5 : Entity and Attribute Information
- Entity and Attribute Information -- details about the information content of the data set, including the entity types, their attributes, and the domains from which attribute values may be assigned.
- Type: compound
- Short Name: eainfo
- Entity_and_Attribute_Information =
- [1{Detailed_Description}n |
- 1{Overview_Description}n |
- 1{Detailed_Description}n +
- 1{Overview_Description}n]
- Detailed_Description =
- Entity_Type +
- 0{Attribute}n
- Entity_Type =
- Entity_Type_Label +
- Entity_Type_Definition +
- Entity_Type_Definition_Source
- Attribute =
- Attribute_Label +
- Attribute_Definition +
- Attribute_Definition_Source +
- 1{Attribute_Domain_Values}n +
- 0{Beginning_Date_of_Attribute_Values +
- 0{Ending_Date_of_Attribute_Values}1}n +
- (Attribute_Value_Accuracy_Information) +
- (Attribute_Measurement_Frequency)
- Attribute_Domain_Values =
- [Enumerated_Domain |
- Range_Domain |
- Codeset_Domain |
- Unrepresentable_Domain]
- Enumerated_Domain =
- 1{Enumerated_Domain_Value +
- Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition +
- Enumerated_Domain_Value_Definition_Source +
- 0{Attribute}n }n
- Range_Domain =
- Range_Domain_Minimum +
- Range_Domain_Maximum +
- 0{Attribute_Units_of_Measure}1 +
- (Attribute_Measurement_Resolution) +
- 0{Attribute}n
- Codeset_Domain=
- Codeset_Name +
- Codeset_Source
- Attribute_Value_Accuracy_Information =
- Attribute_Value_Accuracy +
- Attribute_Value_Accuracy_Explanation
- Overview_Description =
- Entity_and_Attribute_Overview +
- 1{Entity_and_Attribute_Detail_Citation}n
- 5.1 Detailed Description -- description of the entities, attributes, attribute values, and related characteristics encoded in the data set.
- Type: compound
- Short Name: detailed
- 5.1.1 Entity Type -- the definition and description of a set into which similar entity instances are classified.
- Type: compound
- Short Name: enttype
- Entity Type Label -- the name of the entity type.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: enttypl
- Entity Type Definition -- the description of the entity type.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: enttypd
- Entity Type Definition Source -- the authority of the definition.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: enttypds
- 5.1.2 Attribute -- a defined characteristic of an entity.
- Type: compound
- Short Name: attr
- Attribute Label -- the name of the attribute.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: attrlabl
- Attribute Definition -- the description of the attribute.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: attrdef
- Attribute Definition Source -- the authority of the definition.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: attrdefs
- Attribute Domain Values -- the valid values that can be assigned for an attribute.
- Type: compound
- Short Name: attrdomv
- Enumerated Domain -- the members of an established set of valid values.
- Type: compound
- Short Name: edom
- Enumerated Domain Value -- the name or label of a member of the set.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: edomv
- Enumerated Domain Value Definition -- the description of the value.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: edomvd
- Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source -- the authority of the definition.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: edomvds
- Range Domain -- the minimum and maximum values of a continuum of valid values.
- Type: compound
- Short Name: rdom
- Range Domain Minimum -- the least value that the attribute can be assigned.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: rdommin
- Range Domain Maximum -- the greatest value that the attribute can be assigned.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: rdommax
- Attribute Units of Measure -- the standard of measurement for an attribute value.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: attrunit
- Attribute Measurement Resolution -- the smallest unit increment to which an attribute value is measured.
- Type: real
- Domain: Attribute Measurement Resolution > 0.0
- Short Name: attrmres
- Codeset Domain -- reference to a standard or list which contains the members of an established set of valid values.
- Type: compound
- Short Name: codesetd
- Codeset Name -- the title of the codeset.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: codesetn
- Codeset Source -- the authority for the codeset.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: codesets
- Unrepresentable Domain -- description of the values and reasons why they cannot be represented.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: udom
- Beginning Date of Attribute Values -- earliest or only date for which the attribute values are current. In cases when a range of dates are provided, this is the earliest date for which the information is valid.
- Type: date
- Domain: free date
- Short Name: begdatea
- Ending Date of Attribute Values -- latest date for which the information is current. Used in cases when a range of dates are provided.
- Type: date
- Domain: free date
- Short Name: enddatea
- Attribute Value Accuracy Information -- an assessment of the accuracy of the assignment of attribute values.
- Type: compound
- Short Name: attrvai
- Attribute Value Accuracy -- an estimate of the accuracy of the assignment of attribute values.
- Type: real
- Domain: free real
- Short Name: attrva
- Attribute Value Accuracy Explanation -- the definition of the Attribute Value Accuracy measure and units, and a description of how the estimate was derived.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: attrvae
- Attribute Measurement Frequency -- the frequency with which attribute values are added.
- Type: real
- Domain: "Unknown" "As needed" "Irregular" "None planned" free text
- Short Name: attrmfrq
- 5.2 Overview Description -- summary of, and citation to detailed description of, the information content of the data set.
- Type: compound
- Short Name: overview
- 5.2.1 Entity and Attribute Overview -- detailed summary of the information contained in a data set.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: eaover
- 5.2.2 Entity and Attribute Detail Citation -- reference to the complete description of the entity types, attributes, and attribute values for the data set.
- Type: text
- Domain: free text
- Short Name: eadetcit