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News Digest Items - 2002
Last updated August 08, 2008

  • New Assignments at Y-12 and Pantex Announced -- On December 20, BWX Technologies’ President John A. Fees released the announcement of the appointment of Dennis Ruddy to General Manager of the Y-12 National Security Complex. Michael B Mallory will replace Ruddy as General Manager of BWXT Pantex. Both Ruddy and Mallory will assume their new posts February 1, 2003.    [BWXT Press Release]

  • Gerald Boyd Named New Manager for Oak Ridge Operations Office -- On December 17, the DOE announced that it has selected Gerald G. Boyd to serve as Manager of the department's Oak Ridge Operations office effective January 2003. He has been with the department since 1990 and currently serves as assistant manager of Environmental Management in Oak Ridge    [DOE Press Release]

  • NNSA Announces Organizational and Personnel Changes -- On December 17, NNSA announced their next steps to create the NNSA of the future. The changes will become effective on December 20, 2002. Other aspects will be phased in through the end of fiscal year 2004 (September 30, 2004).    [NNSA Press Release]

  • Joseph P. McMonigle Named Chief of Staff at the DOE -- On December 16, Secretary Abraham announced the appointment of his Deputy Chief of Staff and Counselor, Joseph P. McMonigle to be the new Chief of Staff at the Department of Energy. Mr. McMonigle takes the position from Kyle McSlarrow, who was confirmed as Deputy Secretary of Energy in November.    [DOE Press Release]

  • Board Issues Recommendation 2002-3, Requirements for the Design, Implementation, and Maintenance of Administrative Controls -- On December 11, the Board forwarded Recommendation 2002-3 Requirements for the Design, Implementation, and Maintenance of Administrative Controls, to Secretary Abraham.    [PDF]

  • Kyle McSlarrow Sworn-in As Deputy Secretary of Energy -- On November 27, Spencer Abraham announced that Kyle McSlarrow, formerly chief of staff for the department, has been sworn-in as Deputy Secretary of Energy. The Senate confirmed McSlarrow in mid-November of this year.    [DOE Press Release]

  • Board Member Dr. John E. Mansfield Speaks at DOE’s 2002 Chemical Management Workshop -- On November 05, the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board member John Mansfield was one of the distinguished speakers at the Department of Energy’s 2002 Chemical Management Workshop. His remarks presented at the conference are provided.    [PDF]

  • DOE/DNFSB Interface Workshop Held On October 22-23, 2002 -- On November 01, the Office of the Departmental Representative to the DNFSB published the presentatitions given at the DOE/DNFSB Interface Workshop on its Website. The agenda, list of attendees, and photographs can also be found on the site.    [Interface Workshop]

  • DOE To Maintain Site Manager Role for Oak Ridge Facilities -- On November 01, the DOE's Office of Science announced that it will maintain a single, centralized "site manager" responsible for department operations at its Oak Ridge Reservation, excluding the work performed by NNSA. The position will report directly to the DOE Office of Science headquarters. The Office of Science is in the process of selecting a manager to fill the position.    [DOE Press Release]

  • INEEL Completes Key Clean Up Milestone -- On October 24, the DOE announced that the final shipment of transurancic waste had been safely moved out of Idaho. The 3,100 cubic meters of waste arrived at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant two months ahead of schedule.    [INEEL Press Release]

  • James A. Turi Named Acting Manager of Oak Ridge Operations Office -- On October 18, the DOE announced that James A. Turi was named acting manager of the Oak Ridge Operations Office effective October 20th. Previously, Mr. Turi was the acting chief of staff of DOE's Office of Science.    [DOE Press Release]

  • Progress Report on Recommendation 2000-2 Implementation Plan -- On October 16, the DOE Executive Team briefed the Board on the progress of recommendation 2002-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems    [DOE Executive Team Briefing]

  • NNSA Names Tyler Przybylek as Acting Chief Operating Officer -- On October 10, the National Nuclear Security Administration's Acting Administrator Linton Brooks named NNSA General Counsel Tyler Przybylek acting chief operating officer. He was named general counsel in 2001 and will continue to serve in that position.    [NNSA Press Release]

  • W. John Arthur, III Named Deputy Director for Repository Development, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management -- On October 08, Dr. Margaret Chu appointed W. John Arthur, III to the newly established position of Deputy Director for Repository Development. He will be responsible for licensing and development of the Yucca Mountain site. Arthur is currently manager of NNSA's Albuquerque Office and will begin this assignment in early December.    [Yucca Mountain Press Release]

  • Board Issues Recommendation 2002-2, Weapons Laboratory Support of the Defense Nuclear Complex -- On October 03, the Board forwarded Recommendation 2002-2, Weapons Laboratory Support of the Defense Nuclear Complex, to Secretary Abraham.    [PDF]

  • Department of Energy Celebrates 25 Years -- On October 01, the DOE announced it will be hosting a number of activities during the month of October to celebrate its 25th anniversary. In addition, a new website WWW.25yearsofenergy.gov will feature informative and features pertaining to the this milestone.    [DOE Press Release]

  • Hanford Tank Pumping Passes 2.5 Million Gallon Mark -- On September 30, the Office of River Protection announced it has removed more than 2.5 million gallons of liquid radioactive waste from underground tanks at Hanford. Hanford has until September 2004 to remove an additional 550,000 gallons from the tanks. The project began in 1998.    [Hanford Press Release]

  • NRC Approves NNSA Tritium Production at TVA's Watts Bar Nuclear Station -- On September 24, the National Nuclear Security Administration's (NNSA) Stockpile Management Program announced a significant milestone to restore a domestic tritium production program was reached.    [NNSA Press Release]

  • Board Issues Recommendation 2002-1, Quality Assurance for Safety-Related Software -- On September 23, the Board forwarded Recommendation 2002-1, Quality Assurance for Safety-Related Software, to Secretary Abraham.    [PDF]

  • Notice of Intent Issued for Supplemental Programmatic EIS Regarding a Modern Pit Facility -- On September 20, NNSA announced its intent to prepare a Supplemental Progrommatic Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on Stockpile Stewardship and Management for a Modern Pit Facility.    [NNSA Press Release]

  • Los Alamos Technical Area 18 Relocation Final Environmental Impact Statement Issued -- On September 20, NNSA issued the Technical Area 18 Relocation Final Environmental Impact Statement (TA-18 Final EIS). The TA-18 Final EIS evaluates the environmental impacts associated with relocating a portion of the TA-18 capabilities and materials.    [NNSA Press Release]

  • DOE Announces Conceptual Design Contracts For SRS Salt Waste Processing Facility -- On September 17, DOE took the first step in commissioning a Salt Waste Processing Facility (SWPF) at the Savannah River Site by awarding two contracts for the facility's conceptual design. Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contracts were awarded to Parsons Infrastructure & Technology Group, Inc., and Foster Wheeler USA Corporation for preparation of conceptual designs (Phase I) for the SWPF. Four companies submitted proposals that were extensively reviewed by the Department.    [SR Press Release]

  • Uranium Disposition Services Selected for Uranium Hexaflouride Conversion Plants in Ohio and Kentucky -- On August 29, the DOE announced Uranium Disposition Services, LLC was selected to design, build, and operate facilities in Paducah and Portsmouth.    [DOE Press Release]

  • Hanford Contractors Cited for Price Anderson Safety Violations -- On August 22, the DOE announced it issued a Preliminary Notice of Violation and proposed civil penalty to Fluor Hanford Inc. for violations of nuclear safety rules and procedures at the Hanford site.    [DOE Press Release]

  • Record of Decision on Savannah River Site (SRS) High-Level Waste (HLW) Tank Closure Announced -- On August 19, the Department of Energy announced the Stabilize Tanks and Fill with Grout was selected as the preferred alternative for additional closures of HLW takes at SRS.    [SR Press Release]

  • Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) Hosts Integrated Safety Management Systems Workshop -- On August 19, INEEL announced the workshop will be held on August 27-28, 2002 in Idaho Falls.    [INEEL Press Release]

  • Accelerated Cleanup Strategy for Pantex Plant to be Pursued -- On August 08, Secretary Abraham announced that a Letter of Intent has been signed to enter into an agreement to accelerate cleanup at the Pantex Plan. Under the plan, the parties will work to complete cleanup activities by 2008.    [DOE Press Release]

  • Appeals Court Affirms Ruling on South Carolina Plutonium Case -- On August 06, a federal appeals court rejected South Carolina's request to stop the federal government from shipping surplus plutonium into the state.    [DOE Statement]

  • Accelerated Cleanup Plan for Oak Ridge -- On August 06, the DOE, EPA, and state of Tennessee announced the signing of an agreement for accelerated environmental cleanup of the Department's Oak Ridge facilities. The cleanup plan is to be completed in the next three years.    [DOE Press Release]

  • Yi Cheng becomes U.S. Citizen -- On August 04, Yi Cheng, our office’s web-site developer and chief SIMS programmer, took the oath of allegience and became a citizen of the United States. Originally from Shanghai, China, she came to the United States in 1992. Congradulations Yi!    [HTML]

  • John Mansfield Reappointed to Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board -- On August 01, the Senate confirmed Mansfield to be a Member of the DNFSB for a term expiring October 18, 2006.    [Senate Nomination]

  • Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) Starts Construction at Pit 9 -- On July 31, INEEL announced that work began on a shoring box to fit around the perimeter of the dig zone in a small portion of Pit 9. This is the first milestone of three toward excavating buried waste from a portion of the pit.    [INEEL Press Release]

  • President Bush Signs Bill Approving Yucca Mountain -- On July 23, the President signed House Joint Resolution 87 allowing the development of a nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain.    [White House Statement]

  • Ineel to Transition from Environmental Management to the Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology -- On July 15, Secretary of Energy Abraham announced a realignment of Ineel, establishing it as the Nation's leading center of nuclear energy research and development.    [DOE Press Release]

  • DOE, State of South Carolina and EPA Agree to Pursue Accelerated Cleanup Strategy for Savannah River Site -- On July 12, Secretary Abraham announced that a Letter of Intent has been signed to enter into an agreement to accelerate cleanup at the Savannah River Site. Under the plan, the parties will work to complete cleanup activities at SRS by 2025.    [DOE Press Release]

  • Senate Approves Yucca Mountain Plan -- On July 09, the Senate voted 60 to 39 in favor of the the Administration's recommendation that Yucca Mountain be considered for development as America's first nuclear waste repository    [DOE Press Release]

  • Linton Brooks to be Acting NNSA Administrator -- On July 08, President Bush today announced his intention to designate Ambassador Linton F. Brooks to be Acting Under Secretary for Nuclear Security and Acting Administrator for Nuclear Security at NNSA. Brooks is currently the Deputy Administrator for Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation at the DOE.    [DOE Press Release]

  • DNFSB Pantex Representataive Harry G. Waugh Dies -- On July 06, Harry Waugh died at the age of 77. He retired from the Los Alamos National Laboratory after 40 years and was most recently with the DNFSB.    [Amarillo Globe-News Story]

  • Jeffrey Allison Designated as Acting Mangager for the Savannah River Operations Office -- On July 01, Jessie H. Roberson announced the designation of Jeffrey M. Allison as Acting Manager for SR. Allison joined the DOE in 1991 and is a member of the Senior Executive Service .    [SR Press Release]

  • General John A. Gordon Leaving NNSA for NSC -- On June 27, the White House Press Secretray announced that General Gordon will replace General Wayne A. Downing as Deputy Assistant to the President, National Director and Deputy National Security Advisor for Combating Terrorism at the National Security Council. DOE Press Release    [White House Statement]

  • Departmental Representative to the DNFSB welcomes Kim Davis. -- On June 24, Kim Davis joined the staff of the Departmental Representative to the DNFSB as a General Engineer. She has 13 years experience at DOE in various technical positions. Most recently, she was an engineer in the authorization basis group at the NNSA Office of Amarillo Site Operations at the Pantex Plant. Prior to working at Pantex, she spent 11 years at the Savannah River Site. Ms. Davis will be the S-3.1 Lead for Albuquerque, Los Alamos, Nevada, Pantex, and Rocky Flats and on Board Recommendations 99-1 and 98-2.   

  • Department of Energy Implements Security Reforms -- On June 20, Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham announced a number of security policy reforms throughout the Department and the DOE laboratory complex.    [DOE Press Release]

  • South Carolina Governor Jim Hodges Loses Fight Against Plutonium Shipment -- On June 18, a federal judge ordered Governor Hodges not to get in the way of the plutomium shipments to Savannah River.    [Washington Post Article]

  • James A. Ajello Named as Environmental Management Advisory Board Chair -- On June 18, the DOE announced the appointment of James A. Ajello as a member and the new Chair of the Department's Environmental Management Advisory Board. Ajello is President of Reliant Energy Solutions of Houston, TX.    [DOE Press Release]

  • Department of Energy Initiative Will Convert Weapons Program Legacy Material into Weapon Against Cancer -- On June 17, the DOE announced that it will accept proposals from private companies to provide a large-scale, long-term source of medical isotopes that have shown tremendous promise in the treatment of deadly cancers. This is part of an initiative to clean up Cold War legacy sites.    [DOE Press Release]

  • South Carolina Governor Jim Hodges Declares State of Emergency in Plutonium Standoff -- On June 15, Gov. Hodges ordered South Carolina troopers to the Savannah River Site on Friday to begin looking for incoming plutonium shipments    [Savannah Now Story]

  • Department of Energy Says Plutonium Shipments to the Savannah River Site Can Start as Soon as June 22nd -- On June 14, a federal judge denied Gov. Jim Hodges' request to delay shipments of weapons-grade plutonium to South Carolina.    [DOE Press Release]

  • Michael R. Anastasio Named Director of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory -- On June 04, the University of California Board of Regents appointed Dr. Michael R. Anastasio as the director of the UC-managed laboratory. Anastasio has been the Deputy Director for Strategic Operations for the last year.    [LLNL Press Release]

  • Final EIS On Savannah River Site High-Level Waste Tank Closures Available -- On May 31, the SRS announced the availability of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the proposed closing of additional high-level waste tanks at SRS.    [Savannah River Press Release]

  • Department of Energy Certifies Need to Build a Modern Pit Facility -- On May 31, the National Nuclear Security Administration announced its plans for a facility to manufacture plutonium pits for nuclear weapons to be on line by 2020.    [NNSA Press Release]

  • Department of Energy, State of New Mexico and the Enviromental Protection Agency Agree to Pursue Accelerated Cleanup Strategy for New Mexico Sites -- On May 31, Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham announced that a Letter of Intent had been signed to accelerate cleanup at DOE facilities in New Mexico. Under the plan, the parties will work to complete cleanup activities at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque by 2006 and at Los Alamos National Laboratory by 2015.    [DOE Press Release]

  • Accelerated Cleanup Strategy for the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) Announced -- On May 31, the Department of Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency the State of Idaho agreed to accelerate cleanup at INEEL. An additional $110 million from the accelerated cleanup reform account set aside.    [DOE Press Release]

  • DOE and State of Nevada Agree to Pursue Accelerated Cleanup Strategy for Nevada Test Site -- On May 31, Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham announced that a Letter of Intent has been signed to enter into an agreement to accelerate cleanup at the Nevada Test Site.    [DOE Press Release]

  • Los Alamos Site Office Manger and NNSA Associate Administrator for Facililies and Operations Named -- On May 23, NNSA Administrator, John Gordon, announced his selection of Ralph Erickson as manager of the Los Alamos Site Office. In addition, he asked Secretary Abraham to reassign Greg Rudy to become NNSA Associate Administrator for Facililies and Operations in Washington.    [NNSA Press Release]

  • Management Reassignments at the Department of Energy -- On May 23, the DOE announced its second phase of executive management reassignments. A total of 27 senior executives were involved in the first phase of this plan, five executives are involved in this phase.    [DOE Press Release]

  • Letter of Intent Signed for Accelerated Cleanup Strategy for Oak Ridge Site -- On May 15, the DOE, the State of Tennessee, and the Environmental Protection Agency entered into an agreement to accelerate the cleanup.    [DOE Press Release]

  • House of Representatives Supports Yucca Mountain -- On May 09, the House voted 306 to 117 to override the veto by Gov. Kenny Guinn of Nevada.    [DOE Press Release]

  • R. Bruce Matthews Nominated to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) -- On May 08, President Bush sent his nomination of R. Bruce Matthews to the DNFSB to the Sentate.    [White House Press Release]

  • Board Member Joseph DiNunno Speaks at DOE’s Integrated Safety Management Forum -- On May 07, the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board member Joseph DiNunno was one of the distinguished speakers at the Department of Energy’s Integrated Safety Management Forum held on March 7-8, 2002, at the Hilton Albuquerque Hotel. His remarks presented at the conference are provided.    [[PDF]]

  • President Bush To Nominate R. Bruce Matthews to the Board -- On May 07, the President announced his intention to nominate R. Bruce Matthews and John Edward Mansfield to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board. Matthews is currently a a visiting research engineer at the University of California.    [White House Press Release]

  • Faster Hanford Cleanup Agreement Reached -- On May 06, Washington State Governor, Gary Locke, announced an agreement with the DOE restore $300 million to fund Hanford's cleanup budget and provide an additional $150 million in fiscal year 2003 to pay for accelerated cleanup.    [Washington State Press Release]

  • Cleanup at Oak Ridge Uranium Enrichment Facility K-33 Completed -- On May 02, the DOE announced that BNFL Inc. has completed the cleanup of the K33 building--one of three uranium processing buildings at the former Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plants.    [Oak Ridge Press Release]

  • Decommissioning Completed at Hanford Building 233-S -- On May 01, Bechtel Hanford announced the removal of the last process vessels from the 233-S Plutonium Concentration Facility.    [Hanford Press Release]

  • Washington State Facilities Receive Recognition -- On May 01, the Richland Operations Office, the Pacific Northwest Laboratory, and Fluor Hanford Inc. were awarded with the Department's highest safety recognition - the Voluntary Protection Program Star.    [DOE Press Release]

  • Board Member Joseph J. DiNunno Retiring -- On April 26, the DNFSB announced Joseph H. DiNunno will retire in May. A retirement dinner to honor him will take place on Wednesday, May 15, 2002, at the Ft. Myer Officers Club.    [Announcement]

  • South Carolina Governor Urged to Sign Plutonium Disposition Agreement -- On April 12, U.S. Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham urged South Carolina Governor Jim Hodges to sign a proposed agreement to build a plutonium diposition facility at the Savannah River Site.    [DOE Press Release]

  • Progress Report on 2000-2 Implementation Plan -- On April 10, the DOE Executive Team briefed the Board on the progress of recommendation 2002-2, Configuration Management, Vital Safety Systems.    [DOE Executive Team Briefing]

  • Nevada Governor Vetos Yucca Mountain Recommendation -- On April 09, Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn filed a Notice of Disapproval ("Veto") regarding the Yucca Mountain recommendation with both houses of Congress.    [Nevada Press Release]

  • Board Closes Recommendation 96-1, In-Tank Precipation System at the Savannah River Site -- On March 29, the Board sent a letter to Secretary Abraham closing recommendation 96-1. The Board stated that only the disposition of the waste in Tank 48 remains a safety issue. Recovery of Tank 48 waste is also addressed in Board recommendation 2001-1, High-Level Waste Management at the Savannah River Site.    [Board Letter]

  • Deputy Secretary Francis Blake Resigns -- On March 18, Secretary Abraham announced that Deputy Secretary of Energy Francis Blake has decided to leave the Department and return to the private sector. In announcing Blake’s decision, Abraham said that Kyle McSlarrow, currently chief of staff for the Department, is set to be nominated by President Bush to serve as Deputy Secretary.    [DOE Press Release]

  • Orbach Sworn-in as Director of Office of Science -- On March 14, Raymond Orbach was sworn-in as the director of the Department’s Office of Science. Orbach was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on March 4.    [DOE Press Release]

  • DOE Announces Management Changes at Oak Ridge and Brookhaven -- On March 13, DOE announced leadership changes at its Oak Ridge Operations Office and Brookhaven Area Office, and the creation of a team to look for opportunities to simplify and streamline processes within the Office of Science. Leah Dever, most recently manager of the Oak Ridge Operations Office, will be detailed to the Office of Science at headquarters to head its Office of Laboratory Operations and Environment, Safety and Health. Replacing Ms. Dever will be Michael Holland, most recently manager of DOE’s Brookhaven Area Office in New York. Ed Cumesty, deputy manager of the Oak Ridge Operations office, will lead a team to look at opportunities to re-engineer processes within the Office of Science to: reflect a more standards-based management approach; adopt, where possible, best business practices; clarify and streamline roles and responsibilities; and lower the cost of providing Office of Science services. He will be detailed to headquarters to lead this effort.    [DOE Press Release]

  • DOE and Washington State Agree To Pursue Accelerated Cleanup Strategy for Hanford Site -- On March 06, Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham announced that a Letter of Intent has been signed to accelerate cleanup of the Department’s Hanford operations. Under the plan, the parties will work to complete cleanup operations at Hanford 35 to 45 years sooner than the current estimated completion date of 2070.    [DOE Press Release]

  • NNSA Announces Organizational Realignment -- On February 25, the NNSA Administrator John Gordon announced a decision to eliminate a layer in NNSA’s field management and streamline the operation of the nation’s nuclear weapons complex. The reorganization will move many key decision-making responsibilities from headquarters to the field, closer to where the work is actually being done.    [NNSA News Release]

  • John Arthur to Succeed Rick Glass as Albuquerque Operations Office Manager -- On February 25, the NNSA Administrator John Gordon announced his intention to appoint John Arthur to succeed Rick Glass as the Manager of NNSA’s Albuquerque Operations Office. Mr. Arthur is currently the Deputy Manager of NNSA’s Albuquerque Operations Office.    [NNSA News Release]

  • DOE Announces Management Changes for EM Program -- On February 13, the Department of Energy announced that 40 percent of the 70 Senior Executives in the Environmental Management (EM) program are being reassigned in order to strengthen, streamline, and delayer the leadership of the program. Some of the reassignments announced are provided in the announcement.    [DOE Press Release]

  • Management Changes for Environmental Management Program -- On February 13, the Office of Environmental Management (EM) announced that 40 percent of the 70 Senior Executives in the EM program are being reassigned in order to strengthen, streamline, and delayer the leadership of the program.    [DOE Press Release]

  • DOE Releases Draft of Safety Related Project Plan -- On February 12, the Department released a draft of the "Project Plan for Safety Management Report and Executive Safety Conference". The plan is a compilation of the recommendations and outcomes from the report titled, "Opportunities for Improvement: A Review of Safety Management at the Department of Energy" and those from the December 2001 Executive Safety Conference - Session Panels 1 through 4. The project plan will be used as a mechanism to capture, track, and communicate many of the activities planned and implemented to "take ISM to the next level."    [PDF]

  • Secretary of Energy Unveils DOE FY03 Budget -- On February 04, The Secretary of Energy released the Department of Energy's (DOE) Fiscal Year 2003 Budget request to Congress, calling the plan a blueprint to "build a stronger foundation for energy security in the 21st century."    [HTM]

  • DOE Releases the Top-To-Bottom Review of the EM Program -- On February 04, the Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management released the Top-to-Bottom Review of the current EM program and its management systems. The Top-to-Bottom Review Team was created in August 2001.    [PDF]

  • Senate Confirms Everet Beckner -- On January 25, the Senate confirmed Everet Beckner as the Deputy Administrator for Defense Programs in the Department’s National Nuclear Security Administration, subject to Mr. Beckner's commitment to respond to requests to appear and testify before any duly constituted committee of the Senate.    [Congressional Record]

  • Senate Confirms Beverly Cook -- On January 25, the Senate confirmed Beverly Cook as Assistant Secretary of Energy for the Department’s Office of Environment, Safety and Health.    [Congressional Record]

  • Secretary Abraham Announces Administration Plan to Proceed with Plutonium Disposition & Reduce Proliferation Concerns -- On January 23, the Secretary of Energy announced that the Department of Energy and the Bush Administration will dispose of 34 metric tons of surplus weapons grade plutonium by turning the material into mixed oxide fuel (MOX) for use in nuclear reactors. The MOX conversion process is expected to cost $3.8 billion over 20 years, including the construction of two new conversion facilities (disassembly and fuel fabrication) at the Department of Energy's Savannah River Site. Construction of the facilities, set to begin in Fiscal Year 2004, will create on average 500 new jobs and operation of the facilities will result in approximately 800 new jobs.    [DOE Press Release]

  • DOE to Provide $12 Million to Support an Increase in Waste Shipments to WIPP -- On January 17, the Department of Energy announced that it is committing an additional $12 million to significantly increase shipments of transuranic waste (TRU), by nearly 50%, to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) near Carlsbad, N.M. The increase in shipments supports the Department's plan to ship 3100 cubic meters of transuranic waste out of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory by Dec. 31, 2002, as required by the Idaho Settlement Agreement.    [DOE Press Release]

  • DOE December 2001 Executive Safety Conference Results -- On January 11, DOE unveiled the website for the Under Secretaries Robert Card’s and General John Gordon’s 2001 Executive Safety Conference, held in Washington, DC on December 11-12, 2001. The central theme of this senior management conference was Taking Integrated Safety Management (ISM) to the Next Level. View full details including the Agenda, Panel/Breakout Sessions, Presentations Presented at the Workshop, and Session Summaries.    [HTM]


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