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Medicaid Facts & Figures

Program information on Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) is available through the links in the Downloads section below. There are 61 charts on topics such as Medicaid benefits, populations, expenditures, managed care, prescription drugs, the elderly, individuals with disabilities, and dually-enrolled beneficiaries, as well as SCHIP. The chartbook is available in both PowerPoint and Portable Document File (.PDF) versions. For optimal printing of the PowerPoint presentation slides, deselect both "Grayscale" and "Pure black and white" on the "Print" menu page.


Profiles of Medicaid Chart Book 2000 [PDF, 605 KB]

Medicaid & SCHIP Program Information [PDF, 1095 KB]

Medicaid & SCHIP Progam Information (PowerPoint Slides) [ZIP, 553 KB]

Total & Per Capita Medicaid Expenditures (PowerPoint Slides) [Zipped, 335 KB]

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Page Last Modified: 11/17/2008 2:03:22 PM
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