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Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of America Gives Yarmuth an ‘A'

(Washington, DC) Today, the Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) released their 2008 Congressional Report Card in which Congressman John Yarmuth (KY-3) received a an ‘A’ rating.  The mission of the organization is “to ensure the enactment of policies that properly provide for our Troops & Veterans, keep our military strong, and guarantee our national security for the purpose of a stronger America.”

 “IAVA Action’s 2008 Congressional Report Card recognizes those lawmakers who refused to compromise on the most important issues facing Iraq and Afghanistan veterans,” said Paul Rieckhoff, Executive Director of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA).  “From passing a new GI Bill to increasing VA funding by over 10 billion dollars, the 110th Congress has made tremendous progress on behalf of America’s newest generation of heroes.  Congressman Yarmuth received an A from IAVA Action, and we would like to thank him for his leadership on these critical issues.”

“Our government is finally beginning to fulfill its obligation to our nation’s veterans again,” Congressman Yarmuth said.  “It is absolutely critical that our nation send a message that the men and women who fight for this country in uniform are as important to us when they come home as they are when they are fighting on the front line.”

During the 110th Congress, Yarmuth successfully fought for the largest increase in veterans’ health care funding in American history, college tuition and expenses at no cost for vets, and $60 million for Louisville’s new VA hospital— the first money ever appropriated for the project.

More information on the IAVA report card can be found at