Comment Number: 535819-00054
Received: 5/15/2008 1:39:32 PM
Commenter: secret
State: GA
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: Prohibitions On Market Manipulation and False Information in Subtitle B of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
No Attachments


Okay. You have minimum wage at $5.85 an hour. You take a gallon of gas at $3.80. It takes more than half what alot of people in America make an hour to buy one gallon of gas. There was a law created years ago that said companies could not charge over x-amount of dollars for electricity because it was becoming a monopoly. Do the same thing to the gas companies. Since the gas stations are arguing that they do not make that much off of selling gas then they will not care about the price. Set a cap on the price that the Gas companies can charge and let it go. Add the tax to that and anything under $2.25 a gallon I am sure the Americans can live with. So what, The Government gave us a rebate check. About the time we got them the gas prices soared even higher just to eat up the money so that once again the gas and oil companies are getting even richer. They are just killing the traveling, motels, automobile sales and the rest of what is left of the country. If you do not step in now there will be nothing left. Also if they do not like that idea then charge them a tax that they cannot pass onto the customer. Put a price freeze on them and then charge them 50% tax. They would be more than eager to lower the price because they would not gain nothing at the price they currently charge. It is going to end up with killings at the gas stations because people cannot afford gas.