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Henry Hagg Lake Resource Management Plan


Launched in late 2001, the project consisted of a detailed planning process that culminated in the preparation of the RMP document in May 2004. The RMP is Reclamation's blueprint for the future use, management, and site development of the reservoir over the next ten years. For a hard copy of the document email Vicki Kellerman at vkellerman@pn.usbr.gov or call (208) 378-5326.

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Environmental Assessment

Cover, Transmittal Letter, Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Purpose and Need for Action
Chapter 2 - Alternatives
Chapter 3 - Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences
Chapter 4 Consultation through Chapter 9 Bibliography

A. Goals and Objectives
B. Elk Meadows Mitigation Maintenance and Monitoring Plan
C1. USFWS Consultation
C2. NOAA Fisheries Consultation
D. Tribal Correspondence
E. Comments and Responses

1.1-1: General Location
1.5-1: Henry Hagg Lake Area
2.2-1: Alternative A: No Action
2.2-2: Alternative B: Minimal Development
2.2-3: Alternative C: Moderate Development (Preferred Alt)
3.3-1: Landslides
3.5-1: Vegetation Associations
3.5-2: Elk Meadows

Resource Management Plan

Full RMP (text only)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Existing Conditions:
2.1 Natural Resources through Elk Meadows Fish through 2.7.3 Park Funding
Chapter 3 - Existing Land Use and Management
3.1 Land Status and Management through 3.2.6 Law Enforcement
3.3 Recreation through 3.4.6 Accessibility
Chapter 4 - RMP Planning Process
Chapter 5 - Resource Management
Chapter 6 - Implementation Program
Chapter 7 - Glossary
Chapter 8 - Bibliography

1.4-1: RMP Study Area
2.1-1: Slope and Hydrography
2.1-2: Soils
2.1-3: Landslides
2.1-4: Vegetation Associations
2.1-5: Elk Meadows
3.1-1: Land Status
3.3-1: Existing Recreation
5.2-1: Resource Management Plan 2004

A. Agency and Tribal Consultation/Coordination
A-1. Agency Consultation
A-2. Tribal Consultation
B. Legal Mandates
C. Problem Statement for the RMP
D. Elk Mitigation and Monitoring Management Plan

Last Update: March 7, 2007 11:04 AM