Government Oversight

Congressman Tierney believes that vigorous congressional oversight is absolutely necessary for the proper functioning of our government.

In fact, when the then-GOP controlled Congress failed to exercise appropriate oversight on the hundreds of billions of dollars appropriated for our efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan, Congressman Tierney introduced bipartisan legislation to create a special congressional committee to investigate how defense contracts were being awarded. Modeled after the Truman Committee of the 1940’s, which was credited for saving billions in taxpayer dollars and for ferreting out defective weapons, Congressman Tierney’s legislation sought to reassure residents of Massachusetts’s 6th Congressional District and those across the country that their tax-dollars were not being misused or wasted. Unfortunately, the then-GOP controlled Congress was opposed to Congressman Tierney’s effort and repeatedly blocked consideration of his important initiative.

Under the Democratic Majority, Congressman Tierney has assumed the chairmanship of the National Security and Foreign Affairs Subcommittee. In this key position, he is undertaking a variety of investigations to ensure that our wounded soldiers and their families get the care and respect they deserve, that United States foreign policy maximizes our long-term interests, that taxpayer money is not being wasted and that we leave our children and grandchildren a safer place to live.

As a member of both the Committee for Oversight and Government Reform and the Domestic Policy Subcommittee, Congressman Tierney applies intense scrutiny over Domestic politics as he does for his work on the National Security and Foreign Policy Subcommittee. He seeks to ensure that the intent of legislation is honored and the expenditure of tax dollars is monitored.

Please click HERE to visit the National Security Subcommittee's website for a listing of specific oversight investigations, including witness testimony and opening statements by Chairman Tierney.