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Optical Properties and Infrared Technology Group
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8441
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8441
fax: 301-869-5700
Group Home Page

NIST Physics Laboratory
Optical Technology Division
Division Home Page

    Position   Name   Title   Phone Number

    Group Leader:   Raju V. Datla   301-975-2131
    Secretary:   Martin Wilson   301-975-2356
    Staff:   Adriaan Carter   Physicist 301-975-4765
    Leonard M. Hanssen   Physicist 301-975-2344
    Simon G. Kaplan   Physicist 301-975-2336
    Joseph P. Rice   Physicist 301-975-2133
    Contractor:   Joel B. Fowler   301-975-2341
    Timothy M. Jung   301-975-2330
    Steven R. Lorentz   301-975-2311
    James E. Proctor   301-975-2668
    Guest Researcher:   Stephen Carr   301-975-3470
    Marie Juliano   301-975-6092
    Vladimir Khromchenko   301-975-6506
    Mike Lin   301-975-5327
    Greg Ly   301-975-2350
    Jorge Neira   301-975-8094
    Joe O'Connell   301-975-5442
    Alexander Prokhorov   301-975-8024
    Dale Sears   301-975-2384
    Robert Soulen   301-975-2357
    Alfons Weber   301-975-2377
    Boris Wilthan   301-975-4183
    Solomon Woods   301-975-2382
    Jinan Zeng   301-975-4473

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