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June 4 , 2007

For: The Commissioners
From: Luis A. Reyes,
Executive Director for Operations



This information paper summarizes the power uprate program accomplishments and challenges since the last update in SECY-06-0136, dated June 9, 2006. This paper does not address any new commitments or resources.


The staff provides the Commission with an annual update of significant power uprate activities in accordance with the staff requirements memorandum (SRM) dated February 8, 2002 (SRM-M020129).


Since the last update, the staff has approved four plant-specific power uprates. The staff is currently reviewing 11 power uprates. Over the next 5 years, the staff expects that licensees will submit an additional 27 power uprate applications. The enclosed status report provides detailed information on the power uprates approved since June 9, 2006; applications under review; applications expected in the future; accomplishments; operating experience; and program performance.

The staff completed the four plant-specific power uprate reviews consistent with the established timeliness goals. In addition, the staff's timely and rigorous acceptance reviews of three power uprate applications resulted in expeditious supplements by the licensees that provided the information needed for the staff to accept the applications.

As discussed in last year's status report on power uprates, the staff is looking for opportunities to improve the process for reviewing extended power uprate applications by using audits. Since last year's status report, the staff has determined that a working-level public meeting will serve the same purpose as an audit. Therefore, the staff will consider the use of audits and/or working-level meetings in its review of the new extended power uprate applications.

The staff has revised and issued its review guidance to address operating experience in the area of potential adverse flow effects from power uprates. In addition, when the staff completes its reevaluation of the generic approvals of ultrasonic flow meters used for measurement uncertainty recapture power uprates, the staff will consider issuing additional guidance for these types of power uprate applications.

The continuing goal is for the staff to conduct timely power uprate reviews of appropriate scope and depth for each of the technical areas while providing continued assurance that safety will be maintained.


The Office of the General Counsel reviewed this report and has no legal objection.


/RA William F. Kane Acting for/

Luis A. Reyes
Executive Director for Operations

Enclosure: Power Uprate Program Status Report PDF Icon


Thomas W. Alexion
(301) 415-1326

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007