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                                                       SINNS No.: 6820  
                                                       OMB No.: 3150-0011  
                                                       IEB 83-05 

                               UNITED STATES 
                          WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 

                                May 13, 1983 



For action: 

Those utilities with nuclear power reactor facilities holding an operating 
license (OL) or construction permit (CP) that (1) use or plan to use ASME 
Nuclear Code pumps manufactured by Hayward Tyler Pump Company (HTPC), or (2)
use or plan to use spare parts provided by HTPC in ASME Code pumps 
manufactured by HTPC or other companies. The period of concern is pumps or 
parts manufactured by HTPC during the period 1977 through 1981. 

For information only: 

All other nuclear power reactor licensees and CP holders. 


The purpose of this bulletin is (1) to apprise the above addressees that 
NRC's investigation of allegations resulted in NRC findings that HTPC failed
to effectively implement its QA program, and (2) to request that the 
affected addressees take action to resolve this issue. 

Description of Circumstances: 

On October 30, 1981 the NRC received an allegation from a newspaper 
journalist claiming that HTPC located in Burlington, Vermont had 
manufactured certain safety-related pumps which were found to be defective 
and had shipped them to various domestic and foreign nuclear plants. On 
November 2, 1981 the journalist clarified that four individuals had made 
allegations concerning HTPC and, at that time, he stated he would encourage 
the allegers to forward specific information to the attention of the NRC. On 
December 11, 1981 affidavits confirming the allegations and signed by the 
four former employees of HTPC were forwarded to the NRC. 

                                                            IEB 83-05  
                                                            May 13, 1983  
                                                            Page 2 of 5 

As a result of these allegations, the NRC initiated an investigation into 
the matter on January 4, 1982. This investigation/inspection of HTPC was 
conducted during the period of January 4, 1982 - August 26, 1982. The 
results of this investigation/inspection are discussed in NRC Report No. 
99900345/82-04, "Investigation/Inspection of Allegations Involving the 
Hayward Tyler Pump Company, Burlington, Vermont, November 1982." 

In view of the findings resulting from the investigation/inspection, the 
investigation team has recommended (in the Report) that licensees who use, 
or plan to use, ASME Code pumps manufactured by HTPC during the period 1977 
to 1981, conduct certain performance tests to assure that requirements of 10
CFR 50 have been satisfied. The team members believe that satisfactory 
performance of these pump tests are necessary to verify that the pumps in 
question will operate as intended. During the investigation, HTPC in letters
dated March 10, 1982 and July 27, 1982 (Exhibits 6 and 6a of the Report) 
proposed certain performance tests (termed "expanded commissioning tests" by
HTPC), which in its view, will provide added assurance of pump reliability. 
The HTPC response (dated January 26, 1983) to the team recommendations 
documented in Report No. 99900345/82-04 did not result in any change to the 
HTPC recommendations of March and July 1982. 

This office concurs with the inspection team recommendation that pump 
performance tests are necessary to provide assurance that the pumps will 
perform their intended safety function. The HTPC proposed performance tests 
supplemented by an endurance run of some reasonable period of time is 
considered an adequate test to address the concerns raised by the 
investigation/inspection report. 

Each licensee or CP holder planning to use a pump manufactured by HTPC is 
being asked to conduct a pump performance/endurance test. This test is the 
minimum action deemed necessary by the NRC to ensure pump reliability 
considering the uncertainties identified in the investigation/inspection 
report. A list of those facilities using Hayward Tyler pumps that have been 
identified to the NRC is given in Attachment 1. The pump service and number 
of pumps are also included in Attachment 1. The performance tests 
recommended by HTPC are provided in Attachment 2. 

Each licensee or CP holder planning to use spare parts for ASME Code pumps 
is being asked to address the HTPC recommendations on installation of 
replacement parts and to conduct a pump performance/endurance test, if 
necessary, to ensure reliability of the pumps. The additional 
recommendations by HTPC for installation of replacement parts are provided 
in Attachment 3. 

Affected licensees or holders of construction permits requiring this 
     report should a request a copy from the appropriate NRC Regional 
     Administrator. Copies of pertinent information about the HTPC response 
     to the NRC  enforcement letter letter dated December 22, 1982 will also
     be provided. 

                                                            IEB 83-05 
                                                            May 13, 1983 
                                                            Page 3 of 5   

Actions To Be Taken by Nuclear Power Reactor Facilities Holding an Operating
License (OL) or Construction Permit (CP) 

1.   Those holders of operating licenses and construction permits that use 
     or plan to use ASME Code pumps important to safety manufactured by HTPC
     are to take the following actions: 

     a.   Review all ASME Code pumps manufactured by HTPC and provide a list
          of affected pumps and their service application. A list of 
          affected pumps that was developed by review of HTPC records is 
          given in Attachment 1. 

     b.   Provide a summary of the inservice test requirements or plans to 
          develop inservice test requirements for each affected pump at your

     c.   Conduct a pump performance test to assure that each pump will 
          perform its intended safety function. As a minimum, this test 
          should contain the criteria given in Attachment 2. In addition to 
          the criteria presented in Attachment 2, it should be demonstrated 
          that the pumps operated satisfactorily for a minimum duration of 
          48 hours without maintenance or repair. Provide the results of the
          pump tests or, if testing has not been completed at the time of 
          the bulletin response, provide a description of the test plan. 
          Nuclear reactor facility licensees with pump's that are currently 
          in service can provide,the results of previous tests and/or 
          operating experience that provide equivalent data and results in 
          lieu of performing the above tests. 

     d.   Provide the results of the required ASME Code system hydrostatic 
          pressure test that was performed at your facility when the pump 
          was tested and any corrective actions taken as a result of the 
          test. If the system hydrostatic test has not been completed, 
          provide the test plans. 

2.   Those holders of operating licenses and construction permits that use 
     or plan to use spare parts manufactured by HTPC in Code pumps important
     to safety are to take the following actions: 

     a.   Review the HTPC recommendations on replacement parts given in 
          Attachment 3. For those facilities that have not yet installed the
          replacement parts, implement the recommendations given in 
          Attachment 3 in your procedures for pump assembly or provide the 
          basis for any deviations. For those facilities with parts already 
          installed, describe any deviations from the recommendations given 
          in Attachment 3 and discuss their significance. 

     b.   Provide the information requested in Item 1b. 

                                                            IEB 83-05  
                                                            May 13, 1983  
                                                            Page 4 of 5 

     c.   Conduct a pump performance test as specified in Item 1c unless it 
          can be demonstrated that the spare part in question will not 
          affect any parameters that are measured or function demonstrated 
          by the test. 

     d.   For spare parts that form part of the ASME Code pressure boundary,
          perform the actions required in Item 1d. 

3.   Nuclear reactor facilities holding an operating license or a 
     construction permit, are to submit a report describing the results of 
     the actions taken or planned for Items 1 and 2 within 90 days of 
     receipt of this Bulletin. 

4.   Nuclear reactor facilities holding an operating license, are to 
     complete the actions requested by Items 1c and 2c, as applicable, prior 
     to start-up from the outage during which the pump or part is installed 
     or, if the pump or part is already installed, before startup from the 
     next refueling outage. 

5.   Nuclear reactor facilities holding a construction permit, are to 
     complete the actions requested by Items 1c and 2c, as applicable, 
     before issuance of the OL. 

6.   Those holders of construction permits whose construction permits are 
     suspended, delayed, or cancelled are to take no action unless 
     reactivation of construction or transfer, sale, or other consignment of
     the subject pumps, or spare parts to another nuclear plant site is 
     contemplated. In such cases, both the NRC and recipient permit holders 
     or licensees should be notified of the disposition of said pumps or 
     spare parts to assure that 10 CFR Part 50 requirements will be 
     satisfied. Recipients of such pumps or paris are to perform the actions
     specified in Items 1 and 2, as appropriate, and notify the NRC. 

The written report required by Item 3 above shall be submitted to the 
appropriate Regional Administrator under oath or affirmation under 
provisions of Section 182a, Atomic Energy Act of 1954 as amended. In 
addition, the original copy of the cover letters and a copy of the reports 
shall be transmitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Document 
Control Desk, Washington, D.C. 20555 for reproduction and distribution. 

This request for information was approved by the Office of Management and 
Budget under clearance number 3150-0011. Comments on burden and duplication 
should be directed to the Office of Management and Budget, Reports 
Management, Room 3208, New Executive Office Building, Washington, D.C. 

Although no specific request or requirement is intended, the following 
information would be helpful to the NRC in evaluating the cost of this 

1. Staff time expended to perform requested review and testing. 
2. Staff time expended to prepare requested documentation. 

                                                            IEB 83-05  
                                                            May 13, 1983  
                                                            Page 5 of 5 

If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact,the Regional
Administrator of the appropriate NRC Regional Office, or one of the 
technical contacts listed below. 

                              Richard C. DeYoung, Director  
                              Office of Inspection and Enforcement 

Technical Contact:  A. W. Dromerick, IE 

                    J. R. Fair, IE 

1. List of Hayward Tyler Pumps 
2. Pump test requirement 
3. Pump assembly procedures 
4. List of Recently Issued IE Bulletins