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Optical Thermometry and Spectral Methods Group
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8441
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8441
fax: 301-869-5700
Group Home Page

NIST Physics Laboratory
Optical Technology Division
Division Home Page

    Position   Name   Title   Phone Number

    Group Leader:   Eric L. Shirley   301-975-2349
    Secretary:   Robin Lee   301-975-2357
    Staff:   David W. Allen   Research Chemist 301-975-3680
    Charles E. Gibson   Physicist 301-975-2329
    B. Carol Johnson   Physicist 301-975-2322
    Maritoni Litorja   Research Chemist 301-975-8095
    Alan L. Migdall   Physicist 301-975-2331
    Benjamin K. Tsai   Physical Scientist 301-975-2347
    Howard W. Yoon   Physicist 301-975-2482
    Post Doc:   Aaron Pearlman   301-975-2342
    Contractor:   Jingyun Fan   301-975-8112
    Sergey Mekhontsev   301-975-8598
    Robert Saunders   301-975-4712
    Guest Researcher:   Jun Chen   301-975-2000
    Sandra Cremer   301-975-8413
    Ken Eckerle   301-975-2357
    Stephanie Flora   301-975-2322
    Elizabeth Goldschmidt   301-975-5579
    Jon T. Hougen   Scientist Emeritus 301-975-2379
    Marilyn E. Jacox   Scientist Emeritus 301-975-2547
    Yong Sung Kim   301-975-4712
    Walter J. Lafferty   Scientist Emeritus 301-975-2375
    Alexander Ling   301-975-4493
    Francis J. Lovas   301-975-2385
    Sergey Polyakov   301-975-8473
    Natalia Rutter   301-975-2000
    Warren E. Thompson   301-975-2547
    Student:   Brian Fanney   301-975-8361
    Anita Hill   301-975-8095
    Aaron Ho   301-975-2349
    Steven Hwang   301-975-2322
    Mindy Lin   301-975-4580

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