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American Falls Reservoir District #2 Proposed Title Transfer
Finding of No Significant Impact/Final Environmental Assessment


This proposed title transfer involves facilities associated with the Gooding Division of the Minidoka Project, primarily the Milner-Gooding Canal in southeastern Idaho. The two alternatives addressed in the EA include the no action alternative and the proposed action of title transfer.

The proposed action includes three transfers of relatively small parcels of land to the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, the City of Gooding, and the National Park Service to streamline administrative processes. In order for the title transfer to be implemented as proposed, Reclamation will have to receive authorization from Congress through corresponding legislation.

The proposed title transfer would be consistent with Reclamation’s policy of enabling the transfer of certain federal irrigation facilities to project beneficiaries who are capable of managing the facilities and where the federal investment in the facilities has been repaid.

The EA evaluated the effects of the proposed action on the natural resources in the area, including endangered species, Indian trust assets, and cultural resources. Reclamation has found that the transfer will have no significant effect on the environment.

Reclamation distributed a draft EA in May 2005 and received three letters of comment. The comments are addressed in the section of the FONSI titled Public Comments to the Draft Environmental Assessment.

Hard copies or CD-ROM versions of the report may be obtained free of charge by contacting Mike Relf at:

Bureau of Reclamation
Pacific Northwest Regional Office
1150 North Curtis Road, Suite 100
Boise ID 83706
(208) 378-5106

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American Falls Reservoir District #2 Proposed Title Transfer/Finding of No Significant Impact/Final Environmental Assessment

Full Document

2.7 mb PDF

Part 1

pp. 1-49

603 kb PDF

Part 2

pp. 50-100

2.1 mb PDF

Last Update: March 3, 2008 10:34 AM