From: Center for Food Safety [] Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 10:08 AM To: FDA Commissioner Cc:;;; Subject: Oppose the New FDA Regulations on GE Foods! FDA Commissioner Jane Henney Dockets Management Branch (HFA 305) Food and Drug Administration 5630 Fisher's Lane, rm. 1061 Rockville, MD 20852 RE: Docket No. 00N-1396, and 00D-1598 Dear Ms. Henney, I am outraged by your new policies on genetically engineered (GE) foods. Despite overwhelming consumer demand, your agency still fails to require safety testing and mandatory labeling for GE foods. Your “notification” policy is an insult to consumers, and irresponsibly ignores strong scientific evidence of numerous potential health and environmental risks to GE foods. These foods could be toxic, could cause allergic responses, could have lower nutritional value, could compromise immune responses in consumers, and could cause irreparable damage to the environment. Even without these risks, we, the public, have a right to know about each and every ingredient present in the food that we purchase. Why should anyone else have control over what we eat? I am also greatly opposed to your new “voluntary labeling” policy. Without mandatory labeling, neither consumers nor health professionals will know if an allergic or toxic reaction was the result of a genetically engineered food. Consumers will also be deprived of the critical knowledge they need to hold food producers liable should any of these novel foods prove hazardous. Your proposed rules ignore serious concerns, and appear to be a decision made to convenience industry at the expense of public health and the environment. Once again it is a case of allowing those with money and power to accumulate more wealth at the expense of the rest of us. I WILL NOT ACCEPT YOUR ATTEMPT TO MAKE ME A GUINEA PIG of these untested foods, and I trust you will take my concern along with the thousands of others into serious consideration. Sincerely, Leigh Nowicki Leigh Nowicki 34 Harrison St. Bristol, CT, 06010 CC: The President Vice President Dick Cheney FDA Dockets Management [Docket No. 00N-1396] Senator Christopher J. Dodd Senator Joseph I. Lieberman Representative Nancy L. JohnsonFDA Dockets Management [Docket No. 00D-1598] To the recipient -- this fax/email message has come to you via the Center for Food Safety web site -- a public tool for providing input on food safety issues. The user/site visitor had complete control over editing the content of this message. Thus, the opinions expressed in this message are not necessarily those of CFS or its parent organization, ICTA. Please contact CFS at (202)547-9359 or email with any questions. Thank you. ___________________________________________________________________________ This letter was composed at, a web site maintained by: The Center for Food Safety, 666 Pennsylvania Ave, SE, Suite 302 Washington, DC 20003 PH: (202)547-9359 Fax: (202)547-9429 Email: web: