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AFCARS Assessment Review Improvement Plan
State: Arkansas

AFCARS Element Factor Task Date Completed Comments/Notes
#5 Most Recent Periodic Review Date 2 Add a parameter that will prevent review dates from previous removal episodes from being extracted.

State should use the time of a periodic review to ensure that the data in the child's case record is complete, up to date and accurate. (See Appendix A of 45 CFR 1355, Section II.)

State may want to consider creating a management report to supervisors that indicates a case has not had a review for six months or more.
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Hispanic Origin

#9 Child (core); #53 1st Foster Caretaker's Hispanic Origin; and #55 2nd Foster Caretaker's Hispanic Origin

1 = Yes
2 = No
3 = Unable to Determine
2 Change default to blank in program logic.

Change screen to allow this information to be answered independently of the race information. Submit screen print to ACF once change has been completed.

Provide worker training on the correct use of "unable to determine."

Suggestion: Add a pop-up window reminding the worker of the correct usage of "unable to determine."
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#10 Has Child Been Diagnosed with Disability?

3=Not yet Determined
2 Screen should be re-designed to allow workers to select the options "yes", "no" or "not yet determined." Submit screen print and program code to ACF once change has been completed.

1) Consider adding a reminder that this information must be clinically diagnosed.

2) State to consider adding a tickler to remind worker that the medical exam is due.

3) State may want to consider adding program code to ensure data are updated at 60 days from date of removal.
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#11 Mental Retardation

#12 Visually/Hearing Impaired

#13 Physically Disabled

#14 Emotionally Disturbed

#15 Other Diagnosed Condition

0 = Does not Apply
1 = Applies
2 Remove conditions that may apply for determining special needs, but would not be considered a disability, from the selection list for foster care disability information.

Review "AFCARS Disability Codes" in Tab C and map all appropriate codes to ensure all appropriate diagnosed disability information is reported to AFCARS. Provide updated mapping of these elements to ACF.
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#16 Has Child Ever Been Adopted?
1 = Yes
2 = No
3 = Unable to Determine
2 Remove the radio button default setting on the screen and leave the information blank. Worker should check off the appropriate response. Submit screen print to ACF once change has been completed.

1) Consider making this a mandatory field.

2) Add pop-up window reminding workers of correct use of "unable to determine."
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#23 Date of Placement in Current Setting 2 Evaluate whether changes are needed to this element once changes are made to element #24; to ensure accurate dates of current placement setting.

Shelter placements should be included regardless of the length of the stay.
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#24 Number of Previous Placement Settings in This Episode 2 Do not include trial home visit, runaway and respite status in the number of placement settings.

Do not include a change in status from foster home (relative or non-relative) to pre-adoptive home if this is the same family.
blank cell Post site visit finding: Code checks that if the current placement is the same as the last placement then it is not counted.
Re-evaluate placements in acute care settings in order make decisions on whether to include them in the count. 6/22/2001
Shelter placements should be included regardless of the length of the stay.

For foster care episodes that have been open prior to when the State converted (1997), update records to accurately reflect the number of placement settings in the current removal episode.
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#25 Manner of Removal From Home for This Episode

1 = Voluntary
2 = Court Ordered
3 = Not Yet Determined
2 Check, and correct if necessary, if the invalid data are a result of the new program code not picking up the old value.

Remove the option of "adoption" from the select list on the screen. Provide copy of screen print to ACF.
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#26 - #40

0-Does not Apply
2 Modify system so that this information is "frozen" at the time the initial reasons associated with removal are entered.

#34 Child's Behavior Problem: Remove the State code "need of managed mental health care (only)" (code #7446) from the mapping form and as an option for the worker to select.
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#38 Abandonment: Recommend that the State footnote the number of cases that were "true" abandonments. 6/22/2001
Element #39 Relinquishment: Remove State code 6180 (adoption).

Remove State code "6922 (Other)" from the pick list on the screen.

Send to ACF a screen print of the reviesed screen.Provide working training to ensure that all conditions associated with removal are entered into CHRIS.
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#41 Current Placement Setting (core)

1 = Pre-Adoptive Home
2 = Foster Family Home (Relative)
3 = Foster Family Home (Non-Relative)
4 = Group Home
5 = Institution
6 = Supervised Independent Living
7 = Runaway
8 = Trial Home Visit
2 Add AFCARS code "runaway" in the program logic for extraction. blank cell blank cell
Add AFCARS code "trial home visit" in the program logic for extraction. 6/22/2001
"Trial home visit" and "runaway" should be on placement location screens as options for the worker to include. Submit screen print to ACF once change has been completed.

Map "Independent living" to AFCARS value #6, "supervised independent living" not AFCARS "foster family home, non-relative".
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Remove State codes 1843 and 1827, Oklahoma Resource Center, from the resource type code list. ?
Map placement settings that are from 7 to 12 beds to "group homes", and those that are 12 and above to "institutions."

The State code 1799, Adopt Home/Foster parent, should be mapped to AFCARS value "1" (pre-adoptive home), not non-relative foster home.

The State code 1800, Adopt Home/Relative, should be removed if it is an inactive code. If it is the home in which the child will be adopted into, then map it to "pre-adoptive home."

The codes "1825, Medical Provider" and "1826, Mental Health Provider" are listed as inactive, but they are mapped to an AFCARS value. Unless these are actual locations and not persons, they should not be mapped to AFCARS.

Respond to questions in Tab B.
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#42 Out of State Placement (core)

2 Map missing information to blanks.

Remove "zero" from the program code.

State Recommendation: Make this field mandatory.
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#43 Most Recent Case Plan Goal (core)

1 = Reunify with Parent(s) or Principal Caretaker(s)
2 = Live with Other Relative(s)
3 = Adoption
4 = Long Term Foster Care
5 = Emancipation
6 = Guardianship
7 = Case Plan Goal Not Yet Established
2 Map "permanent custody" to AFCARS "guardianship."

Continue training and data cleanup efforts to minimize the number of records with a missing or not yet established case plan goal.
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#44 Caretaker Family Structure

1 = Married Couple
2 = Unmarried Couple
3 = Single Female
4 = Single Male
5 = Unable to Determine
2 Remove choices of "foster mom" and "foster dad" from selection list. blank cell blank cell
Map "other" to blank and remove it from the selection list. 6/22/2001
Provide updated screen print to ACF.

Map "separated" to "married."

State may use "parent companion", map to "unmarried couple."

Recommendation: Add pop up window if "unable to determine" is selected reminding worker of the AFCARS definition.
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#47 Mother's Date of TPR 2 Remove foster mom and stepmother from selection list. blank cell blank cell
#48 Father's Date of TPR 2 Remove foster dad and step-dad from selection list. blank cell blank cell
#49 Foster Family Structure

0 = Not Applicable

1 = Married Couple
2 = Unmarried Couple
3 = Single Female
4 = Single Male
2 Map "other" to blank and remove it from the selection list. blank cell blank cell
Map "separated" to "married." 6/22/2001
State may use "parent companion"; map to "unmarried couple."

Suggestion: Consider making this information mandatory if quality of data does not improve.
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#56 Date of Discharge (core) 2 Add edit that ensures if there is a date of discharge there is also a discharge reason. blank cell blank cell
#58 Reason for Discharge (core)

0 = Not Applicable
1 = Reunification with Parent(s) or Primary Caretaker(s)
2 = Living with Other Relative(s)
3 = Adoption
4 = Emancipation
5 = Guardianship
6 = Transfer to Another Agency
7 = Runaway
8 = Death of Child
2 Remove the option of "other".

Map the new discharge reason "permanent custody to non-relative (8578)" to AFCARS code "guardianship".

"Court order" should be removed from the pick list as an option for "discharged".

For exits that are a result of the closing of a placement setting, and do not include a permanency reason, a pop-up window should appear requiring the worker to enter a permanency goal.

Re-map "1565, emancipation" to AFCARS value #4, not 5.
Map "1567, independent living" to the AFCARS value #4.

State recommendation: Create a management report (maybe every 30 days) showing open cases that have no subsequent placement in order to ensure the case is closed.
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#59 Title IV-E Foster Care
0-Does not apply
2 Extract information based on whether a title IV-E payment was made on behalf of the child, not whether the child is eligible for title IV-E foster care.

The information should also be based on whether a payment has been made during the six month report period.
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#61 Title IV-A 2 Map missing data to blank (space) and not to zero.

State needs to develop method to improve the quality of the data for this element.
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#62 Title IVD Child Support 2 Map missing data to blank (space) and not to zero.

State needs to verify and check program logic, based on the frequencies for the 2001A regular and subsequent reports. State needs to develop method to improve the quality of the data for this element.
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#63 Title XIX Medicaid 2 Map missing data to blank (space) and not to zero.

State needs to verify and check program logic, based on the frequncies for the 2001A regular and subsequent reports.

State needs to develop method to improve the quality of the data for this element.
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#64 SSI 2 Agency should map missing data to blank (space) and not zero.

State needs to develop method to improve the quality of the data for this element.
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#66 Monthly Amount 2 State should estimate what the monthly amount is for those children in a contracted placement setting. blank cell blank cell
#6 Child Birth Date (core) 3 Develop a method to ensure the worker cannot enter a date of birth that would result in the child being over 21.

In cases of unknown dates of child's birth, State must add instruction to workers to use the 15th day when estimating dates of birth.
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#8 Child (core); #52 1st Foster Caretaker's Race;#54 2nd Foster Caretaker's Race

a. American Indian or Alaska Native
b. Asian
c. Black or African American
d. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
e. White
f. Unable to Determine
3 State to add a pop up window reminding the worker of the correct usage of "unable to determine."

State needs to implement training for caseworkers on the use of "unable to determine".

State is adding a notice to "Check all that apply" on the screen in the next release.

State is to provide a screen print to ACF.State is adding the following change: AFCARS race extraction will also include examination of tribal affiliation fields. If a tribal affiliation is entered, the program logic will set the Native American/Alaskan Native indicator to "yes."
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#18 Date of First Removal from Home 3 State needs to develop method to improve the quality of the data for this element. blank cell blank cell
#19 Total Number of Removals from Home 3 State needs to develop method to improve the quality of the data for this element. blank cell blank cell
#20 Date of Discharge from Previous Episode 3 State needs to develop method to improve the quality of the data for this element. blank cell blank cell
#21 Date of Latest Removal (core) 3 State needs to develop method to improve the quality of the data for this element. blank cell blank cell
#45 1st Primary Caretaker's Birth Year 3 State needs to develop method to improve the quality of the data for this element. blank cell blank cell
#46 2nd Primary Caretaker's Birth Year 3 State needs to develop method to improve the quality of the data for this element. blank cell blank cell
#50 1st Foster Caretaker's Birth Year 3 Add an edit to check for invalid dates, and to check if the foster parent's age is over age of 18. blank cell blank cell
#51 2nd Foster Caretaker's Birth Year 3 Add an edit to check for invalid dates, and to check if the foster parent's age is over age of 18. blank cell blank cell
AFCARS Assessment Review Improvement Plan - Adoption Elements
State: Arkansas
AFCARS Element Factor Task Date Completed Comments/Notes
Hispanic Origin

#8 Child; #26 Adoptive Mother's Hispanic Origin;
#28 Adoptive Father's Hispanic Origin
1 = Yes
2 = No
3 = Unable to Determine
2 Change default to blank in program logic.

Change screen to allow this information to be answered independently of the race question.

Provide worker training on the correct use of "unable to determine."

Recommendation: Add a pop up window reminding the worker of the correct usage of "unable to determine."
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#9 Has Agency Determined Special Needs?

1 = Yes
2 = No
2 Modify screen by making this a question for workers to answer.

Data should be extracted based on the response to this question on the screen. If this element is answered as "no", then set element #10 to "not applicable."
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#10 Primary Basis for Determining Special Needs

0 = Not Applicable
1 = Racial/Original Background
2 = Age
3 = Membership in a Sibling Group
4 = Medical Conditions or Mental, Physical or Emotional Disabilities
5 = Other
2 Remove "other" from selection list and add the actual basis the worker is using to determine special need. blank cell State shared in a July 31, 2001 conference call that the special needs files are now mandatory, so defaults should not be needed.
Change default from "not applicable" to space. 6/22/2001
Missing data should be mapped to blanks.

Modify the screen to allow caseworkers to select the primary basis for determining special needs.
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State should consider making this a mandatory field when changes in element #9 are made. 6/22/2001
Add a message reminding the worker the disability must be clinically diagnosed by a professional. blank cell
#11 Mental Retardation
#12 Visually/Hearing Impaired
#13 Physically Disabled
#14 Emotionally Disturbed
#15 Other Diagnosed Condition
2 State should consider modifying the system to carry this information forward from foster care, and allow the worker to update the information if necessary.

Implement a method to ensure that if the case worker selects "medical conditions or mental, physical or emotional disabilities"that the information for these categories is required to be entered.

State needs to review the AFCARS Disability Resource List and add additional conditions to their mapping.
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#18 Mother Married at Time of Birth

1 = Yes
2 = No
3 = Unable to Determine
2 Add "unable to determine" as an option for the caseworker can select in situations where child was abandoned.

Recommendation: Add a pop up window reminding the worker of the correct usage of "unable to determine."
blank cell Post site visit review: "Unable to Determine" (#3) added to program code.
#22 Adoptive Family Structure

1 = Married Couple
2 = Unmarried Couple
3 = Single Female
4 = Single Male
2 Map "other" to blank, or remove from selection list.

Map "separated" to married.

Change the default of zero to space.

State may use "parent companion." The State's mapping of this to "unmarried couple" is correct.

Recommendation: Add pop up window if "unable to determine" is selected reminding worker of the AFCARS definition.
blank cell Post site visit review: The code 4928 (other) has been mapped to blank (space).
#34 Child Was Placed by

1 = Public Agency
2 = Private Agency
3 = Tribal Agency
4 = Independent Person
5 = Birth Parent
2 Set default to space.

State has legal parent mapped to birth parent. State is to re-consider this code and to make modifications. blank cell: The State code 2809 (legal parent) has been mapped to 1 (public agency). This should be mapped to "#5, birth parent".
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#7 Child ; #25 Adoptive Mother's; #27 Adoptive Father's

a = American Indian or Native
b = Asian
c = Black or African American
d = Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander
e = White
f = Unable to Determine
3 State needs to implement training for caseworkers on the use of "unable to determine".

State to add a pop up window reminding the worker of the correct usage of "unable to determine."

State is adding a notice to "Check all that apply" on the screen in the next release. State is to provide a screen print to ACF.

State is modifying the AFCARS race extraction to also include examination of tribal affiliation fields. If a tribal affiliation is entered, the routine will set the Native American/Alaskan Native indicator to "yes."
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#19 Date of Mother's TPR 3 Missing data should be mapped to spaces.

Remove foster mom and stepmother from selection list. Send ACF screen print.
blank cell Post site visit review: Program code list only: 1659 (Bio), 1661 (Legal), 2265 (Adoptive).
#20 Date of Father's TPR Remove foster dad and stepfather from selection list.
#35 Receiving Monthly Subsidy 3 Ensure that the response to this element reflect the program code change to look for "Medicaid" only. blank cell blank cell