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SECY 97-084

April 16, 1997

For: The Commissioners
From: James L. Blaha, Assistant for Operations, Office of the EDO

Contents Enclosure
Nuclear Reactor Regulation A
Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards B
Nuclear Regulatory Research C*
Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data D
General Counsel E*
Administration F
Chief Information Officer G
Chief Financial Officer H
Human Resources I
Small Business & Civil Rights J
Enforcement K*
State Programs L
Public Affairs M
International Programs N*
Office of the Secretary O*
Region I P*
Region II P
Region III P
Region IV P
Executive Director for Operations Q*
Congressional Affairs R
*No input this week

James L. Blaha
Assistant for Operations, OEDO

Contact:  B. McCabe, OEDO


Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 11, 1997

1997 Regulatory Information Conference

The Ninth NRC Regulatory Information Conference was held on April 1-2, 1997, at The Capital Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C., with over 800 registered participants. Of the registered individuals who attended the conference, 40 percent represented nuclear utilities; 36 percent represented private companies associated with the nuclear power industry, including manufacturers, architect/engineers, vendors, law firms, and consultants; and 13 percent represented other government agencies, national laboratories, research organizations, and foreign organizations representing Canada, England, France, Spain, Japan, Korea, and Sweden. Forty-five utilities were represented, including 251 representatives from senior management.

Status of Review of Licensee Responses to 50.54(f) Request on Design Bases

Phases 1 and 2 of the process for reviewing licensee responses to the 10 CFR 50.54(f) request for information on design bases are complete. In addition, the Regions and NRR have completed the initial effort for Phase 3 with a presentation of the results of the reviews at their respective Plant Performance Review/10 CFR 50.54(f) Assessment meetings.

On April 9, 1997, Region I management discussed the results of their reviews at the Senior Management Meeting screening meeting for Region I plants. The Senior Management Meeting screening meetings for Region II, III and IV plants are scheduled for the week of April 14, 1997. Phase 3 will culminate in May 1997 with a status report to the Commission on the results of the initial reviews of the responses, identification of insights gained to date, and the recommendations for Phase 4 of the initiative.

Beaver Valley Power Station Units 1 and 2

On April 7, 1997, Allegheny Power System, Inc. and DQE, Inc., parent company of Duquesne Light Company (licensee for Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit Nos. 1 and 2), announced a $10.6 billion dollar agreement to merge the two companies. The new company, Allegheny Energy, would have approximately 8600 employees and generating capacity of 11,000 megawatts. Allegheny Energy's generation assets would primarily be coal fired stations. As part owner of Beaver Valley Unit Nos. 1 and 2 and Perry Nuclear Generating Station, nuclear power owned by the new company would account for approximately 6 percent (662 megawatts) of total generation capacity for the new company. The merger has been unanimously approved by both companies' Boards of Directors. Shareholder and regulatory approval are scheduled within the next 12 to 18 months.

Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Units 1 and 2

Susquehanna Unit 1 is currently at 100% power. Unit 2 is in CONDITION 5, refueling. On March 9, 1997, the staff approved an exigent amendment to the Technical Specifications for Unit 2 which will permit the utility to load new ATRIUM-10 fuel into the reactor core and will restrict the plant from restarting and operation. This restriction will exist until another amendment is issued to approve the use of the Siemens Power Corporation (SPC) ATRIUM fuel under all plant CONDITIONS. This amendment, submitted in December of 1996, is still under review by the Reactor Systems staff with support from BNL. There is a strong potential that the review process will delay the planned restart of the reactor because of yet to be resolved technical concerns which need to be resolved with SPC. The licensee indicated that based on completion of outage milestones, that it could have restarted as early as April 18th. Our current best estimate for amendment issuance with accelerated review is mid-May.

Maine Yankee

On April 3, 1997, the staff met with the licensee at the site to discuss the Maine Yankee Restart Readiness Plan (RRP) which the licensee submitted on March 7, 1997. Later the same day, the staff met with the public to receive comments on the Maine Yankee RRP. Ten members of the public signed up to speak. After they had spoken, the staff received comments from the floor. The meeting lasted about 2½ hours. The Maine Yankee Assessment Panel will meet in Region I on April 22 to complete the development of the staff's plan for assessing restart readiness of Maine Yankee.

In an open enforcement conference on March 11, 1997, the licensee identified two root causes of its identified weaknesses in addition to those identified by the Independent Safety Assessment Team (ISAT). The additional root causes were distributed ownership of programs and a non-intrusive quality assurance (QA) function.

To address weaknesses in the QA function, Maine Yankee has replaced the QPD manager and is significantly enhancing QPD staffing (29 positions in quality control and 19 in quality assurance). The goals of the new QPD manager include focus on compliance verification, de-emphasis of customer/supplier relationship, increased QPD management oversight, and more real-time analysis of observations. Historically, Maine Yankee's Quality Programs Department (QPD) has consisted of one department manager, one section head and 3-5 staff.

To address weaknesses in program ownership, the licensee's RRP includes conduct of Plant Program Readiness Assessments (PPRAs) to evaluate the adequacy of plant programs for restart. These assessments are conducted by the department assigned ownership for the programs and reviewed by the Non-Hardware Subcommittee (NHS). The staff observed the NHS meeting on Friday, April 4, 1997. While the licensee has made progress in defining program ownership, it was evident that some of the 200+ identified programs are still being assigned owners. The NHS exhibited a sound questioning attitude. Initial PPRAs are due to the NHS within the next few weeks. Final assessments are due in June to support the licensee's projected mid-July restart.

In addition to the above actions, and as part of their "extent of conditions" review, the licensee is conducting departmental assessments. Also, safety system reviews and addition of 25 system engineers are planned prior to restart. Design basis documentation of certain safety systems as committed to in the licensee's design basis 50.54(f) response will continue post-restart.

NRR and Region staff will visit the site during the week of April 14, to focus on outage management, restart committee meetings and major engineering issues.

Prairie Island Units 1 and 2

Northern States Power Company continues to monitor the spring flood outlook based on reports from the National Weather Service to determine the impact on Prairie Island Units 1 and 2. Due to recent precipitation in the region, the National Weather Service has increased the forecasted crest level from an elevation of 684.8 to 687.7 feet. The crest date is estimated to occur sometime between April 12 and April 18, 1997. Plant grade level is at the 694 foot elevation. The Notice of Unusual Event level is at the 686 foot elevation and unit shutdown is required at the 692 foot elevation. Access to the plant is limited to a single 2-lane road which has recently been raised to an elevation of 690 feet in anticipation of the spring flooding. Ongoing activities and preparations by the licensee include increased surveillance around the plant, the shutdown of two cooling towers, a hold on the release of radioactive liquid effluent, and securing alternate transportation (pontoon boats and busses). In addition, if the Notice of Unusual Event level (686' elv.) is reached, the licensee will keep additional staff onsite.


Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 11, 1997

Meeting with Secretary of Puerto Rico Department of Health

On April 3, 1997, Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff from Region II and the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards met with the Secretary of the Puerto Rico Department of Health (the Secretary). Also attending were the Head of the Department of Opthamology for the University of Puerto Rico, the Counsel to the Secretary, and the Head of the Puerto Rico Department of Radiation Protection. The meeting was held to discuss medical follow-up of multiple individuals who had been the subjects of misadministrations in receiving treatment from a Sr-90 eye applicator. All parties agreed that medical follow-up was appropriate for those who had been over-exposed. The Secretary agreed to send a letter to each of the over-exposed individuals. These letters will: (1) notify each that they have been the subject of a misadministration; (2) inform them of the potential medical complications; and (3) provide the Secretary's advice that they seek follow-up medical review. The Secretary agreed to send the letters to these individuals on an annual basis. Region II will provide the Secretary with the names of the over-exposed individuals and a draft letter. Region II is also working with the Puerto Rico Department of Health to ensure that all individuals are notified of misadministrations, whether they are over- or under-exposed.

Commercial Space Launches and Activities

On April 3, 1997, Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff from the Office of the General Counsel, the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Region IV and the Walnut Creek Field Office met with representatives and legal counsel from Lockheed Martin and the Department of Transportation (DOT) to discuss licensing issues concerning commercial space launches and activities. During the meeting, it was confirmed that, in accordance with the Commercial Space Launch Act, DOT has licensing authority over commercial space launches and launch preparations, while NRC's authority over such licensed commercial space launches covers possession and use of radioactive materials prior to the launch.

Based on the outcome of the meeting, the staff will consider amending the Lockheed Martin license to include authorization for the installation of byproduct material onto the launch vehicles. Further discussions with DOT will clearly determine DOT and NRC licensing jurisdiction concerning other space launch activities.

Sealed Source and Device Safety Evaluation Workshop

On April 7-11, 1997, the Sealed Source Safety Section, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, held a workshop on Sealed Source and Device (SS&D) Safety Evaluations. Participants included 20 representatives from the Agreement States, and three members of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of State Programs.

Workshop topics included: requirements and related reviews for safety evaluations, blueprint reading, general engineering principles associated with sources/devices, applicable ANSI and ISO standards, incidents and related analyses relative to sealed sources and devices, and the importance of "lessons learned" in the safety evaluation process.

Public Meeting Concerning Molycorp, Inc., Washington, Pennsylvania

On April 3, 1997, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) and Region I staff attended a public meeting in Canton Township, Pennsylvania, to address public concerns regarding decommissioning-related activities proposed at the Molycorp, Inc., Washington, Pennsylvania, Site Decommissioning Management Plan site. The meeting was moderated by the Township Supervisors. Approximately 75 people attended, including a member of U.S. Congressman Mascara's staff. The meeting began with presentations by NRC staff followed by a question and answer period. The principal concerns were: (1) temporary storage of waste resulting from the licensee's cleanup of an adjacent property; (2) the licensee's proposal to store decommissioning waste from its York, Pennsylvania, facility at the Washington site; (3) the licensee's proposal to dispose of decommissioning waste on site at the Washington facility; and (4) off site contamination/exposure. Region I inspected the stored waste in October 1996 and no violations were found. However, the public has a continuing concern that the waste from the cleanup of the adjacent property is located near a creek. NMSS staff is reviewing this concern. The staff is also in the process of preparing an environmental assessment associated with the licensee's proposal to store the York waste at the Washington facility. NMSS staff described the proposal and informed the public of the status of its review. The licensee plans to submit an environmental report (ER) in support of their request to dispose of waste on site. The ER is expected in late April 1997. NRC staff explained that the review of this proposal would require the development of an environmental impact statement, and explained the process with a focus on public involvement. With regard to off site contamination/exposure, Region I staff explained the inspection process, and reported that there is no evidence of off site contamination and that fence-line dose rates are at background levels. The meeting was covered by the local print and broadcast media.

Prior to the public meeting, the NRC staff members met with the Township Supervisors to discuss the public meeting and address their concerns.

West Valley Citizen Task Force Meeting on Regulatory Guideposts

On April 2, 1997, Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff participated in the West Valley Citizen Task Force meeting to discuss regulatory guidelines for decommissioning and waste management at the West Valley site. The Department of Energy and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority convened the Task Force in January 1997, for advice on closure and decommissioning of the West Valley site near Springville and Ashford, New York. The NRC presentation identified regulatory and legislative precedents that could be used to guide the Task Force's consideration of various alternatives for closing and decommissioning West Valley site after completion of the Demonstration Project. Task Force participants showed interest in potential application of the draft final rulemaking on radiological criteria for license termination to West Valley, including alternatives for potential exposures exceeding 500 millirem per year to a member of the critical population group. The Task Force requested that the NRC staff members return for a follow-up meeting on May 7, 1997, to discuss application of the draft final rulemaking to West Valley, including topics such as: examples of effective institutional controls, risks from West Valley wastes sent to off site disposal facilities, reinstatement of the 10 CFR Part 50 license at West Valley, and groundwater protection.


Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 11, 1997

AEOD Engineering Evaluation, E97-01, "Review of Industry Efforts to Manage Pressurized Water Reactor Feedwater Nozzle, Piping, and Feedring Cracking and Wall Thinning, (NUREG/CR-6456, March 1997)

AEOD issued an Engineering Evaluation, AEOD/E97-01, "Review of Industry Efforts to Manage Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Feedwater Nozzle, Piping, and Feedring Cracking and Wall Thinning," (NUREG/CR-6456 INEL 96/0089, March 1997). The report is a comprehensive overview of technical issues associated with PWR feedwater nozzle, piping, and feedring cracking and wall thinning; safety aspects; and industry actions to manage these issues. The report should be useful in identifying, assessing, and evaluating program options to manage these issues. The effort focused on the main and auxiliary feedwater piping adjacent to the feedwater nozzle, the thermal sleeve, feedring, and J tubes. The principle areas reviewed were (1) feedwater system design, (2) safety significance of feedwater line rupture, (3) fatigue cracking experience, (4) flow-accelerated corrosion-induced wall thinning experience, (5) steam generator water hammer damage experience, (6) degradation mechanisms, (7) inservice inspection methods, and (8) mitigation, monitoring, and replacement activities.

Stolen Source Incident

On Monday, April 7, 1997, NRC staff from AEOD and NMSS supported Region IV in responding to the theft of a radiography camera containing a 25 Ci iridium-192 in Billings, Montana. The NRC worked with local authorities and the State to issue press warnings concerning the danger of the material if it were found outside of the shielding. The NRC determined that the resources of the Department of Energy Aerial Measuring System could assist in determining if the source material was unshielded, thereby presenting a danger to public health and safety. Adverse weather conditions prevented the plane from completing its mission in Billings on April 9. During a conference call on April 10 to determine the viability of a survey flight on that day, the licensee notified NRC that the location of the source had been reported by an anonymous caller. The licensee sent a radiographer to retrieve the camera and it is now in the custody of the licensee, Mattingly Testing Services. The camera was in good condition and the source was still in the camera.


b. PNO-I-97-021, Hewlett-Packard Company, LOSS OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL.
c. PNO-II-97-020, Florida Power & Light Co., (Saint Lucie 1 2), SUSPECTED DRUG SMOKING DEVICE FOUND INSIDE PROTECTED AREA.
d. PNO-III-97-030, Commonwealth Edison Co. (La Salle 1 2), OPERATOR EXAMINATION FAILURES.
e. PNO-IV-97-019, Mattingly Testing Services, Inc., THEFT OF RADIOGRAPHIC EXPOSURE DEVICE (Event Number: 32084).


Office of Administration
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 11, 1997

Procurement Reform

On Monday, April 7, 1997, the Division of Contracts (DC) policy staff, with the assistance of AEOD, successfully tested satellite capability for viewing live presentations from other geographic areas. The test program was Vice President Gore's speech and Town Hall meeting with federal workers at the 2nd Annual Reinvention Revolution conference held at NIH's Natcher Center. DC plans make use of this technology to view periodic federal-wide broadcasts on reinvention issues and initiatives.

PC REFRESH Contract Protest

The General Accounting Office has denied a protest filed by Telestar under NRC's solicitation RS-IRM-96-177 entitled, "Acquisition of Microcomputer Hardware and Software, Laser Printers, and Microcomputer Support Services (PC REFRESH)." The protester had challenged the agency's conclusion that its proposal was technically unacceptable. GAO denied the protest in their April 4, 1997, decision, noting that NRC's records demonstrated that the agency's evaluation of the proposal was reasonable.

Documents Submitted for Publication

The following documents have been forwarded to the Office of the Secretary for signature and publication or to the Office of the Federal Register for publication:

Rulemaking Activities: Conduct of Employees; CFR Part Removal (Part 0)

A final rule that removes 10 CFR Part 0 (NRC regulations governing the conduct of employees) from the CFR was published in the Federal Register on April 4, 1997 (62 FR 16053). These regulations are no longer applicable because the Office of Government Ethics issued executive branch-wide regulations on exemptions and waivers for financial interests that supersede the remaining substantive provision in 10 CFR Part 0. The final rule became effective April 4, 1997.

10 CFR Parts 25 and 95

The Division of Security's final rule amending 10 CFR Parts 25 and 95, "Access to and Protection of Classified Information," to conform with security requirements of new Executive Orders and the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual was approved for publication by the EDO on March 26, 1997 and will be published in the Federal Register the week of April 7, 1997.

National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Committee, (NSTISSC) Off-Site

The Director of Security and the Chief, Information Security Branch, attended the National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Committee, (NSTISSC) Off-Site in Charlottesville, VA. This meeting brings together representatives from the all major government departments and agencies, as well as industry and academia, to discuss changes in information security technologies, programs, strategies and paradigms.


Chief Information Officer
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 11, 1997

FOIA/PA Requests Received During the Week Ending April 10, 1997

I.M.P.A.C. holder listing. (FOIA/PA-97-0125)
Facsimile phone number listing. (FOIA/PA-97-0126)
Computer systems inventory listing. (FOIA/PA-97-0127)
Unusual events summary, January through December 1996. (FOIA/PA-97-0128)
Passive Autocatalytic Recombiner device, testing records. (FOIA/PA-97-0129)
Kewaunee plant, auxiliary feedwater system Task Interface Agreement (TIA). (FOIA/PA-97-0130)
Calvert Cliffs, radiation releases January 1975 through May 1978. (FOIA/PA-97-0131)
Diagnostic Evaluation Team Inspections listing with plant name, date of report, and inspection number. (FOIA/PA-97-0132)
Gaseous diffusion enrichment facilities, plan for achieving compliance. (FOIA/PA-97-0133)


Chief Financial Officer
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 11, 1997

NRC'S FY 1998 Budget

On April 10, 1997, Statements for the Record on NRC's FY 1998 Budget were submitted for Chairman Jackson and the Inspector General to the House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development. Responses to questions from Congressman McDade on NRC's programs and resources were also submitted to the Subcommittee. Copies were also provided to the Office Directors and Regional Administrators.


Office of Personnel
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 11, 1997

Meeting with Savings Bonds Representative Held

On April 9, 1997, Harold Scott, NRC's Savings Bonds Representative from the U.S. Treasury Department, met with Paul Bird, Jan Clemens, and Henry Rubin to discuss strategies for the 1997 Savings Bonds Campaign. NRC's campaign will run from May 12 - June 12, 1997.

Office of Workers' Compensation Program (OWCP) Training Session Held

On April 10, 1997, Randy Brown arranged a training session for all the OWCP coordinators to provide guidance on the new OWCP computerized database system. The training session was conducted by Kenneth VanHuss from Parsec, Incorporated. In attendance were Jan Clemens, Randy Brown, and Henry Rubin, HQ; Linda Lamborn, RI; Elizabeth Millington, RII; Beverly Hicks, RIII; and Connie Lane, RIV.

Career Fair Attended

On April 11-12, 1997, Larry Campbell, NRR, and Vicky Francis, OIG, attended the American Indian Society of Engineers and Scientists (AISES) Career Fair in Rochester, New York. This is part of the concerted effort to recruit qualified Native Americans to the NRC.



Office of Small Business & Civil Rights
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 11, 1997

National Association For Equal Opportunity In Higher Education (NAFEO) Annual Conference

On April 10 and 11, 1997, two representatives from SBCR, Von Deloatch, Small Business Program Manager and Barbara Williams, Affirmative Action Program Manager attended NAFEO's Annual Conference. NAFEO is the premier organization established to influence national and international appreciation of HBCUs' contribution to education. More than 2,000 top leaders and decision-makers of the nation, including the vast majority of the HBCU Presidents and Chancellors attended the Conference. This year's theme was, "Keeping the Doors of Opportunity Open." Ms. Williams represented the NRC in co-sponsoring, with thirteen other Federal agencies, a workshop entitled, "Building A World Class Faculty Institution and Student Body in the 21st Century". A highlight of the Conference was the keynote address given by the Honorable Dan Glickman, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.


Office of State Programs
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 11, 1997

Dissemination of Information Environmental Justice Initiative

In fulfillment of an NRC environmental justice initiative that would ensure organizations and the general public have accurate nuclear site locations for environmental justice studies, staff transmitted to EPA a geospatial file of latitudes and longitudes for selected NRC licensed facilities for inclusion in EPA's LandView III data base. The file contains a definitive list of operating nuclear power reactors; fuel cycle and material licensees with emergency plans; site decommissioning management plan sites and uranium mill sites with planned environmental justice reviews; and the site selected for characterization for a high level waste facility.

The file will also be available on the NRC external World-Wide Web server for access by the public. Ms. Rosetta Virgilio is the Office of State Programs contact for this effort. If you have any questions, she can be reached at 301/415-2307.


Office of Public Affairs
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 11, 1997

Media Interest

Chairman Jackson was interviewed for an article in Focus magazine, which is published by NAC International.

School Volunteers Program

Students from Sousa Junior H.S. visited NRC to discuss careers with Tim Rollins, Ken McDow, and James Heck, ADM.

Nate Hoover, an eighth grade student at George Mason M.S., visited NRC to shadow Tom Cerovski, NRR and Doug Broaddus, NMSS, for a day. NRC employees also talked to Nate about nuclear engineering, nuclear medicine, and other uses of nuclear material.

Press Releases
97-049A NRC Seeks Nominations for Advisory Committee on Medical Uses of Isotopes
97-059 Note to Editors: ACNW Report on Yucca Mountain, Nevada
97-060 Note To Editors: ACRS Meeting
I-97-36 NRC Reschedules Pair of Meetings on Findings of Nine Mile Point Unit 1 Core Shroud Inspections
I-97-37 Note to Editors: Meeting with Northeast Utilities on Millstone April 17
I-97-38 NRC Proposes $200,000 Fine Against Niagara Mohawk for Quality, Design Control Weaknesses at Nine Mile Point
I-97-39 NRC Staff Cites Washington Hospital Center for Alleged Violations, Proposes $5,000 Fine
I-97-40 NRC Staff to Meet With Pennsylvania Testing Laboratories to Discuss Apparent Violations of Requirements
II-97-31 Hatch Nuclear Plant Rated "Superior" in Two Areas, "Good" in Two Other Areas of NRC Assessment Report
II-97-32 NRC Moving Region II Office to New Atlanta Location on April 28
III-97-34 NRC Schedules Design Inspection Exit Meeting at Perry Nuclear Plant
III-97-35 NRC to Hold Predecisional Enforcement Conference With Wisconsin Public Service on Apparent Violations of NRC Requirements at Kewaunee Plant
III-97-36 Latest NRC Staff Review Rates Kewaunee Nuclear Plant "Superior" in Maintenance, "Good" in Plant Operations, Engineering and Plant Support
IV-97-23 NRC, Entergy to Meet for Discussion on Possible Violations at Waterford 3
IV-97-24 Stolen Radiographic Camera Could Pose Serious Health Hazard
IV-97-25 WNP-2 Ratings Improve to `Good' in NRC Systematic Assessment Report
IV-97-26 NRC Staff Proposes $50,000 Fine for Violations at Arkansas Nuclear One
IV-97-27 Stolen Radiographic Camera is Recovered


Region II
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 11, 1997

Virginia Power Company - Surry

Commissioner Diaz and the Regional Administrator visited the Surry Nuclear Station to meet with Virginia Electric and Power Company's management. The Commissioner toured the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation, the power plant including inside one containment. Discussions with licensee management involved changes in the electric utility industry and the licensee's perspective on regulatory environment. The Commissioner also responded to questions from plant supervisors. The Commissioner conducted a press conference following his meeting with the licensee. Both TV and print media attended the press conference.


On April 10, 1997, the NRC staff and Virginia Power Company discussed recent piping and component inspection results associated with the licensee's Flow Accelerated Corrosion (FAC) monitoring program for the Surry Power Station. The discussion centered on licensee identification of components which were replaced, based on inspection results. The inspections revealed that FAC was occurring at a rate faster than the program had predicited. Virginia Power has established an action plan to review and modify their program as necessary. The NRC staff will monitor the licensee's program review and conduct appropriate inspections.

Florida Power Company - Turkey Point

On April 6, Unit 3 was in Mode 3 in preparation for a startup after refueling. The Unit was at full pressure and an in-service hydro was being performed to visually look for leaks. A very small (two drops per minute) through wall leak was found on a stainless steel in-core detector stub tube, just above the seal table. The unit was cooled down, depressurized, and portion of the tube cut out and replaced. The removed part has been sent for metallurgical examination, but IGSCC is suspected, as it has been the cause of several similar occurrences in the past on Unit 3. Repairs have been completed and the plant resumed it's startup plan.

Georgia Nuclear Waste Forum

A group of citizens and organizations who indicate they are promoting public education regarding the transportation of radioactive nuclear materials held a meeting April 11 and 12 in Atlanta sponsored by The League of Women Voters. The meeting's purpose was to discuss their perception of the need for an assessment of the safety and economic viability of "nuclear materials relocation."

Two NRC headquarters representatives attended the Friday session, and the Region II public affairs officer attend both sessions.


Region III
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 11, 1997

Chemetron Public Meeting

On April 7, 1997, Roy Caniano, Acting Director, Region III Division of Nuclear Materials Safety, and John Hickey, Chief, Low Level Waste and Decommissioning Projects Branch, Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards, and other NRC staff members, participated in a public meeting in Newburg Heights, Ohio, regarding the decommissioning of the Bert Avenue disposal site of the former Chemetron Corporation. The meeting discussion focused on NRC's role and activities regarding final decommissioning, including technical safety and environmental reviews, licensing actions, and inspection plans associated with final "closure" of the site. State and local officials representing the Village of Newburg Heights, the State of Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, the Ohio Department of Health, and the Cuyahoga County Health Department were in attendance, as were representatives from the offices of Senator John Glen and Congressman Dennis Kucinich. Approximately 35 members of the public attended.

This site is a deep ravine, situated between a residential area and an industrial one, into which quantities of various waste materials were dumped over a period of decades. Some of the wastes were contaminated by depleted uranium from a catalytic process used by Chemetron. No significant issues were raised concerning NRC actions or plans; public concerns focused primarily on potential effects of the project on improving local drainage of sewage and runoff.

Management Meeting with Commonwealth Edison Company

On April 8, 1997, a management meeting was conducted in the Region III Office, Lisle, Illinois, between management representatives from Commonwealth Edison Company and members of the NRC staff to discuss the status of Zion Nuclear Power Station and the effectiveness of plant performance improvement actions.

Predecisional Enforcement Conference with Midwest Imaging Diagnostic, Inc.

On April 10, 1997, a predecisional enforcement conference was conducted in the Region III Office, Lisle, Illinois, between managers from Midwest Imaging Diagnostic, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio, and members of the NRC staff. An NRC inspection in February 1997 determined that the clinic treated four patients for hyperthyroidism using therapeutic quantities of sodium iodide iodine-131. While the clinic's medical director is authorized by the NRC on another license to perform this treatment, the clinic's NRC license only allows diagnostic procedures to be conducted. The NRC inspector also noted that the clinic did not, as required, have a written quality management program which details policies and procedures for the use of iodine-131.


Region IV
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 11, 1997

Entergy (Waterford 3) Predecisional Enforcement Conference

The Deputy Regional Administrator conducted a predecisional enforcement conference with Waterford 3 staff members on April 8, 1997. During the public meeting, the licensee discussed their positions on four apparent violations associated with the design, operation, and testing of the containment cooling system.


Office of Congressional Affairs
Items of Interest
Week Ending April 11, 1997


Gerke 04/14
10:00 Atlanta
Electricity Deregula-
tion Field Hearings
Reps. Schaefer/Hall
Energy & Power
Madden 04/18
2154 RHOB
9:30 TBA Debt Collection Improvement Act Reps. Horn/Maloney
Gov't Mgmnt, Info & Tech
Gov't Reform & Oversight
Madden 04/22
124 DSOB
9:30 TBA DOE's FY98 Budget, Environmental Management Program Senators Domenici/Reid
Energy & Water Development
Madden 04/23
342 DSOB
10:00 TBA Two-Year Federal Budget Senators Thompson/Glenn
Governmental Affairs
Gerke 04/29
2154 RHOB
10:00 TBA Post FTS-2000 Procurement Reps. Horn/Maloney
Gov't Mgmnt, Info & Tech
Gov't Reform & Oversight