Health Care Reform

Health Care Reform

All Americans should have access to quality, affordable health care.  Sadly, there are more than 42 million Americans without health care coverage.  Many of these individuals find health insurance to be unattainable, unavailable, and unaffordable.  With health care costs rising and unemployment escalating, it is more important than ever to address the issue of the uninsured.


Policies that will increase competition and individual choice in the healthcare marketplace are essential to achieving greater efficiency and affordability for everyone.  My bipartisan legislation, H.R. 636, the Health Care Freedom of Choice Act, would make medical expenses, including health care premiums, 100% tax-deductible for all individuals.  Under current law, health insurance is tax-free for those who receive it through their employers.  My bill would give this same tax benefit to people who buy their own health insurance or pay for medical care “out-of-pocket.”  This would give all Americans the freedom to purchase the health plan of their choice, to pick their preferred doctors and to make their own medical decisions. 


Additionally, I support the expansion of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) which currently allow Americans to save a limited amount of money for medical expenses tax-free.  I also advocate the creation of Association Health Plans (AHPs), which would allow small businesses to band together through trade associations to purchase health insurance for their employees at a lower cost.  Finally, the flood of frivolous lawsuits in our nation must be addressed to curb the rising cost of health care.  Frivolous lawsuits impose extremely high costs on physicians, causing doctors to abandon certain areas of practice or even leave certain regions, making health care less accessible.


As your representative, I will continue to fight for competitive reforms designed to lower costs, increase accessibility and improve our country’s overall health care system.

Related Documents:

Bachmann Blog - SCHIP Reauthorization Flawed 1.14.2009

Press Releases - Bachmann Re-Introduces Crucial Health Care Legislation 1.14.2009

Articles - Bachmann Visits Woodwinds 9.10.2008

Press Releases - Bachmann Honored for Commitment to Seniors 7.16.2008

Press Releases - Bachmann Provides Alternatives to Women in Need 12.20.2007

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Health Care Reform