From: Jed Fuhrman [] Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 7:46 PM To: EXECSEC Subject: agricultural use of antibiotics Commissioner Jane Henney, M.D. Food and Drug Administration Dear Commissioner Henney, As a professional environmental microbiologist, I urge you to establish a reporting system to determine the quantity of antibiotics used in U.S. agriculture. This is essential for investigating the links between agricultural use and the huge problem of antibiotic resistance. The FDA should move immediately to establish a system for collecting basic and specific data on agricultural antibiotic use in the United States. The information should be collected for both human and agricultural use and should include the class, indication, dosage, and treatment period. Sincerely, Jed Fuhrman McCulloch-Crosby Chair of Marine Biology University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089-0371 VOICE (213) 740-5757 (office) or 5759 (lab) FAX (213) 740-8123