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California Invasive Plant Data Consortium

Award number 05HQAG0129, Category 3: Geographic Information Coordination

The formation of a California Invasive Plant Data Consortium is a vital next step in planning ecological restoration efforts in the state. As researchers and land managers learn more about the impacts and of invasive plants and techniques to control them, it has become ever more important to have more complete spatial data at a landscape scale. The absence of such data is a major missing piece in restoration strategy—the restoration community does not know where invasive plants are, and how this is changing over time. The proposed project will address this need by bringing together the major land managing agencies to share their spatial data on invasive plants. Numerous land management entities—federal, like the National Park Service and USDA Forest Service, state, like California State Parks, and local, like Big Sur Land Trust or the Peninsula Open Space Trust—are in various stages of collecting spatial vegetation data. Providing a means for aggregating this data builds upon their efforts, and also provides them with valuable planning support.

Final Report --  California Invasive Plant Mapping Data Consortium

California Invasive Plant Council


Doug Johnson, Executive Director
dwjohnson [at]