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News Digest Items - 2001
Last updated December 09, 2002

  • INEEL Co-Develops New UNEX Process -- On December 14, DOE announced that scientists and engineers at the Department of Energy’s Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory and the and Khlopin Radium Institute in Russia have made treating nuclear waste safer and cheaper with a new, one-step process that separates out much of the radioactive material. Using the new Universal Extraction (UNEX) process, the scientists trim the volume of high-level waste at least twentyfold.    [INEEL News Release]

  • Board Member Joseph DiNunno Speaks at DOE’s Executive Safety Conference -- On December 11, the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board member Joseph DiNunno was one of the distinguished speakers at the Department of Energy’s Executive Safety Conference held on December 11-12, 2001, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Washington, D.C. His remarks presented at the conference are provided.    [HTM]

  • Board Chairman John T. Conway Speaks at DOE’s Executive Safety Conference -- On December 11, the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Chairman John T. Conway was one of the distinguished speakers at the Department of Energy’s Executive Safety Conference held on December 11-12, 2001, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Washington, D.C. His remarks presented at the conference are provided.    [HTM]

  • Board Announces Additional Y-12 Site Rep -- On November 13, the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board announced the assignment of Dr. Matthew J. Forsbacka as a Board Site Representative at the Department of Energy’s Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The assignment will take effect December 2, 2001. Dr. Forsbacka will join Mr. Paul Gubanc at Y-12.    [DNFSB Announcement]

  • President Bush to Nominate Beverly Cook for EH-1 -- On November 09, President Bush announced his intention to nominate Beverly Cook to be Assistant Secretary of Energy for Environment, Safety and Health. Ms. Cook is the Manager of the Department of Energy's Idaho Operations Office where she has served since June 1999.    [White House Press Release]

  • DOE Announces the Executive Safety Conference -- On November 01, the Department of Energy and the National Nuclear Security Administration announced the Executive Safety Conference to be held on December 11-12, 2001 in Washington D. C. The central theme of the conference will be "Taking ISM to the Next Level." The list of distinguished speakers includes John T. Conway, Chairman, and Joseph J. DiNunno, Board Member, of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, Mr. James P. O'Hanlon, President and Chief Operating Officer of Dominion Generation, and Dr. Richard Meserve, Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.    [DOE Announcement Letter]

  • DOE Announces Mark Frei as Acting Manager of Idaho Operations Office -- On September 25, the Department of Energy announced that Mark W. Frei has been designated as the acting manager of the department's Idaho Operations Office. Mr. Frei assumes his position on October 15, 2001.    [DOE Press Release]

  • DP-1 Nomination Sent to the Senate -- On September 25, the nomination of Everet Beckner to be the Department of Energy’s Deputy Administration for Defense Programs (DP-1) in the National Nuclear Security Administration was sent to the Senate. Mr Beckner is from New Mexico.    [White House Office of the Press Secretary Release]

  • NNSA Announces Cancellation of LANL TA-18 Public Meeting -- On September 11, the Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration announced the cancellation of the public meeting to relocate Los Alamos National Laboratory Tech Area 18 (TA-18). The meeting has not been rescheduled at this time.    [Nevada Operations Office News]

  • SNL Announces the Start of Designing New WETL at Pantex -- On September 05, the Department of Energy’s Sandia National Laboratory announced that design has begun on a new Weapons Evaluation Test Laboratory (WETL) at the National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) Pantex Plant near Amarillo. Construction of the new WETL is scheduled to begin in October 2002 and be completed by March 2004. The facility should be occupied and operational by October 2004.    [Sandia National Laboratory News Release]

  • DOE & SRS Continue Meetings With South Carolina Officials -- On August 29, the Department of Energy officials from Washington D.C. and the Savannah River Site met with Governor Jim Hodges and Rep. Lindsey Graham in South Carolina to address South Carolina's concerns regarding the disposition of plutonium materials. The Department and its Savannah River Site facility are working together to address South Carolina's concerns and to develop a strategy that helps ensure the continued viability and mission of the facility.    [DOE Press Release]

  • Board Announces the Assignment of Thomas Burns as the Site Rep at Savannah River Site -- On August 27, the Board announced that Dr. Thomas D. Burns, Jr. will be the site representative at SRS. As the Board’s Site Representative, Dr. Burns will advise the Board with regard to the overall safety and health conditions at the Savannah River Site, and will participate in the conduct of reviews and evaluations by the Board related to the design, construction, operation, and decommissioning of nuclear facilities.    [PDF]

  • Secretary of Energy Announces Key Steps in Site Analysis of Yucca Mountain -- On August 21, the Department of Energy announced the dates, locations, and times for the public hearings in Nevada to receive comments on whether or not the Secretary of Energy should recommend Yucca Mountain, Nevada, as a site for a potential geological repository for nuclear waste. The Department also issued the Yucca Mountain Preliminary Site Suitability Evaluation which will be used as additional information to facilitate public review and comment on a possible site recommendation.    [DOE Press Release]

  • DOE Announces Removal of Hanford High-Level Waste Tanks From Wyden Congressional Safety Watch List -- On August 17, the Department of Energy’s Office of River Protection announced the removal of the final 24 Hanford high- level waste tanks from the Wyden congressional safety watch list. Removal of the remaining 24 tanks was based upon the resolution of significant safety issues through analysis of the waste, monitoring of tank conditions, and identification of potential hazards. This final step closes the Wyden Watch List and completes a Tri-Party Agreement Milestone one month ahead of schedule.    [PDF]

  • Board Announces the Assignment of Charles Keilers as the Site Rep at Los Alamos National Laboratory -- On July 23, the Board announced that Dr. Charles Keilers will be the site representative at LANL. As the Board’s Site Representative, Dr. Keilers will advise the Board with regard to the overall safety and health conditions at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, and will participate in the conduct of reviews and evaluations by the Board related to the design, construction, operation, and decommissioning of nuclear facilities.    [PDF]

  • Board Announces Public Meeting on Quality Assurance -- On July 23, the Board announced a public meeting will be held on August 15, 2001 at the Board's public hearing room in Washington, D.C. This is the third in a series of open meetings being held by the Board on the topic of quality assurance within DOE defense nuclear activities.    [PDF]

  • Jessie H. Roberson Sworn In as EM-1 -- On July 18, DOE announced that Jessie Roberson was sworn-in as Assistant Secretary of Energy for Environmental Management.    [DOE Press Release]

  • Key DOE Presidential Appointees Sworn In -- On June 05, DOE announced that five of the key presidential appointees to the department have been sworn in to their leadership positions.    [DOE Press Release]

  • Senate Confirms Francis S. Blake and Robert G. Card -- On May 25, the Senate confirmed Francis Blake as Deputy Secretary of Energy and Robert Card as Under Secretary of Energy.    [Congressional Record]

  • Board Issues Recommendation 2001-1, High-Level Waste Management at the Savannah River Site.

  • President Bush to Nominate Francis S. Blake for Deputy Secretary -- On March 23, President Bush announced his intention to nominate Francis Blake for Deputy Secretary of Energy. Mr. Blake is the Senior Vice President of Corporate Business Development at General Electric where he served since 1991.    [White House Press Release]

  • President Bush to Nominate Jessie H. Roberson for Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management -- On March 22, President Bush announced his intention to nominate Ms. Roberson for the Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management. Ms. Roberson currently serves as a member on the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board.    [White House Press Release]

  • NNSA Administrator Announces Organizational Changes -- On March 14, John A. Gordon, Administrator for the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) announced his plan for organizing the NNSA within the U.S. Department of Energy. The planned actions will improve performance of the core mission to strengthen national security and reduce the global threat from weapons of mass destruction through applications of science and technology.    [NNSA Press Release]

  • Department Releases Draft Request for Proposal for Medical Isotope Production at Oak Ridge -- On January 31, the Department released a draft RFP for a private contractor to provide a large-scale, long-term source of a promising radioisotope for cancer treatment, bismuth-213. The isotope is a decay product from uranium-233, which the Department stores at Oak Ridge.    [DOE-OR Press Release]

  • Department Issues Report to Congress on Long-Term Stewardship of Nuclear Weapons Complex -- On January 19, DOE issued a Report to Congress containing the most comprehensive analysis to date of its existing and anticipated long-term stewardship obligations at DOE sites.    [DOE Press Release]

  • Department and University of California Extend Management Contracts for Defense Labs -- On January 19, the Energy Department, the National Nuclear Security Administration and the University of California agreed on new management and operations contracts for two of the Energy Department's defense labs, Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos.    [DOE Press Release]

  • Department Publishes Final Nuclear Safety Management Rule -- On January 10, the final Nuclear Safety Management Rule (10 CFR Part 830) was published in the Federal Register. The final rule contains minor modifications to the interim final rule published in October 2000 and is effective on February 9, 2001.    [PDF]

  • DOE Extends Contract at Savannah River Site -- On January 05, Secretary Bill Richardson announced his decision to extend the contract with Washington Group International's Westinghouse Savannah River Company and its integrated team of Bechtel Savannah River, Inc.; BWXT Savannah River Company; and British Nuclear Fuels, Limited, Savannah River Corporation to manage and operate the Savannah River Site.    [DOE Press Release]

  • Secretary Richardson Names Head of Office of River Protection -- On January 03, Secretary Bill Richardson named Dr. Harry Boston as Manager of the Office of River Protection (ORP) in Richland, Washington.    [DOE Press Release]

  • Spencer Abraham Nominated for Next Energy Secretary -- On January 02, President-elect Bush nominated Spencer Abraham for Energy Secretary.    [CNN Article]


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