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February 1, 2007

For: The Commissioners
From: Michael R. Johnson, Assistant for Operations, Office of the EDO


Contents Enclosure
Nuclear Reactor Regulation A
New Reactors B
Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards C
Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management Programs D
Nuclear Regulatory Research E
Nuclear Security and Incident Response F*
Administration G
Information Services H
Chief Financial Officer I*
Human Resources J
Small Business & Civil Rights K*
Enforcement L*
Public Affairs M
International Programs N
Secretary O
Region I P*
Region II P*
Region III P*
Region IV P*
Executive Director for Operations Q*
Congressional Affairs R*
*No input this week.

/RA Chris Miller Acting For/
Michael R. Johnson
Assistant for Operations, OEDO

Contact: U. Shoop, OEDO

Enclosure A

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)
Items of Interest
Week Ending January 19, 2007

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Code for Operation and Maintenance (OM) of Nuclear Power Plants Motor-Operated Valve (MOV) Subgroup, and MOV and Air-Operated Valve (AOV) Users' Group Meetings

On January 9-10, 2007, the NRC staff made presentations at the MOV and AOV Users' Group meetings. In particular, the staff discussed regulatory activities related to MOVs, the recent NRC reorganization as related to the oversight of MOV and AOV issues, participation of NRC staff at users group meetings, and the NRC staff recent ballot on the proposed ASME OM Code appendix that would allow replacement of the quarterly AOV stroke-time IST requirement with periodic exercising and diagnostic testing. In addition, on January 10, 2007, the staff participated in a meeting of the ASME Subgroup on Motor-Operated Valves. The committee members of the Subgroup reached agreement on resolution of OM Main Committee comments related to a proposed mandatory appendix to the ASME OM Code that would replace quarterly MOV stroke-time testing with periodic exercising and diagnostic testing. The proposed Code appendix will be returned to the OM Main Committee for completion of the ballot process.

Meeting with Representatives of ASME Code Committee Members

On January 10-11, 2007, the staff hosted a public meeting with ASME Code Committee members and interested industry representatives. Discussions were held regarding ASME Code technical and regulatory issues associated with welding, NDE, and pressure testing technologies and practices. One of the significant outcomes of the meeting was a path forward to streamline relief request submittals for weld overlays, thus potentially reducing staff and industry resources in the preparation, review, and approval of relief requests.

Risk Management Technical Specifications Meeting

On January 18, 2007, the staff met with the Nuclear Energy Institute and industry owner group representatives to discuss the status of Risk Management Technical Specifications initiatives. The Risk Management Technical Specifications initiatives are significant agency efforts to risk-inform the Standard Technical Specifications. These include Initiative 1 to modify plant Technical Specifications Required Action end states; Initiative 4b to allow licensee use of risk to calculate Completion Times for Technical Specifications Required Actions; and Initiative 6 to allow risk-informed Technical Specifications Required Action Completion Times to restore system Operability prior to starting a Technical Specifications 3.0.3 plant shutdown. The Nuclear Energy Institute submitted their recommendations to Chairman Klein in a letter dated December 21, 2006.

Renewed Operating License for the Palisades Nuclear Plant Issued

On January 17, 2007, the operating license for the Palisades Nuclear Plant was extended for an additional 20 years. The expiration date for the renewed license is March 24, 2031. Nuclear Management Company, LLC, submitted the license renewal application to the NRC by letter, dated March 22, 2005. The staff completed its review in less than 22 months, as documented in a safety evaluation report (SER), NUREG-1871, issued in January 2007, and Supplement 27 to the Generic Environmental Impact Statement, dated October 2006.

Regulatory Issue Summary (RIS) 2007-01, "Clarification of NRC Guidance for Maintaining a Standard Emergency Action Level Scheme"

On January 10, 2007, the staff issued the subject RIS. The purpose of this RIS is to clarify the regulatory requirement that licensees have a standard emergency classification and action level scheme in use, to ensure classification of events in a logical manner.

Enclosure B

Office of New Reactors (NRO)
Items of Interest
Week Ending January 19, 2007

Site Visit and Audit of Vogtle Early Site Permit (ESP) Application

During the week of January 8, 2007, the staff conducted an audit of the Vogtle ESP application in the areas of hydrology, health physics, geology, seismology, and geo-technical engineering. While at the site, the staff was given a tour of the ESP proposed facility boundary and also a tour of some key areas at the Savannah River Site in support of the review of the Vogtle ESP application. The multiple audits that have been conducted at the Vogtle ESP site will help to focus the staff's review and shape the requests for additional information that will be issued next month.

Public Meeting on Tsunami Hazards for New Reactors

On January 17, 2007, the staff conducted a public meeting with industry representatives to discuss tsunami guidance related to future reactor siting in coastal areas and to allow for early public dialogue regarding the planned update to NUREG-0800, Standard Review Plan 2.4.6, "Probable Maximum Tsunami Hazards." The meeting was attended by the Nuclear Energy Institute, several utility companies, the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and the general public. In addition, the NRC and industry expressed interest in participating in pre-application meetings concerning detailed applications for specific coastal sites.

Enclosure C

Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS)
Items of Interest
Week Ending January 19, 2007

BWX Technologies, Inc.

On January 17, 2007, the staff issued an Order containing Additional Security Measures for BWXT's Lynchburg Technology Center which is co-located with the Category I facility at its site in Lynchburg, Virginia. The Order and Additional Security Measures ensure the protection of the spent reactor fuel located in the underground storage facility.

NAC International on MAGNASTOR Meeting

On January 12, 2007, the staff met with representatives of NAC International (NAC) to discuss the staff review of NAC's application for a Certificate of Compliance (CoC) for the MAGNASTOR dry cask storage system under 10 CFR Part 72. The initial application was submitted in August 2004 and has been supplemented a number of times. The NRC staff informed NAC that the information submitted to date is not sufficient in certain areas for the staff to make the necessary safety findings to support issuance of a CoC at this time. The calculational methods to support structural stability of the storage canister internal fuel basket is the primary outstanding issue. The NRC staff indicated that it would consider the information presented by NAC at the meeting in determining whether to reconsider our decision to suspend review of the application, and that we would inform NAC promptly of our decision.

Enclosure D

Office of Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management Programs (FSME)
Items of Interest
Week Ending January 19, 2007

Proposed Rule Signed by EDO

On January 19, 2007, the Executive Director for Operations approved a proposed rule which modifies 10 CFR Part 72.214, "List of approved spent fuel storage casks," to revise the Transnuclear, Inc., Standardized NUHOMS® System listing within the "List of approved spent fuel storage casks." This amendment will modify the Certificate of Compliance by revising Technical Specifications 1.2.1 and 1.2.14 to add the Framatome-ANP, Version 9x9-2 fuel assemblies as approved contents for storage in the NUHOMS®-61BT dry shielded canister.

Enclosure E

Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES)
Items of Interest
Week Ending January 19, 2007

Eighth Bilateral Meeting Between the NRC and the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board of India (AERB) on Nuclear Safety Projects

On January 8-12, 2007, the staff met with technical staff and managers from AERB, the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd., and the Bhabha Atomic Research Center. As a result of the meetings, the parties agreed to investigate opportunities for future cooperation in the areas of software testing and digital system reliability analysis and to discuss these areas during the November 2007 meeting in Mumbai, India. On January 15-16, 2007, the delegation visited the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station and the Massachusetts Institution of Technology Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems.

Enclosure G

Office of Administration (ADM)
Items of Interest
Week Ending January 19, 2007

Export and Import of Nuclear Material; Exports to Libya Restricted (AIO2 - Part 110)

On January 12, 2007, the NRC published a final rule in the Federal Register (72 FR 1426) that amended its export/import regulations to move Libya from the list of embargoed destinations to the list of restricted destinations. This means that exports of small quantities of certain nuclear materials may qualify for the general license specified in NRC regulations in accordance with current U.S. law and policy. The final rule became effective January 12, 2007.

Massachusetts Attorney General; Reopening of Public Comment on Petition for Rulemaking (PRM-51-10)

On January 19, 2007, the NRC published a document in the Federal Register (72 FR 2464) that reopened the public comment period on a petition for rulemaking submitted by Diane Curran on behalf of the Massachusetts Attorney General (PRM-51-10). The petitioner requested that the NRC revoke certain regulations in their entirety, and revoke other regulations to the extent that these regulations, in the petitioner's view, state, imply, or assume that the environmental impacts of storing spent nuclear fuel in high-density pools are not significant; issue a generic determination to clarify that the environmental impacts of high-density pool storage of spent fuel, will be considered significant; and require that any NRC licensing decision concerning high-density pool storage of spent nuclear fuel be accompanied by an environmental impact statement that addresses the environmental impacts of this storage and alternatives for avoiding or mitigating any environmental impacts. The comment period on this action now closes March 19, 2007.

Enclosure H

Office of Information Services (OIS)
Items of Interest
Week Ending January 19, 2007

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act (PA) Requests Received During the Period of January 12 through January 18, 2007:

Report of the DOE/NRC Interagency Working Group on Radiological Dispersal Devices, drafted in early 2003 FOIA/PA-2007-0078
Licenses for named facilities in Philadelphia, PA area FOIA/PA-2007-0079
Indian Point leaks of water containing tritium & strontium-90, all correspondence between NRC & Entergy Nuclear Northeast from 9-21-06 and 1-11-07 FOIA/PA-2007-0080
Tennessee Valley Authority, all settlement agreements in DOL whistle blower cases reviewed/approved by RII counsel from 1-1-06 thru present FOIA/PA-2007-0081
Indian Point charger to assess the reactor oversight process (ROP), all correspondence between Commission and NRC staff, ML062840464 and COM-SECY 06-0068 FOIA/PA-2007-0082
Contract RSA ADM-07-0412, Service & Maintenance for Industrial Machinery FOIA/PA-2007-0083
Allegation OIG-3699, all documents including correspondence between NRC & named individual FOIA/PA-2007-0084
Security clearance records on named individual FOIA/PA-2007-0085
Argo Tech, TRW, or Thompson Air Products Co., 23555 Euclid Ave., Euclid, OH 44117, environmental significant events, all records FOIA/PA-2007-0086
Civil & administrative violations for which a monetary penalty was assessed, CY2006 FOIA/PA-2007-0087

Enclosure J

Office of Human Resources (HR)
Items of Interest
Week Ending January 19, 2007


Enclosure M

Office of Public Affairs (OPA)
Items of Interest
Week Ending January 19, 2007

The OPA received significant media inquiries on the following:

The Supreme Court's decision not to review the 9th Circuit's ruling that NRC should consider the environmental impacts of potential terrorist attacks on nuclear facilities during licensing reviews.

Oyster Creek's license renewal application.

The effects of the federal budget crunch and a "continuing resolution" on the NRC.

NRC's regulatory oversight of the Palo Verde nuclear plant.

An outage at Monticello and its potential ramifications for other plants.

Other Public Affairs Items:

Chairman Klein was interviewed by the Associated Press.

Press Releases
07-006 NRC, FERC Commissioners to Discuss Grid Reliability January 23 in Rockville, Maryland (1
07-007 NRC Renews Operating License for Palisades Nuclear Power Plant for an Additional 20 Years (1/17)
07-008 NRC Finds No Significant Environmental Impacts from Extended Operation of Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant (1/19)
I-07-003 NRC to Hold Public Meetings on Draft Environmental Impact Report for Vermont Yankee Nuclear Plant License Renewal Application (1/17)

Enclosure N

Office of International Programs (OIP)
Items of Interest
Week Ending January 19, 2007

License Issued to Export High-Enriched Uranium to Canada

On January 17, 2007, the Office of International Programs issued to the Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration, Y-12 National Security Complex a license to export 15.5 kilograms of high-enriched uranium (enriched up to 93% uranium-235) to Chalk River Laboratories in Canada. The material will be used by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited to fabricate targets which will be irradiated in the National Research Universal Reactor to produce medical isotopes.

Enclosure O

Office of the Secretary (SECY)
Items of Interest
Week Ending January 19, 2007

Document Released
to Public
Date Subject
Decision Documents
  1. SRM-SECY-06-0231
01/16/07 NRC Implementation Plan for the Radiation Source Protection and Security Task Force Report
Commission Voting Record on 06-0231 PDF Icon
01/16/07 (same)
  1. SECY-07-0001
01/03/07 Proposed Rule: Regulatory Improvements to the Nuclear Materials Management and Safeguards System (RIN 3150-AH85)
SRM on 07-0001
01/17/07 (same)
Commission Voting Record on 07-0001 PDF Icon
01/17/07 (same)
  1. COMSECY-06-0060
11/28/06 NRC Policy for Preventing and Eliminating Harassing Conduct in the Workplace
SRM on 06-0060
01/18/07 (same)
Commission Voting Record on 06-0060 PDF Icon
01/18/07 (same)
Information Papers
  1. SECY-06-0248
12/27/06 Results of Staff Actions to Identify Problems in Authorizing Medical Physicists Under 10 CFR Part 35 in Response to Staff Requirements Memorandum SECY-06-0069
  1. SECY-07-0012
01/12/07 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending January 5, 2007
  1. M061214C
01/16/07 Staff Requirements - Meeting with Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste
  1. M070110
01/16/07 Staff Requirements - Briefing on Browns Ferry Unit 1 Restart
  1. M061211
01/17/07 Staff Requirements - Briefing on Status of Decommissioning Activities

Commission Correspondence

  1. Letter to Michael Rose, Chairman, Interjurisdictional Planning Committee, dated January 11, 2007, responds to requested approval of proposed emergency plan (E-Plan) change to Protection Action Recommendation structure for San Onofre.

  2. Letter to James Wells, GAO, dated January 10, 2007, provides comments on the proposed draft report "Retirements and Anticipated New Reactor Applications Will Challenge NRC's Workforce" (GAO-07-105).

  3. Letter to Governor Edward G. Rendell, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, dated January 9, 2007, responds to request for an Agreement between NRC and the State of Pennsylvania.

Federal Register Notices Issued

  1. PRM-51-10, Diane Curran; Receipt of Petition for Rulemaking; Reopening of Public Comment Period.

  2. Exemption from the requirement for a specific license to import radioactive waste (AREVA NP Inc.).

  3. Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, PPL Susquehanna LLC (Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Units 1 and 2).

  4. Final rule. 10 CFR Part 73, FIN: 3150-AH90, Secure Transfer of Nuclear Materials.


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Thursday, February 22, 2007