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Ohio’s Institutes of Higher Education | Print |

Ohio Colleges and Universities: Public and Private

This page provides a comprehensive list of Ohio's colleges and universities. Hyperlinks are included for those institutions which maintain official Web pages



Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Ohio

Founded in 1969, AICUO represents 52 privately supported, nonprofit colleges and universities in Ohio, conducting public relations, research and government relations work for its members.


Ohio Learning Network

With this page you can access specific links to Web sites for institutions of higher education in Ohio. You can access one or many institutions at one time. Each institution also has a link to its assigned OLN Regional Coordinator.


Ohio Continuing Higher Education Association

Ohio Continuing Higher Education Association (OCHEA) is a not-for-profit organization of accredited, non-profit, degree-granting institutions of higher education in Ohio dedicated to human resource development through continuing education.


African American Higher Education in Ohio

Several important institutions are discussed below in terms of their contributions to African-American higher education and struggles for the abolition of slavery and the earning of rights by Blacks. The activities that accompany the histories below can be used to shed some light how the institutions addressed, and still address, the topic of African-American higher education.


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FY2010 Earmark Application Forms Available Here

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