Comment Number: EREG-000062
Received: 4/7/2004 8:00:00 AM
Organization: N/A
Commenter: Gabrian Callaway
State: TX
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: FACTA Free Reports Proposed Rule
Docket ID: [3084-AA94]
No Attachments


FACTA Free File Disclosures Proposed Rule, Matter No. R411005 Dear Sirs: The proposed regulation is a much anticipated and long overdue means of assistance for the citizens of this country who are greatly manipulated by the reporting of or to CRA's. While maintaining credit is primarily the responsibility of the borrower, many business entities are abusing their ability to report to CRAs. This type of deceptive and unaccountable reporting leads to devistating results for many borrowers seeking to purchase a new home or place a child into a higher learning institution. The ability to have free access to the information being shared readily by creditors and the CRAs is an excellent way for borrowers to monitor their credit and effectively resolve discrepencies where they may occur. Thank you for your efforts on this very important issue. Sincerely, Gabrian Callaway