From: Judith Barringer [] Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 7:02 PM To: Subject: petition 98P-0151/CP1 We write to ask that you grant petition 98P-0151/CP1 to prohibit the slaughter of downed animals for not only for the good of animals but also for the good of humans. Downed cattle are typically pushed with tractors or dragged with chains, causing injuries ranging from bruises and abrasions to broken bones and ligaments. This is cruelty, pure and simple. Such animals should be humanely removed and given veterinary treatment or should be gently and swiftly euthanized. Moreover, recent evidence shows thatsome downed animals may be afflicted with a form of bovine spongiformencephalopathy (mad cow disease), a condition that is linked to a fatal illness in humans. Once again, humane euthanization is called for. In no case should any of these pitiful creatures be slaughtered for commercial use. We ask that you do the morally correct and sensible thing; please grant petition 98P-0151/CP1. Thank you for considering our views. Respectfully yours, Judy and Greg Barringer 80 West Rock Avenue New Haven, CT 06515