
Why has this president’s approval rating stayed so low for so long? There are other reasons besides Katrina. There’s no doubt that as the war in Iraq dragged on, Americans became more and more distressed about how it was being carried out.

Hotsheet: Political Morning Bulletin

Jan. 15: CBS News' Roundup Of News, Schedules, And Key Stories On Today's Political Scene

AG Nominee: Waterboarding Is Torture

At Confirmation Hearing, Eric Holder Vows To Prosecute Some Gitmo Detainees In U.S. Courts

Hotsheet: Assessing The Shoe-Throwing Incident

Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan On Whether Service Acted Quickly Enough When Shoes Were Thrown At Bush In Baghdad

Polish Refugee-Turned U.S. Envoy, Dies

Nicholas Rey Fled Homeland After 1939 German Invasion, Returned As U.S. Ambassador; He Was 70

Obama Stimulus Plan Keeps Growing

House Dems Unveil $825 Billion Economic Stimulus Package; Further Debate Expected

Play VideoVideo: Eye To Eye: Obama Presidency

Hotsheet: Bush Approval Rating Rises, But...

Gallup Finds Bush Approval Now At 34 Percent, But President Remains Among Least Popular Leaders Upon Leaving Office

Obama's $350B Request Goes To Senators

Seeking Early Legislative Victory, Obama Vows To Use TARP Funds Better Than Bush

Play VideoVideo: Eye To Eye: Obama Presidency

GOP Optimistic About 2010 Senate Chances

Sen. John Cornyn Says George Bush Being Out Of Office And Barack Obama Being Off The Ballot Presents "Opportunities" For GOP

Annual Home Repossession Numbers Double

And Whopping 81 Percent More Americans Faced Foreclosure Proceedings; 2.3 Million In 2008

Play VideoVideo: Bailout Bait And Switch?

Hotsheet: Geithner Confirmation Still On Track

Hearing For Treasury Nominee Who Failed To Pay Taxes Pushed Back To Next Wednesday; Senate Republicans Signal Support

House Votes To Expand Health Care For Kids

Bill Gives Insurance To 4 Million More Children By Upping Federal Taxes On Cigarettes

Hotsheet: Obama's New Limo Unveiled

New, Ultra-Secure Cadillac Limousine Will Transport Obama During Inaugural Parade

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