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Tsongas Introduces Two Bills to Improve the Quality of Veterans Health Care

WASHINGTON, DC – July 31, 2008 – Congresswoman Niki Tsongas (MA-05) today introduced two bipartisan pieces of legislation to address and improve the quality and continuum of mental health care available to veterans.  Recognizing the sharp increase in post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health wounds among veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, Tsongas' legislation would help to improve diagnosis of these conditions by training counselors on college campuses to recognize their initial signs.  Accompanying legislation also introduced by Tsongas today would require the Department of Veterans Affairs to deliver quarterly reports to Congress on the number of mental health provider vacancies within the VA system in an effort to ensure that appropriate numbers of providers are available to veterans.  Tsongas released the following statement regarding the legislation.

“The effects of PTSD and other mental health wounds are profound.  Left untreated they can result in severe depression, an inability to function in society, and in the worst instances, suicide. Accordingly, our commitment to treating veterans with mental health wounds should be no less vigilant than our commitment to those who sustained physical injuries on the battlefield.

“I am pleased to introduce legislation today designed to improve the mental health care of veterans, especially those returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.  Recent studies have shown that nearly 300,000 veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have exhibited signs of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or other serious forms of depression. The fact that only about half of these veterans have sought care for their conditions exposes a glaring need to reach those additional veterans who may be affected.

“That is why the first piece of legislation I am introducing will aid the detection of mental health wounds including PTSD among our newest generation of veterans.  The bill will create a pilot program to train counselors at higher education facilities on how to effectively identify and address service related stressors unique to our veterans that may manifest after separation from the military.

“The new GI Bill that was recently passed by Congress and signed into law by the President will allow thousands of returning Iraq and Afghanistan veterans to access a college education.  It is therefore highly appropriate that counselors on college campuses be trained to recognize the signs of PTSD or other mental wounds.  These counselors may be the most easily accessible mental health professionals for veterans taking advantage of their GI Bill benefit and they should be trained and ready to provide appropriate assistance.

“When PTSD is properly recognized and diagnosed, veterans can be effectively treated through therapy, medication and expert care.  The key is that those involved in the lives of our veterans are able to recognize these seemingly invisible scars.

“It is also the job of Congress to ensure that there are appropriate numbers of mental health care professionals that veterans have access to. The second bill I am introducing requires the VA to provide quarterly reports to Congress on the number of vacancies for mental health professionals at VA facilities, so that we can effectively evaluate and address any shortages of these critically important providers.”

Tsongas is joined by Congressman Michael Michaud (D-ME), Chairman of the Veterans Affairs Subcommittee on Health, and Jeff Miller (R-FL), who is the subcommittee’s ranking member, in introducing the legislation.

"I believe that we owe all our veterans the opportunity to achieve the American dream that they fought to protect.  This means ensuring they have the quality, consistent, accessible and affordable physical and mental health care they need and have earned.  Our newest generation of veterans coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan have some of the highest rates of PTSD we’ve ever seen.  This legislation will go a long way toward ensuring our veterans can pursue healthy and active lives for many years to come,” Michaud said.    
