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February 5, 1993:

Effective date for:
*  FDA regulations on state petitions requesting exemption from federal preemption
*  FDA regulations on state enforcement notification provisions
*  FDA's determination on federal preemptive effect of labeling covered by section 403 (b), (f), (h), (I)(1), and (k) of the act

Comment period ends for:
*  Technical comments on FDA's final rules

Period for filing objections and requests for hearing ends for:
*  Label statement on food for special dietary use
*  Ingredient labeling for dairy products and maple syrup (Filling of objections automatically stays effective date for either of these last two regulations).

March 8, 1993:

Comment period ends for:
*  Nonfunctional slack-fill proposal
*  Ingredient labeling for protein hydrolysates and vegetable broth in canned tuna; "and/or" labeling for soft drinks.
*  FDA "Healthy" proposal (March 18 for USDA proposal)
*  Removal/amendment of standards for ice milk and ice cream

May 8, 1993:

Effective date for:
*  Health claims - general requirements and related rules
*  Total percentage juice labeling
*  Ingredient labeling of standardized foods and certified colors
*  Ingredient labeling for dairy products and maple syrup (Requirements of State or political subdivisions regarding maple syrup are not preempted until Sept. 1, 1994)
*  Federal preemption of labeling covered by sections 403(d) and (r) (1) (B) and (3) of the Act
*  Report to Congress on compliance with voluntary nutrition labeling program for raw fruits, vegetables, and fish.  Proposed rules to revise voluntary program to be published.
*  Proposal on "Misleading Containers; Nonfunctional Slack-Fill" became a final rule by action of law, effective May 10, 1994

January 5, 1994

Effective date for:
*  New regulation for "Misleading Containers; Nonfunctional Slack-Fill" that revoked the regulation that became final by action of law that responded to the comments to the proposal of January 6, 1993


February 14, 1994:

Effective date for:
*  Metric amendments to Fair Packing and Labeling Act

May 8, 1994:

Effective date for:
*  Mandatory nutrition labeling, format, RDI/DRV, and serving size
*  Nutrient content claims
*  Use of nutrient content claims for butter
*  Standardized foods named using a nutrient content claim
*  Declaration of ingredients (except standardized foods and certified colors, see May 8, 1993)
*  Health claim regulations as they apply to restaurant firms consisting of 10 or less establishments
*  Federal preemption of labeling covered by sections 403(q) and (r) (1) (A) and (2)
*  Label statement on foods for special dietary use (unless stayed by objections, see Feb. 5, 1993)

July 1, 1994:

Effective date for:
*  Health claims for dietary supplements

July 6, 1994:

Effective date for:
*  USDA nutrition labeling of meat and poultry products

August 8, 1994:

Effective date for:
*  Nutrition labeling and nutrient content claims for firms that file a notice with the Office of Food Labeling prior to June 15, 1994.

September 1, 1994:

Effective date for:
*  Provisions for ingredient labeling of maple syrup become preemptive for any requirement of a State or political subdivision which is not identical intent

May 8, 1995:

Effective date for:
*  Nutrient content claim regulations as they apply to restaurant firms consisting of 10 or less establishments

July 1, 1995:

Effective date for:
*  Mandatory nutrition labeling of dietary supplements
*  Nutrient content claims on dietary supplements


(October 20, 2004: this contact list is currently under revision.)


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has developed a series of regulations to implement of Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 (the 1990 amendments).  This information sheet summarizes one of those regulations.

Subject:  Misleading Containers; Nonfunctional Slack-fill - Final Rule

Brief Summary:  The 1990 amendments provide, among other things, for the Federal preemption of certain State and local food standards and labeling requirements.  Section 6 of the 1990 amendments, entitled "National Uniform Nutrition Labeling,"
adds new section 403A to the Act which prohibits States from establishing food labeling or packaging requirements of the type required by sections 403(b), 403(d), 403(f), 403(h), 403(I) (1) or 403(k) of the Act that are not identical to the
requirements of such section.  However, the above provisions dealing with misbranding do not become preemptive until FDA determines that each is being adequately implemented by Federal regulations.

FDA determined that, of the above provisions, all but section 403(d) are being adequately implemented (58 FR 2470; January 6, 1993).  Section 403(d) states that a food is misbranded "if is container is so made, formed, or filled as to be

On January 6, 1993 (58 FR 2957), FDA proposed to amend its regulations to define the circumstances in which the empty space or slack-fill within a container is nonfunctional and, therefore, misleading.  The agency provided 60 days for comment on
the proposal (hereinafter referred to as the "misleading container proposal").

Section 6(b) (3) (D) (ii) of the 1990 amendments provides that, if the final rule to implement section 403(d) is not promulgated within 30 months of the date of passage of the 1990 amendments (November 8, 1990), the regulation proposed to
implement 403(d) becomes final by operation of law.  Section 6 also provides that State shall be preempted with respect to section 403(d) at that time.  (Final regulations implementing State enforcement provisions of section 4 of the 1990
amendments are set forth in 21 CFR 100.2 (58 FR 2457; January 6, 1993)).

On May 12, 1993, (58 FR 27932), FDA published a notice announcing that, in accordance with section 6 of the 1990 amendments, the January 6, 1993, misleading container proposal became the final regulation by operation of law on May 10, 1993. 
the agency noted that the May 12, 1993, document was separate from the January 6 rulemaking which was ongoing at that time.  FDA advised that if intended to issue a regulation in the near future what would supersede the regulation that was
considered final by operation of law.

On December 6, 1993 (58 FR 64123), FDA published a final rule to implement section 403(d) that took into account comments received in response to the January 6, 1993, misleading container proposal.  Elsewhere in that same issue of the FEDERAL
REGISTER (58 FR 64208), FDA proposed to revoke the regulation that became final by operation of law and to replace it with the December 6, 1993, final regulation.  FDA tentatively found that the December 6, 1993, final regulation is better able to
ensure adequate implementation of section 403(d) of the Act then the May 10, 1993.

regulation and, because it is a clearer regulation, will facilitate compliance.  FDA provided a 10 day period for comment on its decision to supersede the May 10 regulation with the December 6, 1993, A

final rule.  On January 5, 1994, (59 FR 536) FDA published a final rule revoking the May 10

regulation and replacing it with the December 6 final rule, effective January 5, 1994.

According to the December 6, 1993, final regulation, a food shall be deemed to be misbranded if its container is made, formed, or filled as to be misleading.  FDA concluded that the terms "made" and "formed" are straightforward and thus do not
need further elaboration.  FDA defined "misleading fill" as nonfunctional slack-fill in a container that does not allow consumers to fully view its contents.  the final regulation recognized that some slack-fill my be necessary to perform an appropriate
function such as protecting the contents of the container.  Slack-fill in excess of that required to perform an appropriate function is nonfunctional slack-fill and, therefore, misleading fill.  The final regulation also provides for slack-fill that is
necessary for, or results from:  unavoidable product setting, an inability to increase level of fill or further reduce package size, and the packaging of certain convenience foods and foods in reusable containers.

FDA finds that the final regulations will ensure adequate implements of section 403(d) and provide additional consumer protection against misleading fill.  This regulation will also provide FDA and State agencies with a uniform means of taking action
against misleading containers.  Consequently, manufactures can expect that packing will be treated uniformly throughout the State with respect to misleading containers.

Contact Person:  Michelle A. Smith, Center for Food and Safety and Applied Nutrition (HFS-158), Food and Drug Administration, 200 C Street SW., Washington, DC 20204, 204-205-5099 Prepared by: MASmith: HFS-158:mas:1/17/94:NFSF_.NFO


(Including Federal Register Notices Pertaining to NLEA)

           LAWS                                                                  REGULATIONS                                                                                                                      
 The Federal Food, Drug, And Cosmetic Act Section 403                  Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations Parts 101 Food Labeling                                                                               
 Fair Packaging and Labeling Act                                       Federal Register, January 6, 1993 (58 FR 2066-2964)                                                                                         
 Fair Packaging and Labeling Act                                                                                                                                                                                  
   Technical Amendments of Labeling                                    Federal Register, April 1&2, 1993 (editorial corrections) (58 FR 17085-17345)                                                                
      Placement, Form and Contents of                                                                                                                                                                             
      Statement of Quantity                                                                                                                                                                                       
      (Public Law 102-329)                                             Federal Register, May 21, 1993 (Metric Labeling Proposal) (58 FR 29716-29726)                                                               
 Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 (Publication 101-535)    Federal Register, June 15, 1993 (Restaurant Foods Nutrition Label Proposal) (58 FR 33055-33060)                                             
 Exemption Law (Public Law 103-80)                                                                                                                                                                                
                                                                       Federal Register, June 18, 1993 (Dietary Supplements) (58 FR 33690-33751)                                                                   
 Dietary Supplements Act of 1992 (Public Law 102-571)                                                                                                                                                             
                                                                       Federal Register, August 18, 1993 (Technical Amendments) (58 FR 44020-44096)                                                                
                                                                       Federal Register, November 27, 1991 (Retail Placard Label, Fruits, Vegetables and Fish) (56 FR 60880-60891)                                 
                                                                       Federal Register, December 21, 1993 (Metric Labeling) (58 FR 67444-67464)                                                                   
                                                                       Federal Register, January 4, 1994 (Dietary Supplements (59 FR 350-437)                                                                      
                                                                       Federal Register, March 14, 1994 (Small Business Proposal) (59 FR 11872-11883)                                                              
                                                                       Federal Register, May 10, 1994 (Healthy, Final Rule) (59 FR 24232-24250)                                                                    
                                                                       Federal Register, July 18, 1994 (Proposal for Labeling Raw Fruits, Vegetables, and Fish) Correction published July 21, 1994 (59 FR 37190)   

Two pages - Description - Form
Instructions for Completion

(Send to:  Office of Food Labeling (HFS-150)
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
Food and Drug Administration
200 C St. SW., Washington, DC 20204)

1.  Name of Firm:  Enter recognized legal name of firm.

2.  Firm address:  Enter mailing address for principal place of business.

3.  Name of the food product for which exemption is claimed.  Enter the 
name of each food product for which an exemption is claimed.  Continuation 
sheets may be used if necessary.

4.  Name and address of manufacturer:  Provide the names and addresses of 
the manufacturers of the food products for which an exemption is being 
claimed if they are different than the firm that is submitting the claim 
for exemption.

5.  Number of full-time equivalent employees:  Enter the approximate 
average number of person employed by the firm for the year preceding 
the year for which an exemption is claimed.  The average number should 
include all person employed by the firm and its affiliates.  The average 
number of employees may be calculated by using the following formula:
  Total number of employee/hours paid divided by 2080 hours a year = 
average number of full-time equivalent employees.  Employee
hours should include overtime paid to employees.

6.  Approximate total number of units sold in the United States 
between May 8, 1993, and May 7 1994:  Enter the total number of 
units sold in the United States between May 8, 1993, and May 7 1994, 
for each product listed unter item 3 for which a small business 
exemption is being claimed.  Continuation sheets may be used if 
necessary.  A food product is a food in any sized package which 
is manufactured by a single manufacturer, or which bears the same 
brand name; which bears the same
statement of identity; and which has similar preparation methods.  
The approximate total number of units is the summation of all units 
of the various package sizes of the food product in the form in which 
the food product is sold to consumers.

7.  Certification.  The form is to be signed by a responsible 
individual for the firm that can certify the authenticity of the 
information presented on the form.  The individual signing the 
form will commit to notify the Office of Food Labeling when the
numbers of full-time equivalent employees or total numbers of 
units of products sold in the United States exceed the applicable 
numbers for exemption.

Standard Format
Declaration of sodium content, optional declaration of potassium.

Optional treatment of nutrients present at less than 2% U.S.

 SERVING SIZE = 1 OZ                                                            
 SERVING PER CONTAINER = 16                                                     
 CALORIES                                          130                          
 PROTEIN                                             3 Grams                    
 CARBOHYDRATE                                       18 Grams                    
 FAT                                                 5 Grams                    
 POTASSIUM                                         125 Milligrams               


 PROTEIN                                             4                          
 THIAMINE                                            4                          
 RIBOFLAVIN                                          2                          


Standard Format
Dual declaration of nutrients. 1.  from product alone.
2.  as consumed.

Optional treatment of nutrients present at less than 2% of U.S. RDA.

Serving size = 1 oz.
Servings per container = 18

                                     Dry                  with 4 oz. vit. D milk
 Calories                            130                                     200
 Protein                               3                                       7
 Carbohydrate, g                      18                                      30
 Fat, g                                5                                       9
 Sodium                               10                                      75
 Potassium                           125                                     310

Percentage of U.S. Recommended Daily Allowance (U.S. RDA)
                                     Dry                  with 4 oz. vit. D milk
 Protein                               4                                      10
 Vitamin A                             *                                       2
 Vitamin C                             *                                       *
 Thiamine                              4                                       8
 Riboflavin                            2                                      15
 Niacin                                *                                       2
 Calcium                               2                                      15
 Iron                                  4                                       4
 Vitamin D                             *                                      10

Contains less than 2% of U.S. RDA for these nutrients.

U.S. RECOMMENDED DAILY ALLOWANCE (U.S. RDA) (for use in nutrition labeling of foods, including foods that also are vitamin and mineral supplements for specific age groups or conditions)

                       Adults and      Children       Infants        Pregnant   
                        Children        Under        12 months     or lactating 
                      Over 4 yrs.       4yrs.        and under        Women     
 Protein               85 g[sup]a     28 g[sup]a     25 g[sup]a     65 g[sup]a  
 Vitamin A              5,000 IU       2,500 IU       1,500 IU       8,000 IU   
 Vitamin C               60 mg          40 mg          35 mg          60 mg     
 Thiamine                1.5 mg         0.7 mg         0.5 mg         1.7 mg    
 Riboflavin              1.7 g          0.8 mg         0.6 mg         2.0 mg    
 Niacin                  20 mg          9.0 mg         8.0 mg         20 mg     
 Calcium                 1.0 g          0.8 g          0.6 g          1.3 g     
 Iron                    18 mg          10 mg          15 mg          18 mg     
 Vitamin D               400 IU         400 IU         400 IU         400 IU    
 Vitamin E               30 IU          10 IU           5 IU          30 IU     
 Vitamin B[sub]6         2.0 mg         0.7 mg         0.4 mg         2.5 mg    
 Folic Acid              0.4 mg         0.2 mg         0.1 mg         0.8 mg    
 Vitamin B[sub]12        6 mcg          3 mcg          2 mcg          8 mcg     
 Phosphorus              1.0 g          0.8 g          0.5 g          1.3 g     
 Iodine                 150 mcg         70 mcg         45 mcg        150 mcg    
 Magnesium               400 mg         200 mg         70 mg          450 mg    
 Zinc                    15 mg           8 mg           5 mg          15 mg     
 Copper                   2 mg           1 mg          0.6 mg          2 mg     
 Biotin                  0.3 mg        0.15 mg        0.05 mg         0.3 mg    
 Pantothenic acid        10 mg           5 mg           3 mg          10 mg     

If protein efficiency of protein is equal than that of casein, U.S. RDA is 45 g for adults and pregnant or lactating women, 20 g for children under 4 years of age and 18 g for infants.

Standard Format

Declaration of Sodium, fatty acid composition (optional) and Cholesterol (optional).


 Serving Size = 2 Tbsp (32 g)  Servings per container = 35  
 Calories                      180                            Percent of calories from              
                                                             fat(*)                         72      
 Protein                         8 g                            Polyunsatured                5 g    
 Carbohydrate                    6 g                            Saturated                    2 g    
 Fat                            10 g                         Cholesterol                     0 g    
                                                             Sodium                        150 mg   


 Protein                        15                           Riboflavin                      2      
 Vitamin A                       2                           Niacin                         20      
 Vitamin C                       2                           Calcium                         2      
 Thiomine                        2                           Iron                            2      

Standard Format

Dual declaration of nutrients.
 1.  from mix alone.
 2.  As final prepared product

                                                     1/2 MIX + « EGG
                                               MIX        = 2 Tsp MILK
 Calories                                      100                 120
 Protein, grams                                  1                   2
 Carbohydrate, gram                             17                  18
 Fat, grams                                      3                   4
 Sodium, mg                                    140                 150

 Protein                                         2                   4
 Vitamin A                                       0                   0
 Vitamin C                                       0                   0
 Thiamine                                        4                   4
 Riboflavin                                      2                   4
 Niacin                                          2                   2
 Calcium                                         2                   4
 Iron                                            2                   2

