Comment Number: 535819-00058
Received: 5/15/2008 7:29:04 PM
Commenter: James Green
State: NY
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Prohibitions On Market Manipulation and False Information in Subtitle B of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
No Attachments


When the cost of living rises exponentially due to the price of fuel (the life blood of most transportation for goods on the planet) and wages stay stagnant, people cannot afford to live, I mean the real people who do the little jobs that make this country move, I'm referring to the guy that only makes $11.37 an hour and lives fifteen miles from work and cannot afford to trade in the family car for something that sips on gas because money is tight to begin with, WITHOUT gas prices going thru the roof. The government needs to have the umbilical cord between them and big oil companies severed to spark more competition among the industry. Currently there are three major oil company’s controlling all the oil and one group of county’s controlling the flow of that oil. Why just the other day I saw on the news the Ceo of Exxon Mobil told senator Schumer that “we here at Exxon Mobil don’t believe in alternative energy”. The congress of the United States of America needs to step in and under the Sherman antitrust act break up the three largest oil companies. Or subsidize the cost of home heating fuel and gasoline. It will all come to a head when the average American has to choose to stay home from work because he can't afford to put gas in the car to get himself to work to make more money.