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NASA SCIence Files™: "The Case of the Barking Dogs" (2000)

(rebroadcast of live show)

Target: Grades 3-5

Length: 60 minutes

Guide: Online, see Internet site

Internet:   ⇒


In this program, students are invited to actively join the tree house detectives as they investigate "The Case of the Barking Dogs." The tree house detectives accept the challenge of determining why dogs in the surrounding neighborhoods have unexpectedly started barking early in the morning and late at night. Using scientific inquiry, our detectives discover the cause of the barking dogs. In determining the "why," the detectives learn about sound: what it is, how it is transmitted, and how humans and animals hear. They visit NASA researchers and professionals in the local community who help them to solve the case. While solving the case, the tree house detectives learn that determining the source of the barking requires the use of logic and "sound" reasoning.

To order a copy of this video, please visit the Central Operation of Resources for Educators Web site.
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