Comment Number: EREG-000036
Received: 4/1/2004 8:00:00 AM
Organization: self
Commenter: barb sashaw
State: NJ
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Rule: FACTA Free Reports Proposed Rule
Docket ID: [3084-AA94]
No Attachments


public comment on 16 cfr parts 610 rin 3084 aa94 I believe high monetary fines should be set in place for those companies who do not send the reports - which can help fund the ftc operations. page 4 comment - the full address of all documentation should be given including street address, current telephone, cell phones, fax nos, etc. Set a time limit for a company acting after receiving request - l4 days at most. page 9 - establish a standard form - none shows in this proposal. when collected thru request for annual report, all new information should be private. pg10-all language must be that which a 12 year old child can understand in plain english. pg 11 - a 15 day limit is enough. pg 12 - we need a more consistent rule so the regulations are not all over the map. evasion for companies are far too likely with this "looseness". pg 17 - i think 300% is far too high an estimate. most people never ask for these report. pg30 - 4 - the answer is yes. pg 33 - 17b-keeping the information accurate would benefit the customer and the company.