pilgrim. Lyons discussed many general topics including GNEP goal and the NRC's role.

Press Releases
07-080 NRC Adopts Efficiencies in New Reactor License Review Process (6/25)
07-081 NRC Improves Method for Measuring Reactor Performance During Unplanned Shutdowns (6/27)
07-082 NRC Consolidates Security Upgrades for Operating Reactors (6/27)
II-07-034 Oral Comments to be Accepted in Raleigh on July 17 Regarding Proceedings on Harris Nuclear Plant License Renewal Application (6/29)
IV-07-024 NRC Conducting Special Inspection at San Onofre Nuclear Station (6/27)
IV-07-025 NRC to Increase Oversight of Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant (6/28)

Enclosure O

Office of the Secretary (SECY)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 29, 2007

Document Released
to Public
Date Subject
Decision Documents
1. COMDEK-07-0001/
4/18/07 Report of the Combined License Review Task Force
    SRM on 07-0001 6/22/07 (same)
    Commission Voting     Record on 07-0001 PDF Icon 6/22/07 (same)
2. COMSECY-07-0021 6/8/07 Draft Press Release and Federal Register Notice to Solicit Qualified Candidates for Appointment to the Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste and Materials (ACNW&M)
    SRM on 07-0021 6/27/07 (same)
    Commission Voting     Record on 07-0021 PDF Icon 6/27/07 (same)
3. SRM on SECY-07-0081 6/28/07 Regulatory Options for Licensing Facilities Associated with the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP)
    Voting Record on     SECY-07-0081 PDF Icon 6/27/07 (same)
4. SRM on SECY-07-0091 6/29/07 Integrated Regulatory Review Service Self-Assessment Results and Recommendation to Invite an Integrated Regulatory Review Service Mission to the United States
   Commission Voting    Record on 07-0091 PDF Icon 6/29/07 (same)
Information Papers
-  SECY-07-0103 6/20/07 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending June 15, 2007
-  M070628 6/28/07 Staff Requirements - Affirmation Session: I. SECY-07-0097-Consumers Energy Co. (Big Rock Point ISFSI); License Transfer Application; Petition for Reconsideration of CLI-07-19; II. SECY-07-0098-Consumers Energy Company, et al. (Palisades Nuclear Plant); License Transfer Application; Petition for Reconsideration

Commission Correspondence

  1. Letter to Attorney Alberto Gonzales, dated June 22, 2007, writing to advise that Darren B. Ash is designated the NRC's Chief Freedom of Information Act Officer.

  2. Letter to Noriyuki Kuwata, Mitsubishi Nuclear Energy Systems, dated June 22, 2007, responding to letter requesting authorization for Mitsubishi Nuclear Energy Systems to establish and implement a Safeguards Information protection system as preprescribed by Title 10.

  3. Letter to Min-Shen Ouyang, Taiwan, dated June 22, 2007, acknowledges letter informing of retirement from the Atomic Energy Council of Taiwan.

  4. Letter to Congressman Tom Davis, dated June 20, 2007, responds to request for information describing how NRC implements key information technology laws.

  5. Letter to Congress, dated June 19, 2007, informing of a delay in the National Academies' study fo industrial, research, and commercial uses for radiation sources.

Federal Register Notices Issued

  1. Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste and Materials (ACNW&M), Meeting on Planning and Procedures, notice of meeting (07/17/2007).

  2. Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, Notice of Opportunity to Make Oral or Written Limited Appearance Statements (Shearon Harris).

  3. ACNW&M, notice of 181st meeting (7/17-19/2007).

  4. Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, Subcommittee Meeting on Regulatory Policies and Practices, revised 07/10/2007 meeting.

  5. Raymond A. Crandall; Receipt of Petition for Rulemaking (PRM-50-87) - notice of receipt.

Enclosure P

Region IV (RIV)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 29, 2007

Diablo Canyon Power Plant Annual Assessment and Town Hall Meetings

On June 26, 2007, NRC staff held two public meetings in San Luis Obispo, California regarding Diablo Canyon Power Plant. The first meeting was with representatives of Pacific Gas and Electric to discuss annual performance assessment results for 2006. The second meeting was a town hall meeting with members of the public. The majority of the discussions concerned the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation and associated environmental impact study. Both meetings were well attended by members of the public, state and local officials, representatives from the Mother's for Peace, and a member of a U.S. Representative's staff. The second meeting was covered by reporters from a local newspaper and a local television station.

Arkansas Nuclear One Annual Assessment Meeting

On June 26, 2007, NRC staff held a public meeting in Russellville, Arkansas with representatives of Entergy Operations, Inc., to discuss the annual assessment of Arkansas Nuclear One for 2006. The meeting was attended by about 12 people. There were no members of the general public and no media representatives present.

Enclosure R

Office of Congressional Affairs (OCA)
Items of Interest
Week Ending June 29, 2007

Decker 06/26/07
192 Dirksen
3:00 Senate Appropriations
Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development
Senators Dorgan/Domenici
Markup of FY 2008 Energy and Water Appropriations N/A
Shane 06/27-28/07
2123 Rayburn
TBA House Energy and Commerce
Reps. Dingell/Barton
Markup of Pending Legislation
1. Committee print to promote energy efficiency, 2. Comm. print to facilitate the transition to a smart grid, 3. Comm. print re: DOE EPAct Loan Guarantees, 4. Comm. print to promote renewable-fuel infrastructure
Powell 06/28/07
406 Dirksen
10:00 Senate Environment and Public Works
Senators Boxer/Inhofe
(Coal-fired) Power Plants and Global Warming Issues TBA
Decker 06/28/07
216 Hart
2:00 Senate Appropriations
Senators Byrd/Cochran
Markup of FY 2008 Energy and Water Appropriations N/A

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Thursday, July 12, 2007