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Tsongas Announces that Environmental Review of Proposed Automotive Unloading Facility Site in Ayer Will Proceed

Tsongas Announces that Environmental Review of Proposed Automotive Unloading Facility Site in Ayer Will Proceed

AYER, MA - October 10, 2008 - Congresswoman Niki Tsongas announced today that the Department of Transportation will carry out an environmental assessment of the proposed construction of a new automotive unloading facility at Ayer, MA.  The unloading facility has been proposed as part of the Patriot Corridor Joint Venture transaction between Norfolk Southern and Pan Am Railways. The Patriot Corridor Joint Venture is a 155-mile high-speed freight-rail route running from Mechanicville, New York to Ayer, MA.

The Joint Venture had submitted an expedited environmental review of the proposed site in Ayer which concluded that it posed no environmental risk to surrounding area.  But the expedited review neglected to account for the impact that site will have on the aquifer that re-charges Ayer’s primary and most pristine water source, Spectacle Pond, which is adjacent to the proposed site.  The area is also home to Blanding's Turtles, a registered endangered species with the National Heritage Endangered Species Program.   The same area serves as a Zone III recharge for the neighboring town of Littleton’s drinking water supply. 

The town of Ayer expressed serious concerns about the presence of an automotive unloading facility so close to the aquifer.  Last month, Fifth District Congresswoman Niki Tsongas, and Senators Edward Kennedy and John Kerry wrote to the Chairman of the Surface Transportation Board to request that an environmental assessment be required for the construction of a new automotive facility to ensure that the proposed site did not threaten Ayer's water supply.  Both Senators and Congresswoman Tsongas are supportive of the larger underlying proposed Patriot Corridor Joint Venture, but believed that the environmental review was vital. 

"I am pleased that the Transportation Department has taken this sensible step and is proceeding with an appropriate environmental review," said Congresswoman Niki Tsongas.  "While the Patriot Corridor Joint Venture will be beneficial, the review is needed to ensure that the water supply that Ayer and Littleton residents rely upon from the aquifer is not put at risk.  I was also pleased to work collaboratively with the Town of Ayer and with Senators Kennedy and Kerry to make sure that this necessary review takes place.  This is an excellent example of local, state, and federal officials working together for the benefit of their communities and constituents."

"The town is very pleased that the surface transportation board has responded to our concerns about this construction," said Carolyn McCreary, chair of the Ayer Board of Selectmen.  "Our goal is to maintain the high quality of water in our aquifer.  A clean, abundant water supply is critical to not only Ayer's residents, but also its industries that use water heavily in their products such as Pepsi, Aquafina, Cains and Nasoy.  We wish to thank Rep. Tsongas and her staff for supporting our efforts to require an environmental assessment."
