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Welcome to the FTC's Website on Entertainment Ratings
Welcome to the FTC's Website on Entertainment Ratings Federal Trade Commission -
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This page links to information on the ratings systems provided by the entertainment industry. Many independent ratings services also provide parents and users with reviews and ratings on movies, video games, and music. Using an Internet search engine, you may be able to find an independent rating service that suits your needs. The FTC does not necessarily endorse the views expressed on these websites or guarantee the accuracy or completeness of information on them. Please note that these sites may track visitor viewing habits.

Classification and Rating Administration (CARA)

The Classification and Rating Administration is affiliated with the Motion Picture Association of America. On the CARA website you will find information about the Voluntary Movie Rating System, and a database that allows users to type in a movie title to obtain its rating. This database contains movies rated since 1968.

The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB)

The Entertainment Software Rating Board was established by the Entertainment Software Association. The ESRB administers a voluntary rating system for electronic games. This site gives a description of the various game ratings and content descriptors, as well as information for parents shopping for a video or computer game. On the ESRB website you will find a database that allows users to find rating information on video and personal computer games.

Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)

The Recording Industry Association of America website provides information about the music industry's Parental Advisory Program, including information on when a Parental Advisory Label would be placed on a music recording by individual record companies.

TV Parental Guidelines

The TV Parental Guidelines Monitoring Board administers the television rating system. This system is intended to provide information on the content and age-appropriateness of TV programs. At its website, you can find information that explains the TV rating system and the use of the V-Chip – a device built into most newer television sets that allows parents to block out programs they do not want their children to see. [Note: Consumers who have complaints about the content of television programming should direct them to the Federal Communications Commission at]

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