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27-Dec-2001 Project Scientist for the Mars Exploration Rover Mission
Joy Crisp
Dr. Joy Crisp of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory devotes her time working to unearth answers about Mars' geology. Tucked away in her prefab trailer office in the middle of the JPL campus, she enables the efforts of the team of scientists whose instruments will be onboard two rovers destined to land on Mars in 2004. Read More...
Team Member
Dr. Joy Crisp geologist 2003 Mars Exploration Rover Mission
21-Dec-2001 Researchers Toy with New Rover Designs
Researchers Toy with New Rover Designs
The next generation of Mars rovers may not be what you'd expect. Someday, a giant "beach ball" rover may roll along the surface of the planet and make a flurry of new discoveries. Read More...
Dec-2001 Where to Land on Mars?
Mars Rover Image
Of all the places to land on Mars, where in the world should twin rovers go? This question has been on the front burner of discussion with Mars scientists who have the arduous task of selecting a site where it is safe to land. Read More...
Dec-2001 If Santa Were a Martian
The Martian North Polar Cap in Summer - One Year Later
If Santa Claus were a martian, he'd be in for one bumpy ride.

That's the assessment of navigators and engineers controlling the flight of NASA's 2001 Mars Odyssey spacecraft as it presently flies four times daily above the north polar region of Mars. Read More...

19-Nov-2001 Machinists to the Stars
JPL Machinist works on Mars '03 rover.
It's the middle of the night at JPL, and the usual dozens of deer are on their nightly foraging rounds across the campus. Mars is up. So is the Moon. And so are nine machinists in the lab's high-precision fabrication shop, working the second shift that ends between midnight and 3 a.m. Read More...
Team Member
Gary Keel night shift supervisor fabrication shop 2003 Mars Exploration Rover
Mike Mangano mechanical systems project element manager 2003 Mars Exploration Rover
01-Nov-2001 Porkchop Plot
Pork Chop Plot
Ancient cultures looked to the patterns of tea leaves or animal entrails to divine the course of the future. At JPL, the course of a future Mars mission can be found in a porkchop. Read More...
Team Member
Dan Johnston mission design manager 2005 Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
31-Aug-2001 Challenges of Getting to Mars
Artist's rendering of the 2001 Mars Odyssey spacecraft
Join Charles Whetsel, chief engineer of the Mars Exploration Program, and Matt Landano, 2001 Mars Odyssey project manager, as they describe the hard yet rewarding road to Mars. Read More...
Team Member
Charles Whetsel chief engineer Mars Program
Matt Landano project manager 2001 Mars Odyssey
10-Aug-2001 Blowing in the Wind: Inflatable Rovers
The inflatable rover, and the big yellow
Researchers exploring different methods to deliver scientific instruments to various Martian locales are studying the potential for a giant, lightweight, two-story tall beach ball. Read More...
Team Member
Jack Jones test manager inflatable robotics
Tim Connors technician inflatable robotics
Sam Kim senior engineer inflatable robotics
Jay Wu design engineer inflatable robotics
18-Jun-2001 Tracking Dust Devils on Mars
A dust devil spotted in Amazonis Planitia in April 2001
NASA's Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft recently caught sight of a dust devil dancing across the Martian surface. While it isn't the first of the tornado-like weather systems to be imaged, it is yet another reminder that Mars is an ever-changing planet. Read More...
Team Member
Ken Edgett scientist Mars Global Surveyor
MOC Camera
30-Mar-2001 Preparing for 2001 Mars Odyssey Launch
George Pace
As a teenager, George Pace loved airplanes. But after the Soviets launched Sputnik when he was a freshman in college, Pace's interest went from airplanes to aerospace. After earning his undergraduate and master of science in engineering degrees from the University of Michigan, Pace joined JPL to work on spacecraft. Read More...
Team Member
George Pace project manager 2001 Mars Odyssey
01-Jan-2001 Teacher Field Trip to "Mars on Earth"
Teacher Field Trip to 'Mars on Earth'
When a school bus pulled up to the edge of the giant Ubehebe crater in California's Death Valley, a group of teachers climbed out and peered inside the blown-out hole. Read More...
Team Member
Sheri Klug educator Mars K-12 Education
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