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Tsongas Statement on the Situation in Gaza

WASHIGNTON, DC – Congresswoman Niki Tsongas released the following statement regarding the situation in Gaza.

"Ever since Israel withdrew its forces and removed its settlements from Gaza in 2005, its citizens have been subjected to a steady bombardment of rockets launched by Hamas. As is the case with any sovereign nation, Israel has the indisputable right to defend herself and her citizens.  Absent assurances that Hamas end these terrorist acts, the United States will continue to support efforts by Israel to dismantle the Hamas terrorist infrastructure.

"I am grateful that Israeli and Palestinian officials have agreed to a brief cessation of hostilities so that humanitarian aid can reach civilians affected by the fighting in Gaza.  It is my hope that this agreement will hold, will lead to a more lasting cease fire, and that innocent civilians on both sides will be spared further violence.  But in order for any cease fire agreement to become permanent, Hamas must permanently end the rocket attacks which have threatened Israeli civilians for years.

"The incoming Administration must play an active and constructive role to establish a lasting peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. I support a two state solution that enables the Palestinian people to realize their aspirations of self governance while assuring Israel’s security.  But such a solution will be impossible to achieve until Hamas renounces violence, accepts Israel’s right to exist, and agrees to abide by past Israeli-Palestinian accords."
