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Last updated: January 19, 2009 4:00 AM PST
  • Bush leaves behind a mixed technology legacy

    Bush leaves behind a mixed technology legacy

    Before September 11, 2001, President Bush was willing to devote time to technology topics. After, his presidency moved to a wartime footing, and with the exception of wiretapping, those policy areas were no longer a focus.

    Read full story
  • Turn trash into energy in your office parking lot

    Turn trash into energy in your office parking lot

    IST Energy launches the Green Energy Machine (GEM), a machine the size of the semi-tractor truck flatbed that makes electricity and heat from plain old garbage.

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  • Getting lost with a GPS? Unfortunately, yes

    For any other directionally challenged couples out there, a cautionary tale: read the fine print before letting the device lead you through hill and dale.

    (Posted in Coop's Corner by Charles Cooper)
  • Wozniak on Steve Jobs' health, Apple culture

    Apple co-founder offers a unique perspective on his old friend's health, as well as the likely effect his absence will have on the company.

    (Posted in Apple by Steven Musil)
  • Intel cuts prices on some chips up to 48 percent

    Chipmaker institutes broad price cuts on dual- and quad-core processors, as well as introducing new models.

    (Posted in Nanotech - The Circuits Blog by Brooke Crothers)
  • Sundance--from the comfort of your home

    No need to travel to Utah--you can get a taste of Robert Redford's indie festival by downloading up to 10 short films via iTunes.

    (Posted in Digital Media by Michelle Meyers)
  • Google wants to know which sites to search

    An experimental search feature allows users to tailor their searches by creating a list of sites they would like to appear most in search results.

    (Posted in Webware by Steven Musil)
  • Bedlam breaks out at Circuit City

    Best Buy mega-stores Circuit City to oblivion and pandemonium ensues at the hapless retailer.

    (Posted in Nanotech - The Circuits Blog by Brooke Crothers)
  • EU eyes Microsoft like it's 1999

    The notion of bundling a browser into an operating system isn't new. But that hasn't stopped European regulators from delivering fresh objections.
    • EU objects to browser in Windows
    • EU's notice to Microsoft
    • Opera executive praises EU move

    (Posted in Microsoft by Ina Fried)
  • Web pioneers see 'on-demand revolution'

    Off-screen showing at Sundance Film Festival stars Web celebs--founders of Netflix, YouTube, and Hulu--envisioning a future in which users control their digital content.
    • MySpace CEO talks celebrity
    • Sundance screens eco-films, more

    (Posted in Digital Media by Michelle Meyers)
  • Nokia's music service set for Australia, Singapore

    The mobile phone maker is eyeing further expansion in Europe and the United States for its unlimited music service.
    (From Reuters)

  • Obama has high hopes for keeping BlackBerry

    In an interview with CNN, the President-elect expressed optimism that he would be able to keep his smartphone despite security concerns.

    (Posted in Crave by Leslie Katz)
  • Microsoft's Silverlight: Yes, we can

    The browser plug-in has been tapped to enable live and on-demand video streaming of Tuesday's inauguration events on the Presidential Inaugural Committee Web site.

    (Posted in Digital Media by Leslie Katz)
  • Pope Benedict the next YouTube star?

    Texts and video of the Pope's speeches, as well as news about the pontiff, will be posted directly to the channel, the Vatican says.

    (Posted in Digital Media by Leslie Katz)
  • Week in review: Changes at the helm

    Steve Jobs takes a medical leave of absence from Apple, and Yahoo names a chief executive to replace Jerry Yang. Also: Taking tech's temperature.

    (Posted in Business Tech by Steven Musil)
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  • CNET News Daily Podcast: Mobile networks face logjam on Inauguration Day
  • Loaded: For Jobs, an Apple a day?
  • Photos: From London to Timbuktu--in a flying car
CNET News Daily Podcast: Mobile networks face logjam on Inauguration Day

Wireless-service providers work to keep lines open amid an expected deluge of texts, calls, e-mails, and video uploads during Obama'...

Loaded: For Jobs, an Apple a day?

Steve Jobs takes a medical leave of absence from Apple, YouTube silences videos, and we get a look at Cadillac'...

Photos: From London to Timbuktu--in a flying car

A bio-fueled flying car called the Parajet Skycar will leave Wednesday for a journey from England to Timbuktu via France, ...

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