* this macro is designed to be used with SCF datasets from 1989 forward to produce the core variables used in Bulletin articles; OPTIONS MPRINT; OPTIONS SOURCE SOURCE2; OPTIONS LINESIZE=78; OPTIONS COMPRESS=YES; LIBNAME IN 'directory where SCF data sets are stored'; LIBNAME WORKINGR 'directory for real dollar output data sets'; LIBNAME WORKINGN 'directory for nominal dollar output data sets'; * IMPORTANT NOTE: This program assumes the SCF datasets stored in the IN library are named P89I6, P92I4, P95I6, P98I6, P01I6, and P04I6. If you wish to use a different naming convention, you will need to change the ELSE %LET SCFDS= statements in the section of the program where the CPI adjustments are done.; ***************************************************************************; ***************************************************************************; * UTILITY MACROs HERE; ***************************************************************************; * MACRO MCONV converts payments to MONTHLY basis; * NOTE: this macro does not convert HOURLY (code 18) or DAILY (code 1); %MACRO MCONV(F); ((&F=2)*52/12+(&F=3)*26/12+(&F=4)+(&F=5)/3+(&F=6)/12+(&F=11)/6+ (&F=12)/2+(&F=31)*2)+(&F=23)*13/12+(&F=24)*52/(6*12) %MEND MCONV; ***************************************************************************; ***************************************************************************; * MAIN MACRO HERE; ***************************************************************************; * MACRO BULLIT: YEAR: SCF survey year REAL: set=YES (default) to compute dollar variables in real terms ADJINC: set=YES (default) to adjust lagged income to survey year dollars CPIBASE: give value of CPI-U-RS (times 100) for the period selected as the reference period for real dollars PUBLIC: set equal to NO (default) for work with an internal SCF dataset, set equal to YES for work with a disclosure-limited dataset; %GLOBAL YEAR ID IID; %MACRO BULLIT(YEAR=,REAL=YES,CPIBASE=,PUBLIC=NO,ADJINC=YES); ***************************************************************************; ***************************************************************************; %IF (&REAL EQ YES AND &ADJINC NE YES) %THEN %PUT WARNING! REAL=YES, BUT ADJINC^=YES!; ***************************************************************************; ***************************************************************************; %*set CPI-U-RS factors for inflation adjustments and identify input datasets for various survey years; %*CPI-U-RS is the current-methods version of the Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers; %*for income, set CPILAG equal to the annual average of CPI-U-RS * 100 for the year of the survey divided by that for the year preceding the survey; %*for all other values, set CPICUR equal to CPIBASE divided by the value of CPI-U-RS * 100 for the September of the survey year; %*NOTE: CPIBASE should be the index value for the base period (typically September for one of the survey years); %*set name of final input dataset; %IF (&YEAR=1989) %THEN %DO; %LET CPIADJ=&CPIBASE/1886; %LET CPILAG=1870/1793; %IF (&PUBLIC NE YES) %THEN %LET SCFDS=SCFR6; %ELSE %LET SCFDS=P89I6; %END; %ELSE %IF (&YEAR=1992) %THEN %DO; %LET CPIADJ=&CPIBASE/2098; %LET CPILAG=2085/2034; %IF (&PUBLIC NE YES) %THEN %LET SCFDS=SCF92I4; %ELSE %LET SCFDS=P92I4; %END; %ELSE %IF (&YEAR=1995) %THEN %DO; %LET CPIADJ=&CPIBASE/2246; %LET CPILAG=2235/2182; %IF (&PUBLIC NE YES) %THEN %LET SCFDS=SCF95I6; %ELSE %LET SCFDS=P95I6; %END; %ELSE %IF (&YEAR=1998) %THEN %DO; %LET CPIADJ=&CPIBASE/2385; %LET CPILAG=2377/2344; %IF (&PUBLIC NE YES) %THEN %LET SCFDS=SCF98I6; %ELSE %LET SCFDS=P98I6; %END; %ELSE %IF (&YEAR=2001) %THEN %DO; %LET CPIADJ=&CPIBASE/2596; %LET CPILAG=2578/2508; %IF (&PUBLIC NE YES) %THEN %LET SCFDS=SCF01I6; %ELSE %LET SCFDS=P01I6; %END; %ELSE %IF (&YEAR=2004) %THEN %DO; %LET CPIADJ=&CPIBASE/2765; %LET CPILAG=2751/2679; %IF (&PUBLIC NE YES) %THEN %LET SCFDS=SCF04I6; %ELSE %LET SCFDS=P04I6; %END; ***************************************************************************; ***************************************************************************; * set names of the ID variables; %IF (&PUBLIC NE YES OR &YEAR EQ 1989) %THEN %DO; %LET ID=X1; %LET IID=XX1; %END; %ELSE %DO; %LET ID=Y1; %LET IID=YY1; %END; %IF (&PUBLIC NE YES OR &YEAR EQ 1989) %THEN %DO; %LET PID=X1; %LET PIID=XX1; %END; %ELSE %DO; %LET PID=Y1; %LET PIID=YY1; %END; ***************************************************************************; ***************************************************************************; * specify list of variables to be kept in the dataset; * to reduce the size of the public dataset, specify a more limited list of variables to be kept; ***************************************************************************; %* specify here variables that are only to be kept for selected years; %LET ALSOKEEP=%STR(); %IF (&YEAR GE 1992 AND &PUBLIC NE YES) %THEN %DO; %LET ALSOKEEP=%STR(Y1 YY1 WSAVED SAVED); %END; %ELSE %IF (&YEAR GE 1992) %THEN %DO; %LET ALSOKEEP=%STR(Y1 YY1 SAVED); %END; %ELSE %IF (&YEAR EQ 1989) %THEN %DO; %LET ALSOKEEP=%STR(X1 XX1); %END; %IF (&YEAR GE 1998 AND &PUBLIC NE YES) %THEN %DO; %LET ALSOKEEP=&ALSOKEEP SPENDMOR; %END; %IF (&YEAR GE 2004 AND &PUBLIC NE YES) %THEN %DO; %LET ALSOKEEP=&ALSOKEEP OMUTF; %END; %IF (&PUBLIC EQ YES) %THEN %LET KEEPLIST=&ALSOKEEP WGT MARRIED KIDS AGE INCOME NORMINC AGECL EDCL RACECL RACE HOUSECL ASSET FIN LIQ CDS SAVING NMMF STOCKS BOND RETQLIQ SAVBND CASHLI OTHMA OTHFIN CHECKING MMA CALL NFIN VEHIC HOUSES ORESRE NNRESRE BUS OTHNFIN DEBT PIRTOTAL MRTHEL RESDBT OTHLOC CCBAL INSTALL ODEBT NETWORTH HOMEEQ TPAY PLOAN1-PLOAN9 LLOAN1-LLOAN12 EDUC OCCAT1 KGTOTAL SAVRES1-SAVRES9 ANYPEN DBPLANT BUSVEH NBUSVEH LATE60 EQUITY DEQ VLEASE RETEQ MERGEID HLIQ VEH_INST EDN_INST OTH_INST HELOC NH_MORT NOCHK WHYNOCKG HDEBT &ALSOKEEP; %ELSE %LET KEEPLIST=&ALSOKEEP WGT0 WGT X1 XX1 WILSH MARRIED KIDS AGE INCCL2 INCOME NORMINC X3 AGECL EDCL LIFECL RACECL h_racecl RACE h_race HOUSECL ASSET FIN LIQ CDS NMMF STOCKS BOND RETQLIQ SAVBND CASHLI OTHMA OTHFIN CHECKING MMA CALL HFIN HLIQ HCDS SAVING HSAVING HNMMF HSTOCKS HBOND HRETQLIQ HSAVBND HCASHLI HOTHMA HOTHFIN HCHECK HMMA HCALL NFIN VEHIC HOUSES ORESRE NNRESRE BUS OTHNFIN HNFIN HVEHIC HHOUSES HORESRE HNNRESRE HBUS HOTHNFIN DEBT MRTHEL RESDBT OTHLOC CCBAL INSTALL ODEBT HDEBT HMRTHEL HRESDBT HOTHLOC HCCBAL HINSTALL HODEBT HASSET NETWORTH HOMEEQ TPAY PIRTOTAL TPLOAN PLOAN1-PLOAN9 TLLOAN LLOAN1-LLOAN12 EDUC X7401 X7402 OCCAT1 INDCAT NHNFIN KGTOTAL KGHOUSE KGORE KGBUS KGSTMF SAVRES1-SAVRES9 ANYPEN DBPLANCJ DBPLANT DCPLANCJ BPLANCJ BUSVEH NBUSVEH LATE60 EQUITY EQUITINC HEQUITY DEQ OWN NOWN VOWN LEASE NLEASE VLEASE NVEHIC NEWCAR1 NEWCAR2 NOCHK EHCHKG X3503 MERGEID REGION HBROK HTRAD NSTOCKS NTRAD RETEQ X3006 X30009 NOTXBND MORTBND GOVTBND OBND STMUTF TFBMUTF GBMUTF OBMUTF COMUTF IRAKH PENEQ THRIFT MORTPAY CONSPAY REVPAY PIRMORT PIRCONS PIRREV WHYNOCKG VEH_INST HVEH_INST EDN_INST HEDN_INST OTH_INST HOTH_INST HELOC HHELOC NH_MORT HNH_MORT &ALSOKEEP; * NOTE: variable NWCAT is computed following this data step, and the value of this variable is merged back into the final dataset; * MERGEID is dropped at the end; ***************************************************************************; DATA %UNQUOTE(SCFB&YEAR)(KEEP=&KEEPLIST); LENGTH VARNM $8; %IF (&PUBLIC NE YES) %THEN %DO; SET %UNQUOTE(SCF&YEAR)%STR(.)&SCFDS; %END; %ELSE %DO; SET IN%STR(.)&SCFDS; %END; ***************************************************************************; * sample and weight adjustments; * only keep observations with valid ID and weight; IF (&ID>0 & &IID>0 & X42001>0); * dummy merge variable for adding quantile calculations after this data step; MERGEID=1; * divide weight by 5 so totals estimated on the 5 implicates jointly are correct; WGT=X42001/5; * retain original weight: WGT0; WGT0=X42001; * include hardcoded adjustments to weights intended to dampen the influence of overly influential cases identified by graphical analysis of the distributions of data; %IF (&PUBLIC NE YES) %THEN %DO; %INCLUDE HC&YEAR; %END; ***************************************************************************; * miscellaneous global data adjustments; * consider all FINANCE COMPANIES reported in mortgage grids to be MORTGAGE COMPANIES; ARRAY MVAR{*} X9083 X9084 X9085 X9099 X9100 X9101; DO I=1 TO DIM(MVAR); IF MVAR{I}=14 THEN MVAR{I}=18; END; ***************************************************************************; * demographic variables; * age of the household head, and categorical variable: 1:<35, 2:35-44, 3:45-54, 4:55-64, 5:65-74, 6:>=75; AGE=X14; AGECL=1+(AGE GE 35)+(AGE GE 45)+(AGE GE 55)+(AGE GE 65)+(AGE GE 75); * education of the HH head, and categorical variable: 1=no high school diploma/GED, 2=high school diploma or GED, 3=some college, 4=college degree; EDUC=X5901; IF X5904 EQ 1 THEN EDCL=4; ELSE IF EDUC GE 13 THEN EDCL=3; ELSE IF (X5902 IN (1 2)) THEN EDCL=2; ELSE EDCL=1; * marital status of the HH head: 1=married/living with partner, 2=neither married nor living with partner; IF (X8023 IN (1 2)) THEN MARRIED=1; ELSE MARRIED=2; * number of children (including natural children/step-children/ foster children of head/spouse/partner); * NOTE: from 1995 forward, household listing information collected for one fewer HH member; ARRAY REL{*} X108 X114 X120 X126 X132 X202 X208 X214 X220 X226; KIDS=0; DO I=1 TO DIM(REL); KIDS=KIDS+(REL{I}=4|REL{I}=13|REL{I}=36); END; * labor force participation: 1=working in some way, 0=not working at all; IF ((X4100 >=50 & X4100 <= 80)| X4100=97) THEN LF=0; ELSE LF=1; * life cycle variables: 1=head under 55 + not married/LWP + no children, 2=head under 55 + married/LWP + no children, 3=head under 55 + married/LWP + children, 4=head under 55 + not married/LWP + children, 5=head 55 or older and working, 6=head 55 or older and not working; IF AGE<55 AND MARRIED NE 1 AND KIDS EQ 0 THEN LIFECL=1; ELSE IF AGE<55 AND MARRIED EQ 1 AND KIDS EQ 0 THEN LIFECL=2; ELSE IF AGE<55 AND MARRIED EQ 1 AND KIDS GT 0 THEN LIFECL=3; ELSE IF AGE<55 AND MARRIED NE 1 AND KIDS GT 0 THEN LIFECL=4; ELSE IF AGE>54 AND LF=1 THEN LIFECL=5; ELSE IF AGE>54 AND LF=0 THEN LIFECL=6; * race/ethnicity; * NOTE: prior to 1998, the SCF only asked for one response. In 1998, respondents were allowed to give multiple responses, but they were asked to give first the category they identified with most strongly. Few people gave more than one response. For purposes of continuity with prior data, define the 1998+ variable in terms of the strongest identification; * beginning in 2004, respondents were also asked a question to determine whether they were of Hispanic/Latino culture or origin; %IF (&YEAR GE 2004) %THEN %DO; * 1=white non-Hispanic, 2=nonwhite or Hispanic; * For the public data, we only keep the first two race variables and only code x6810 with a 1 if there is any response or a 5 if there is no response; %IF (&PUBLIC EQ NO) %THEN %DO; RACECL=1+(X6809 ^= 1 | X6810 NOT IN (1 0) | X6811 NOT IN (1 0) | X6812 NOT IN (1 0) | X6813 NOT IN (1 0) | X6814 NOT IN (1 0)); H_RACECL=1+(X6809 ^= 1 | X6810 NOT IN (1 0) | X6811 NOT IN (1 0) | X6812 NOT IN (1 0) | X6813 NOT IN (1 0) | X6814 NOT IN (1 0) | X7004=1); %END; %ELSE %IF (&PUBLIC EQ YES) %THEN %DO; RACECL=1+(X6809 ^= 1 | X6810 ^=5); H_RACECL=1+(X6809 ^= 1 | X6810 ^=5 | X7004=1); %END; * 1=white non-Hispanic, 2=black/African-American, 3=Hispanic, 4=Asian (only available in internal data set, see codebook), 5=other; IF X6809=1 THEN RACE=1; ELSE IF X6809=2 THEN RACE=2; ELSE IF X6809=3 THEN RACE=3; ELSE IF X6809=4 THEN RACE=4; ELSE RACE=5; IF X6809=1 & X7004^=1 THEN H_RACE=1; ELSE IF X6809=2 & X7004^=1 THEN H_RACE=2; ELSE IF X6809=3 | X7004=1 THEN H_RACE=3; ELSE IF X6809=4 THEN H_RACE=4; ELSE H_RACE=5; %END; %ELSE %IF (&YEAR GE 1998) %THEN %DO; * 1=white non-Hispanic, 2=nonwhite or Hispanic; * For the public data, we only keep the first two race variables and only code x6810 with a 1 if there is any response or a 5 if there is no response; %IF (&PUBLIC EQ NO) %THEN %DO; RACECL=1+(X6809 ^= 1 | X6810 NOT IN (1 0) | X6811 NOT IN (1 0) | X6812 NOT IN (1 0) | X6813 NOT IN (1 0) | X6814 NOT IN (1 0)); %END; %ELSE %IF (&PUBLIC EQ YES) %THEN %DO; RACECL=1+(X6809 ^= 1 | X6810 ^=5); %END; * 1=white non-Hispanic, 2=black/African-American, 3=Hispanic, 4=Asian (only available in internal data set, see codebook), 5=other; IF X6809=1 THEN RACE=1; ELSE IF X6809=2 THEN RACE=2; ELSE IF X6809=3 THEN RACE=3; ELSE IF X6809=4 THEN RACE=4; ELSE RACE=5; H_RACECL=RACECL; H_RACE=RACE; %END; %ELSE %DO; RACECL=1+(X5909 ^= 5); IF X5909=5 THEN RACE=1; ELSE IF X5909=4 THEN RACE=2; ELSE IF X5909=3 THEN RACE=3; ELSE IF X5909=2 THEN RACE=4; ELSE RACE=5; H_RACECL=RACECL; H_RACE=RACE; %END; * detailed occupation categories for head: 1=work for someone else, 2=self-employed/partnership, 3=retired/disabled + (student/homemaker/misc. not working and age 65 or older), 4=other groups not working (mainly those under 65 and out of the labor force); IF X4106=1 THEN OCCAT1=1; ELSE IF (X4106 IN (2 3)) THEN OCCAT1=2; ELSE IF ((X4100 IN (50 52))|(X4100 IN (21 23 30 70 80 97 85 -7) & AGE>=65)) THEN OCCAT1=3; ELSE IF (X14<65) THEN OCCAT1=4; ELSE PUT "ERROR: UNCLASSIFIED WORK STATUS " X1= X14= X4100= X4106=; * industry classifications for head: 1=mining + construction + manufacturing, 2=transportation + communications + utilities and sanitary services + wholesale trade + finance, insurance and real estate, 3=agriculture + retail trade + services + public administration; * NOTE: for the public version of the dataset, the categories 2 and 3 are combined; %IF (&PUBLIC EQ NO) %THEN %DO; %IF (&YEAR LT 2004) %THEN %DO; IF (OCCAT1>=3) THEN INDCAT=4; ELSE IF (X7402>=40 & X7402<=392) THEN INDCAT=1; ELSE IF ((X7402>=400 & X7402<=571)|(X7402>=700 & X7402<=712)) THEN INDCAT=2; ELSE IF ((X7402>0 & X7402<40)|(X7402>=580 & X7402=<691)| (X7402>=721)) THEN INDCAT=3; %END; %ELSE %DO; IF (OCCAT1>=3) THEN INDCAT=4; ELSE IF ((370 <= X7402 <= 490) | (X7402=770) | (1070 <= X7402 <= 3990)) THEN INDCAT=1; ELSE IF ((570 <= X7402 <= 690) | (4070 <= X7402 <= 4590) | (6070 <= X7402 <= 6390) | (6470 <= X7402 <= 6780) | (6870 <= X7402 <= 7190)) THEN INDCAT=2; ELSE IF ((170 <= X7402 <= 290) | (4670 <= X7402 <= 5790) | (7270 <= X7402 <= 9890)) THEN INDCAT=3; %END; %END; %ELSE %DO; IF (OCCAT1>=3) THEN INDCAT=4; ELSE IF (X7402 IN (2 3)) THEN INDCAT=1; ELSE INDCAT=2; %END; * Census regions: 1=northeast, 2=north central, 3=south, 4=west; %IF (&YEAR NE 1989 AND &PUBLIC NE YES) %THEN %DO; REGION=X30022; %END; %ELSE %IF (&PUBLIC NE YES) %THEN %DO; REGION=X40083; %END; ***************************************************************************; * income variables; * HH income in previous calendar year; INCOME=MAX(0,X5729); * for 2004 and beyond, add in the amount of withdrawals from IRAs and tax-deferred pension accounts (already included in earlier years). need to convert pension withdrawals to annual frequency, using macro that converts amounts to monthly, then multiply by 12;; %IF (&YEAR GE 2004) %THEN %DO; INCOME=INCOME+X6558+X6566+X6574+MAX(0,(X6464*%MCONV(X6465))*12) +MAX(0,(X6469*%MCONV(X6470))*12)+MAX(0,(X6474*%MCONV(X6475))*12) +MAX(0,(X6479*%MCONV(X6480))*12)+MAX(0,(X6484*%MCONV(X6485))*12) +MAX(0,(X6489*%MCONV(X6490))*12)+MAX(0,(X6965*%MCONV(X6966))*12) +MAX(0,(X6971*%MCONV(X6972))*12)+MAX(0,(X6977*%MCONV(X6978))*12) +MAX(0,(X6983*%MCONV(X6984))*12)+MAX(0,(X6989*%MCONV(X6990))*12) +MAX(0,(X6995*%MCONV(X6996))*12); %END; * normal income; NORMINC=.B; %IF (&YEAR GE 1995) %THEN %DO; IF (X7650^=3) THEN NORMINC=X7362; ELSE NORMINC=X5729; %END; * if ADJINC=YES, adjust actual/normal income to level of survey year; %IF (&ADJINC EQ YES) %THEN %DO; INCOME=INCOME*&CPILAG; %IF (&YEAR GE 1995) %THEN %DO; NORMINC=NORMINC*&CPILAG; %END; %END; ***************************************************************************; * attitudinal and related variables; * adjusting for durables purchases/investments, spent more/same/less than income in past year; * WSAVED: 1=spending exceeded income, 2=spending equaled income, 3=spending less than income; * SAVED: 1=spent less than income, 0=all others; %IF (&YEAR GE 1992) %THEN %DO; IF (X7508>0) THEN WSAVED=X7508; ELSE IF (X7510=2 & X7509=1) THEN WSAVED=3; ELSE WSAVED=X7510; SAVED=(WSAVED=3); %END; * reasons for saving: 1=cant save, 2=education, 3=family, 4=home, 5=purchases, 6=retirement, 7=liquidity/the future, 8=investment, 9=no particular reason; * NOTE: multiple saving reasons may be reported: here choosing only first (most important) reason; ARRAY SAVRES {*} SAVRES1-SAVRES9; ARRAY RES {*} X3006 /*X3007*/ ; DO I=1 TO DIM(SAVRES); SAVRES{I}=0; END; DO I=1 TO DIM(RES); IF (RES{I} IN (-2 -1)) THEN SAVRES{1}=1; ELSE IF (RES{I} IN (1 2)) THEN SAVRES{2}=1; ELSE IF (RES{I} IN (3 5 6)) THEN SAVRES{3}=1; ELSE IF (RES{I} EQ 11) THEN SAVRES{4}=1; ELSE IF (RES{I} IN (12 13 14 15 16 27 29 30 9 18 20 41)) THEN SAVRES{5}=1; ELSE IF (RES{I} IN (17 22)) THEN SAVRES{6}=1; ELSE IF (RES{I} IN (23 24 25 32 92 93)) THEN SAVRES{7}=1; ELSE IF (RES{I} IN (21 26 28)) THEN SAVRES{8}=1; ELSE IF (RES{I} IN (31 33 40 90 91 -7)) THEN SAVRES{9}=1; ELSE PUT "UNCLASSIFIED SAVING REASON! " &ID= RES{I}=; END; /* 1. Children's education; education of grandchildren 2. Own education; spouse's education; education -- NA for whom 3. "For the children/family" -- NFS; "to help the kids out"; estate 5. Wedding, Bar Mitzvah, and other ceremonies (except 17) 6. To have children/a family 9. To move (except 11) 11. Buying own house (code summer cottage in 12) 12. Purchase of cottage or second home for own use 13. Buy a car, boat or other vehicle 14. Home improvements/repairs 15. To travel; take vacations; take other time off 16. Buy durable household goods, appliances, home furnishings; hobby and recreational items; for other purchases not codable above or not further specified; "buy things when we need/want them"; moving/special occasions 17. Burial/funeral expenses 18. Charitable or religious contributions 20. "To enjoy life" 21. Buying (investing in) own business/farm; equipment for business/farm 22. Retirement/old age 23. Reserves in case of unemployment 24. In case of illness; medical/dental expenses 25. Emergencies; "rainy days"; other unexpected needs; for "security" and independence 26. Investments reasons (to get interest, to be diversified, to buy other forms of assets) 27. To meet contractual commitments (debt repayment, insurance, taxes, etc.), to pay off house 28. "To get ahead;" to advance standard of living 29. Ordinary living expenses/bills 31. No reason (except 90, 91, 92) 32. "For the future" 90. Had extra income; saved becaused had the money left over -- no other purpose specified 91. Wise/prudent thing to do; good discipline to save; habit 92. Liquidity; to have cash available/on hand -1. Don't/can't save; "have no money" */ * R would spend more if assets appreciated in value: 1=agree strongly, 2=agree somewhat, 3=neither agree nor disagree, 4=disagree somewhat, 5=disagree strongly; %IF (&YEAR GE 1998) %THEN %DO; SPENDMOR=X6789; %END; * household had any payments more than 60 days past due in last year; LATE60=(X3005=1); ***************************************************************************; * assets, debts, networth, and related varaibles; ***************************************************************************; * financial assets and related variables; * checking accounts other than money market; CHECKING=MAX(0,X3506)*(X3507=5)+MAX(0,X3510)*(X3511=5) +MAX(0,X3514)*(X3515=5)+MAX(0,X3518)*(X3519=5) +MAX(0,X3522)*(X3523=5)+MAX(0,X3526)*(X3527=5) +MAX(0,X3529)*(X3527=5); * have any checking account: 1=yes, 0=no; HCHECK=(((X3507=5)+(X3511=5)+(X3515=5)+(X3519=5) +(X3523=5)+(X3527=5)+(X3527=5))>0); * have no checking account: 1=no checking, 0=have checking; * NOTE: NOCHK=0 may include instances where R has a money market account that is used for checking; NOCHK=(X3501=5); * people w/o checking accounts: ever had an account?: 1=yes, 5=no; EHCHKG=X3502; * people w/o checking accounts: why have no account?: 1=don*t write enough checks to make it worthwhile, 2=minimum balance is too high, 3=do not like dealing with banks, 4=service charges are too high, 5=no bank has convenient hours or location, 12=checkbook has been/could be lost/stolen, 13=haven*t gotten around to it, 14=R has alternative source of checking services (MMA, MIA, etc) (does not include individuals who write checks for R), 15=R not allowed to have account (e.g., asset test for welfare), 20=R does not need/want a checking account (NEC), 21=credit problems, bankruptcy, R does not meet depository*s qualifications for having an account, 95=don*t have (enough) money, -1=can*t manage/balance a checking account, -7=other, 0=inapplicable. (R has a checking account: X3501=1); * NOTE: codeframe varies over the survey years, so beware of constructing overly specific comparisons of the distribution of households over these categories over time; WHYNOCKG=X3503; * savings accounts; %IF (&YEAR LE 2001) %THEN %DO; SAVING=MAX(0,X3804)+MAX(0,X3807)+MAX(0,X3810)+MAX(0,X3813) +MAX(0,X3816)+MAX(0,X3818); %END; %ELSE %DO; SAVING=MAX(0,X3730*(X3732 NOT IN (4 30))) +MAX(0,X3736*(X3738 NOT IN (4 30))) +MAX(0,X3742*(X3744 NOT IN (4 30)))+MAX(0,X3748*(X3750 NOT IN (4 30))) +MAX(0,X3754*(X3756 NOT IN (4 30)))+MAX(0,X3760*(X3762 NOT IN (4 30))) +MAX(0,X3765); %END; * have savings account: 1=yes, 0=no; HSAVING=(SAVING>0); * money market deposit accounts; * NOTE: includes money market accounts used for checking and other money market account held at commercial banks, savings and loans, savings banks, and credit unions; %IF (&YEAR LE 2001) %THEN %DO; MMDA=MAX(0,X3506)*((X3507=1)*(11<=X9113<=13)) +MAX(0,X3510)*((X3511=1)*(11<=X9114<=13)) +MAX(0,X3514)*((X3515=1)*(11<=X9115<=13)) +MAX(0,X3518)*((X3519=1)*(11<=X9116<=13)) +MAX(0,X3522)*((X3523=1)*(11<=X9117<=13)) +MAX(0,X3526)*((X3527=1)*(11<=X9118<=13)) +MAX(0,X3529)*((X3527=1)*(11<=X9118<=13)) +MAX(0,X3706)*(11<=X9131<=13)+MAX(0,X3711)*(11<=X9132<=13) +MAX(0,X3716)*(11<=X9133<=13)+MAX(0,X3718)*(11<=X9133<=13); %END; %ELSE %DO; MMDA=MAX(0,X3506)*((X3507=1)*(11<=X9113<=13)) +MAX(0,X3510)*((X3511=1)*(11<=X9114<=13)) +MAX(0,X3514)*((X3515=1)*(11<=X9115<=13)) +MAX(0,X3518)*((X3519=1)*(11<=X9116<=13)) +MAX(0,X3522)*((X3523=1)*(11<=X9117<=13)) +MAX(0,X3526)*((X3527=1)*(11<=X9118<=13)) +MAX(0,X3529)*((X3527=1)*(11<=X9118<=13)) +MAX(0,X3730*(X3732 IN (4 30))*(X9259>=11 & X9259<=13)) +MAX(0,X3736*(X3738 IN (4 30))*(X9260>=11 & X9260<=13)) +MAX(0,X3742*(X3744 IN (4 30))*(X9261>=11 & X9261<=13)) +MAX(0,X3748*(X3750 IN (4 30))*(X9262>=11 & X9262<=13)) +MAX(0,X3754*(X3756 IN (4 30))*(X9263>=11 & X9263<=13)) +MAX(0,X3760*(X3762 IN (4 30))*(X9264>=11 & X9264<=13)); %END; * money market mutual funds; * NOTE: includes money market accounts used for checking and other money market account held at institutions other than commercial banks, savings and loans, savings banks, and credit unions; %IF (&YEAR LE 2001) %THEN %DO; MMMF=MAX(0,X3506)*(X3507=1)*(X9113<11|X9113>13) +MAX(0,X3510)*(X3511=1)*(X9114<11|X9114>13) +MAX(0,X3514)*(X3515=1)*(X9115<11|X9115>13) +MAX(0,X3518)*(X3519=1)*(X9116<11|X9116>13) +MAX(0,X3522)*(X3523=1)*(X9117<11|X9117>13) +MAX(0,X3526)*(X3527=1)*(X9118<11|X9118>13) +MAX(0,X3529)*(X3527=1)*(X9118<11|X9118>13) +MAX(0,X3706)*(X9131<11|X9131>13)+MAX(0,X3711)*(X9132<11|X9132>13) +MAX(0,X3716)*(X9133<11|X9133>13)+MAX(0,X3718)*(X9133<11|X9133>13); %END; %ELSE %DO; MMMF=MAX(0,X3506)*(X3507=1)*(X9113<11|X9113>13) +MAX(0,X3510)*(X3511=1)*(X9114<11|X9114>13) +MAX(0,X3514)*(X3515=1)*(X9115<11|X9115>13) +MAX(0,X3518)*(X3519=1)*(X9116<11|X9116>13) +MAX(0,X3522)*(X3523=1)*(X9117<11|X9117>13) +MAX(0,X3526)*(X3527=1)*(X9118<11|X9118>13) +MAX(0,X3529)*(X3527=1)*(X9118<11|X9118>13) +MAX(0,X3730*(X3732 IN (4 30))*(X9259<11|X9259>13)) +MAX(0,X3736*(X3738 IN (4 30))*(X9260<11|X9260>13)) +MAX(0,X3742*(X3744 IN (4 30))*(X9261<11|X9261>13)) +MAX(0,X3748*(X3750 IN (4 30))*(X9262<11|X9262>13)) +MAX(0,X3754*(X3756 IN (4 30))*(X9263<11|X9263>13)) +MAX(0,X3760*(X3762 IN (4 30))*(X9264<11|X9264>13)); %END; * all types of money market accounts; MMA=MMDA+MMMF; * have any type of money market account: 1=yes, 0=no; HMMA=(MMA>0); * call accounts at brokerages; CALL=MAX(0,X3930); * have call account: 1=yes, 0=no; HCALL=(CALL>0); * all types of transactions accounts (liquid assets); LIQ=CHECKING+SAVING+MMA+CALL; * have any types of transactions accounts: 1=yes, 0=no; * here include even accounts with zero reported balances; %IF (&YEAR GE 2004) %THEN %DO; HLIQ=(LIQ>0 | X3501=1 | X3727=1 | X3929=1); %END; %ELSE %DO; HLIQ=(LIQ>0 | X3501=1 | X3701=1 | X3801=1 | X3929=1); %END; * include accounts with zero balances (for tabling program); LIQ=MAX(HLIQ,LIQ); * certificates of deposit; CDS=MAX(0,X3721); * have CDs: 1=yes, 0=no; HCDS=(CDS>0); * mutual funds; * stock mutual funds; STMUTF=(X3821=1)*MAX(0,X3822); * tax-free bond mutual funds; TFBMUTF=(X3823=1)*MAX(0,X3824); * government bond mutual funds; GBMUTF=(X3825=1)*MAX(0,X3826); * other bond mutual funds; OBMUTF=(X3827=1)*MAX(0,X3828); * combination and other mutual funds; COMUTF=(X3829=1)*MAX(0,X3830); %IF (&YEAR GE 2004) %THEN %DO; * other mutual funds; OMUTF=(X7785=1)*MAX(0,X7787); %END; * total directly-held mutual funds, excluding MMMFs; NMMF=STMUTF+TFBMUTF+GBMUTF+OBMUTF+COMUTF; %IF (&YEAR GE 2004) %THEN %DO; NMMF=NMMF+OMUTF; %END; * have any mutual funds excluding MMMFs: 1=yes, 0=no; HNMMF=(NMMF>0); * stocks; STOCKS=MAX(0,X3915); * have stocks: 1=yes, 0=no; HSTOCKS=(STOCKS>0); * number different companies in which hold stock; NSTOCKS=X3914; * Wilshire index of stock prices; %IF (&YEAR GE 1998) %THEN %DO; WILSH=X33001; %END; %ELSE %DO; WILSH=.B; %END; * bonds, not including bond funds or savings bonds; * tax-exempt bonds (state and local bonds); NOTXBND=X3910; * mortgage-backed bonds; MORTBND=X3906; * US government and government agency bonds and bills; GOVTBND=X3908; * corporate and foreign bonds; %IF (&YEAR GE 1992) %THEN %DO; OBND=X7634+X7633; %END; %ELSE %DO; OBND=X3912; %END; * total bonds, not including bond funds or savings bonds; BOND=NOTXBND+MORTBND+GOVTBND+OBND; * have bonds: 1=yes, 0=no; HBOND=(BOND>0); * quasi-liquid retirement accounts (IRAs and thrift-type accounts); * individual retirement accounts/Keoghs; %IF (&YEAR GE 2004) %THEN %DO; IRAKH=SUM(0,X6551,X6559,X6567,X6552,X6560,X6568,X6553,X6561, X6569,X6554,X6562,X6570); %END; %ELSE %DO; IRAKH=MAX(0,X3610)+MAX(0,X3620)+MAX(0,X3630); %END; %IF (&YEAR LT 2004) %THEN %DO; * account-type pension plans (included if type is 401k, 403b, thrift, savings, SRA, or if participant has option to borrow or withdraw); * PENEQ counts thrift amounts invested in stock; ARRAY PTYPE{*} X4216 X4316 X4416 X4816 X4916 X5016; ARRAY PAMT{*} X4226 X4326 X4426 X4826 X4926 X5026; ARRAY PBOR{*} X4227 X4327 X4427 X4827 X4927 X5027; ARRAY PWIT{*} X4231 X4331 X4431 X4831 X4931 X5031; ARRAY PALL{*} X4234 X4334 X4434 X4834 X4934 X5034; THRIFT = 0; PENEQ =0 ; RTHRIFT=0; STHRIFT=0; REQ=0; SEQ=0; DO I=1 TO DIM(PTYPE); HOLD=MAX(0,PAMT{I})*(PTYPE{I} IN (1 2)|PBOR{I}=1|PWIT{I}=1); IF (I<=3) THEN RTHRIFT=RTHRIFT+HOLD; ELSE STHRIFT=STHRIFT+HOLD; THRIFT=THRIFT+HOLD; PENEQ =PENEQ+HOLD*((PALL{I}=1)+.5*(PALL{I}=3)); IF (PTYPE{I}<=.Z) THEN PUT &ID= PTYPE{I}=; IF (PAMT{I}<=.Z) THEN PUT &ID= PAMT{I}=; IF (PBOR{I}<=.Z) THEN PUT &ID= PBOR{I}=; IF (PWIT{I}<=.Z) THEN PUT &ID= PWIT{I}=; IF (PALL{I}<=.Z) THEN PUT &ID= PALL{I}=; IF (I<=3) THEN REQ=PENEQ; ELSE SEQ=PENEQ-REQ; END; * allocate the pension mopups; * where possible, use information for first three pensions to infer characteristics of this amount; * where not possible to infer whether R can borrow/make withdrawals, assume this is possible; * where not possible to determine investment direction, assume half in stocks; PMOP=.; IF (X4436>0) THEN DO; IF (PTYPE{1} IN (1 2)|PTYPE{2} IN (1 2)|PTYPE{3} IN (1 2)| PWIT{1}=1|PWIT{2}=1|PWIT{3}=1|PBOR{1}=1|PBOR{2}=1|PBOR{3}=1) THEN PMOP=X4436; ELSE IF (PTYPE{1}^=0 & PTYPE{2}^=0 & PTYPE{3}^=0 & PWIT{1}^=0 & PWIT{2}^=0 & PWIT{3}^=0) THEN PMOP=0; ELSE PMOP=X4436; THRIFT=THRIFT+PMOP; IF (REQ>0) THEN PENEQ=PENEQ+PMOP*(REQ/RTHRIFT); ELSE PENEQ=PENEQ+PMOP/2; END; PMOP=.; IF (X5036>0) THEN DO; IF (PTYPE{4} IN (1 2)|PTYPE{5} IN (1 2)|PTYPE{6} IN (1 2)| PWIT{4}=1|PWIT{5}=1|PWIT{6}=1|PBOR{4}=1|PBOR{5}=1|PBOR{6}=1) THEN PMOP=X5036; ELSE IF (PTYPE{4}^=0 & PTYPE{5}^=0 & PTYPE{6}^=0 & PWIT{4}^=0 & PWIT{5}^=0 & PWIT{6}^=0) THEN PMOP=0; ELSE PMOP=X5036; THRIFT=THRIFT+PMOP; IF (SEQ>0) THEN PENEQ=PENEQ+PMOP*(SEQ/STHRIFT); ELSE PENEQ=PENEQ+PMOP/2; END; DROP HOLD PMOP; %END; %ELSE %DO; * account-type pension plans (included if type is 401k, 403b, thrift, savings, SRA, or if participant has option to borrow or withdraw); * PENEQ counts thrift amounts invested in stock; ARRAY PTYPE1{*} X11000 X11100 X11200 X11300 X11400 X11500; ARRAY PTYPE2{*} X11001 X11101 X11201 X11301 X11401 X11501; ARRAY PAMT{*} X11032 X11132 X11232 X11332 X11432 X11532; ARRAY PBOR{*} X11025 X11125 X11225 X11325 X11425 X11525; ARRAY PWIT{*} X11031 X11131 X11231 X11331 X11431 X11531; ARRAY PALL{*} X11036 X11136 X11236 X11336 X11436 X11536; ARRAY PPCT{*} X11037 X11137 X11237 X11337 X11437 X11537; THRIFT = 0; PENEQ =0 ; RTHRIFT=0; STHRIFT=0; REQ=0; SEQ=0; DO I=1 TO DIM(PTYPE1); HOLD=MAX(0,PAMT{I})*(PTYPE1{I} IN (5 6 10)| PTYPE2{I} IN (2 3 4 6)|PBOR{I}=1|PWIT{I}=1); IF (I<=3) THEN RTHRIFT=RTHRIFT+HOLD; ELSE STHRIFT=STHRIFT+HOLD; THRIFT=THRIFT+HOLD; PENEQ=PENEQ+HOLD*((PALL{I}=1)+(PALL{I}=3)*PPCT{I}/10000); IF (I<=3) THEN REQ=PENEQ; ELSE SEQ=PENEQ-REQ; END; * allocate the pension mopups; * where possible, use information for first three pensions to infer characteristics of this amount; * where not possible to infer whether R can borrow/make withdrawals, assume this is possible; * where not possible to determine investment direction, assume half in stocks; HOLD=.; PMOP=.; IF (X11259>0) THEN DO; IF (PTYPE1{1} IN (5 6)|PTYPE1{2} IN (5 6)|PTYPE1{3} IN (5 6)| PTYPE2{1} IN (2 3 4)|PTYPE2{2} IN (2 3 4)|PTYPE2{3} IN (2 3 4)| PWIT{1}=1|PWIT{2}=1|PWIT{3}=1|PBOR{1}=1|PBOR{2}=1|PBOR{3}=1) THEN PMOP=X11259; ELSE IF (PTYPE1{1}^=0 & PTYPE1{2}^=0 & PTYPE1{3}^=0 & PWIT{1}^=0 & PWIT{2}^=0 & PWIT{3}^=0) THEN PMOP=0; ELSE PMOP=X11259; THRIFT=THRIFT+PMOP; IF (REQ>0) THEN PENEQ=PENEQ+PMOP*(REQ/RTHRIFT); ELSE PENEQ=PENEQ+PMOP/2; END; IF (X11559>0) THEN DO; IF (PTYPE1{4} IN (1 2)|PTYPE1{5} IN (1 2)|PTYPE1{6} IN (1 2)| PTYPE2{4} IN (2 3 4)|PTYPE2{5} IN (2 3 4)|PTYPE2{6} IN (2 3 4)| PWIT{4}=1|PWIT{5}=1|PWIT{6}=1|PBOR{4}=1|PBOR{5}=1|PBOR{6}=1) THEN PMOP=X11559; ELSE IF (PTYPE1{4}^=0 & PTYPE1{5}^=0 & PTYPE1{6}^=0 & PWIT{4}^=0 & PWIT{5}^=0 & PWIT{6}^=0) THEN PMOP=0; ELSE PMOP=X11559; THRIFT=THRIFT+PMOP; IF (SEQ>0) THEN PENEQ=PENEQ+PMOP*(SEQ/STHRIFT); ELSE PENEQ=PENEQ+PMOP/2; END; DROP HOLD PMOP RTHRIFT STHRIFT REQ SEQ; %END; * future pensions (accumulated in an account for the R/S); FUTPEN=MAX(0,X5604)+MAX(0,X5612)+MAX(0,X5620)+MAX(0,X5628)+ MAX(0,X5636)+MAX(0,X5644); * NOTE: there is very little evidence that pensions with currently received benefits recorded in the SCFs before 2001 were any type of 401k or related account from which the R was making withdrawals: the questions added in 2001 allow one to distinguish such account, and there are 55 of them in that year: create a second version of RETQLIQ to include this information; %IF (&YEAR GE 2004) %THEN %DO; CURRPEN=X6462+X6467+X6472+X6477+X6482+X6487+X6957; * total quasi-liquid: sum of IRAs, thrift accounts, and future pensions; * this version includes currently received benefits; RETQLIQ=IRAKH+THRIFT+FUTPEN+CURRPEN; * have quasi-liquid assets: 1=yes, 0=no; HRETQLIQ=(RETQLIQ>0); %END; %ELSE %IF (&YEAR EQ 2001) %THEN %DO; CURRPEN=X6462+X6467+X6472+X6477+X6482+X6487; * total quasi-liquid: sum of IRAs, thrift accounts, and future pensions; * this version includes currently received benefits; RETQLIQ=IRAKH+THRIFT+FUTPEN+CURRPEN; * have quasi-liquid assets: 1=yes, 0=no; HRETQLIQ=(RETQLIQ>0); %END; %ELSE %DO; * total quasi-liquid: sum of IRAs, thrift accounts, and future pensions; * assuming that account type plans with currently received benefits are negligible; RETQLIQ=IRAKH+THRIFT+FUTPEN; * have quasi-liquid assets: 1=yes, 0=no; HRETQLIQ=(RETQLIQ>0); %END; * other pension characteristics: ANYPEN: 1=either head or spouse/partner has any type of pension, 0=otherwise, DBPLANCJ: 1=either head or spouse/partner has a defined benefit pension on a current job, 0=otherwise, DBPLANT: 1=either head or spouse/partner has DB plan on current job or some type of pension from a past job to be received in the future, 0=otherwise, DCPLANCJ: 1=either head or spouse/partner has any type of account-based plan on a current job, 0=otherwise BPLANCJ: 1=either head or spouse/partner has both types of pension plan on a current job; ANYPEN=(X4135=1|X4735=1|X5313=1|X5601=1); %IF (&YEAR GE 2004) %THEN %DO; DBPLANCJ=((X11000=4 & X11001^=30)|X11001=1 | (X11100=4 & X11101^=30)|X11101=1|(X11200=4 & X11201^=30)|X11201=1| (X11300=4 & X11301^=30)|X11301=1|(X11400=4 & X11401^=30)|X11401=1| (X11500=4 & X11501^=30)|X11501=1); DCPLANCJ=(X11032>0|X11132>0|X11232>0|X11332>0|X11432>0| X11532>0|X11032=-1|X11132=-1|X11232=-1|X11332=-1|X11432=-1| X11532=-1); %END; %ELSE %DO; DBPLANCJ=(X4203=1|X4303=1|X4403=1|X4803=1|X4903=1|X5003=1); DCPLANCJ=((X4203 IN (2 3))|(X4303 IN (2 3))|(X4403 IN (2 3)) |(X4803 IN (2 3))|(X4903 IN (2 3))|(X5003 IN (2 3))); %END; %IF (&YEAR LT 2004) %THEN %DO; * NOTE! some plans captured by the X5314>0 conditions may not be DB plans; DBPLANT =(DBPLANCJ=1|(X5314>0)|(X5603 IN (1 3)|X5611 IN (1 3)| X5619 IN (1 3)|X5627 IN (1 3)|X5635 IN (1 3)|X5643 IN (1 3))); %END; %ELSE %DO; DBPLANT=(DBPLANCJ=1|(X6461=5|X6466=5|X6471=5|X6476=5|X6481=5| X6486=5)|(X5603 IN (1 3)|X5611 IN (1 3)|X5619 IN (1 3)| X5627 IN (1 3)|X5635 IN (1 3)|X5643 IN (1 3))); %END; BPLANCJ =(DBPLANCJ=1 & DCPLANCJ=1); * savings bonds; SAVBND=X3902; * have savings bonds: 1=yes, 0=no; HSAVBND=(SAVBND>0); * cash value of whole life insurance; CASHLI=MAX(0,X4006); * have cash value LI: 1=yes, 0=no; HCASHLI=(CASHLI>0); * other managed assets (trusts, annuities and managed investment accounts in which HH has equity interest); %IF (&YEAR GE 2004) %THEN %DO; ANNUIT=MAX(0,X6577); TRUSTS=MAX(0,X6587); OTHMA=ANNUIT+TRUSTS; %END; %ELSE %IF (&YEAR GE 1998 AND &YEAR LE 2001) %THEN %DO; ANNUIT=MAX(0,X6820); TRUSTS=MAX(0,X6835); OTHMA=ANNUIT+TRUSTS; %END; %ELSE %DO; OTHMA=MAX(0,X3942); %END; * have other managed assets: 1=yes, 0=no; HOTHMA=(OTHMA>0); * other financial assets: includes loans from the household to someone else, future proceeds, royalties, futures, non-public stock, deferred compensation, oil/gas/mineral invest., cash n.e.c.; * NOTE: because of the collapsing of categories in the public version of the dataset, both codes 71 (oil/gas/mineral leases or investments) and 72 (futures contracts, stock options) are combined in code 71: thus, the sum will be treated as a nonfinancial asset. Additionally, codes 77 (future lottery/prize receipts) and 79 (other obligations to R, tax credits) are combined in code 77; %IF (&PUBLIC EQ NO) %THEN %DO; OTHFIN=X4018+X4022*(X4020 IN (61,62,63,64,65,66,67,72,73,74,77,79 80,81,82,83))+ X4026*(X4024 IN (61,62,63,64,65,66,67,72,73,74,77,79,80,81,82,83))+ X4030*(X4028 IN (61,62,63,64,65,66,67,72,73,74,77,79,80,81,82,83)); %END; %ELSE %DO; OTHFIN=X4018+X4022*(X4020 IN (61,62,63,64,65,66,71,72,73,74,77, 80,81,-7))+ X4026*(X4024 IN (61,62,63,64,65,66,71,72,73,74,77,80,81,-7))+ X4030*(X4028 IN (61,62,63,64,65,66,71,72,73,74,77 80,81,-7)); %END; * have other financial assets: 1=yes, 0=no; HOTHFIN=(OTHFIN>0); * financial assets invested in stock: 1. directly-held stock 2. stock mutual funds: full value if described as stock mutual fund, 1/2 value of combination mutual funds 3. IRAs/Keoghs invested in stock: full value if mostly invested in stock, 1/2 value if split between stocks/bonds or stocks/money market, 1/3 value if split between stocks/bonds/money market 4. other managed assets w/equity interest (annuities, trusts, MIAs): full value if mostly invested in stock, 1/2 value if split between stocks/MFs & bonds/CDs, or "mixed/diversified," 1/3 value if "other" 5. thrift-type retirement accounts invested in stock full value if mostly invested in stock 1/2 value if split between stocks and interest earning assets; %IF (&YEAR GE 2004) %THEN %DO; EQUITY=STOCKS+STMUTF+.5*COMUTF+OMUTF+ (X6551+X6552+X6553+X6554)*((X6555=1)+(X6555=3)*X6556/10000)+ (X6559+X6560+X6561+X6562)*((X6563=1)+(X6563=3)*X6564/10000)+ (X6567+X6568+X6569+X6570)*((X6571=1)+(X6571=3)*X6572/10000)+ ANNUIT*((X6581=1)+(X6581=3)*X6582/10000)+ TRUSTS*((X6591=1)+(X6591=3)*X6592/10000)+PENEQ+ (X6461=1)*X6462*((X6933=1)+(X6933=3)*X6934/10000)+ (X6466=1)*X6467*((X6937=1)+(X6937=3)*X6938/10000)+ (X6471=1)*X6472*((X6941=1)+(X6941=3)*X6942/10000)+ (X6476=1)*X6477*((X6945=1)+(X6945=3)*X6946/10000)+ (X6481=1)*X6482*((X6949=1)+(X6949=3)*X6950/10000)+ (X6486=1)*X6487*((X6953=1)+(X6953=3)*X6954/10000)+ X5604*((X6962=1)+(X6962=3)*X6963/10000)+ X5612*((X6968=1)+(X6968=3)*X6969/10000)+ X5620*((X6974=1)+(X6974=3)*X6975/10000)+ X5628*((X6980=1)+(X6980=3)*X6981/10000)+ X5636*((X6986=1)+(X6986=3)*X6987/10000)+ X5644*((X6992=1)+(X6992=3)*X6993/10000); %END; %ELSE %IF (&YEAR EQ 2001) %THEN %DO; EQUITY=STOCKS+STMUTF+.5*COMUTF+ IRAKH*((X3631=2) +.5*(X3631=5|X3631=6)+.3*(X3631=4))+ ANNUIT*((X6826=1)+.5*(X6826=5|X6826=6)+.3*(X6826=-7))+ TRUSTS*((X6841=1)+.5*(X6841=5|X6841=6)+.3*(X6841=-7))+ PENEQ+X6462*((X6463=1)+.5*(X6463=3))+X6467*((X6468=1)+.5*(X6468=3)) +X6472*((X6473=1)+.5*(X6473=3))+X6477*((X6478=1)+.5*(X6478=3)) +X6482*((X6483=1)+.5*(X6483=3))+X6487*((X6488=1)+.5*(X6488=3)); %END; %ELSE %IF (&YEAR EQ 1998) %THEN %DO; EQUITY=STOCKS+STMUTF+.5*COMUTF+ IRAKH*((X3631=2) +.5*(X3631=5|X3631=6)+.3*(X3631=4))+ ANNUIT*((X6826=1)+.5*(X6826=5|X6826=6)+.3*(X6826=-7))+ TRUSTS*((X6841=1)+.5*(X6841=5|X6841=6)+.3*(X6841=-7))+ PENEQ; %END; %ELSE %DO; EQUITY=STOCKS+STMUTF+.5*COMUTF+ IRAKH*((X3631=2)+.5*(X3631=5|X3631=6)+.3*(X3631=4))+ OTHMA*((X3947=1)+.5*(X3947=5|X3947=6)+.3*(X3947=4|X3947=-7))+ PENEQ; %END; * have stock equity: 1=yes, 0=no; HEQUITY=(EQUITY>0); * equity in directly held stocks, stock mutual funds, and combination mutual funds; DEQ=STOCKS+STMUTF+.5*COMUTF; * equity in quasi-liquid retirement assets; %IF (&YEAR LE 1998) %THEN %DO; RETEQ=IRAKH*((X3631=2)+.5*(X3631 IN (5 6))+.3*(X3631=4))+PENEQ; %END; %ELSE %IF (&YEAR EQ 2001) %THEN %DO; RETEQ=IRAKH*((X3631=2)+.5*(X3631 IN (5 6))+.3*(X3631=4))+PENEQ +X6462*((X6463=1)+.5*(X6463=3))+X6467*((X6468=1)+.5*(X6468=3)) +X6472*((X6473=1)+.5*(X6473=3))+X6477*((X6478=1)+.5*(X6478=3)) +X6482*((X6483=1)+.5*(X6483=3))+X6487*((X6488=1)+.5*(X6488=3)); %END; %ELSE %DO; RETEQ=(SUM(0,X6551,X6552,X6553,X6554)*((X6555=1)+(X6555=3)*X6556/10000)+ SUM(0,X6559,X6560,X6561,X6562)*((X6563=1)+(X6563=3)*X6564/10000)+ SUM(0,X6567,X6568,X6569,X6570)*((X6571=1)+(X6571=3)*X6572/10000))+ PENEQ+(X6461=1)*X6462*((X6933=1)+(X6933=3)*X6934/10000)+ (X6466=1)*X6467*((X6937=1)+(X6937=3)*X6938/10000)+ (X6471=1)*X6472*((X6941=1)+(X6941=3)*X6942/10000)+ (X6476=1)*X6477*((X6945=1)+(X6945=3)*X6946/10000)+ (X6481=1)*X6482*((X6949=1)+(X6949=3)*X6950/10000)+ (X6486=1)*X6487*((X6953=1)+(X6953=3)*X6954/10000)+ X5604*((X6962=1)+(X6962=3)*X6963/10000)+ X5612*((X6968=1)+(X6968=3)*X6969/10000)+ X5620*((X6974=1)+(X6974=3)*X6975/10000)+ X5628*((X6980=1)+(X6980=3)*X6981/10000)+ X5636*((X6986=1)+(X6986=3)*X6987/10000)+ X5644*((X6992=1)+(X6992=3)*X6993/10000); %END; * ratio of equity to normal income; EQUITINC=.; %IF (&YEAR GE 1995) %THEN %DO; EQUITINC=EQUITY/MAX(100,NORMINC); %END; * brokerage account info; * have a brokerage account; HBROK=(X3923=1); * traded in the past year; HTRAD=(X3928>0); * number of trades per year; %IF (&YEAR GE 1995) %THEN %DO; IF (X7193 NOT IN (0 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 11 12 18 25)) THEN PUT "WARNING: UNRECOGNIZED FREQUENCY FOR X7193! " &ID= X7193=; PTRAD=((X7193=1)*250+(X7193=2)*52+(X7193=3)*26+(X7193=4)*12 +(X7193=5)*4+(X7193=6)+(X7193=8)+(X7193=11)*2 + (X7193=12)*6+(X7193=18)*8*250+(X7193=25)/2); NTRAD=PTRAD*MAX(0,X3928); %END; %ELSE %DO; NTRAD=MAX(0,X3928); %END; * total financial assets; FIN=LIQ+CDS+NMMF+STOCKS+BOND+RETQLIQ+SAVBND+CASHLI+OTHMA+OTHFIN; * have any financial assets: 1=yes, 0=no; HFIN=(FIN>0); ***************************************************************************; * nonfinancial assets and related variables; * value of all vehicles (includes autos, motor homes, RVs, airplanes, boats); %IF (&YEAR GE 1995) %THEN %DO; VEHIC=MAX(0,X8166)+MAX(0,X8167)+MAX(0,X8168)+MAX(0,X8188)+ MAX(0,X2422)+MAX(0,X2506)+MAX(0,X2606)+MAX(0,X2623); %END; %ELSE %DO; VEHIC=MAX(0,X8166)+MAX(0,X8167)+MAX(0,X8168)+ MAX(0,X2422)+MAX(0,X2506)+MAX(0,X2606)+MAX(0,X2623); %END; * have any vehicles: 1=yes, 0=no; HVEHIC=(VEHIC>0); * vehicle supplied by a business; * have a business vehicle: 1=yes, 0=no; BUSVEH=X2501; * number of business vehicles; NBUSVEH=X2502; * owned vehicles (excludes motorcycles, RVs, motor homes, tractors, snow blowers etc); * have an owned vehicle: 1=yes, 0=no; OWN=(X2201=1); * number of owned vehicles; NOWN=X2202; * value of owned vehicles; %IF (&YEAR GE 1995) %THEN %DO; VOWN=X8166+X8167+X8168+X8188; %END; %ELSE %DO; VOWN=X8166+X8167+X8168; %END; * leased vehicles; * have leased vehicle: 1=yes, 0=no; LEASE=(X2101=1); * number of leased vehicles; NLEASE=X2102; * value of leased vehicles; VLEASE=X8163+X8164; * total number of vehicles (owned and leased); NVEHIC=NOWN+NLEASE; * new model-year car (owned or leased); * NEWCAR1: 1=number of car/truck/SUV with model year no older than two years before the survey, * NEWCAR2: 1=number of car/truck/SUV with model year no older than one year before the survey; %IF (&YEAR GE 1995) %THEN %DO; NEWCAR1=(X2104>=%EVAL(&YEAR-2))+(X2111>=%EVAL(&YEAR-2))+ (X2205>=%EVAL(&YEAR-2))+(X2305>=%EVAL(&YEAR-2))+ (X2405>=%EVAL(&YEAR-2))+(X7152>=%EVAL(&YEAR-2)); NEWCAR2=(X2104>=%EVAL(&YEAR-1))+(X2111>=%EVAL(&YEAR-1))+ (X2205>=%EVAL(&YEAR-1))+(X2305>=%EVAL(&YEAR-1))+ (X2405>=%EVAL(&YEAR-1))+(X7152>=%EVAL(&YEAR-1)); %END; %ELSE %DO; NEWCAR1=(X2104>=%EVAL(&YEAR-2))+(X2111>=%EVAL(&YEAR-2))+ (X2205>=%EVAL(&YEAR-2))+(X2305>=%EVAL(&YEAR-2))+ (X2405>=%EVAL(&YEAR-2)); NEWCAR2=(X2104>=%EVAL(&YEAR-1))+(X2111>=%EVAL(&YEAR-1))+ (X2205>=%EVAL(&YEAR-1))+(X2305>=%EVAL(&YEAR-1))+ (X2405>=%EVAL(&YEAR-1)); %END; * primary residence; * for farmers, assume X507 (percent of farm used for farming/ranching) is maxed at 90%; IF (X507>9000) THEN X507=9000; * compute value of business part of farm net of outstanding mortgages; FARMBUS=0; IF (X507>0) THEN DO; FARMBUS=(X507/10000)*(X513+X526-X805-X905-X1005); X805=X805*((10000-X507)/10000); X808=X808*((10000-X507)/10000); X813=X813*((10000-X507)/10000); X905=X905*((10000-X507)/10000); X908=X908*((10000-X507)/10000); X913=X913*((10000-X507)/10000); X1005=X1005*((10000-X507)/10000); X1008=X1008*((10000-X507)/10000); X1013=X1013*((10000-X507)/10000); IF (X1103=1) THEN DO; FARMBUS=FARMBUS-X1108*(X507/10000); X1108=X1108*((10000-X507)/10000); X1109=X1109*((10000-X507)/10000); END; IF (X1114=1) THEN DO; FARMBUS=FARMBUS-X1119*(X507/10000); X1119=X1119*((10000-X507)/10000); X1120=X1120*((10000-X507)/10000); END; IF (X1125=1) THEN DO; FARMBUS=FARMBUS-X1130*(X507/10000); X1130=X1130*((10000-X507)/10000); X1131=X1131*((10000-X507)/10000); END; END; * value of primary residence; HOUSES=SUM(0,X604,X614,X623,X716)+((10000-MAX(0,X507))/10000)*(X513+X526); * NOTE: if R only owns a part of the property, the values reported should be only Rs share; * have owned principal residence: 1=yes, 0=no; HHOUSES=(HOUSES^=0); * Home equity equals home value less amount still owed on 1st and 2nd/3rd mortgages and amount owed on home equity lines of credit; HOMEEQ=HOUSES-X805-X905-X1005-X1108*(X1103=1)-X1119*(X1114=1)- X1130*(X1125=1); * homeownership class: 1=owns ranch/farm/mobile home/house/condo/ coop/etc., 2=otherwise; %IF (&YEAR GE 1995) %THEN %DO; IF (X508 IN (1 2)|X601 IN (1 2 3)|X701 IN (1 3 4 5 6 8)| (X701=-7 & X7133=1)) THEN HOUSECL=1; %END; %ELSE %DO; IF (X508 IN (1 2)|X601 IN (1 2 3)|X701 IN (1 3 4 5 6)) THEN HOUSECL=1; %END; ELSE HOUSECL=2; * other residential real estate: includes land contracts/notes household has made, properties other than the principal residence that are coded as 1-4 family residences, time shares, and vacations homes; ORESRE=MAX(X1405,X1409)+MAX(X1505,X1509)+MAX(X1605,X1609)+MAX(0,X1619) +(X1703 IN (12,14,21,22,25,40,41,42,43,44,49,50,52,999))* MAX(0,X1706)*(X1705/10000) +(X1803 IN (12,14,21,22,25,40,41,42,43,44,49,50,52,999))* MAX(0,X1806)*(X1805/10000) +(X1903 IN (12,14,21,22,25,40,41,42,43,44,49,50,52,999))* MAX(0,X1906)*(X1905/10000) +MAX(0,X2002); * have other residential real estate: 1=yes, 0=no; HORESRE=(ORESRE>0); * net equity in nonresidential real estate: real estate other than the principal residence, properties coded as 1-4 family residences, time shares, and vacation homes net of mortgages and other loans taken out for investment real estate; NNRESRE =(X1703 IN (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 13 15 24 45 46 47 48 51 -7))* MAX(0,X1706)*(X1705/10000) +(X1803 IN (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 13 15 24 45 46 47 48 51 -7))* MAX(0,X1806)*(X1805/10000) +(X1903 IN (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 13 15 24 45 46 47 48 51 -7))* MAX(0,X1906)*(X1905/10000)+MAX(0,X2012) -(X1703 IN (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 13 15 24 45 46 47 48 51 -7))* X1715*(X1705/10000) -(X1803 IN (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 13 15 24 45 46 47 48 51 -7))* X1815*(X1805/10000) -(X1903 IN (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 13 15 24 45 46 47 48 51 -7))* X1915*(X1905/10000)-X2016; * remove installment loans for PURPOSE=78 from NNRESRE only where such property exists--otherwise, if ORESRE exists, include loan as RESDBT---otherwise, treat as installment loan; IF (NNRESRE^=0) THEN DO; FLAG781=1; NNRESRE=NNRESRE-X2723*(X2710=78)-X2740*(X2727=78)-X2823*(X2810=78) -X2840*(X2827=78)-X2923*(X2910=78)-X2940*(X2927=78); END; ELSE FLAG781=0; * have nonresidential real estate assets: 1=yes, 0=no; HNNRESRE=(NNRESRE ^=0); * business interests; * for businesses where the HH has an active interest, value is net equity if business were sold today, plus loans from HH to business, minus loans from business to HH not previously reported, plus value of personal assets used as collateral for business loans that were reported earlier; * for businesses where the HH does not have an active interest, market value of the interest; BUS=MAX(0,X3129)+MAX(0,X3124)-MAX(0,X3126)*(X3127=5)+ MAX(0,X3121)*(X3122 IN (1 6))+ MAX(0,X3229)+MAX(0,X3224)-MAX(0,X3226)*(X3227=5)+ MAX(0,X3221)*(X3222 IN (1 6))+ MAX(0,X3329)+MAX(0,X3324)-MAX(0,X3326)*(X3327=5)+ MAX(0,X3321)*(X3322 IN (1 6))+ MAX(0,X3335)+FARMBUS+ MAX(0,X3408)+MAX(0,X3412)+MAX(0,X3416)+MAX(0,X3420)+ MAX(0,X3424)+MAX(0,X3428); * have business assets: 1=yes, 0=no; HBUS=(BUS ^= 0); * other nonfinancial assets: defined as total value of miscellaneous assets minus other financial assets: includes gold, silver (incl. silverware), other metals or metals NA type, jewelry, gem stones (incl. antique), cars (antique or classic), antiques, furniture, art objects, paintings, sculpture, textile art, ceramic art, photographs, (rare) books, coin collections, stamp collections, guns, misc. real estate (exc. cemetery), cemetery plots, china, figurines, crystal/glassware, musical instruments, livestock, horses, crops, oriental rugs, furs, other collections, incl. baseball cards, records, wine, oil/gas/mineral leases or investments, computer, equipment/tools, association or exchange membership, and other miscellaneous assets; OTHNFIN=X4022+X4026+X4030-OTHFIN+X4018; * have other nonfinancial assets: 1=yes, 0=no; HOTHNFIN=(OTHNFIN>0); * total nonfinancial assets; NFIN=VEHIC+HOUSES+ORESRE+NNRESRE+BUS+OTHNFIN; * have any nonfinancial assets: 1=yes, 0=no; HNFIN=(NFIN^=0); * total nonfinancial assets excluding principal residences; NHNFIN=NFIN-HOUSES; ***************************************************************************; * total assets; ASSET=FIN+NFIN; * have any assets: 1=yes, 0=no; HASSET=(ASSET^=0); ***************************************************************************; * debts and related variables; * housing debt (mortgage, home equity loans and HELOCs -- mopup LOCs divided between HE and other); IF (X1108+X1119+X1130)>=1 THEN DO; HELOC=X1108*(X1103=1)+X1119*(X1114=1)+X1130*(X1125=1) +MAX(0,X1136)*(X1108*(X1103=1) +X1119*(X1114=1)+X1130*(X1125=1))/(X1108+X1119+X1130); MRTHEL=X805+X905+X1005+ X1108*(X1103=1)+X1119*(X1114=1)+X1130*(X1125=1) +MAX(0,X1136)*(X1108*(X1103=1) +X1119*(X1114=1)+X1130*(X1125=1))/(X1108+X1119+X1130); NH_MORT=MRTHEL-HELOC; END; ELSE DO; HELOC=0; MRTHEL=X805+X905+X1005+.5*(MAX(0,X1136))*(HOUSES>0); NH_MORT=MRTHEL-HELOC; END; * have principal residence debt: 1=yes, 0=no; HMRTHEL=(MRTHEL>0); HHELOC=(HELOC>0); HNH_MORT=(NH_MORT>0); * other lines of credit; IF (X1108+X1119+X1130)>=1 THEN DO; OTHLOC=X1108*(X1103^=1)+X1119*(X1114^=1)+X1130*(X1125^=1)+ MAX(0,X1136)*(X1108*(X1103^=1)+X1119*(X1114^=1)+ X1130*(X1125^=1))/(X1108+X1119+X1130); END; ELSE DO; OTHLOC=((HOUSES<=0)+.5*(HOUSES>0))*(MAX(0,X1136)); END; * have balances on lines of credit other than HELOCs: 1=yes, 0=no; HOTHLOC=(OTHLOC>0); * debt for other residential property: includes land contracts, residential property other than the principal residence, misc vacation, and installment debt reported for cottage/vacation home code 67); * NOTE: debt for nonresidential real estate is netted out of the corresponding assets; MORT1=(X1703 IN (12,14,21,22,25,40,41,42,43,44,49,50,52,999))* X1715*(X1705/10000); MORT2=(X1803 IN (12,14,21,22,25,40,41,42,43,44,49,50,52,999))* X1815*(X1805/10000); MORT3=(X1903 IN (12,14,21,22,25,40,41,42,43,44,49,50,52,999))* X1915*(X1905/10000); RESDBT=X1417+X1517+X1617+X1621+MORT1+MORT2+MORT3+X2006; * see note above at definition of NNRESRE; IF (FLAG781^=1 & ORESRE>0) THEN DO; FLAG782=1; RESDBT=RESDBT+X2723*(X2710=78)+X2740*(X2727=78) +X2823*(X2810=78)+X2840*(X2827=78) +X2923*(X2910=78)+X2940*(X2927=78); END; ELSE FLAG782=0; * for parallel treatment, only inlcude PURPOSE=67 where ORESRE>0--otherwise, treat as installment loan; IF (ORESRE>0) THEN DO; FLAG67=1; RESDBT=RESDBT+X2723*(X2710=67)+X2740*(X2727=67) +X2823*(X2810=67)+X2840*(X2827=67) +X2923*(X2910=67)+X2940*(X2927=67); END; ELSE FLAG67=0; * have other residential real estate debt: 1=yes, 0=no; HRESDBT=(RESDBT>0); * credit card debt; * NOTE: from 1992 forward, specific question addresses revolving debt at stores, and this amount is treated as credit card debt here; %IF (&YEAR GE 1992) %THEN %DO; CCBAL = MAX(0,X427)+MAX(0,X413)+MAX(0,X421)+MAX(0,X430)+ MAX(0,X424)+MAX(0,X7575); %END; %ELSE %DO; CCBAL = MAX(0,X427)+MAX(0,X413)+MAX(0,X421)+MAX(0,X430)+ MAX(0,X424); %END; * have credit card balances: 1=yes, 0=no; HCCBAL=(CCBAL>0); * installment loans not classified elsewhere; * subdivide into vehicle loans, education loans, and other installment loans; %IF (&YEAR GE 1995) %THEN %DO; VEH_INST=X2218+X2318+X2418+X7169+X2424+X2519+X2619+X2625; EDN_INST=X7824+X7847+X7870+X7924+X7947+X7970+X7179+ X2723*(X2710=83)+X2740*(X2727=83)+X2823*(X2810=83)+ X2840*(X2827=83)+X2923*(X2910=83)+X2940*(X2927=83); INSTALL=X2218+X2318+X2418+X7169+X2424+X2519+X2619+X2625+X7183 +X7824+X7847+X7870+X7924 +X7947+X7970+X7179 +X1044+X1215+X1219; %END; %ELSE %IF (&YEAR EQ 1992) %THEN %DO; VEH_INST=X2218+X2318+X2418+X2424+X2519+X2619+X2625; EDN_INST=X7824+X7847+X7870+X7924+X7947+X7970+ X2723*(X2710=83)+X2740*(X2727=83)+X2823*(X2810=83)+ X2840*(X2827=83)+X2923*(X2910=83)+X2940*(X2927=83); INSTALL=X2218+X2318+X2418+X2424+X2519+X2619+X2625 +X7824+X7847+X7870+X7924+X7947+X7970 +X1044+X1215+X1219; %END; %ELSE %DO; VEH_INST=X2218+X2318+X2418+X2424+X2519+X2619+X2625; EDN_INST=X2723*(X2710=83)+X2740*(X2727=83)+ X2823*(X2810=83)+X2840*(X2827=83)+X2923*(X2910=83)+ X2940*(X2927=83); INSTALL=X2218+X2318+X2418+X2424+X2519+X2619+X2625 +X1044+X1215+X1219; %END; * see notes above at definitions of NNRESRE and RESDBT; IF (FLAG781=0 & FLAG782=0) THEN DO; INSTALL=INSTALL+X2723*(X2710=78)+X2740*(X2727=78)+ X2823*(X2810=78)+X2840*(X2827=78)+X2923*(X2910=78)+ X2940*(X2927=78); END; IF (FLAG67=0) THEN DO; INSTALL=INSTALL+X2723*(X2710=67)+X2740*(X2727=67)+ X2823*(X2810=67)+X2840*(X2827=67)+X2923*(X2910=67)+ X2940*(X2927=67); END; INSTALL=INSTALL+X2723*(X2710 NOT IN (67 78))+X2740*(X2727 NOT IN (67 78))+X2823*(X2810 NOT IN (67 78))+X2840*(X2827 NOT IN (67 78))+X2923*(X2910 NOT IN (67 78))+X2940*(X2927 NOT IN (67 78)); OTH_INST=INSTALL-VEH_INST-EDN_INST; HVEH_INST=(VEH_INST>0); HEDN_INST=(EDN_INST>0); HOTH_INST=(OTH_INST>0); * have any installment debt: 1=yes, 0=no; HINSTALL=(INSTALL>0); * margin loans; * except in 1995, the SCF does not ask whether the margin loan was reported earlier: the instruction explicitly excludes loans reported earlier; %IF (&YEAR EQ 1995) %THEN %DO; OUTMARG=MAX(0,X3932)*(X7194=5); %END; %ELSE %DO; OUTMARG=MAX(0,X3932); %END; * pension loans not reported earlier; %IF (&YEAR GE 2004) %THEN %DO; OUTPEN1=MAX(0,X11027)*(X11070=5); OUTPEN2=MAX(0,X11127)*(X11170=5); OUTPEN3=MAX(0,X11227)*(X11270=5); OUTPEN4=MAX(0,X11327)*(X11370=5); OUTPEN5=MAX(0,X11427)*(X11470=5); OUTPEN6=MAX(0,X11527)*(X11570=5); %END; %ELSE %DO; OUTPEN1=MAX(0,X4229)*(X4230=5); OUTPEN2=MAX(0,X4329)*(X4330=5); OUTPEN3=MAX(0,X4429)*(X4430=5); OUTPEN4=MAX(0,X4829)*(X4830=5); OUTPEN5=MAX(0,X4929)*(X4930=5); OUTPEN6=MAX(0,X5029)*(X5030=5); %END; * other debts (loans against pensions, loans against life insurance, margin loans, miscellaneous); ODEBT=OUTPEN1+OUTPEN2+OUTPEN3+OUTPEN4+OUTPEN5+OUTPEN6 +MAX(0,X4010)+MAX(0,X4032)+OUTMARG; * have any other debts: 1=yes, 0=no; HODEBT=(ODEBT>0); * total debt; DEBT=MRTHEL+RESDBT+OTHLOC+CCBAL+INSTALL+ODEBT; * have any debts: 1=yes, 0=no; HDEBT=(DEBT>0); ***************************************************************************; * total net worth; NETWORTH=ASSET-DEBT; IF (NETWORTH<=.Z) THEN PUT X1= &PID= FIN= NFIN= DEBT= LIQ= CDS= NMMF= STOCKS= BOND= RETQLIQ= SAVBND= CASHLI= OTHMA= OTHFIN= VEHIC= HOUSES= ORESRE= NNRESRE= BUS= OTHNFIN= MRTHEL= RESDBT= OTHLOC= CCBAL= INSTALL= ODEBT=; ***************************************************************************; * Capital Gains; * define capital gains over all assets in SCF where measure is possible; * principal residences: current value less original purchase price and less improvements; KGHOUSE=MAX(X513,X526,X604,X614,X623,X716)- MAX(X607,X617,X627+X631,X635,X717)-X1202; * other real estate: current value less purchase price adjusted for share owned; KGORE=(X1705/10000)*(X1706-X1709)+(X1805/10000)*(X1806-X1809)+ (X1905/10000)*(X1906-X1909); * businesses: current value less tax basis--active and non-active businesses; KGBUS=(X3129-X3130)+(X3229-X3230)+(X3329-X3330)+(X3408-X3409)+ (X3412-X3413)+(X3416-X3417)+(X3420-X3421)+(X3424-X3425)+ (X3428-X3429); * adjust for capital gains on farm businesses; IF (X507>0) THEN DO; FARMBUS_KG=(X507/10000)*KGHOUSE; KGHOUSE=KGHOUSE-FARMBUS_KG; KGBUS=KGBUS+FARMBUS_KG; END; * stocks and mutual funds: current value less gains/losses; KGSTMF=(X3918-X3920)+(X3833-X3835); * total gains/losses; KGTOTAL=KGHOUSE+KGORE+KGBUS+KGSTMF; * whether have capital gains ; ARRAY HAVEO{*} HNETWRTH HKGTOTAL HKGHOUSE HKGORE HKGBUS HKGSTMF; ARRAY AMTO{*} NETWORTH KGTOTAL KGHOUSE KGORE KGBUS KGSTMF; DO I=1 TO DIM(AMTO); HAVEO{I}=(AMTO{I}^=0); END; ***************************************************************************; ***************************************************************************; * the following section deals with characteristics of loans: compute loan payments and related measures, array loan balances by use of the borrowed funds and by type of institution from which the loans was obtained; ***************************************************************************; * compute payments on all loans on a monthly basis; * credit card payments; * use HREF assumption of 2.5% per month for credit card payments; CCPAY=.025*CCBAL; * mortgage payments; IF (X808>0) THEN PAYMORT1=X808*(%MCONV(F=X809)); ELSE IF (X813>0) THEN PAYMORT1=X813*(%MCONV(F=X814)); ELSE PAYMORT1=0; IF (X908>0) THEN PAYMORT2=X908*(%MCONV(F=X909)); ELSE IF (X913>0) THEN PAYMORT2=X913*(%MCONV(F=X914)); ELSE PAYMORT2=0; IF (X1008>0) THEN PAYMORT3=X1008*(%MCONV(F=X1009)); ELSE IF (X1013>0) THEN PAYMORT3=X1013*(%MCONV(F=X1014)); ELSE PAYMORT3=0; %IF (&YEAR GE 1992) %THEN %DO; IF (X1039>0) THEN PAYMORTO=X1039*(%MCONV(F=X7567)); ELSE IF (X1040>0) THEN PAYMORTO=X1040*(%MCONV(F=X1041)); ELSE PAYMORTO=0; %END; %ELSE %DO; IF (X1039>0) THEN PAYMORTO=X1039; ELSE IF (X1040>0) THEN PAYMORTO=X1040*(%MCONV(F=X1041)); ELSE PAYMORTO=0; %END; * lines of credit; IF (X1109>0) THEN PAYLOC1=X1109*(%MCONV(F=X1110)); ELSE PAYLOC1=0; IF (X1120>0) THEN PAYLOC2=X1120*(%MCONV(F=X1121)); ELSE PAYLOC2=0; IF (X1131>0) THEN PAYLOC3=X1131*(%MCONV(F=X1132)); ELSE PAYLOC3=0; * LOC mopup (payment is estimated using the ratio of payment to debt on the last LOC in the grid, and is assumed to have the same purpose and per); IF (X1136>0) THEN DO; IF (X1130^=0) THEN DO; IF (X1125=1) THEN HMOP=1; PTMOP=(MAX(0,X1131)/X1130)*X1136; PPMOP=X1132; PAYLOCO=PTMOP*(%MCONV(F=PPMOP)); END; ELSE IF (X1119^=0) THEN DO; IF (X1114=1) THEN HMOP=1; PTMOP=(MAX(0,X1120)/X1119)*X1136; PPMOP=X1121; PAYLOCO=PTMOP*(%MCONV(F=PPMOP)); END; ELSE IF (X1108^=0) THEN DO; IF (X1103=1) THEN HMOP=1; PTMOP=(MAX(0,X1109)/X1108)*X1136; PPMOP=X1110; PAYLOCO=PTMOP*(%MCONV(F=PPMOP)); END; * if 3 LOCs in grid but no amounts outstanding, payment rate and per for the mopup are set to median values for all LOCs (median payment rate for 1995 is .0316 7/19/96); ELSE DO; IF (X1125=1) THEN HMOP=1; PTMOP=(.0316)*X1136; PPMOP=4; PAYLOCO=PTMOP*(%MCONV(F=PPMOP)); END; END; ELSE DO; HMOP=0; PTMOP=0; PPMOP=0; PAYLOCO=0; END; IF PAYLOCO<=.Z THEN PUT 'PAYLOCO PROBLEM ' &ID= X1136= X1125= X1130= X1131= X1132= X1114= X1119= X1120= X1121= X1103= X1108= X1109= X1110=; * home improvement loans; %IF (&YEAR GE 1992) %THEN %DO; IF (X1210>0) THEN PAYHI1=X1210*(%MCONV(F=X7565)); ELSE IF (X1211>0) THEN PAYHI1=X1211*(%MCONV(F=X1212)); ELSE PAYHI1=0; %END; %ELSE %DO; IF (X1210>0) THEN PAYHI1=X1210; ELSE IF (X1211>0) THEN PAYHI1=X1211*(%MCONV(F=X1212)); ELSE PAYHI1=0; %END; IF (X1220>0) THEN PAYHI2=X1220*(%MCONV(F=X1221)); ELSE PAYHI2=0; * land contracts, assumed to be interest payments on amount outstanding, at 8 percent APR; PAYLC1=(1.08**(1/12)-1)*X1417; PAYLC2=(1.08**(1/12)-1)*X1517; PAYLC3=(1.08**(1/12)-1)*X1617; PAYLCO=(1.08**(1/12)-1)*X1621; * other residential property; IF (X1718>0) THEN PAYORE1= (X1703 IN (12,14,21,22,25,40,41,42,43,44,49,50,52,999))* X1718*(%MCONV(F=X1719))*(X1705/10000); ELSE IF (X1723>0) THEN PAYORE1= (X1703 IN (12,14,21,22,25,40,41,42,43,44,49,50,52,999))* X1723*(%MCONV(F=X1724))*(X1705/10000); ELSE PAYORE1=0; IF (X1818>0) THEN PAYORE2= (X1803 IN (12,14,21,22,25,40,41,42,43,44,49,50,52,999))* X1818*(%MCONV(F=X1819))*(X1805/10000); ELSE IF (X1823>0) THEN PAYORE2= (X1803 IN (12,14,21,22,25,40,41,42,43,44,49,50,52,999))* X1823*(%MCONV(F=X1824))*(X1805/10000); ELSE PAYORE2=0; IF (X1918>0) THEN PAYORE3= (X1903 IN (12,14,21,22,25,40,41,42,43,44,49,50,52,999))* X1918*(%MCONV(F=X1919))*(X1905/10000); ELSE IF (X1923>0) THEN PAYORE3= (X1903 IN (12,14,21,22,25,40,41,42,43,44,49,50,52,999))* X1923*(%MCONV(F=X1924))*(X1905/10000); ELSE PAYORE3=0; IF (X2007>0) THEN PAYOREV=X2007*(%MCONV(F=X2008)); ELSE PAYOREV=0; * vehicle loans; %IF (&YEAR>=1992) %THEN %DO; IF (X2213>0) THEN PAYVEH1=X2213*(%MCONV(F=X7537)); ELSE IF (X2214>0) THEN PAYVEH1=X2214*(%MCONV(F=X2215)); ELSE PAYVEH1=0; IF (X2313>0) THEN PAYVEH2=X2313*(%MCONV(F=X7536)); ELSE IF (X2314>0) THEN PAYVEH2=X2314*(%MCONV(F=X2315)); ELSE PAYVEH2=0; IF (X2413>0) THEN PAYVEH3=X2413*(%MCONV(F=X7535)); ELSE IF (X2414>0) THEN PAYVEH3=X2414*(%MCONV(F=X2415)); ELSE PAYVEH3=0; %END; %ELSE %DO; IF (X2213>0) THEN PAYVEH1=X2213; ELSE IF (X2214>0) THEN PAYVEH1=X2214*(%MCONV(F=X2215)); ELSE PAYVEH1=0; IF (X2313>0) THEN PAYVEH2=X2313; ELSE IF (X2314>0) THEN PAYVEH2=X2314*(%MCONV(F=X2315)); ELSE PAYVEH2=0; IF (X2413>0) THEN PAYVEH3=X2413; ELSE IF (X2414>0) THEN PAYVEH3=X2414*(%MCONV(F=X2415)); ELSE PAYVEH3=0; %END; %IF (&YEAR GE 1995) %THEN %DO; IF (X7162>0) THEN PAYVEH4=X7162*(%MCONV(F=X7163)); ELSE IF (X7164>0) THEN PAYVEH4=X7164*(%MCONV(F=X7165)); ELSE PAYVEH4=0; %END; %ELSE %DO; PAYVEH4=0; %END; IF (X2425>0) THEN PAYVEHM=X2425*(%MCONV(F=X2426)); ELSE PAYVEHM=0; %IF (&YEAR GE 1992) %THEN %DO; IF (X2514>0) THEN PAYVEO1=X2514*(%MCONV(F=X7531)); ELSE IF (X2515>0) THEN PAYVEO1=X2515*(%MCONV(F=X2516)); ELSE PAYVEO1=0; IF (X2614>0) THEN PAYVEO2=X2614*(%MCONV(F=X7530)); ELSE IF (X2615>0) THEN PAYVEO2=X2615*(%MCONV(F=X2616)); ELSE PAYVEO2=0; %END; %ELSE %DO; IF (X2514>0) THEN PAYVEO1=X2514; ELSE IF (X2515>0) THEN PAYVEO1=X2515*(%MCONV(F=X2516)); ELSE PAYVEO1=0; IF (X2614>0) THEN PAYVEO2=X2614; ELSE IF (X2615>0) THEN PAYVEO2=X2615*(%MCONV(F=X2616)); ELSE PAYVEO2=0; %END; IF (X2626>0) THEN PAYVEOM=X2626*(%MCONV(F=X2627)); ELSE PAYVEOM=0; * student loans; %IF (&YEAR GE 1992) %THEN %DO; IF (X7815>0) THEN PAYEDU1=X7815*(%MCONV(F=X7816)); ELSE IF (X7817>0) THEN PAYEDU1=X7817*(%MCONV(F=X7818)); ELSE PAYEDU1=0; IF (X7838>0) THEN PAYEDU2=X7838*(%MCONV(F=X7839)); ELSE IF (X7840>0) THEN PAYEDU2=X7840*(%MCONV(F=X7841)); ELSE PAYEDU2=0; IF (X7861>0) THEN PAYEDU3=X7861*(%MCONV(F=X7862)); ELSE IF (X7863>0) THEN PAYEDU3=X7863*(%MCONV(F=X7864)); ELSE PAYEDU3=0; IF (X7915>0) THEN PAYEDU4=X7915*(%MCONV(F=X7916)); ELSE IF (X7917>0) THEN PAYEDU4=X7917*(%MCONV(F=X7918)); ELSE PAYEDU4=0; IF (X7938>0) THEN PAYEDU5=X7938*(%MCONV(F=X7939)); ELSE IF (X7940>0) THEN PAYEDU5=X7940*(%MCONV(F=X7941)); ELSE PAYEDU5=0; IF (X7961>0) THEN PAYEDU6=X7961*(%MCONV(F=X7962)); ELSE IF (X7963>0) THEN PAYEDU6=X7963*(%MCONV(F=X7964)); ELSE PAYEDU6=0; %IF (&YEAR GE 1995) %THEN %DO; IF (X7180>0) THEN PAYEDU7=X7180*(%MCONV(F=X7181)); ELSE PAYEDU7=0; %END; %ELSE %DO; PAYEDU7=0; %END; %END; %ELSE %DO; PAYEDU1=0; PAYEDU2=0; PAYEDU3=0; PAYEDU4=0; PAYEDU5=0; PAYEDU6=0; PAYEDU7=0; %END; * installment loans (loans for nonresidential property not included); %IF (&YEAR GE 1992) %THEN %DO; IF (X2718>0) THEN PAYILN1=(X2710^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2718* (%MCONV(F=X7527)); ELSE IF (X2719>0) THEN PAYILN1=(X2710^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2719* (%MCONV(F=X2720)); ELSE PAYILN1=0; IF (X2735>0) THEN PAYILN2=(X2727^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2735* (%MCONV(F=X7526)); ELSE IF (X2736>0) THEN PAYILN2=(X2727^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2736* (%MCONV(F=X2737)); ELSE PAYILN2=0; IF (X2818>0) THEN PAYILN3=(X2810^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2818* (%MCONV(F=X7525)); ELSE IF (X2819>0) THEN PAYILN3=(X2810^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2819* (%MCONV(F=X2820)); ELSE PAYILN3=0; IF (X2835>0) THEN PAYILN4=(X2827^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2835* (%MCONV(F=X7524)); ELSE IF (X2836>0) THEN PAYILN4=(X2827^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2836* (%MCONV(F=X2837)); ELSE PAYILN4=0; IF (X2918>0) THEN PAYILN5=(X2910^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2918* (%MCONV(F=X7523)); ELSE IF (X2919>0) THEN PAYILN5=(X2910^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2919* (%MCONV(F=X2920)); ELSE PAYILN5=0; IF (X2935>0) THEN PAYILN6=(X2927^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2935* (%MCONV(F=X7522)); ELSE IF (X2936>0) THEN PAYILN6=(X2927^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2936* (%MCONV(F=X2937)); ELSE PAYILN6=0; %IF (&YEAR GE 1995) %THEN %DO; IF (X7184>0) THEN PAYILN7=X7184*(%MCONV(F=X7185)); ELSE PAYILN7=0; %END; %ELSE %DO; PAYILN7=0; %END; %END; %ELSE %DO; IF (X2718>0) THEN PAYILN1=(X2710^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2718; ELSE IF (X2719>0) THEN PAYILN1=(X2710^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2719* (%MCONV(F=X2720)); ELSE PAYILN1=0; IF (X2735>0) THEN PAYILN2=(X2727^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2735; ELSE IF (X2736>0) THEN PAYILN2=(X2727^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2736* (%MCONV(F=X2737)); ELSE PAYILN2=0; IF (X2818>0) THEN PAYILN3=(X2810^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2818; ELSE IF (X2819>0) THEN PAYILN3=(X2810^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2819* (%MCONV(F=X2820)); ELSE PAYILN3=0; IF (X2835>0) THEN PAYILN4=(X2827^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2835; ELSE IF (X2836>0) THEN PAYILN4=(X2827^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2836* (%MCONV(F=X2837)); ELSE PAYILN4=0; IF (X2918>0) THEN PAYILN5=(X2910^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2918; ELSE IF (X2919>0) THEN PAYILN5=(X2910^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2919* (%MCONV(F=X2920)); ELSE PAYILN5=0; IF (X2935>0) THEN PAYILN6=(X2927^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2935; ELSE IF (X2936>0) THEN PAYILN6=(X2927^=78)*X2936*(%MCONV(F=X2937)); ELSE PAYILN6=0; PAYILN7=0; %END; * payments on margin loans, assumed to be interest payments on balance outstanding, paid at 8 percent APR; PAYMARG=(1.08**(1/12)-1)*OUTMARG; * loans against insurance policies; PAYINS=MAX(0,X4011)*(%MCONV(F=X4012)); * payments on other loans, set to zero; PAYOTH=0; * payments on loans against pension plans not previously reported (details available starting in 1998, but still only include loans not previously reported); %IF (&YEAR GE 2004) %THEN %DO; IF (X11070=5) THEN PAYPEN1=X11028*(%MCONV(F=X11029)); ELSE PAYPEN1=0; IF (X11170=5) THEN PAYPEN2=X11128*(%MCONV(F=X11029)); ELSE PAYPEN2=0; IF (X11270=5) THEN PAYPEN3=X11228*(%MCONV(F=X11029)); ELSE PAYPEN3=0; IF (X11370=5) THEN PAYPEN4=X11328*(%MCONV(F=X11029)); ELSE PAYPEN4=0; IF (X11470=5) THEN PAYPEN5=X11428*(%MCONV(F=X11029)); ELSE PAYPEN5=0; IF (X11570=5) THEN PAYPEN6=X11528*(%MCONV(F=X11029)); ELSE PAYPEN6=0; %END; %ELSE %IF (&YEAR GE 1998 AND &YEAR LE 2001) %THEN %DO; IF (X4230=5) THEN PAYPEN1=X7211*(%MCONV(F=X7212)); ELSE PAYPEN1=0; IF (X4330=5) THEN PAYPEN2=X7220*(%MCONV(F=X7221)); ELSE PAYPEN2=0; IF (X4430=5) THEN PAYPEN3=X7229*(%MCONV(F=X7230)); ELSE PAYPEN3=0; IF (X4830=5) THEN PAYPEN4=X7278*(%MCONV(F=X7279)); ELSE PAYPEN4=0; IF (X4930=5) THEN PAYPEN5=X7287*(%MCONV(F=X7288)); ELSE PAYPEN5=0; IF (X5030=5) THEN PAYPEN6=X7296*(%MCONV(F=X7297)); ELSE PAYPEN6=0; %END; %ELSE %DO; PAYPEN1=(1.065**(1/12)-1)*MAX(0,X4229)*(X4230=5); PAYPEN2=(1.065**(1/12)-1)*MAX(0,X4329)*(X4330=5); PAYPEN3=(1.065**(1/12)-1)*MAX(0,X4429)*(X4430=5); PAYPEN4=(1.065**(1/12)-1)*MAX(0,X4829)*(X4830=5); PAYPEN5=(1.065**(1/12)-1)*MAX(0,X4929)*(X4930=5); PAYPEN6=(1.065**(1/12)-1)*MAX(0,X5029)*(X5030=5); %END; * array all loan payments; ARRAY PAYMENTS {*} CCPAY PAYMORT1 PAYMORT2 PAYMORT3 PAYMORTO PAYLOC1 PAYLOC2 PAYLOC3 PAYLOCO PAYHI1 PAYHI2 PAYLC1 PAYLC2 PAYLC3 PAYLCO PAYORE1 PAYORE2 PAYORE3 PAYOREV PAYVEH1 PAYVEH2 PAYVEH3 PAYVEH4 PAYVEHM PAYVEO1 PAYVEO2 PAYVEOM PAYEDU1 PAYEDU2 PAYEDU3 PAYEDU4 PAYEDU5 PAYEDU6 PAYEDU7 PAYILN1 PAYILN2 PAYILN3 PAYILN4 PAYILN5 PAYILN6 PAYILN7 PAYMARG PAYINS PAYOTH PAYPEN1 PAYPEN2 PAYPEN3 PAYPEN4 PAYPEN5 PAYPEN6; * compute total monthly payments; TPAY=0; DO I=1 TO DIM(PAYMENTS); TPAY=TPAY+MAX(0,PAYMENTS{I}); IF PAYMENTS{I}<=.Z THEN PUT 'ERROR? MISSING PAYMENTS AMOUNT ' &ID= PAYMENTS{I}=; END; * total mortgage payments (including HELOCs); MORTPAY=PAYMORT1+PAYMORT2+PAYMORT3+PAYORE1+PAYORE2+PAYORE3+ PAYLC1+PAYLC2+PAYLC3+PAYLCO+PAYOREV+PAYLOC1*(X1103=1)+PAYLOC2*(X1114=1) +PAYLOC3*(X1125=1); * total non-mortgage non-revolving consumer debt; CONSPAY=PAYMORTO+PAYVEH1+PAYVEH2+PAYVEH3+PAYVEH4+PAYVEHM+PAYVEO1+ PAYVEO2+PAYVEOM+PAYEDU1+PAYEDU2+PAYEDU3+PAYEDU4+PAYEDU5+PAYEDU6+ PAYEDU7+PAYILN1+PAYILN2+PAYILN3+PAYILN4+PAYILN5+PAYILN6+PAYILN7+ PAYMARG+PAYINS+PAYOTH+PAYPEN1+PAYPEN2+PAYPEN3+PAYPEN4+PAYPEN5+ PAYPEN6+PAYHI1+PAYHI2; * total revolving debt (excluding HELOCs); REVPAY=CCPAY+PAYLOC1*(X1103 IN(0 5))+PAYLOC2*(X1114 IN(0 5))+PAYLOC3*(X1125 IN(0 5))+PAYLOCO; * compute ratio of monthly payments to monthly income; * NOTE: for ADJINC=YES, income already inflated to same dollars as payments; %LET CPIADJ89=(&CPIADJ*(1886/&CPIBASE)); PIRTOTAL=(TPAY/MAX((INCOME/12),(100/&CPIADJ89))); PIRMORT=(MORTPAY/MAX((INCOME/12),(100/&CPIADJ89))); PIRCONS=(CONSPAY/MAX((INCOME/12),(100/&CPIADJ89))); PIRREV=(REVPAY/MAX((INCOME/12),(100/&CPIADJ89))); ***************************************************************************; * loan purpose; * for convenience, initialize nonexistent debt questions at zero; %IF (&YEAR LT 1995) %THEN %DO; X7169=0; X7179=0; X7183=0; %END; %IF (&YEAR EQ 1989) %THEN %DO; X7824=0; X7847=0; X7870=0; X7924=0; X7947=0; X7970=0; %END; * assign a purpose code for borrowing where the purposes of the debt was not asked directly as a part of the individual loan sequence; * credit card debt assigned to goods and services (11); PURPCC=(CCBAL>0)*11; * first mortgages assigned to home purchase (1); * NOTE: in 1995+ surveys collected this info if date of mortgage was not the same as the date of home purchase, but code 1 assumed here for comparability with earlier years; PURPMORT=(X805>0)*1; * other home purchase loans assigned to home purchase (1); PURPOP=(X1044>0)*1; * mop-up line of credit assigned to unclassifiable (-7); PURPLOC=(X1136>0)*-7; * home improvement loans assigned to home improvement category 3, but code as 300 for programming convenience; PURPHI1=(X1215>0)*300; PURPHI2=(X1219>0)*300; * money still owed on properties for which R holds a land contract assigned to debt for residential property (67); PURPLC1=(X1417>0)*67; PURPLC2=(X1517>0)*67; PURPLC3=(X1617>0)*67; PURPLC4=(X1621>0)*67; * residential property other than principal residence assigned to debt for residential property (67); PURPORE1=(X1703 IN (12 14 21 22 25 40 41 42 43 44 49 50 52 999))* (X1715>0)*67; PURPORE2=(X1803 IN (12 14 21 22 25 40 41 42 43 44 49 50 52 999))* (X1815>0)*67; PURPORE3=(X1903 IN (12 14 21 22 25 40 41 42 43 44 49 50 52 999))* (X1915>0)*67; PURPORE4=(X2006>0)*67; * vehicles assigned to vehicle category 10 but code as 100 for programming convenience;; PURPVEH1=(X2218>0)*100; PURPVEH2=(X2318>0)*100; PURPVEH3=(X2418>0)*100; PURPVEH4=.; %IF (&YEAR GE 1995) %THEN %DO; PURPVEH4=(X7169>0)*10; %END; PURPVEHM=(X2424>0)*100; PURPVEO1=(X2519>0)*100; PURPVEO2=(X2619>0)*100; PURPVEOM=(X2625>0)*100; * loans collected directly as student loans assigned to education category (83); %IF (&YEAR GE 1992) %THEN %DO; PURPED1=(X7824>0)*83; PURPED2=(X7847>0)*83; PURPED3=(X7870>0)*83; PURPED4=(X7924>0)*83; PURPED5=(X7947>0)*83; PURPED6=(X7970>0)*83; %IF (&YEAR GE 1995) %THEN %DO; PURPED7=(X7179>0)*83; %END; %ELSE %DO; PUTPED7=0; %END; %END; %ELSE %DO; PUTPED1=0; PUTPED2=0; PUTPED3=0; PUTPED4=0; PUTPED5=0; PUTPED6=0; PUTPED7=0; %END; * purpose of installment loans (excl loans for nonresidential property, which are netted out of such assets); IF (X2710^=78|FLAG781=0) THEN PURPILN1=(X2710^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2710; ELSE PURPILN1=-9; IF (X2727^=78|FLAG781=0) THEN PURPILN2=(X2727^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2727; ELSE PURPILN2=-9; IF (X2810^=78|FLAG781=0) THEN PURPILN3=(X2810^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2810; ELSE PURPILN3=-9; IF (X2827^=78|FLAG781=0) THEN PURPILN4=(X2827^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2827; ELSE PURPILN4=-9; IF (X2910^=78|FLAG781=0) THEN PURPILN5=(X2910^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2910; ELSE PURPILN5=-9; IF (X2927^=78|FLAG781=0) THEN PURPILN6=(X2927^=78|FLAG781=0)*X2927; ELSE PURPILN6=-9; * other installment loans assigned to unclassifiable (-7); %IF (&YEAR GE 1995) %THEN %DO; PURPILN7=(X7183>0)*-7; %END; %ELSE %DO; PURPILN7=-9; %END; * margin loans assigned to investment (71); PURPMARG=(X3932>0)*71; * insurance loans assigned to unclassifiable (-7); PURPINS=(X4010>0)*-7; * misc sect N loans assigned to unclassifiable (-7); PURPOTH=(X4031>0)*-7; * pension loans assigned to unclassifiable (-99) for years before 1998; %IF (&YEAR GE 2004) %THEN %DO; IF (X11070 IN (5 0)) THEN PURPPEN1=X11030; ELSE PURPPEN1=-9; IF (X11170 IN (5 0)) THEN PURPPEN2=X11130; ELSE PURPPEN2=-9; IF (X11270 IN (5 0)) THEN PURPPEN3=X11230; ELSE PURPPEN3=-9; IF (X11370 IN (5 0)) THEN PURPPEN4=X11330; ELSE PURPPEN4=-9; IF (X11470 IN (5 0)) THEN PURPPEN5=X11430; ELSE PURPPEN5=-9; IF (X11570 IN (5 0)) THEN PURPPEN6=X11530; ELSE PURPPEN6=-9; %END; %ELSE %IF (&YEAR GE 1998) %THEN %DO; IF (X4230 IN (5 0)) THEN PURPPEN1=X6791; ELSE PURPPEN1=-9; IF (X4330 IN (5 0)) THEN PURPPEN2=X6792; ELSE PURPPEN2=-9; IF (X4430 IN (5 0)) THEN PURPPEN3=X6793; ELSE PURPPEN3=-9; IF (X4830 IN (5 0)) THEN PURPPEN4=X6794; ELSE PURPPEN4=-9; IF (X4930 IN (5 0)) THEN PURPPEN5=X6795; ELSE PURPPEN5=-9; IF (X5030 IN (5 0)) THEN PURPPEN6=X6796; ELSE PURPPEN6=-9; %END; %ELSE %DO; IF (X4230 IN (5 0)) THEN PURPPEN1=(X4229>0)*(-99)*(X4230=5); ELSE PURPPEN1=-9; IF (X4330 IN (5 0)) THEN PURPPEN2=(X4329>0)*(-99)*(X4330=5); ELSE PURPPEN2=-9; IF (X4430 IN (5 0)) THEN PURPPEN3=(X4429>0)*(-99)*(X4430=5); ELSE PURPPEN3=-9; IF (X4830 IN (5 0)) THEN PURPPEN4=(X4829>0)*(-99)*(X4830=5); ELSE PURPPEN4=-9; IF (X4930 IN (5 0)) THEN PURPPEN5=(X4929>0)*(-99)*(X4930=5); ELSE PURPPEN5=-9; IF (X5030 IN (5 0)) THEN PURPPEN6=(X5029>0)*(-99)*(X5030=5); ELSE PURPPEN6=-9; %END; ***************************************************************************; * assign codes for type of lender where type is not directly known; * credit card debt assigned to store and credit cards; TYPECC=98; * mopup LOC assigned to unclassified ; TYPELOC=97; * home improvement loans assigned to unclassified; TYPEHI1=97; TYPEHI2=97; * outstanding loans on land contracts held by HH assigned to unclassified; TYPELC1=97; TYPELC2=97; TYPELC3=97; TYPELC4=97; * loans for vacation homes and recreational properties assigned to unclassified; TYPEORE4=97; TYPEORE5=97; * loans for remaining passenger vehicles assigned to unclassified; TYPEVEHM=97; * loans for remaining other vehicles assigned to unclassified; TYPEVEOM=97; * other education loans assigned to unclassified; TYPEEDU7=97; * adjust institution for assignment of loans to NNRESRE; INSTALL_I1=X9107*(X2710^=78|FLAG781=0); INSTALL_I2=X9108*(X2727^=78|FLAG781=0); INSTALL_I3=X9109*(X2810^=78|FLAG781=0); INSTALL_I4=X9110*(X2827^=78|FLAG781=0); INSTALL_I5=X9111*(X2910^=78|FLAG781=0); INSTALL_I6=X9112*(X2927^=78|FLAG781=0); * other installment loans assigned to unclassified; TYPEILN7=97; * margin loans assigned to brokerages; TYPEMARG=16; * loans against insurance policies assigned to insurance companies; TYPEINS=17; * other loans assigned to individual lender NEC; TYPEOTH=27; * loans against pensions assigned to borrowing against pension plans; TYPEPEN1=96; TYPEPEN2=96; TYPEPEN3=96; TYPEPEN4=96; TYPEPEN5=96; TYPEPEN6=96; ***************************************************************************; * summarize loan balances by purpose and lender; * NOTE: arrays of purposes, lenders, and amounts outstanding must be * in same order; * array purposes for loans; ARRAY PURPOSES {*} PURPCC PURPMORT X918 X1018 PURPOP X1106 X1117 X1128 PURPLOC PURPHI1 PURPHI2 PURPLC1 PURPLC2 PURPLC3 PURPLC4 PURPORE1 PURPORE2 PURPORE3 PURPORE4 PURPVEH1 PURPVEH2 PURPVEH3 PURPVEH4 PURPVEHM PURPVEO1 PURPVEO2 PURPVEOM PURPED1 PURPED2 PURPED3 PURPED4 PURPED5 PURPED6 PURPED7 PURPILN1 PURPILN2 PURPILN3 PURPILN4 PURPILN5 PURPILN6 PURPILN7 PURPMARG PURPINS PURPOTH PURPPEN1 PURPPEN2 PURPPEN3 PURPPEN4 PURPPEN5 PURPPEN6; * array amounts outstanding; ARRAY DEBTOUT {*} CCBAL X805 X905 X1005 X1044 X1108 X1119 X1130 X1136 X1215 X1219 X1417 X1517 X1617 X1621 MORT1 MORT2 MORT3 X2006 X2218 X2318 X2418 X7169 X2424 X2519 X2619 X2625 X7824 X7847 X7870 X7924 X7947 X7970 X7179 X2723 X2740 X2823 X2840 X2923 X2940 X7183 OUTMARG X4010 X4032 OUTPEN1 OUTPEN2 OUTPEN3 OUTPEN4 OUTPEN5 OUTPEN6; * array types of lenders; ARRAY LENTYPE {*} TYPECC X9083 X9084 X9085 X9086 X9087 X9088 X9089 TYPELOC X9090 TYPEHI2 TYPELC1 TYPELC2 TYPELC3 TYPELC4 X9099 X9100 X9101 TYPEORE4 X9102 X9103 X9104 X9215 TYPEVEHM X9105 X9106 TYPEVEOM X9203 X9204 X9205 X9206 X9207 X9208 TYPEEDU7 INSTALL_I1 INSTALL_I2 INSTALL_I3 INSTALL_I4 INSTALL_I5 INSTALL_I6 TYPEILN7 TYPEMARG TYPEINS TYPEOTH TYPEPEN1 TYPEPEN2 TYPEPEN3 TYPEPEN4 TYPEPEN5 TYPEPEN6; * aggregate balances by loan purposes: * NOTE: beginning with 1998, loan purpose codes were collapsed in the public dataset in a way that makes it impossible to recreate exactly the same loan purpose categories as those used in the 1/2000 Bulletin article: for consistency across years, the 1998 collapsed categories are used in creating loan purpose categories here for the public datasets; * categories for the internal data: 1=home purchase loans 2=home improvement loans 3=vehicle loans 4=loan for purchase of goods and services+prof services 5=loans for investments 6=loans for education 7=mortgage loans for other real estate 8=unclassifiable borrowing against pension plan 9=other unclassifiable loans; * categories for the public data: 1=loans for home purchase, cottage, vacation property 2=home improvement loans 3=vehicle loans 4=loan for purchase of goods and services 5=loans for investments and mortgage loans for other real estate 6=loans for education and loans for professional expenses 7=unclassifiable borrowing against pension plan 8=other unclassifiable loans; * NOTE: purpose variable for intallment loans set to zero where loan has been allocated to NNRESRE; ARRAY PLOAN{*} PLOAN1-PLOAN9; * initialize; DO I=1 TO DIM(PLOAN); PLOAN{I}=0; END; DO I=1 TO DIM(PURPOSES); %IF (&PUBLIC NE YES) %THEN %DO; CALL VNAME(DEBTOUT{I},VARNM); IF (PURPOSES{I} IN (1)) THEN PLOAN1=PLOAN1+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (PURPOSES{I} IN (3 300 4)) THEN PLOAN2=PLOAN2+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (PURPOSES{I} IN (10 24 61 63 65 100)) THEN PLOAN3= PLOAN3+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (PURPOSES{I} IN ( -1 6 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 23 25 26 27 29 31 32 34 35 36 40 49 50 69 80 81 82 84 85 86 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97)) THEN PLOAN4=PLOAN4+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (PURPOSES{I} IN (71 72 73 74 75 76 79)) THEN PLOAN5= PLOAN5+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (PURPOSES{I} IN (83)) THEN PLOAN6=PLOAN6+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (PURPOSES{I}=67) THEN PLOAN7=PLOAN7+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (PURPOSES{I}=78) THEN PLOAN7=PLOAN7+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (PURPOSES{I}=-99) THEN PLOAN8=PLOAN8+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (PURPOSES{I}=-7) THEN PLOAN9=PLOAN9+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (PURPOSES{I} NOT IN (0 . -9) | (DEBTOUT{I}>0 & PURPOSES{I}^=-9)) THEN PUT "ERROR? UNCLASSIFIED LOAN TYPE " &ID= DEBTOUT{I}= PURPOSES{I} =; %END; %ELSE %IF (&YEAR GE 1998) %THEN %DO; IF (PURPOSES{I} IN (1 67)) THEN PLOAN1=PLOAN1+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (PURPOSES{I} IN (2 300)) THEN PLOAN2=PLOAN2+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (PURPOSES{I} IN (3 6 100)) THEN PLOAN3=PLOAN3+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (PURPOSES{I} IN (4 5 8 10 11)) THEN PLOAN4=PLOAN4+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (PURPOSES{I} IN (7 71)) THEN PLOAN5=PLOAN5+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (PURPOSES{I} IN (9 83)) THEN PLOAN6=PLOAN6+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (PURPOSES{I}=-99) THEN PLOAN7=PLOAN7+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (PURPOSES{I}=-7) THEN PLOAN8=PLOAN8+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (PURPOSES{I} NOT IN (0 . -9) | (DEBTOUT{I}>0 & PURPOSES{I}^=-9)) THEN PUT "ERROR? UNCLASSIFIED LOAN TYPE " &ID= DEBTOUT{I}= PURPOSES{I} =; %END; %ELSE %DO; IF (PURPOSES{I} IN (1 67)) THEN PLOAN1=PLOAN1+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (PURPOSES{I} IN (3 300 4)) THEN PLOAN2=PLOAN2+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (PURPOSES{I} IN (10 100 24 61 63 65)) THEN PLOAN3=PLOAN3+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (PURPOSES{I} IN (6 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 23 25 26 29 31 34 35 36 49 50 69 80 81 84 85 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96)) THEN PLOAN4=PLOAN4+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (PURPOSES{I} IN (71 72 73 74 75 76 79)) THEN PLOAN5= PLOAN5+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (PURPOSES{I}=78) THEN PLOAN5=PLOAN5+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (PURPOSES{I} IN (82 83)) THEN PLOAN6=PLOAN6+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (PURPOSES{I}=-99) THEN PLOAN7=PLOAN7+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (PURPOSES{I}=-7) THEN PLOAN8=PLOAN8+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (PURPOSES{I} NOT IN (0 . -9) | (DEBTOUT{I}>0 & PURPOSES{I}^=-9)) THEN PUT "ERROR? UNCLASSIFIED LOAN TYPE " &ID= DEBTOUT{I}= PURPOSES{I} =; %END; END; * as check compute total by loan purpose (TPLOAN) and compare with total debt; TPLOAN=0; DO I=1 TO DIM(PLOAN); TPLOAN=TPLOAN+MAX(0,PLOAN{I}); END; IF (ROUND(DEBT,1)^=ROUND(TPLOAN,1)) THEN PUT "ERROR IN TOTAL DEBT/DEBT BY PURPOSE " &ID= DEBT= TPLOAN=; * aggregate total balances by institution type: 1=commercial bank 2=savings and loan 3=credit union 4=finance, loan or leasing company, inc debt consolidator 5=brokerage, broad financial services company and life insurance 6=real estate lender 7=individual lender 8=other nonfinancial 9=government 10=store and credit cards 11=Loans against pensions 12=Other unclassifiable (inc foreign) ; ARRAY LLOAN{*} LLOAN1-LLOAN12; * initialize; DO I=1 TO DIM(LLOAN); LLOAN{I}=0; END; DO I=1 TO DIM(LENTYPE); CALL VNAME(DEBTOUT{I},VARNM); IF (LENTYPE{I} IN (11)) THEN LLOAN1=LLOAN1+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (LENTYPE{I} IN (12)) THEN LLOAN2=LLOAN2+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (LENTYPE{I} IN (13)) THEN LLOAN3=LLOAN3+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (LENTYPE{I} IN (14 21 43 56)) THEN LLOAN4=LLOAN4+ MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (LENTYPE{I} IN (16 17 92 94 29)) THEN LLOAN5=LLOAN5+ MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (LENTYPE{I} IN (18 19 31)) THEN LLOAN6=LLOAN6+ MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (LENTYPE{I} IN (20 26 27 85)) THEN LLOAN7=LLOAN7+ MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (LENTYPE{I} IN (15 22 23 24 25 30 32 39 40 41 44 45 46 57 61 80 81 95 99)) THEN LLOAN8=LLOAN8+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (LENTYPE{I} IN (33 34 35 42 93)) THEN LLOAN9= LLOAN9+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (LENTYPE{I} IN (38 50 51 52 90 98)) THEN LLOAN10= LLOAN10+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (LENTYPE{I} IN (96)) THEN LLOAN11=LLOAN11+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (LENTYPE{I} IN (-7 -1 28 37 75 97)) THEN LLOAN12= LLOAN12+MAX(0,DEBTOUT{I}); ELSE IF (DEBTOUT{I}>0 & LENTYPE{I}>.Z & LENTYPE{I}^=0) THEN PUT 'ERROR? UNCLASSIFIED LENDER TYPE ' &ID= LENTYPE{I}= DEBTOUT{I}= ; IF DEBTOUT{I}<=.Z THEN PUT 'BALANCE MISSING ' &ID= DEBTOUT{I}= ; END; * as check compute total by loan purpose (TLLOAN) and compare with total debt; TLLOAN=0; DO I=1 TO DIM(LLOAN); TLLOAN=TLLOAN+MAX(0,LLOAN{I}); END; IF (ROUND(DEBT,1)^=ROUND(TLLOAN,1)) THEN PUT "ERROR IN TOTAL DEBT/DEBT BY INSTITUTION TYPE " &ID= DEBT= TLLOAN=; ***************************************************************************; * miscellaneous data fixes; %IF (&PUBLIC NE YES) %THEN %DO; %INCLUDE FIX&YEAR; %END; ***************************************************************************; * where REAL=YES, put key dollar terms into dollars corresponding the BASE year; %* adjust all dollar values; %IF (&REAL EQ YES) %THEN %DO; ARRAY VALUE{*} INCOME ASSET NETWORTH FIN LIQ CDS NMMF STOCKS BOND RETQLIQ SAVBND CASHLI OTHMA OTHFIN NFIN VEHIC HOUSES ORESRE NNRESRE BUS OTHNFIN DEBT MRTHEL RESDBT OTHLOC CCBAL INSTALL ODEBT KGTOTAL KGHOUSE KGORE KGBUS KGSTMF TPAY MORTPAY CONSPAY REVPAY TPLOAN PLOAN1-PLOAN9 TLLOAN LLOAN1-LLOAN12 EQUITY DEQ VLEASE VOWN RETEQ NORMINC CHECKING SAVING MMA CALL HOMEEQ irakh peneq VEH_INST EDN_INST OTH_INST HELOC NH_MORT; DO I=1 TO DIM(VALUE); IF VALUE{I}<=.Z & VALUE{I}^=.B THEN PUT "MISSING VALUE " &ID= VALUE{I}=; IF VALUE{I} NOT IN(-1 -2) THEN VALUE{I}=VALUE{I}*&CPIADJ; END; %END; ***************************************************************************; * create categorical variables based on dollar variables; * NOTE: need to put here so categories are fixed in real terms when REAL=YES; IF INCOME<10000 THEN INCCL2=1; ELSE IF 10000<=INCOME<25000 THEN INCCL2=2; ELSE IF 25000<=INCOME<50000 THEN INCCL2=3; ELSE IF 50000<=INCOME<100000 THEN INCCL2=4; ELSE IF INCOME>=100000 THEN INCCL2=5; ***************************************************************************; RUN; ***************************************************************************; ***************************************************************************; * compute net worth and income quantiles and merge with main dataset; %MACRO PCTL(VAR=,PPOINTS=,TAG=); PROC MEANS NOPRINT DATA=SCFB&YEAR; VAR WGT; OUTPUT OUT=TOTPOP SUM=TOTPOP; RUN; DATA TOTPOP; SET TOTPOP; MERGEID=1; RUN; DATA %UNQUOTE(&TAG.CAT)(KEEP=WGT &VAR &PID &ID TOTPOP); MERGE SCFB&YEAR(KEEP=WGT &VAR &PID MERGEID &ID) TOTPOP; BY MERGEID; RUN; PROC SORT DATA=&TAG.CAT; BY &VAR &PID; RUN; DATA %UNQUOTE(&TAG.CAT)(KEEP=&ID &TAG.CAT); SET %UNQUOTE(&TAG.CAT); RETAIN CUMSUM 0; * extract number of items in percentile point list; %LET I=1; %LET NEXT=%SCAN(&PPOINTS,&I); %DO %UNTIL (&NEXT EQ ); %LET I=%EVAL(&I + 1); %LET NEXT=%SCAN(&PPOINTS,&I); %END; %LET NCAT=%EVAL (&I-1); CUMSUM=CUMSUM+WGT; %LET NEXT=%SCAN(&PPOINTS,&NCAT); IF ((CUMSUM/TOTPOP)>=%UNQUOTE(%STR(.)&NEXT)) THEN &TAG.CAT=&NCAT; %LET I=%EVAL(&NCAT-1); %LET NEXT=%SCAN(&PPOINTS,&I)); %DO I=1 %TO %EVAL(&NCAT-1); %LET WNCAT=%EVAL(&NCAT-&I); %LET NEXT=%SCAN(&PPOINTS,&WNCAT); ELSE IF ((CUMSUM/TOTPOP)>=%UNQUOTE(%STR(.)&NEXT)) THEN &TAG.CAT=&WNCAT; %END; * print out the empirical breakpoints; CATVAL=&TAG.CAT; IF (LAG1(CATVAL)^=CATVAL) THEN PUT &TAG.CAT= &VAR=; RUN; PROC SORT DATA=%UNQUOTE(&TAG.CAT); BY &ID; RUN; %MEND PCTL; %PCTL(VAR=NETWORTH,PPOINTS=0 25 50 75 90,TAG=NW); %PCTL(VAR=INCOME,PPOINTS=0 20 40 60 80 90,TAG=INC); %PCTL(VAR=ASSET,PPOINTS=0 20 40 60 80 90,TAG=ASSET); DATA SCFB&YEAR; MERGE SCFB&YEAR NWCAT INCCAT ASSETCAT; BY &ID; RUN; ***************************************************************************; ***************************************************************************; * check for overly influential observations; * for convenience, compute mean of weight/key dollar values over implicates; PROC MEANS NOPRINT; WEIGHT WGT; VAR WGT FIN LIQ CDS NMMF STOCKS BOND RETQLIQ SAVBND CASHLI OTHMA OTHFIN NFIN VEHIC HOUSES ORESRE NNRESRE BUS OTHNFIN DEBT MRTHEL RESDBT OTHLOC CCBAL INSTALL ODEBT ASSET NETWORTH TPAY; CLASS &ID; OUTPUT OUT=OUT0 MEAN= MWGT MFIN MLIQ MCDS MNMMF MSTOCKS MBOND MRETQLIQ MSAVBND MCASHLI MOTHMA MOTHFIN MNFIN MVEHIC MHOUSES MORESRE MNNRESRE MBUS MOTHNFIN MDEBT MMRTHEL MRESDBT MOTHLOC MCCBAL MINSTALL MODEBT MASSET MNETWORT MTPAY; RUN; DATA OUT0; SET OUT0; MERGEID=1; RUN; * compute weighted sum of mean over implicates for each variable; PROC MEANS DATA=OUT0 NOPRINT SUM; WEIGHT MWGT; VAR MFIN MLIQ MCDS MNMMF MSTOCKS MBOND MRETQLIQ MSAVBND MCASHLI MOTHMA MOTHFIN MNFIN MVEHIC MHOUSES MORESRE MNNRESRE MBUS MOTHNFIN MDEBT MMRTHEL MRESDBT MOTHLOC MCCBAL MINSTALL MODEBT MASSET MNETWORT MTPAY; OUTPUT OUT=OUT1 SUM= TFIN TLIQ TCDS TNMMF TSTOCKS TBOND TRETQLIQ TSAVBND TCASHLI TOTHMA TOTHFIN TNFIN TVEHIC THOUSES TORESRE TNNRESRE TBUS TOTHNFIN TDEBT TMRTHEL TRESDBT TOTHLOC TCCBAL TINSTALL TODEBT TASSET TNETWORT TTPAY; RUN; DATA OUT1; SET OUT1; MERGEID=1; RUN; * compare share of average of implicates to totals and print out cases accounting for 1.5 percent or more of the totals; DATA OUT2; MERGE OUT0 OUT1; BY MERGEID ; ARRAY SVAR {*} SFIN SLIQ SCDS SNMMF SSTOCKS SBOND SRETQLIQ SSAVBND SCASHLI SOTHMA SOTHFIN SNFIN SVEHIC SHOUSES SORESRE SNNRESRE SBUS SOTHNFIN SDEBT SMRTHEL SRESDBT SOTHLOC SCCBAL SINSTALL SODEBT SASSET SNETWORT STPAY; ARRAY TVAR {*} TFIN TLIQ TCDS TNMMF TSTOCKS TBOND TRETQLIQ TSAVBND TCASHLI TOTHMA TOTHFIN TNFIN TVEHIC THOUSES TORESRE TNNRESRE TBUS TOTHNFIN TDEBT TMRTHEL TRESDBT TOTHLOC TCCBAL TINSTALL TODEBT TASSET TNETWORT TTPAY; ARRAY MVAR {*} MFIN MLIQ MCDS MNMMF MSTOCKS MBOND MRETQLIQ MSAVBND MCASHLI MOTHMA MOTHFIN MNFIN MVEHIC MHOUSES MORESRE MNNRESRE MBUS MOTHNFIN MDEBT MMRTHEL MRESDBT MOTHLOC MCCBAL MINSTALL MODEBT MASSET MNETWORT MTPAY; DO I=1 TO DIM(SVAR); SVAR{I}=MWGT*MVAR{I}/TVAR{I}; SVAR{I}=SVAR{I}*100; SVAR{I}=ROUND(SVAR{I},.1); IF (SVAR{I}>1.5) THEN PUT &ID= MWGT= MVAR{I}= TVAR{I}= SVAR{I}=; IF (SVAR{I}<=.Z) THEN PUT "MISSING VALUE " &ID= MWGT= MVAR{I}= TVAR{I}= SVAR{I}=; END; RUN; ***************************************************************************; ***************************************************************************; * save final version of the dataset; %IF (&REAL EQ YES) %THEN %LET WORKING=WORKINGR; %ELSE %LET WORKING=WORKINGN; %IF (&PUBLIC EQ YES) %THEN %LET DSNAME=&WORKING%STR(.SCFP); %ELSE %LET DSNAME=&WORKING%STR(.SCFB); DATA &DSNAME&YEAR; SET SCFB&YEAR; DROP MERGEID; RUN; PROC CONTENTS; RUN; ***************************************************************************; ***************************************************************************; %MEND BULLIT; ***************************************************************************; ***************************************************************************; * CPI-U-RS here should be September values; * omit decimal in CPI; * for the public datasets, only adjust past year income to the survey year; %BULLIT(YEAR=2004,REAL=NO,ADJINC=YES,CPIBASE=2765,PUBLIC=YES); %BULLIT(YEAR=2001,REAL=NO,ADJINC=YES,CPIBASE=2596,PUBLIC=YES); %BULLIT(YEAR=1998,REAL=NO,ADJINC=YES,CPIBASE=2385,PUBLIC=YES); %BULLIT(YEAR=1995,REAL=NO,ADJINC=YES,CPIBASE=2246,PUBLIC=YES); %BULLIT(YEAR=1992,REAL=NO,ADJINC=YES,CPIBASE=2098,PUBLIC=YES); %BULLIT(YEAR=1989,REAL=NO,ADJINC=YES,CPIBASE=1886,PUBLIC=YES); * make real versions of public data; *****see note above in program about 2004 CPI values!; %BULLIT(YEAR=2004,REAL=YES,ADJINC=YES,CPIBASE=2765,PUBLIC=YES); %BULLIT(YEAR=2001,REAL=YES,ADJINC=YES,CPIBASE=2765,PUBLIC=YES); %BULLIT(YEAR=1998,REAL=YES,ADJINC=YES,CPIBASE=2765,PUBLIC=YES); %BULLIT(YEAR=1995,REAL=YES,ADJINC=YES,CPIBASE=2765,PUBLIC=YES); %BULLIT(YEAR=1992,REAL=YES,ADJINC=YES,CPIBASE=2765,PUBLIC=YES); %BULLIT(YEAR=1989,REAL=YES,ADJINC=YES,CPIBASE=2765,PUBLIC=YES); ***************************************************************************; ***************************************************************************; ENDSAS;