Comment Number: 535819-00066
Received: 5/20/2008 1:44:37 AM
Commenter: Jeremy Bradley
State: WV
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Prohibitions On Market Manipulation and False Information in Subtitle B of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
No Attachments


It just boggles my mind how the US Government can set back and let us be effectively raped at the pumps! How long is this going to be permitted to continue? These leeches are nothing more than a cancer to society. Remove them from the market or otherwise make them pay full price for what they invest in and make them take pysical delivery of the oil. This is just beyond ridiculous that we are paying near $4 a gallon while third world countries are paying mere cents on some occasions! Wake up Washington, stop the bickering and do something now! I fully support transport and consumer strikes! Somebody has to send a message that this will NOT BE TOLERATED!