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New Conditions Related to the Child Welfare Services State Grants

  1. The Federal match rate for State/local expenditures after June 17, 1980 is 75 percent.

  2. Section 423(d) requires States to maintain expenditures for child welfare services except for the services referred to under (3), below, at the level expended in FY 1979. A further explanation of this provision will be provided in the future.

  3. As of FYT 1980, Federal funds are limited as follows (Section 423(c)(1): "No payment may be made to State under this part,for any fiscal year beginning after September 30, 1979, with respect to State expenditures made for (A) child day care necessary solely because of the employment or training to prepare for employment, of a parent or other relative with whom the child involved is living, (B)foster care maintenance payments, and (C) adoption assistance payments, to the extent that the Federal payment with respect to those expenditures would exceed the total amount of the Federal payment under this part for fiscal year 1979."

  4. Section 423(c)(2) allows States to use expenditures for foster care maintenance payments to meet their State share at any level.

Attachment I: Revised apportionment of Federal Child Welfare Services State Grant funds