From: Gail Heitman [] Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 6:22 PM To: Subject: Docket #98P-0151/CP1 401 South 1st Street, #602 Minneapolis, MN 55401 May 14, 2001 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to urge you to support Docket #98P-0151/CP1 that would completely prohibit the slaughter of downed animals. Downed animals are cows, pigs, steer and sheep who have serious injuries or illnesses and because of this are unable to walk on their own. To make a horrible situation even worse, the livestock industry will do whatever it can to get that animal to the slaughterhouse including kicking it, beating it and dragging it all the way there. This inhumane and brutal practice must stop now. It is painfully clear that the livestock industry will do nothing on its own and is only concerned with making money. Downed animals may pose a threat to the human population. They should be euthanized immediately and not sold to the unwitting consumer. Please prohibit the slaughter of downed animals. It is time to deal with the downed animals humanely. Sincerely, Gail Heitman