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Ecologically Based Systems Management Report
The Snake River from Palisades Dam to Henrys Fork


This report was completed by the Flathead Lake Biological Station, University of Montana through a cooperative agreement with the Bureau of Reclamation. It provides information on the hydrologic processes which drive biological components necessary to maintain the long-term sustainability and ecological integrity of the river and the native flora and fauna. Report findings will inform river management decisions as Reclamation strives to meet ecological needs while meeting contractual obligations.

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Final Report

Complete Report

Study Area
Results & Discussion
Final Analysis & Recommendation
Summary of Discharge Criteria
Appendix A. Supplemental Tables & Figures


Contact Chris Jansen Lute at cjansen@pn.usbr.gov or (208-378-5319) for a printed document or CD.

Last Update: February 29, 2008 2:07 PM