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  • Alex 3 months ago

    I was waiting for an episode from Wallstrip, now I am going to have a cup of coffee, some chocolate and wait until Helicopter Ben starts flying around.

    was hoping you’d go out on the street to do some interviews with people, see if their attitudes have changed… maybe way until DOW hits 8000 :-)

    • Jeff Garlick 3 months ago

      Can someone explain to me how throwing HUGE debt at HUGE debt is supposed to strengthen our economy? We’re using $700 billion in money our government doesn’t have to buy up loans and mortgages from banks who don’t have the money in hopes of saving the people who borrowed money they didn’t have.

      Three card monty anyone? Guess which card is the end of the recession and win yourself an economic recovery!

      • HelicalZz 3 months ago

        Well done episode and the picture placements were very clever (give that behind the scenes person a raise). It’s tough to find humor in this subject right now, but thanks for continuing to do so - its needed.


        • torah el 3 months ago

          i am amazed at how much we will learn~Similar when someone is sick, and dying…We learn all of these medical terms….

          Lets hope “They” don’t steal the election one more time…”They” have all of the police state tactics in place..It’s been 8 years…
          Yeah, we ain’t seen nothing yet..

          Julie gives me hope~Go Wallstrip!!

          • faith jensen 2 months ago

            i think alot but not as much as many should 460 e lincoln hwy #3 mo.valley iowa 51555

            • Straja One day ago

              I tend to disagree on budgeting companies with that amount of money. The economy is going down because of bad management - I wonder who is running these numbers…

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